Music Trade Review -- ©, -- digitized with support from 122 THE MUSICAL CRITIC AND TRADE REVIEW. December 5th, ABROAD. each of which had a sale of 100,000 copies. The prospects of a large sale of " The Ideal" are very The seven hundred and fifty-fourth concert of TRADE REVIEW promising, as it contains practical exercises and a the " Monday Pops," as they are called, took [On account of the crowded condition of our concise review of rudiments. We find in it many place October 31st at St. James' Hall, London. ohimns we are obliged to transfer some of our hymns and anthems of merit, especially well adapted A new opera, "L'Amicodi Casa," by Signor trade matter to the musical department.] for the purpose of the book. Cortesi, has been successfully produced at Flor- ' The Banner of Victory," a selection of songs, duets, ence, Nov. 1. quartets and choruses for Sunday-schools, prayer PUBLICATIONS. and praise meetings, by A. J. Abbey and M. J. Mun- The Congress of Milan treating of plain chant ARTHUR LAVIONE, 25 RUE ST. JEAN, CANADA. ger. This collection of musical numbers for the will hold an international congress of plain chant- "Estrella." Valse brillante. Composite par Jo- above-named purpose is designed as the legitimate ists (cantofermisti) at Arezzo, in September, 1882. seph Vezina. successor of " White Robes," from the same hands. The aim of this congress will be the restora- " White Robes" became a great favorite and intro- tion of the primitive liturgical chant according to " Mecanisme du Piano " par K. 0. Pelletier. duced the names appended to "The Banner of Vic- tradition. M. Poiset, a member of the executive tory" very extensively. " The Banner of Victory" M. GRAY, SAN FRANCISCO. cannot fail to become in a measure a necessity in committee as a representative of France, invites all Sunday schools, etc. those who are interested in this serious question to " We Only Meet as Strangers Now." Song for so- attend the congress at Arezzo. prano or tenor. Composed by J. F. Petri. Price, 35 cents. THE NEW PIANO EXCHANGE. Franz Hilmar, composer of the first Czeckish " Compositions brillantes pour le piano a quatre mains. Polka, the well-known " Esmeralda," died at Kal- German Waltz." Price, 50 cents. M WALTERS recently opened a piano ex- pidlno on Nov. 1. The polka is so named from the " Grelchen at the Spinning Wheel.'" Composed by R change at Nos. 57 & 59 University place half-step forming part of it (" polka" or " pulka" Joseph Low. Price, 40 cents. and has thus far been favored with a very encour- aging amount of patronage. Mr. Walters has se- " half.") It has long been a popular dance in Bo- " The Scent of the Rose is Sweet." Composed by hemia, but Hilmar was the first to set it and make Luscombe Scanelle and sung by Alice Dunning in cured commodious quarters which are tastefully furnished and is the manufacturer of theNarvesen it known generally. Hilmar also composed over 300 Camille." Price, 35 cents. pieces of dance-music and several masses. piano and at the exchange pianos will be exchanged, OLIVER DITSON, BOSTON. repaired, sold and rented. Money will also be Rubinstein's oratorio, "Paradise Lost," was to " The Banner of Victory." A selection of songs, advanced on pianos. The factory is at Nos. 230 be produced for the first time at Chemnitz, on duets, etc., for Sunday-schools prayer meetings and & 232 East Thirty-sixth street. Nov. 18th. the fiieside. By A. J. Abbey and M. J. Munger. A new opera by Lecocq, entitled " Le Jour et Price 35 cts. CONOVER BEOS.' PIANOS. la Nuit," was successfully produced at the ' The Ideal." A collection of new music with a "Theatre des Nouveautes," Paris, on Nov. 10th. course of elementary instruction for singing schools, LADY subscriber writes to us from Hiawatha, etc. By L. O. Emerson. Price 35 cts. A Brown County, Kansas, under date of Kov. Bummel plays at the Gewandhaus Concert, 26, and says: " I am very anxious to know what Leipsic, on Dec. 8. He thinks of residing per- S. S. STEWART, PHILADELPHIA. you think of Conover Brothers' pianos lately manently in Germany. •'The Neapolitan Mazurka.1' Composed and ar- manufactured in your city." Mr. Franz Hummel, after a season in London in ranged for the banjo by S. S. Stewart. Price, 25 We would say in reply that we never had an op- which he played at the Crystal Palace and Mr. cents. portunity to hear or examine Messrs. Conover Ganz's concerts, went to Berlin where he achieved " The Bavjo; Its Makers and Its Players." By S. S. Brothers' pianos, but know that some of them, at a pronounced success. Commenting on this fact Stewart. Price, 10 cents. least, are made by a prominent New York manu- facturer who supplies the trade. The A Iheuceum