318 L S vimoo o f ~TH& o f TttE, ^ovirAC9. oF 3 ooTh £)Fft\cfi. -^^U iiynU v S ■&naccS~i*->. ^^cxi^vcicuj /g ““ ol<8 Y ld V iA rt'iutf, 1 9 5 0 . 0 yyV T *A **U 4 ^ 5 # *f°JuA44 lA c Urt&L &JMUO u/r\ ^ fctuL ^Y$uX*ieicd2 CCu ( S £ u u ^ A * ^ &M II rriu^w,■ *««<- S)<5cr»6A.ar c^ru^oo(5)ffU&<L> a^yO^m^uLc^-0 4 A 4 srnJ)dLcL ^is*\ t*tk u t l/'(£*>Vf*4Uvc*x^c (^2c4^ucbtbi &CLUot‘ *£?<*enrVL^ / tfW H ^ <7w <^<x/^Cl<XtJ, /PPcfuiatJut /&" i f G a J ' # - 3 0 o 'e 4 f * t e a s *t - £>^£> o^y? t<fy\, Co -gu1 @£&6yttZcc£ -Qu a CUx > ^~^4oidt*Sb / ( C/i f f l Z o o L OP c j a / o i ^ . t J ) . Q . -) Cfl*J>*~ tsLvicL $j^oxcW\ Ojjtc-Le ctS). (Z jP /j^ f U u , ffli< je # x jL / Q u d t COXKJ O tsnGbbeC Is Cx j ^T^occOuJh -Q&c*y QjlaAu A uU A t Qboucnf lsy\ (/tv. (Qhou^i <u£- ^ t/Cc & L cp 4tr&~f Uv- (f^TfUvy? QJL. [ W r M o JU clsCc c ^y>iyzo>zS^ (3zxt&ct s/ zasu (JUa. (dyctsrwisc VJ i-i^x $ txiJy&faI (tu. „ Gv^\cJL ^ LCx q^cuu ,&hujL£> I s * * . (s Cu . \jOirzxvrl&*CL& ^ t j >7 < ?-& C s , ^^r«0<?tc£*Mfl' t&flA*. cOlotoL+ert- c$aP S^r>v<j-M_ oLmJ^a^ ^ ^ o LMaCloL J^n Ua* CtuicA <j£^ *$0*4+^444A . \AiO f nI14 ■< JnK—An ~4flkj?U.rQl iTJf &0 1 v^rvVTrv(vcJL1 OA^QAhxa^AMAcJ^ ir»\ VXu. 7to\QLrt^o<bXuAJ 2. t(3k^4i. ( cn~J>"V OaxcL' Uajl ^^AuCteA-SV (MJ^a m SU^CL -^ xo <^&ryto~yt Gt^O-iAA<^Ajat Lm CXu <JtftzAL ^ t iu (fl& ucst/* <Jkrvc<iJL. aS? //'&& <3 M. ^ S L c w J cCMVJX) x s s „ J h x , ( & o C ? . (R .<^c^^^<uri^ c x ^ . cJ L Q ? 7 ' <£? L^r>a. lAXAfXL. Q&lt/LCh cct*£ otActO d-CA^ 'ffv& tJtA Omac&o (^€^^JZ^uCot*x£^j . <^2>JL ^O ^^CU aX I '' ^ U j j i t L i U , CUKiiuSV^^ ^XV\*cX» # UW ^, c ^ < ^ V vc(a c L « ^fijUL Q a3 * 1 • $ Q j S j t i \ <3u>vot- ° T ) ^ $ b J A a/. ©nfvwiivu Oo<2 <a /o u ^ V (^l2trcc«o^ C^Avet < ^ eu ^ (y^Xl^JL^XuMj^j (vsia-'U'Mrt ^Afi- S^^lcuw ^y^cJL^flu V Oj^ (2o0. W.T\t0. U i C l / i ^ J i t c t X M , f o o > £ o t ^ X c r s T ^ Ik-S- IW iAA, 4 ^ . r , <■n^ jlux, &Ztitfcus& sr (^5TTA^_SA 13 C flr & a c t i o n ^otoa. ^v><^ d^*j^tUrri- r ^So <*-oW Vk*j &<^Ox.&T*&*t-siju§h to *?oSU_pdU_iJta sx^Dq^*{6 C ^ t ^ x XXUl orvvc^a^ Xo6 c ^ v ^ o v ^ e t JV CAjua ^A^<oh^S: i l‘ d V U J* sf*>»hDo-*j Ylev. 18 ~ i cfSo. 8 o 1 * m A ^ | » 320 ck^RjtUY tL ijf y jr v r t L Ox Q & u , J £ . f i . ^u^i^tr^ £*■ &*• C h a A s n ^ a s ^ ie^o feta J'Vi </1u m * V j 9 ^ * 0 . 