ONLY NEWSPAPER WITH COMPLETE SCOTCH PLAINS -FANV/QQD NEWS VOLUME 1 SCOTCH PLAINS-FAN WOOD, N.J. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1974 15 CENTS A COPY Schi oard Hires Council QIC's Fanwood New dty Coach Zoning Ordinance Leonard Mttchalavage, who has been coaching the Roosevelt, Long Island football team for the past eight years, was hired by the Scotch Plains-Fan%vood Board of Education as a physical educa- tion teacher and varsity football coach. Amendment To Rezone Portion The new teacher-coach was new cher. "We are In a financial Freeholder welcomed by the football team, crisis now, and we shouldn't be Of South Avenue For Residential other coaches, Athletic Direc- paying $18,000 for a teacher, but tor Ray Sehnitzer and high school we should be paying that for a Use Defeated In Unusual Vote staff last Friday night, The wel- football coach and teacher," he Candidates come festivities, originally said. After several public hearings and considerable debate. Fan- scheduled in the form of an out- Fallon urged reconsideration door eookout, were driven to the wood's zoning ordinance became a reality last Wednesday, However, of the designation, which would Oppose Tax an amendment which would have changed the Planning Board rec- lobby of the high school by rainy give Mechaiavage due reason for weather. However, the "indoor ommendatation for commercial zoning in a portion of South Ave- why he was being hired. nue was defeated in an unusual voting situation. picnic" was overwhelmingly suc- Board President Charles Fer- cessful according to the chefs of The lack of public confidence guson said anybody coming in with The zoning ordinance, as ini- problems, safety hazards for La the evening, high school principal in government spending, the ab- a Master's and that experience tially conceived by the planners, Grande school children, etc. Terry Riegel and the assistant sence of controls against future would receive the same salary. included a change from residen- However, Councilmen Van Dyke principals, spending and the challenge to lo- Board member Darrell Brown- cal control of education were am- tial to commercial zoning on the Pollitt and John Swindlehurstand Riegel said over 100 candidates south side of South Avenue, from awell said it is district policy to ong the reasons cited by the Re- Councilwoman Carol Whittington for the position were interviewed hire teachers, and from among First Street to LaGrande School. approved the commercial, by mail, followed by 30 personal publican candidates for the Un- them, to hire coaches, The Borough Council had under Pollitt and Mrs. Whittington team interviews of four hours ion County Board of Freeholders consideration an amendment did not comment on their reas- each. Following the personal Fallon challenged the board's in a joint statement rejecting which would have reverted that ons. Swindlehurst said Fanwood interviews, several candidates honesty on the Issue, "Forget Govern Byren's school funding this petty stuff .... call a spade area back to residential - a needs long-range planning In- were observed at their schools, and tax reform proposals today, move urged by several Council- a spade ,,, improve the commun- Incumbent Freeholders Mat- stead of a "crackerbarrel" ap- Mr, Mechalavage has over 20 ity relations," he urged. men and by numerous residents proach, The Planning Board held years of experience in football, thew H, Nilsen and Rosemarie of First Street, LaGrande Ave- Another resident, %vho said he Sinnott and their running mate, hearings on the Master Plan a as a player and coach. Before nue, and adjacent neighborhoods, while back, which document is his years at Roosevelt, he also was a newcomer and unfamiliar Westfield attorney Robert C, Do- However, five property owners with past arguments on the issue, herty cited earlier government reflected in the new zoning, he coached at Amltyville, Long Is- who own the five residences which felt, and said he feels the town land. He holds a Master's de- said he would think when there promises of property tax relief would have been affected by the Is a specific need to be filled, "that never materahzed" in re- should legislate through its gree from Hofstra University and change had petitioned the Coun- boards which are designed to has been named Coach of the Year it would be done as economically jecting the plan, cil to leave the area as a commer- as possible. He then compared "The citizens of our State re- advise. Although other Goun- by the prestigeous Long Island cially zoned one. Then,lawman- cilmen forecast traffic hazards daily nesvspaper, Newsday, salaries for Meclulavaga and an- call that the sales tax which began dates that when 20 percent or other new Physical Education through commercial develop- In addition to his teaching and at 'i% but soon climbed to 5%, more of the affected property teacher, Pamela Schule, hired was heralded as the savior of ment of banks, restaurants, etc., coaching qualifications, Mech- owners so petition, a zoning Swindlehurst said he didn't con- for $9,200, Upon questioning, Ty- the property taxpayer when It alavage is a specialist in Dri- change required at least 2/3 vote sider drive-in banks as haz- son told him the work load, as- was introduced in 1966," Free- ver Education. He is the father of a governing body to be effec- ardous. signment, duties, etc, would be holder Nilsen said. "Despite tive. of three children, two girls and identical for the two, The local one boy, those promises, our propertytax Mayor Trumpp said that he district has a policy of placing bills have continued to climb giv- Therefore, alrhough the actual does not feel every board or Mechalavage replaces Harold vote found more Council mem- people at the appropriate spot on ing us the highest effective pro- commission is correct 100 per- Mercer as coach. Mercer was bers favoring residential zoning the guide commensurate with past perty tax rate in the nation," cent of the tints, and he would denied tenure by the Board in a experience, Tyson said, and de- than commercial, commercial He said that lottery funds were have voted against the Master controversial situation last cisions on hiring are made by remained because a full 2/3 of also understood to be a means of Plan if he had been on the Plan- spring, when several sports sup- considering the best person for the Council was not aligned in reducing property taxes, "but, ning Board at the time of for- porters confronted the board time the job. favor of change, Councilman mulation. and time again, seeking justifi- of course, this did not happen Charles Coronella, Robert Me cation for the dismissal, both Other coaches at the senior and either. Now the Governor is In other actions, the Council junior highs were named, Fer- Carthy, John Coulter and Mayor will apply to the freeholders from a coaching and teaching asking for an income tax 'to Ted Trumpp tried to restore the guson said no change in male for state approval for a 35-mile standpoint. Repeatedly, it was reduce property taxes' but his residential zoning. The y and emphasized that Mercer was ev- coaching salaries had been made program lacks the controls to as- an hour speed limit throughout citizens felt Fanwood does not North and Martina Avenues, At aluated principally for his teach- over last year during negotia- sure that local property taxes need any further commercial de- ing abilities, and it was upon tions, Male coaches forewent a will go down and stay down," velopment to compound traffic Continued on Page 1.8 that basis that the decision to salary increase other than their Mrs. Sinnott challenged the deny tenure %vas made. Mercer regular increment, in behalf of Governor's program as "too has registered an appeal with female coaches who seek a par broad and non-responsive" to the the state Commissioner of Edu- with the men. The male coaches court mandate by including ca- Board Of Ed. Adopts cation, with decision still pend- want a greater number of parti- pital and debt service costs, ing. He seeks board reasons cipants involved in coaching, he court and welfare costs, and for his dismissal, in line with said, and want aides rather than funds required to close an anti- assistant coaches In some areas. cipated budget gap, "I believe a new state ruling. New Meeting Format The following were named to the public is conditioned to ac- Walter Boright, a Board mem- coaching slots at Scotch Plains- cept a new broadbased tax for ber, asked Dr. perry Tyson, The Scotch Plains-Fanwood Board of Education will add a new Fanwood High School: Football- the purpose of increasing State Assistant Superintendent for In- half hour comment session to its regular monthly meetings, and Coach - Len Meekalavage; As- support of elementary and secon- struction, whether it had been will restrict the post-meeting public discussion to one hour or sistants joe Ascolese, Len Zan- dary education, but it is unfair to made clear to Mechalavage that until 11 p.m., whichever is longest. Henceforth, the public will be owicz, John Gayewski. Basket- the taxpayers to include $400 he would be evaluated for his 1 million of other costs under the permitted to comment to the board, but not to question the board, teaching and was assured by Ty- ball Coach Joe Colemen , As- in any area during the comment time from 7:30 to 8:00 p.m. Ques- sistant John Patterson. Wrest- unbrella of a schools funding son that it has been stressed that program,'* Mrs, Sinnott said tioning will be possible after the meeting, as has been the custom his first and primary responsi- ling: Coach Len Zanowicz- As- to date, Continued On Page 17 funding programs for other gov- bility would be the teaching as- ernment services besides educa- There will not be any provis- ject of SAT scores, which com- signment, tion "should rise or fall on their ion for public comment and/or munication has been referred to Thomas Fallon of Chip Lou When You own merit," questioning during the regular the Board Attorney, Lane, Scotch Plains, who has Doherty said he is "convin- agenda session.
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