Eastern Illinois University The Keep January 1949 1-19-1949 Daily Eastern News: January 19, 1949 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1949_jan Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: January 19, 1949" (1949). January. 2. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1949_jan/2 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the 1949 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in January by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. es Eastern State· News "Tell .the Truth and Don't Be Afraid" EASTERN ILLINOIS STATE COLLEGE ...CHARLESTON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1949 ibit. ·features Second Entertainment Election tomorrow of Exploration' course next Wed. Choose class heads; thirty-six on ballot 'S ART department has to show "Age of Ex­ THE COLUMBIA Concert Trio THIRTY-SIX candidates will be voted on in the class �ections ," a photographic exhibi­ will p'resent the second program from a. m. to p. m. tomorrow under Old the editors of Life maga- 9 4: the clock in of a series of four in the enter­ Phi Sigs to hold Main. tainment course January in the 26 Offices to be voted on are president, vice-president, and exhibition was assembled Health Education building. Stu­ Crystal Ball Feb. lucation department of the dents will be admitted on recrea­ 4 secretary-treasurer of each class. Aspirants for senior president are the following: itan museum of art. 'tion tickets. CRYS·TAL BALL is only a little n, Howard "Slug" Barnes, PE in the group are .photo­ Pianist Richard Gregor won a ston; over two weeks away. Jt will roductions of 15th and major from Tuscola. "Slug" scholarship for study with tlie late immediately follow the important 1tury engravings, wood­ Olga Samaroff Stokowski at the Movie 'As You Like It' is a member of Sigma Tau J>aintings. home-floor basketball game be­ Gamma fraternity and Varsity Philadelphia Conservatory. Fol­ at next week's assembly Uection is on display in lowing his New York Town Hall tween Eastern and Indiana State club, and was voted most valua­ ble football player. of the art department. debut in 1946 the 'New York Times of Terre Haute, two weeks from SHAKESPEARE'S "AS You Like Interpretations of ab­ had this to say about his perfor­ Friday evening. It,'' an English film, will be Don Musselman, versatile actor mance: "H has a mind of his own ,intings as an introduc­ e Phi Sig.ma Epsilon frater­ shown at assembly next Wednes­ from LaGrange. Don is an English and when· he undertakes a piece d. major, a member of Theta Phi, the Iowa art show and the nity, sponsor of this annual day in the Old Ap of music, he treats it as if it meant Players, and the Independent Stu­ Exploration" exhibition by Laurence Olivi�r and Elizabeth something to him . • he has a all-school affair, last week dent Union. 43 .gazine are on� ex:Q.ibit Berger star in the production. J 63- department. 'I'hese o fresh, personal approach." signed Stan Sterbenz for a re­ Roger Sorenson, PE major from !w Length of the movie is about .d from page 'Cellist Ardyth Walker won turn engagement on this cam­ will remain in the art an hour and a half with a 15 min­ Mattoon. Roger is a member of t with eight for· the remainder of a scholarship at the age of 15 pus. the Varsity club and Phi Sigma sco: t ute intermission. · t half, the - at the Oberlin Conservatory of Many will reme�ber Stan Ster­ Epsilon fraternity. ¥illiam A. H :rpretations are to give Music. Last year in her first benz from last year for hii:; smooth, Nominees for senior vice­ �eak began cl appearance in Washington, delightful music of the pleasing, '1c a better understanding president include Robert Dro­ hers started D. C., the Evening Star re­ ctions by means of com- danceable type which has made Easton accepts iob let, James Jones, and Bob ilftime score bstractions, according ported "an impfessive debut," him a favorite on the campus at Olson. ,t rs, are the individualis­ also "a lovely tone, rich in Indiana university. His band has "Bob'' Drolet, PE major from ents of form, line and volume and quality and sup.