0M-(^ry\£j>lu^ ^f^l. U f . Q . ) uu<yyJlxf Q hau)**c»^ CiS&^Q d fectttil d£i(LO/yi+ & fc c \ % S j t < £ x * k \ b \ 3 L ^ ^ V v r ^ Q . O . OM j^ mjUJL* /QjZt^tf^dUd j2 u j Vv t 6\l„ tiL- \ i/ X 'A^£/^VVSj^ tU JSfJl q S lcIlcA, /^TUZXXA-^AjL/i'^C b(M-("tfM^lA\ji£» ^ B r> V V V u Jjti- v V .K J . (3 z^<c*~. (R. k S r^ a ^ t. @Osvtov\ (p. 0. (j. SrtTiAJkL, Qm Q ~ Q * M o u m fffi ?. Spjk& rrz , <3 & t . fhiU si^cxcie, ^O^lZeUy/ ^OiJL (~Xf\iL</^CxgjL O. Qr)tts*eiQnL*t^> m <&A». P ri^ idu ^ ' o^jrw» Ud ptlu ( 2 i o f l j . // iM g^ fert^p { j i\ L $ j&AM 4 Qri\^ (-Rr>^sr^slLu-> &v\ d%M C^^f1~£X*\C£asry\jd^ W t t o cxcii/Jtxet . I (XpjbwdLlAA^ JL. a m a v jL c L X $rvv***-«u*Xl ^ ^ G & j d u i 2 * - £>• (Zt^a^zcL (j^ u-U X ^ iU - By the Bishop of Bloemfontein. AMENDMENT OF SCHEDULE B, REFERRED TO IN - ARTICLE XXIII Synod agrees to the amendment of Schedule B as fol­ lows :— Paragraph 5 Delete all words after “ State ” in line 2 and substitute.“ being the territory of the Province of the Orange Free State ” . Add new paragraph 13 reading: “ The Diocese of Basutoland, being the territory of Basutoland.” Renumber present paragraphs 13 and 14 to read respec­ tively 14 and 15. 'fccu. UUo vfiflco'vxXtd? ^lotUttyx, Cu*d GarrCtdC cI msty-i II oo-dtr nrr>(ruuLdL (X ^ ^oCcp^rvi. U . WOL^J c t u * Q uj^ ^LU /vi c v ^ L •. By the Bishop of Leuombo. AMENDMENT OF SCHEDULE B REFERRED TO IN 0 ARTICLE XXIII £ Synod agrees to the amendment of Schedule B as fol­ lows :— Paragraph 13 Delete present wording and substitute:— The Diocese of Lebombo, being the Civil Province of Sul de Save and the District of Lourenqo Marques, in the Portuguese Colony of Mozambique.” -^ ^ O lL (WKP m JL &p^tsvipUA/ry\ 3 ( S U A U s n d x s L J2 u j| ( R v d U — iw l CSei-r^otoL~ By the Bishop of St. John’s : 31 AMENDMENT OF SCHEDULE B, REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE XXIII. Synod agrees to the amendment of Schedule B as follows :— Paragraph 6: Amend present wording by inserting in line 2, after the words ‘ ‘ Independent Kaffraria ” and before the words “ being the civil districts,” the follow­ ing words:—- “ also known as the Diocese of St. John’ s, Kaffraria ” . Ct*sv\ c/W I (Sj) U - c n ^ i s u ^ . ^\cr&£jriAjJxrv- <P 0^AClxon\<m Z/btohDoy. farv l& i q S o ^oXu-rdUM^ 322 icv*—1 Z ■ ^4<c 3) A^ict-rtx^^v^A. <7>^<ruxdL ('X£ i<* ^ cKa a /v m . , 3 » i ^ uS^LlJU* u j z u q O o ^ n C U A -euj ea^OuL , By the Bishop of Damaraland: 32 AMENDMENT OF SCHEDULE B, REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE XXIII. Synod agrees to the amendment of Schedule B as follows :— Paragraph 14: Delete present wording and substitute: “ The Diocese of Damaraland, being the territory of. South-West Africa ” . 