A NEWSPAP Vol. 8. t;fo. 25 Copyright 1950 by Eastman Kodak Compan y, Rochester, N. Y. June 22, 1950 New Recordak Reader Allows Desk-Top Use, Head Rotates A new 35 mm. "desk top" micro­ to a minimum. film reader is announced by Kodak. Magnification of the MPE reader Delivery begins nex t month. is 19 to 1. It is especially suitable Designated the Model MPE, the for reading microfilm editions of new reader is for use especia lly in newspapers photographed at re­ libraries, colleges, newspaper of­ duction ratios of 12 to 1 or 20 to 1. fi ces and industr ial drafting rooms. A scanning device a llows the It is lightweight-less than 50 film to be moved laterally so that pounds- and occupies under 2 images, the full width of the film, square feet on a desk top. Thus it can be projected. Any part of the can be moved about easily. The document can be moved to the housing is of sheet steel for stur­ center of the screen for easier diness, and the metallic gray finish reading. A hand crank w inds the G d t Twenty Kodakers received degrees at the Univer- matches modern office furniture. film for lengthwise scanning. ra ua es - sity of Rochester's Centennial Commencement last The Model MPE is expected to Images are held in sharp focus week at the Eas tman Theater. Candidates for degrees in the University sell for $350 to meet the need for by disc-like optical fl ats which School. most of their credits h a d been earned at night school whil~ a medium-pr iced reader. Despite r otate as the fi lm moves. This pro­ they "held down" daytime jobs at Kodak. In the left row, reading the low cost, however, it prov ides duces a wiping effect to clear dust. up the stairway, are Henry C. Mills, d ean of the University School; precision optical quality essential A Kodak Projection Ektar Lu­ Bill Napier. H -E Dept. 20; Frank Mindach. KP E&M; Tom Whitmore for viewing microfilm records. menized Lens, set at f / 4.5, is used and Stan Stahura, KP Syn. Chern. The quintet in the center row are A primary feature of the new to assure sharp images. Joan F itzgi bbons, KO Motion Picture Film Dept.; Ray E stes. KP Test­ reader is the rotating projector The new machine was designed ing; Harl Wright, KP Research Lab; Jim Axtell, KP Roll Coat.. and head. No m atter how the image is and engineered and is manufac­ Albert Aroesty, KP Ind. L ab. In the row at right are Marlon Jacobs. positioned on the film , it can be tured in the Recordak departments DPI Vitamin Prod.; Frank H art, KP Chern. Plant Lab; Fred McCros­ turned upright on the screen. The at Hawk-Eye. sen, KP Syn. Org. Res.; Robert Phelps, CW Dept. 97, and R ay Johnson, 20-inch squar e screen is a reflect­ Easy to Read- This R ~ cor- The Model MPE will be mar­ KP Testing. Absent from the p icture were Arthur Herz, KP Res. L ab; ing type and is at desk level for dak Micro- keted as the Recordak Film Reader Bob Kesel. CW Dept. 78; Bob Schuler, KP Res. La b; John Sherwood, reading convenience. It has a blue­ film Read er has a screen at d esk by the Recordak Corporation, and KO Receiving; Bob Williams, KP Cellulose Acetate, and Charles Web­ tinted matte finish. This diffuses level for r ead ing convenience, as as the Kodagraph Film Reader by ster , DPI Vacuum Equipment. the illumination and holds glare model d emonstra tes. Kodak industrial dealers. Kodak Announces Changes in Sickness Payments After July l Last December , KODAKERY ran a story about the New York book>. The only exceptions to this written claim and a doctor's cer­ except in the case of those who State Disability Act which becomes effective July 1. The main are in the case of people with rela­ tificate before payments can be have been here just a short time. tively short ser vice. So Kodak will made for any illness of more than So Kodak's Plan will be con­ purpose of this Act, as you may r emember, is to provide bene fits to continue its Sickness Allowance one week. This will be explained most employed people in the State tinued, and with such additional to unemployed people. Plan without change. In addition, by the visiting nurses at the time when they are unable to work be­ the Company w ill arrange for such of illness. payments for short-service people K od a k's Sickness A llowa n ce as the Act requires, Sickness Al­ cause of sickness and non-occupa­ Plan, which w as 30 years old on payments