Bulletin n. 1/2009 - July 2009 List of contents Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Majeed Akhtar A Union of States or Union Over States? Inter-Governmental Cooperation in India in Indian Journal of Federal Studies, Issue 19 No abstract available -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Nieguth Tim An Austrian Solution for Canada? Problems and Possibilities of National Cultural Autonomy in Canadian Journal of Political Science--Revue canadienne de science politique, Volume 42 - Issue 01 - March , 1-16 science, especially in the guise of national cultural autonomy. National cultural autonomy is a model of self-government that was pioneered by Austrian theorists and politicians Karl Renner and Otto Bauer in the waning days of the Habsburg Empire, yet was never implemented in Austria–Hungary. This paper will examine some of the problems and possibilities that may attend a transfer of national cultural autonomy as a model of self-government into Canadian political discourse, especially as regards Quebec nationalism, Francophone communities outside Quebec, Anglophone Quebecers, self-government for Aboriginal peoples, and political values in English-speaking Canada. Résumé. Au cours des dernières décennies, les formes non territoriales d'autonomie gouvernementale nationale ont fait l'objet d'un intérêt croissant en science politique, en particulier le concept de l'autonomie culturelle nationale. L'autonomie culturelle nationale est un modèle autonomiste développé par les théoriciens et politiciens autrichiens Karl Renner et Otto Bauer lors du déclin de l'Empire habsbourgeois, mais qui ne fut jamais mis en place dans l'Empire austro-hongrois. Cet article examinera quelques-uns des problèmes et quelques-unes des possibilités qui pourraient émerger d'un transfert de ce modèle dans le discours politique canadien sur l'autonomie gouvernementale, en particulier en ce qui a trait au nationalisme québécois, aux communautés francophones situées à l'extérieur du Québec, aux Québécois anglophones, à l'autonomie gouvernementale des peuples autochtones et aux valeurs politiques du Canada anglais. -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Olivieri Marco Anti-Senatica. Bentham e il sistema politico e istituzionale degli Stati Uniti Page 1/390 in Pensiero Politico (Il), Anno XLI, n. 2, maggio-agosto 2008 , 169-188 No abstract available -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Caron Jean-Franois, Laforest Guy Canada and Multinational Federalism: From the Spirit of 1982 to Stephen Harper's Open Federalism in Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, Volume 15, Issue 1, January 2009 , 27-55 Since the end of the Second World War, principles of diversity and multiculturalism have increasingly been codified in international law. The present article takes a closer look at the evolution of Canada's attitude towards the recognition of its multinational character over the past 25 years. The article shows that the more recent idea of “open federalism” put forward by Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government as a recognition of multinationalism closely resembles the monist idea of the state that was promoted by former Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Thus, contrary to what is being portrayed in political discourses, nothing much has changed over the last 25 years. Stephen Harper's “open federalism” remains largely inspired by philosophical elements of monism and does not contribute to making Canada a truly multinational state. -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Kris Deschouwer Coalition Formation and Congruence in a Multi-layered Setting: Belgium 1995-2008 in Regional and Federal Studies, Volume 19 Issue 2 , 13 - 35 One of the concepts with which the relation between governments at different levels can be analysed is the congruence of the coalitions. This article analyses the dynamics of government formation in Belgium from that perspective. The Belgian case is interesting because the recent decoupling of the electoral cycles from 2003 on allows us to see how the parties are trying to adapt to the possibilities and consequences of incongruence. The Belgian case is also rather exceptional. The absence of state-wide parties makes it indeed impossible for parties to define strategies at one level without assessing consequences at the other level. Congruence then seems to be the preferred strategy, although incongruence can offer interesting opportunities. Smaller parties, however, appear to be unable to play the double role imposed by incongruent coalitions. -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Upadhyaya Anjoo Sharan Conserving Diversities through Governance Mechanism in Indian Journal of Federal Studies, Issue 19 No abstract available Page 2/390 -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Per G. Fredriksson, Herman R. J. Vollebergh Corruption, federalism, and policy formation in the OECD: the case of energy policy in Public Choice, Volume 140, Numbers 1-2 , 205-221 We investigate whether the effect of government corruption is conditional on a country’s institutional structure. Federal systems have an additional layer of government, making lobbying relatively more costly. We investigate whether the effect of government corruption on environmental policy (in the form of restrictions on energy use) is conditional on a federal system being in place. Using 1982–96 data from 11 industry sectors in 12 OECD economies we find that while greater government corruption reduces the stringency of environmental policy, the effect declines in federal systems. -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Benz Arthur Ein gordischer Knoten der Politikwissenschaft? Zur Vereinbarkeit von Föderalismus und Demokratie in Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 50. Jahrgang, Heft 1, März , 3-22 ABSTRACT: Politische Systeme im nationalen und internationalen Kontext werden zunehmend nach Prinzipien des Föderalismus organisiert. Nach wie vor ungeklärt ist aber, wie sich dies auf die Demokratie auswirkt. Während Föderalismusforscher überwiegend annehmen, dass sich beide Formen wechselseitig unterstützen, diskutiert man in der Demokratieforschung die negativen Folgen von Ebenendifferenzierung und -verflechtung. In dem vorliegenden Artikel wird eine analytische Perspektive vorgestellt, die zur Klärung dieser wichtigen Problematik durch vergleichende Forschung beitragen soll. Over the last decades, federalism became increasingly relevant in national or international political systems. However, scholars still dispute the consequences of federal organisations on democracy. In research on federalism, both forms are said to be congruent, and mutually support each other. In contrast, research on democracy focuses on the negative effects of multilevel structures and interlocking politics. This article outlines an analytical perspective that should contribute to the clarification of this relevant issue in comparative research. -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Philip G. Roeder Ethnofederalism and the Mismanagement of Conflicting Nationalisms in Regional and Federal Studies, Volume 19 Issue 2 , 203 - 219 Recent discussions of federal solutions to ethnic conflict have focused on ethnofederal arrangements; in these the constituent units are homelands for ethnic minorities. Like autonomy arrangements in non-federal states, these institutional arrangements structure subsequent politics in ways that increase the likelihood of escalating conflict that Page 3/390 results in nation-state crises. Tinkering with the institutional details of these arrangements is unlikely to exorcise these problems. -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Irina Scediltefuriuc Explaining Government Formation in Multi-level Settings: Coalition Theory Revisited—Evidence from the Spanish Case in Regional and Federal Studies, Volume 19 Issue 2 , 97 - 116 This article argues that regional government formation in decentralized countries follows different rules than national government formation in unitary states. It revises some basic assumptions that classical coalition formation theory makes, positing that in multi-level settings parties do not behave as unitary actors, that the goals they pursue might vary across levels at any given time, that regional coalition formation is part of a two-level game and that the policy space in which coalitions are mapped is often two-dimensional. Employing a combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques, several classical propositions are tested in light of these revised assumptions on data about Spanish regional governments. We find that classical predictors do their fair share, but multi-level
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