206 INDEX More detailed or explanatory references (where there are many references listed), or references to an artist’s masterpiece (where it is not listed by name) are given in bold. Numbers in italics are picture references. A Archeobus 128–29 Acqua Paola 91 Arches Acqua Vergine 100 Arcus Argentariorum 84 Actium, battle of 31, 60 of Constantine 34–35, 34 Accommodation 170ff of Janus 83 Aeneas 6, 26 of Septimius Severus 24 Agnes, St 65–66, 154 of Titus 26 Agrippa 60, 100 Arnolfo di Cambio (architect and Alaric, sack of Rome by 8 sculptor; c. 1245–1302) 86; Alberti, Leon Battista (architect; (works attributed to) 19, 140 1404–72) 139 Augustine, St 71 Alexander VII, Pope 53, 62; Augustus, emperor 7, 21, 24, 31, (monument to) 141 36, 50, 51, 52, 60; (Forum of) Algardi, Alessandro (sculptor; 36, 42; (house of) 29–31, 29; 1598–1654) 45, 47, 69, 71, 98; (mausoleum of) 51; (Prima Porta (bust of Innocent X) 47; (Mellini statue of) 146 monuments) 53 Aulenti, Gae (architect; b. 1927) 100 Altemps (see Palazzo, Museums) Aurelian Walls 4 Angelico, Fra’ (Guido di Pietro; Aventine Hill 84–85 c.1400–55; painter) 91, 143, Avignon, popes in 8 148; (tomb of) 63 Annia Regilla, tomb of 129 B Antonello da Messina (painter; c. Babington’s English Tea Rooms 1430–79) 98 56, 59 Antoniazzo Romano (painter; ac- Baciccia (painter; Giovanni Battista tive 1460–1508) 48 Gaulli; 1639–1709) 66, 76, 88 Antoninus Pius, Emperor 49; Barberini, Maffeo (see Urban VIII) (temple of) 25 Barocci, Federico (Il Baroccio; Apollo Belvedere 147, 147 painter; 1526–1612) 144 Apollodorus of Damascus, archi- Basilica Julia 22 tect 38 Basilica of Maxentius 26 Apollonius, sculptor 147 Basilica Ulpia 39 Apoxyomenos 146 Bassano, Francesco (painter; Ara Pacis 51–52, 51 1549–92) 67 INDEX 207 Baths Borghese) of Caracalla 126–28, 126 Borghese, Pauline 9, 95 of Diocletian 106–08 Borgia Rooms (Vatican) 149 at Ostia Antica 158 Borghese, Cardinal Scipione 93, Beccafumi, Domenico (painter and 94; (portrait bust of) 98 sculptor; 1485–1551) 102 Borromini, Francesco (archtiect; Bede, The Venerable 32 1599–1667) 102, 122; (burial Bellini, Giovanni (painter; c. place of) 75; (Oratorio dei Filip- 1435–1516) 144 pini) 77; (San Carlo alle Quattro Belvedere Torso 147 Fontane) 102; (Sant’Agnese) 65, Bernini, Gian Lorenzo (painter, 66; (Sant’Ivo) 66 sculptor and architect; Botticelli, Sandro (painter; 1598–1680) 9, 50, 52, 53, 56, 1444–1510) 151 62, 69, 71, 90, 94, 98, 102, 103, Bramante, Donato (architect and 104; (Apollo and Daphne) 95–96; painter; 1444–1514) 9, 53, 68, (Blessed Lodovica Albertoni) 88; 143; (St Peter’s) 139; (Tempietto) (Habakkuk) 53; (David) 95; 90, 91; (buildings attributed (Fontana del Tritone) 104, 104; to) 76 (Fountain of the Four Rivers) Bregno, Andrea (Andrea da 64–65; (Gabriele Fonseca) 50; Milano; sculptor; c. 1421–1506) (Innocent X) 45, 46; (Ponte 19; (tomb of) 64 Sant’Angelo) 137; (Rape of Perse- Brueghel, Jan the Elder (painter; phone) 95, 96; (St Peter’s) 139, 1568–1625) 46 140, 141; (St Peter’s Square) 138, Brueghel, Pieter the Elder (painter; 139; (Sant’Andrea al Quirinale) c. 1525–69) 46 101–02; (Ecstasy of St Teresa) 108, Bruno, Giordano 73 109; (bust of Scipione Borghese) Brutus, assassin of Caesar 6, 7, 98; (self-portrait) 98; (tomb of) 42, 74 112; (tomb of Maria Raggi) 64; Brutus, overthrower of Tarquinius (works attributed to) 80 Superbus 6 Bocca della