E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2019 No. 94 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was Commissioner of Social Security and has been held by Democrats for polit- called to order by the President pro voted to advance several more highly ical purposes. It had nothing to do with tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). qualified nominees. the nominee or his qualifications for f Today we will vote to confirm three the position. Given the crisis ranging other executive branch nominees to from Libya to Yemen and almost ev- PRAYER important posts at the Departments of erywhere in between, it is past time to The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- State and Interior and at the CFTC, have an Assistant Secretary for Near fered the following prayer: and we will advance three more judi- East Affairs confirmed and on the job. Let us pray. cial nominees to fill seats on the U.S. Later today we will also confirm Eternal Father, the source of our District Court for the Eastern District Susan Combs to serve as Assistant Sec- hopes and dreams, You are the stable of Virginia and the Court of Federal retary of the Interior. Her non- influence that gives us peace in a some- Claims. controversial nomination has been times chaotic world. We praise You for So the Senate continues to clear the pending in the Senate since July. Lis- surrounding us with the shield of Your backlog left by more than 2 years of ten to this: since July of 2017—2 years, favor and love. systematic delays and obstruction that 700 days, just shy of 2 years. But start- Lord, continue to guide our law- extended even to nominees with major ing tomorrow, she will finally be on the makers as they trust You to direct bipartisan support—impressive, job. These are the kinds of nominees who their steps. Remind them that You will unobjectionable individuals who had once would have moved swiftly through not withhold good things from the up- spent months and, in some cases, well the Senate and certainly by voice vote. right. Use them to illuminate the dark- over a year on the Executive Calendar I wish we could rediscover that tradi- ness of faulty thinking and to make were finally granted straightforward tion, but one way or another, we will our Nation and world a better place to votes. The modest rules change the continue to make progress. live. Sanctify their thoughts as they Senate adopted this spring is already daily expose themselves to the wisdom making a change. f and consolation of Your holy Word. In 48 session days, from January BORDER SECURITY Lord, as we commemorate the 75th through April, we were able to confirm Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, anniversary of D-Day, increase our just 23 nominees. But in the 20 days im- on another matter, in addition to faith in the power of Your loving provi- mediately following the modest re- nominations, there are a number of dence. form, we confirmed 45, about twice as other important items that Congress We pray in Your strong Name. Amen. many in less than half the time, and, of ought to be able to tackle in the next f course, the number of confirmations several weeks. As I have mentioned has continued to climb in the weeks several times, we need continued nego- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE since then. We need to get these folks tiations in the Senate, the House, and The President pro tempore led the on the job for the sake of the country. the White House toward a bipartisan Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: The President—any President—should government funding agreement to set I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the be able to stand up a government. The up the appropriations process. We will United States of America, and to the Repub- American people deserve to be gov- also need to complete a National De- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, erned by the government they voted fense Authorization Act to address indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. for. critical national security challenges, f Many of the jobs that have been rebuild our military’s readiness, and needlessly held open are not typically modernize our Armed Forces to address RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY the highest profile positions, but they LEADER the growing challenges posed by great- are still hugely important. As I said power competitors like Russia and The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. yesterday, until we confirm David China. BLACKBURN). The majority leader is Schenker later today, his confirmation The headlines remain filled with the recognized. to hold the top Middle East job at the unacceptable, unsustainable security f State Department will have been held crisis and humanitarian crisis down on up for more than a year. This is the our southern border. By now, I am con- NOMINATIONS Middle East position at the State De- fident that every Member of Congress Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, partment. Yet, as the cloture vote indi- has heard the breathtaking numbers. yesterday the Senate voted to confirm cated, this qualified nominee carries We have all heard the chaos analyzed Andrew Saul of New York to serve as overwhelming support. The nomination 1,000 different ways. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S3223 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:26 Jun 06, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05JN6.000 S05JNPT1 S3224 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 5, 2019 What we haven’t seen is any appetite Addressing the security crisis and shot and killed on May 31. He was on the Democratic side for actually humanitarian crisis is not extraneous. known for his soft-spoken nature and getting an outcome. We haven’t seen It is essential. Migrants are experi- his powerful singing voice in his church the Democrats put aside their reflexive encing overcrowded and underequipped choir, and he was constantly affecting opposition to anything—anything—the facilities. Our law enforcement human- those around him with small but mean- President requests and face the facts. itarian professionals are crying out for ingful gestures of kindness. So allow me to repeat some of those help. The day that he was killed in Vir- facts yet again. We are all hoping they Look, I understand our Democratic ginia Beach, a close coworker of will sink in some time soon. One week colleagues find it extremely difficult to Ryan’s, Christi Dewar, was with him ago this morning, border agents en- put partisanship aside and work with when the shooting started. Ryan told countered the largest group of people the President the American people Christi and other colleagues to barri- attempting an illegal crossing that elected. I think the whole country sees cade themselves in the break room. they have ever, ever seen. They appre- very clearly that Democrats in Con- Christi implored Keith to join them in hended more than 1,000 individuals— gress seem to prefer picking fights with the break room, but he said to her ‘‘I the largest group ever. this President to actually getting have to go check on the other ones.’’ For consecutive months now, the much done. Their partisan spite must Keith left and was soon shot by the men and women who guard our border not prolong this misery any longer. As gunman as he was assisting other co- have apprehended more than 100,000 long as Democrats continue to drag workers in reaching safety. people—100,000. That is each month— their feet on this crisis, as long as they Christi said: 100,000 a month. We are talking about keep slow-walking funding that every- Every time I was upset, [Ryan] would give numbers not seen for more than a dec- one from President Trump to the New me a [big] hug. When I was upset about ade. And, as we all know, in particular, York Times sees is necessary, then, my something, he knew exactly what to say to the amount of families and children are colleagues across the aisle will con- make you smile. He’s the type of person who consistently record-breaking as well. tinue to own the consequences. It is on you know would lay down his life for some- The officials whom we trust to pro- them. one, just like he did. tect our borders—not to mention feed, I hope my Democratic colleagues will Bishop Williams of Faith World Min- clothe, and house these individuals— allow this legislation to move for- istries in Norfolk said that he had have been crying out for months that ward—no more poison-pill policy rid- known Keith and his family for years. their Agencies are stretched literally ers, no more political posturing. It is They were close, a very loving family, to the breaking point. One processing way past time for action. and had just been ‘‘leaders in the center that was designed to hold 125 is I suggest the absence of a quorum. church world,’’ Bishop Williams said. said to hold 900—900. The Director of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Ryan Keith Cox was 50 years old the Office of Refugee Resettlement has clerk will call the roll. when he was shot in Virginia Beach. predicted that the program for unac- The legislative clerk proceeded to companied children may exhaust all of f call the roll.
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