­ not only gained outstanding popu­ with biological supply Kankakee is a member of Phi Sig­ to stimulate the viewers ported by a prodigious techni­ larity on the Bloomington campus, ma Epsilon fraternity. que." DELBERT EAST N, zoology de­ ination. Senior students but also through their out-of-town O James Jones is a botany and partmental assistant, has ac­ ·eloped the interpretation Ariana Bronn, violinist, is the engagements. zoology major from Altamont. He cepted a position with the General are Dorothy Cooley, Lovell third member of the trio. At the The Crystal Ball an informal is a Chi Rho pledge. Biological Supply House of Chi- ·h Everson, Wesley Hilli- age of 12 she made a Carnegie dance, will be presented the even­ Bob Olson, St. Elmo, is a mem­ cago. 1ter Marlow, John Mc• Hall debut. In the words of the ing of February 4, between 9 :30 ber of Sigma Tau Gamma, East­ rge Moritz and Patricia New York Herald Tribune "she is and 12 :30. Tickets are $1.20 per Mr. Eastons duties will consist ern State club, Varsity club, and a full-fledged young artis�." person (tax included). of caring for live cultures and basketball squad. other living material as well as Senior candidates for secre­ taking various trips to Louisiana, tary-treasurer are Jeanne English exam Florida and into other southern Ashby, Virginia Burmeister, Pianist-dean states. and Neal Hudson. exhibits talent; General Biological is the largest Jeanne is a member of Delta given Monday supply house of i�s kind in the Sigma Epsilon, Eastern State United States. ENGLISH examinations entertains with sweet, swing club, and one of Eastern's drum majorettes. She is a music major given from 7 10 p. m., to DEAN HOBART F. Heller is noted for his professional and and was recently selected for day in rooms 33, 34, 35, of Old Main. administrative abilities, but it• was not widely known, 130 "Who's Who in American Univer­ 1d 38 Art projects sities and Colleges." th junior English ex­ until recently, that he has musical talent. e Virginia Burm![!ister, zoology is a requirement for Surprised and pleased students first learned this fact major from· Danville, is a member . The examination takes shortly before the Christmas holidays, when they were enter­ shown in Main hall THE CURIOSIT..Y-arousing exhi- of the Zoology Seminar, WAA, over all other school tained during the supper hour at the cafeteria by his delight­ bit of elementary and art majors Players and ISU. She is president and all juniors and nts, ful little impromptu piano on display in the show cases in the of Pemberton hall. Who have not passed it renditions, which ranged Main hall this week is some of the N�l Hudson, Olney, is a mem­ on hand at the time and out of it as the listener. from "Jingle Bells" to projects completed in Art ber of Sigma Tau Gamma, basket­ 1ounced. Throughout his high ·school 130. "Twelfth Street Rag." career at Berwick, Penn., he play­ Color and form are play­ ball squad, and Varsity club. taking the examina­ Hidden talent? How to play the ed with various little groups for fully combined in the three­ Junior class president can­ be required to make an , piano in ten easy lessons? Or had dancing. Best known were the dimensional abstractions for didates are Charles Pritchett, outline for a composi- M.ax he just been holding out on us all Keystone Serenaders, a six-piece texture effects and use of line Reed, and Jack Tenison. not fewer than six hun­ this time? The last would be dance band. and area. The collages are Charles "Chuck" Pritchett, PE on one of the topics closer to the truth. It was here that it was proved combinations of desk-drawer major from Grayville, is a mem­ at time of examina­ ber of the Radio club and ISU. Dean Heller is a musician from it could be done-you can make accumulations that should then to write the compo- Max Reed, Lerna, is a member way back. His interest in music danceable music with just a piano, have been discarded. With 1ed for by that outline. of Phi Sigma Epsilon fraternity. is personal and spontaneous. a saxophone and drums. some imagination the articles expected that the Dean Heller was playing dance Jack Tenison is a speech major · Never havin!J undertaken a formal have been mounted on heavy all show clear and music around the end of the Dixie­ ·cardboard with interesting ef­ from Mattoon and a member of Lthi nking, abundant study of music, he plays for danc­ Sigma Tau Gamma. ing and entertainment. land jazz period, when a standard fects. •nd the observance of jazz band consistell of a sax, a Nominees for junior vice­ He started'taking piano les­ , 1cipals of good form," trombone, a banjo, a violin, drums president are Don Brauer sons at the age of Dean 'ger said. 11. and pi;mo. · Leonard Bujnowski, Jack Heller has not always played Zoology department 1per is carefully read by No self-respecting j a z z Henschen, Clarence "Ken­ tuck" Musgrave, and Nellie rs of the English de- strictly for entertainment, musician then would be hires Mildred Creek May Shepard.
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