Verità 82, 83 Brutus, portrait head 12 Bonaparte, Pauline (see Borghese) Boniface VIII, Pope 122, 141 C Bookshops 166 Cadorna, General Raffaello 10 Borghese, Camillo 9, 94, 95 Caelian Hill 123–25 Borghese Chapel (S.M. Maggiore) Caesar (see Julius Caesar) 112 Caffè Greco 57, 59 Borghese family (see Museums, Calixtus, St 132 208 INDEX Calixtus II, Pope 8 of S. Sebastiano 132, 133 Campidoglio (see Capitoline Hill) Catherine of Siena, St 8, 63 Campo de’ Fiori 73 Cavaliere d’Arpino (Giuseppe Canova, Antonio (sculptor; Cesari; painter; 1568–1640) 1757–1822) 10, 135, 141, 147; 67, 112 (monument to Clement XIV) 48; Cavallini, Pietro (painter and (monument to the last Stuarts) mosaicist; active 1250–1330) 19, 141; (Pauline Borghese) 95 87, 87, 90; (works attributed to) Capitoline Hill 11ff 83, 88 Capitoline Jupiter, Temple of 6, Cecilia Metella, tomb of 134 13–14 Cecilia, St 86 Capitoline Museums 11–17 Cederna, Antonio 135 Capitoline Venus 15 Cenci, Beatrice 103 Capo di Bove 135 Centrale Montemartini 17 Caracalla, emperor 24 (see also Chapel of St Zeno (see Zeno) Baths) Charlemagne 8 Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi; Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor 9 painter; 1571–1610) 91, 96, Chiaramonti Museum (see Muse- 102; (Calling of St Matthew) ums) 66–67, 67; (Conversion of St Paul) Chiesa Nuova 77 53; (Crucifixion of St Peter) 53; Chigi, Agostino 53, 91–92 (Gipsy Fortune-teller) 14; (Ma- Chigi Chapel 53 donna of Loreto) 71; (Madonna dei Chigi, Fabio (see Alexander VII) Palafrenieri) 96; (Narcissus) 102, Chirico, Giorgio de (painter; 103; (Penitent Magdalen) 45; (Rest 1888–1978) 94 on the Flight) 45; (Young St John Christianity (triumph of) 8; (Con- the Baptist) 96 stantine’s tolerance of) 34 Carcere Mamertino (see Mamertine Churches (see S. Peter’s etc) Prison) Church services 163–65 Carracci, Annibale (painter; Cicero 27 1560–1609) 46, 47, 53, 54, 75 Circus Maximus 85 Cathaginians 7 Circus of Maxentius 133–34 Casa dei Cavalieri di Rodi 39 Claude (Claude Gellée, known Casa del Cinema 98 as Claude Lorrain; painter; Casa di Goethe 52 1600–82) 46 Casa di Livia (see Livia, House of) Clement V, Pope 8 Castel Sant’Angelo 137 Clement VII, Pope 9, 137; (tomb Castor and Pollux 26, 101 of) 63 Catacombs (general) 132 Clement XIV, Pope, monument of S. Callisto 132–33 to, 48 INDEX 209 Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt 7, 31 Dii Consentes, the 24 Cloaca Maxima 84 Diocletian, emperor 8; (see also Colonna family 47 Baths) Colonna, Marcantonio 47 Dioscuri (see Castor and Pollux) Colonna, Oddone (see Martin V) Discobolus (see Myron) Colonnacce 42 Domenichino (Domenico Zamp- Colosseum 32–34, 33 ieri; painter; 1581–1641) 89, Column of Trajan (see Trajan) 144, 373, 392, 415, 465 Commodus, emperor, bust of 14 Domitian, emperor 41; (Palace of) Constantia, daughter of Constan- 27–28; (Stadium of) 64 tine 154; (tomb chest of) 148 Domus Aurea 31, 32, 35 Constantine, emperor 8, 34, 123, Domus Tiberiana 32 139; (Arch of) 34–35, 34; (fresco Donatello (Donato de’ Bardi; cycle in Chapel of St Sylvester) sculptor; 1386–1466) 19 120–21; (statue fragments of) Doria family (see Palazzo Doria 12, 13 Pamphilj) Contarelli Chapel (S. Agostino) Doryphorus of Polyclitus 146 66–67 Dughet, Gaspard (‘Il Poussin’; Cordonata, ramp 11 painter; 1613–75) 47 Correggio (Antonio Allegri; Dying Gaul 16 painter; 