4. C* S&_OUr-> QUt/VCJ^VO, U ijL, ^8«A&SU . ( J ’ -cc^u -J a - _ t/tu. I jkJJL U), ct^joloL LC**, __ ^C.C«^idA*al ^^cfvUGcfc, Q ^ d L <3ci-»r*2<A> . & l ^ 2 T<-<kdL t l u , ^■ v y j V’ t v is ^ 2 - „ O ft* o m t j u A t*i(xhjL tUt 5 «^v\c(. r»^€«ctu«crc^ c t jc A .. «£&t 0^\^^^r?L^aAM>(0KJVi. o r * tXx. jBxXC -&<. <x. ,. ? *ot Qba* rZ^ovr^ci-' ^ . c U L oreaudl ou^>JLcrr\6 L t u ^ a - ^^^O^cK^olcrw^- r m n t f v o s A t U a T l l ftJL oy+JjZ C j& r * V * y«<MjbU u siia s QijL~rtjLgxJL . ■ ^2x0. GC a g o J . vV* Ltu. C^AGtA-r, C ^ A .a w w A c o w \$jLr> (T ^ cfticl Chu & tf/ cJUt<d^ZX^\ju^cX^r>vOiA 'H -QxiLIL^ ^OAAJU^ ^ (~*>i <a m (K bttaj^ uUx j/JJL -Qjucl crAaus/L Ok. fc^CLV'ci LaAaaXL- „ *S-Qav» kA/^a /QlGa«a*X&m(. CX+*JbuU &*^r-c**sC „ (^XaGf tub \JIu yc I Kum2__ BE IT ENACTED THAT:— Canon I, Sections 8 and 9 shall be amended to read :— 8 At the commencement of every Session of the Provincial Synod the Clerical Representatives (hereafter in this Section described as “ the Clergy ” ) shall elect one of their number as their Prolocutor, and the Lay Representatives (hereafter in this Section described as “ the Laity ” ) shall elect one of their number as their Chairman. Whenever the House of Bishops shall withdraw to de­ liberate by themselves, leaving the Clergy and the Laity to deliberate together, or if at any time, whether or not the House of Bishops be present, the Clergy or the Laity decide by a majority vote of either of their two Houses to deliberate apart, the sitting of Synod shall be suspended during the progress of such separate deliberations. In the absence of the House of Bishops, the Prolocutor shall preside over any joint deliberations of the Clergy and the Laity, or over any separate deliberations of the Clergy, as the case may b e ; and the Chairman shall preside over any separate deliberations of the Laity. Upon the completion of such deliberations the sitting of Synod shall be resumed, and the conclusions reached by any or all of the three Houses during the suspension of the sitting shall be reported to Synod. 9 Unless not less than one half of the number of the Bishops of the Province shall have been recorded on the roll as present at any Session of the Provincial Synod, with not less than one third of the whole number of Clerical Representatives, and not less than one third of the whole number of Lay Representatives, all acts of that Session of the Provincial Synod shall be provisional, and shall have no force in any Diocese, unless and until they shall be promul­ gated by the Diocesan Synod of that Diocese, or, if there be no Diocesan Synod, by the Bishop of that Diocese.
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