œ YY . %- * . < * # * œ < ) % r *z * o 'lt : o p T H E K E N Y A G A Z E T T E Published Y y A uthority (Registered as a Ne-w spaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. LXV N o. 26 N A IR O BI, A &th M ay, 1963 Price : Sh. 1 CON V TS GAZETTE NOTICES SUPPLEH ENT N o. 39 I'AGE Leguiative suppiem cnt Appointm ents, etc. 578 L ' EGAI- N o'rlcE N(), PAIJE ' The African Courts Ordinance--Appointm ents 578 The K enya Broadcasting Corporation Ordinance- 293- Tshuen dK eRnyuale sLocal Authorities Superannuation A ppointment . 579 , 1963 . 801 . (Published as a Special Issue) The Forests Ordinance- Appointm ent 579 The Local Authorities Provident Fund Ordinance- Appointment 579 The Courts O rdinance- SIJPPLEM EN T N o. 4: Extension of Limits of Jurisdiction 579 , Legislative . Supplem ent A ppointments . 579 The Prisons Ordinance- Declared Area 57j) LEGAL N o-rlcs N o. PAGE 7sular Representations . 579 294- The African Courts (Amendment) Ordinance (Commencement) Order, 1963 . 841 , Police Ordinance- closure of Police Station . 580 Registration of Titles Ordinance- lssue of Provi- 295- The Isiolo Curfew O rder, .1963 841 xonal Certificate 580 296 - The lsiolo Curfew Order (No. 2) Order, 1263 842 ory Auction Sale . 580 Jacancies . 580-582 297- The Nairobi M uniçipality (Superannuation L' Fund) (Amendment) Rules, 1963 843 oss ot Tax Reserve Certilicates . 582 The East African Industrial Licensing O rdinance- 298- The Pensions Ordinance- Revocation of Notifi- Application for Licences cation of Pensionable Om ces . 851 . 582 The Crown Lands Ordinance- Appointments 582 299- The Land Registration (Special Areas) (App1i- East African Customs and Excise- N otice of Auctioq 584, 585 cation to Taita District) Order, 1953 . 855 6 T ort Licensing 586 . ransp - 588 300- The Land Registration (Special Areas) %'' O rdinance- Registration District 856 '.The Patents Registration Ordinance- Letters Patents 589 frade M arks . 590-593 301- The Land (Registration Title) (No. The Co O rder, 1963 856 - operative Societies Ordinance- Liquidation Orders 594-596 302- T1ae Land Registration (Special Areas) (Supple- Closure of Liquidation . 596 m entary Fees) Regulations, 1963 . 857 The Native Authority Ordinance-Appointment . 596 303-''-?he Detention Camps Ordinancd-Declaration * The African Christian M arriage and Divorce Ordinance- Of Detention Camp 857 Appointm ents 596 j cam ps ordinance - 304- The D etent on - cessation Liquor Licensing . 597 of Detention Camp 858 The Trust Land Ordinance- gtjs- rf'he stamp Duty Ordinance- Exem ptions 858 Petrol Station Plot- K itui . 597 Setting . Apart of Land 607, 608 306--The Fish Protectio9n6 ? (M alindi W holesale Fish g5j) . M arket) Rules, 1 Probate and Administration . 598, 599 M 307- The T rust Land Ordinance- A ddition to ethod of Charge (EAPL) Byelaws- variation in Price K jkuyu Land Unit 860 of Fuel Oi1 .. - .. .. .. .. .. 599 Bankruptcies 308- The M ount K enya Royal N ational Park Th . 599-602 (Amendment) Regulations, 1963 861 e Com panies Ordinance' 603, 604, 605 Loss of Policies . 604, 605 309- The Stock Traders L.icensing Rules, 1963 862 Local Government Notices . 605 310- The Forest (Forest Guards) (Amendment) lkules, 1963 . ' Tho societies Ordinance- R egistrations, etc. 606 . 863 The F'raudulent Transfer of Businesses Ordinance 606 31 1- The Agricultural (Export) (Horticultural Produce Dissolutip*r t--pf. Partnership . 606 . lnspection) (Amendment) Rules, 1963 864 .s m N otice of Change of Name 606, 607 312- The Employment (Forms) (Amendment) Rules, R evocation of Power of Attorney 607 1963 . , . .' . .. 864 (577 578 TH E K EN Y A G AZETTE 28th M ay, 1963 Gwzsrrs N orlcs N o. 2188 GAZET'I'E N on cE N o. 2189 (xc. 1/3) A PPOIN TM EN TS FRANK ALEXANDBR DowxfE to act as Senior Assistant secretary, THE AFRICAN COU RTS ORDIN AN CE, 1951 M inistry of Local Government, with esect from 8th M ay, (N o. 65 oj 1951) 1963. A . PPOINTM SNT PHII-IP DIJNCAN ABRAMS to act as Senior Administrative Om cer, Departm ent of Settlem ent, M inistry of Land Settlement and IN EXERCISE tif the powers conferred by section 3 of the W ater D eveloprnent, with efect from ' 20th M arch, 1963. African Courts Ordinance, 1951, the G overnor hereby appoints- PE'IT,R ERNEST W ALTERS to be Provincial Com missioner, Eastern CHARI-F,S OouK, M .B.E. Province, with efect from 11th April; 1963. to be Provincial African Courts Oë cer for the W estern Province. ROBSRT STBPHEN W INSER to act as Provincial Comm issioner, The appointment