mentions his appearances in London G. D. RUSSELL, BOSTON. last season, and says: " But as so many pianists 1. " The Birthday " One of twelve pieces of the were then before the public, his merits may have In Childhood " collection, by Paul Hiller. The been to a certain extent overlooked." composer is evidently inspired with Schubert's rrthyms. This is in itself an excellent tendency. TRADE CHAT Liszt's " St. Elizabeth" was performed as an op- The composition is above the ordinary kind of pieces era at Weimar on October 23. gi' en to children for piano practice. Mr. George Gemiinder, of Astoria, L. I., has the reputation of being one of the most skillful makers At M. Colonne's concert at the Paris Chatelet, on 2. " Beggar Maid." Song. By Barnby. Published of violins, violas and violoncellos now living. November 6, Berlioz's " Episode de la Vie d'un Ar- under the caption of English Favorites. This song tiste" was announced for the first time. should be a favorite, as it is composed with taste and His quartette of remarkably fine instruments was contains rich harmonics. used by the New York Quintette Club at its first Mile. Lilli Lehmann, of the Royal Opera House, matinee at Steinway Hall, Nov. 23, and the vol- Berlin, opened as Marguerite de Valois in "Les OLIVER DITSON it Co., BOSTON. ume of tone produced by the four instruments Huguenots," a short engagement at the Theatre 1. " L'Addio." Vocal duett for soprano and tenor. was large enough to fill the hall, which has more Royal, Dresden. By O. Nicolai. Composed in the conventional Ital- than the usual dimensions. ian style, with peculiar rythmical changes, made for The " Emperor " violin which Gemiinder made Philipp Scharwenka has written an orchestral effect and to no purpose. The piano accompaniment work, " Wald und Berggeister," to be produced is exceedingly trivial. in imitation of the Joseph Guarnerius violins, at Leipzig and other German cities. was to have received the prize at the Vienna Ex- 2. " Forget me-Not " Waltz, for piano, by Avonia position, 1873, but the jury decided that it was au Why does the London Orchestra and the Choir Bonney. We will try our utmost to forget the original Guarnerius and only concluded otherwise quote us and credit the quotation to the America?/. waltz, although Bonney requests otherwise. The when too late. Although not receiving the great Musical Critic? This journal is called THE MUSI- " ben marcato 11 canto " with the hands crossing, prize, Mr. Gemiinder became famous the world is one of the neatest ideas we ever came across. CAL CRITIC AND TKAUE REVIEW, if you please. Patent applied for. over from that time. Ketten, the pianist, has been giving recitals in 3. "Inspiration,"' polka caprice, by S. W. Jamie- Henry Erben, the organ builder, is getting in Milan with greater success, apparently, than he son. A lively, spirited composition which can be more orders from churches and chapels than it is had here. played with good effect by most any pianist of usual possible for him to fill. He is at present erecting attainments. organs for the church of the Holy Comforter, Bal- Dengremont gave concerts in Trieste, Austria, timore, St. Patrick's Roman Catholic church, Al- during the last week of October. CHICAGO MUSIC CO., CHICAGO, III. " Dot Beautiful Hebrew Girl." Comic song, by bany, N. Y., Emanuel Church, Brooklyn, and is Th. Ritter, a pianist who was in this country Geo. Schleifarth, words by Harry G. Neeler. A ridi- taking out an old organ and replacing it with one about ten years ago, recently created much enthu culous attempt to write something and say some- of his latest design, at the Fifth Avenue Baptist siasm with his performances at the Cirque d'Ete. thing which combined amounts to nothing. The Church, New York. Paris. music belongs to the lowest strata of the common- It is rumored that the Dunham boys will start, Frau Sophie Menter opened the Spanish tour place. or be started, in the piano manufacturing business in Madrid, Nov. 2. M. GRAY, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. again. A statue of Berlioz is to be erected at Cote-Saint- 1. " We Only Meet as Strangers Now." Song for so- Mr. Henry Behning, of New York city, during Andre, where he was born. The subscriptions prano or tenor by J. F. Petri. Why do composers his visit to the Atlanta Exhibition, made Messrs. amount to a large sum. with evident talent like this Mr. Petri not take up a good subject and write a worthy song ? There are Phillips & Crew, of that city, agents for the sale Gounod's new oratorio, "The Redemption," to millions of songs just as poor as the above, compos- of his pianos.
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