1489–1534) 96 Corsini Collection 91 E Corsini Throne 91 Egyptian Museum (see Museums) Corso, Via del 44ff Epigraph collection (in Baths of Cosmatesque (see Cosmati)# Diocletian)107 Cosmati work 84, 153, 188; (S. Esquiline Hill 110ff Crisogono) 88; (St John Lateran Esquiline Venus 14 cloisters) 122; (S. Maria in Ara- Etruscan, Etruscans 6, 7 (see also coeli) 18; (S. Maria in Cosmedin) Museums, Etruscan) 82, 82; (S. Maria Maggiore) 111 EUR district 155 Counter-Reformation 9 Curia Senatus 24–25 F Curtius, Marcus 22 Farnese, Alessandro (see Paul III) Cybele, goddess 31 Farnese, Cardinal Alessandro (nephew of Paul III) 76 D Farnese Gardens 31–32 Dacia, Dacians 37, 37 Faustina, empress, temple of 25 Daniele da Volterra (Daniele Ric- Felix IV, pope 42 ciarelli; painter and sculptor; Ferri, Ciro (painter; pupil of Pietro 1509–66) 58, 58 da Cortona; 1634–89) 66 210 INDEX Fontana, Carlo (architect and Borghese) sculptor; 1634–1714) 47, 48 Galleria Colonna 47–48 Fontana, Domenico (architect; Galleria Doria Pamphilj 44–47 uncle of Carlo; 1543–1607) 52, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica 112, 121 (in Palazzo Barberini) 102–04; Fora, Imperial 36ff (in Palazzo Corsini) 91 Forum of Augustus 36, 42; Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Mod- (finds from) 38–39 erna 99 Forum of Caesar 41; (finds from) Vatican Picture Gallery 143–44 38 Garibaldi, Giuseppe 10, 91 Forum of Nerva 41, 42 Gaul, Gauls 7, 18 Forum of Peace (see Temple of Geese, sacred to Juno 18 Peace) Gentileschi, Orazio (painter; Forum of Trajan 36, 39; (finds 1565–1647) 102 from) 38 Gesù, church of 9, 76 Forma Urbis 42 Geta, son of Septimius Severus 24 Fornarina, La 102 Ghetto 79–80 Forum, Roman 20ff Ghirlandaio, Domenico (Do- Forum of Augustus etc (see Fora, menico di Tasso Bigordi; painter; Imperial) 1449–94) 151 Forum Boarium 83, 84 Giacomo della Porta (archtiect and Fountains sculptor; 1539–1602) 50, 112 Fontana della Barcaccia 56 Giotto (Giotto di Bondone; Fountain of the Four Rivers painter; 1266/67–1337) 143; 64–65 (works attributed to) 19, 122 Fountain of the Naiads 108 Giovanni da Milano (painter; ac- Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi tive 1346–69) 91 64–65 Giulio Romano (Giulio Pippi; Fontana delle Tartarughe 80 painter and architect; c. 1492– Fontana di Trevi 100, 101 1546) 92, 102, 143, 148 Fontana del Tritone 104, 104 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 52, Franks 8 71, 135; (museum) 52 Fuga, Ferdinando (architect; Golden House of Nero (see Domus 1699–1781) 111, 112 Aurea) Goths 8 G Gregory I (the Great, St) 125 Galatian Committing Suicide 71 Gregory VII, Pope 8 Galleries Gregory XI, Pope 8, 63 Galleria Borghese (see Museums: Guercino (Giovanni Francesco INDEX 211 Barbieri; painter; 1591–1666) Jubilee (see Holy Years) 14, 46, 117, 144 Judaea, Roman campaign in 26, 36, 41 H Julia, daughter of Augustus 60 Hackert, Jakob Philipp (painter; Julius Caesar 7, 21, 36, 41, 74; 1737–1807) 52 (Forum of) 41 Hadrian, emperor 37, 137; (archi- Julius II, Pope 9, 75, 143, 148, tecture by) 35, 60; (mausoleum 149; (and Sistine Chapel) 150; of) 137; (finds from villa at (tomb of) 115–17 Tivoli) 15, 16 Hannibal 7 K Helen, St 154; (tomb chest of) 148 Keats, John 56–57 Herodes Atticus 129 Keats-Shelley Memorial House Holbein, Hans the Younger 56–57 (painter; c.
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