to short-service people Start After One Week tional injuries. Since J anuary 1 May 1 of this year, provides for as the Act requires and which are lowances after July 1 will be paid and until June 30, the Act has re­ more liberal payments than those not provided under the Sickness Under the State Disability Act, in the amounts explained below . quired deductions from your pay required under the new Disability Allowance Plan. benefits equal to lh pay with a The fi gures given are total amounts checks to provide certain benefi ts Act (full details are in your Hand- No Substantial Change maximum of $26 a week are pay­ - that is, they include both the able for up to 13 weeks during payments required by the State So as tar as the Kodak man or any one illness or a 52-week period. Act and the supplemental pay­ woman is concerned, there w on't Benefits start after a one-week ments under Kodak's more liberal be any substantial change in the waiting period. S ickness Allowance Plan. Pay­ payment of sickness allowances. These benefits are, of course, ments are made only when a per­ It appears, h owever, that the in­ sm aller than those payable under son is absent because of illness. d ividual is supposed to submit a Kodak's Sickness Allowance Plan (Continued on Page 4) , , , If it takes two years to make a survey on the ground, how long taxation pur poses, of rivers to give does it take to do it by aerial photography? engineers flood control data. If you're helpin g Junior w ith his arithmetic and that question Railroads and utilities are big pops up, your answer had better users of aerial maps to lay out be 90 days, or Junior w ill flunk. "An Eastern state needed topo­ r outes for rail, pipe and transmis­ Proof of that answer is supplied graphic facts for a ma in highway sion Jines. Manufacturers use aer­ by Virgil Kauffman, president of link 31 miles long. It was found ial m aps to better plan expansion. Aero Service Corp. of Philadelphia. it would take two years and cost The U.S. Government is a big $74,400 to do it by ground m ethods. customer for agricultural surveys. An Aero mapping plane flew over During the war Aero performed the route in a day and a half, tak­ many operations for the govern­ ing 157 pictures. By photogram­ ment, including such top-secret metry, these were translated into jobs as the mapping for the site accurate con tour maps in 90 days of the atomic bomb installation at • U Above, a pho­ and the job cost $17,600." Oak Ridge, Tenn. Loa d •ng p- tographer for The oldest flying corporation in Aerial surveying is a big busi­ Aero Service Corp. loads a cam­ the world, with a record of 31 years ness today and principally it's a era before taking off on an aerial of aerial surveying, Aero is one of photographic operation. photographic mission. The com­ Kodak's best customers and a big Kodak Super-XX Aerographic pany takes p ictures all over the user of Company products . Film, in rolls 180 feet long and 9lh world and u ses a lot of Kodak films, plates, papers, chemicals, inches wide, is used extensively film to do it. etc., in large quantities. in the mapping cameras. About Aero has mapped more than 40 220 pictures, 9x9, are made per roll • • • per cent of the U .S., including at the rate of one in 25 seconds. areas in every state. Its services For color work Ektachrome Aero Spooling_ Doris Manches ter and customers extend around the is w idely used. Other jobs call for and Eleanor Mc­ globe, taking in m ore than 33 Kodak Infrared Aero, Kodak 35- Kinney in Bldg. 25, Kodak Park countries and cover ing over 2 m il­ mm. fi lm, etc. Kodak also supplies (Roll Film Pan Spooling), at right lion square miles of the earth. many plates, and large quantities show how Kodak Aerographic Film Its activities are many and va­ of paper and chemicals. is spooled. Aero Service uses this ried. It helps locate oil and min­ The films are flown air express film to do much of its mapping eral deposits by air; it surveys to Aero's busy main plant at Phil­ from the air. It's SV2 inches wide forests to determine kind and adelphia, where the huge and and comes in 200-foot lengths. number of trees. exacting job of turning out pre­ Aero uses other sizes of Kodak It makes aerial maps for cities cise photo mosaics or contour m aps film.
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