of Jerem y David Lunn to be Provincial N orth-eastern Province, with esect from 1st M ay, 1963. African Courts Officer for the W estern Province notified in PATRICK J'OHN KENNY to act as Assistant Comm issioner of G azette N otice N o. 1782 of 1963 is hereby cancelled. Police with efect from 17t11 April, 1963. J o' HN HARRY BAKéR to act as Assistant Comm issioner of Police Dated this 22nd day of M ay, 1963. with effect from 14th M ay, 1963. By Com m and of the G overnor. SYDNEY GEORGE THOMPSON to act as A ssistant Com missioner . R. G . N G ALA , of Polico with efect from 15th M ay, 1963. M inister ()/ State for Constitutional AFairs and Administration. M Rs. VERA JEAN CLARKB DUNLEANY JB.sc. (LBED:), DIP.BD., to act as Senior Education Omcer (Prlncipal, Kenya High School for Girls), with efftçt from 18th April, 1963. TADAYO KEBONG'O EVELIA, L.M.S. (E.A.), D.P.H., to be Medical GAZEU E èfoTlcE lfo. 2190 Omcer of H ea1th, M eru and Isiolo Districts and contained (AC. 1 /3) townships and trading centres. JOHN ALEXANDER M CK INNON, M .D., CH.B., D.P.H., to be M edical THE AFRICAN COU RTS ORDINAN CE, 1951 Oë cer of H ealth, Eldoret M unicipality and U asin Gaishu (N o. 65 oj 1951) District and contained townships and trading centrès. A PPOINTMENT JAMES ' IAN M AXW ELL M .B., CH.B., B.A.O,, D.P.H ., D.R.C.O .G., O.T.M. & H., to be M edical O'ë cer of Health, K isum u M uni- IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 3 of the cipality and Central N yanza District and contained townships African Courts Ordinance, 1951, the Governor hereby appoints- and trading centres. CHARLES OoUK, M .B.E. CAETANO FRANCISCO DA PIEDADE QUADROS M.B. B.CH., B.A.O., to to be Provincial X fri can Courts Oflicer for the Nyanza Province. , be M edical Oflicer of H ea1th, Tana River D istrict and The appointment of Jerem y David Lunn to be Provincial contained townships and trading centres. African Courts Oë cer f or the N yanza Province notised in H ASMUKHLAL ABHECHAND JHAVERI, L.A.H., Ia.M.s., to be M edical Gazette N otice N 0. 3958 of 1962, is hereby cancelled. Omcer of H ea1th, Samburu District and contained townships and trading centres. D ated this 22nd day of M ay, 1963. ROBERT FOSTER M CKHIGHT, M .A., M.B.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.T' .M . & H.y By Com mand of the G overnor. /K /: o.P.Ii., to be M edical Oë cer of Hea1th, Elgoh Nyanza District R . G . N G ALA, and contained townships and trading centres. M inister tp/ State J(?r Constitutional SUMANT RAI PURSHOI-I'AM PATEL, M.B., ' B.S., te be M edical Anairs and Administration. Oë cer of H ealth, Baringo District and contained townships and trading centres. JOHN H ENRY BAKBR, A.R.I.B.A., to act as Chief A rchitect, CIAJETTE lfoTlcs llo. 2191 M inistry of W orks and Com m unications, with efïect from 5th April, 1963. ' (z1.C'. 1 / 3) NORMAN S-GwART BEAN rA.R.I.B.A., oIP.ARCH. ISHEFFIBLDI, to act THE AFRICAN COU RTS ORDIN AN CE, 1951 as Superintending Architect, M inistry of W orks and Com- m unications, with ellkct from 5th April, 1963. (N o. 65 oj 1951) A PPOINTMENT W ILLIAM THBODORE PIKE to be Dis$trict Com m issioner, M andera District, N orth Eastern Province, .with effect from 30th April, IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred by section 3 of the 1963. A frican Courts Ordinance, 1951, the Governor hereby appoints- PBTE,R K ILIAN W AMBUA to be 'District Oëcer, M achakos District, CHARLES CHANGUONY ARAP A4URGOR Southern Province, with effect from 21st M arch, 1963, and to be District Oë cer, M achakos D istrict, Eastern Province, to be Provincial African Courts Omcer for fhe Rift Valley with efl'ect from 11th April, 1963. Province. The appointment of Charles Oduk to be Provincial African H BZRON GICHUKI .to bo District OK cer, M achakos District, Southern Province, with efect from 21st M arch, 1963, and Courts Om cer for the Rift Valley Province notifed in Gazette to be District Oëcer, M achakos D istrict, Eastern Province, N otice N o. 2680 of 1.962 is hereby cancelled. with etfect from 11th April, 1963. D ated this 22nd day of M ay, 1963. PROM O TIO N S By Com mand of the G overnor. JOHN HAROI-D STUART ROLLINGS, ' B.A., to be Senior Resident R. G . N GALA, M agistrate, K enya, with esect from 3rd M arqh, 1963. M inister (7/ State for Constitutional z'lf/tfrl and Administration. ALFRED AETORFER to be Deputy Secrdary, M inistry of Local G/vernment, with effect from 16th January, 1962.
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