Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00907-3 — Divining the Etruscan World Jean MacIntosh Turfa Index More Information I N D E X abortion, 119 , 165 , 193 Apka llū , 244 , 274 , 355 acorns, 140 , 152–53 , 154 , 157 , 158 , 160 Apote lesmatika , 279 , 292 Acqua Acetosa Laurentina, 148 Apries (Arnth Apries of Tarquinia), 49 Acquafredda, 151 Apsu, x , 355 Acquarossa, 161 , 210 , 312 Apuleius, 59 , 291 Adad, 66–67 , 115 , 183 , 243 , 248 , 249 , 253 , 256 , Arabs, 123 306 , 326 Aramaic (language, inscriptions), 268 , 274 , 280–82 Adad-aplu-iddina, 244 Aranth Heracanasa, 222 Adapa, 244 , 262 Arbores infelices , 287 Aequi, 197 Arene Candide, 188 Aesculapius (Asklepios), 28 , 59 Arezzo, 182 , 217 , 227 aesir (aeseras, aiseras ), 50 , 60 , 257 Aristotle, 37 “affl iction of plenty,” 196 Arnth Praxias, 216 Ager Faliscus , 214 “Arruns,” 27–29 , 60 , 125 , 316–17 Agrimensores (surveyors’ guild), 125 arthritic conditions, 176 , 178 , 179 , 180 , 193 Ahiqar , 272 artists’ signatures, 222 Airs , Waters, Places (Hippokratic), 183 , 186 , 188 Arval Brethren, 22 , 133 Akkadian omen literature, 281 a š akku -disease, 118 , 181 A k k o , 6 6 Ashur, 66–67 Alalia (naval battle), 139 , 192 , 197 Ashurbanipal, 235 , 248 , 254 , 260 , 262 , 268 , 271 , A lamdimm û , 243 , 244–45 273 , 275 , 276 , 277 , 352 Alban Mount, 166 library of, viii , 245 , 248 , 252 , 256 , 274 , 275 , 305 , Albegna valley, 172 352 A lmagest , 259 Ashurnasirpal, 67 , 268 , 352 Almu ñ ecar, 269 Astarte, 25 Alvethna family, 258 asthma, 183 , 192 Amarna tablets, 262 Astro logoumena , 292 Ammianus Marcellinus, 51 , 288 Athenio, 126 Amurru (West), 111 , 121 , 250 , 336 Athens, 224 , 271 anatomical votive models, 169–70 Athens Codex 10 , 123 anemia, 141 , 172 , 174 , 177 , 180 , 185 Atilius (Marcus), 135 animals, 119–20 , 138–39 , 153 audio frequencies, 38–39 animal sacrifi ce, 20 Augustine, 291 Anna les Maximi , 35 Augustus/Octavian, 8 , 194 Anna ls (Assyrian), 59 Avellino event, 46 , 156 , 351 Anophe les mosquitoes, 195–96 avi l (Etr. “year”), 109 anthrax, 188 , 190 , 190 n. 118 , 197 Antiates Maiores (Fasti) , 107 Bab-edh-Dra, 188 Antium (Anzio), 107 Babylon, 113 Antonine (Aurelian) plague, 166 , 190 n.121 , 192 Babylonian/Akkadian texts, 181 Antony (Marcus Antonius), 289 Baby lonian Planetary Omens , 112 399 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00907-3 — Divining the Etruscan World Jean MacIntosh Turfa Index More Information 400 * Index Babylonian system (calendar, time-reckoning), Camillus, 143 109 , 328 Campania, 157 , 158 , 166 , 174 Balaerics (Balaeric islands), 39–40 Campanians, 214 Balas î , 254 Campester/Campestrio, 282 Banche, 207 Campo della Fiera, Orvieto (fanum Voltumnae ) , Barche di Solferino, 147–48 , 154 , 207 66 , 220 barley, 139 , 143 , 155 , 157 , 159 Campylobacter, 200 barometric pressure, 171 , 183 , 189 camthi eterau , 218 , 231 B ā r ûtu , 243 , 257 , 280 , 355 Cannicella goddess (Orvieto), 307 Bauernrege ln , 249 Canticum Rusticum , 142 berries, 152 Capito, see Fonteius Capito Beth Shean, 66 Capua tile, 5 , 23 , 34 , 106–8 , 125 , 127 , 134 , 206 , 217 , bibbu (pestilence, Mesopotamia), 181 274 , 309 , 355 Bidenta l/bidentalia , 59–60 , 63 , 210 , 306 , 309 caries (tooth decay), 175 , 176 , 180 bifurcate tooth roots, 177 Carthage, 41 , 220 biometeorology, 183 Casale Marittimo (Casalvecchio), 150 , 154 , 230 , bird(s), 119 , 146 , 156 , 198–200 271 n.151 birqu , bir -qa , 49 , 67 Castel di Decima, 273 births, abnormal, 251 Castel San Mariano (chariot), 61 bir ûtu , 49 Castenaso, 159–60 , 179–80 Bisenzio, 230 , 235 Castiglione, 176 n.37 blind-mice, 151 catasterism, 8 boar(s), 120 Catiline, 14 Bogazkh ö y, 66 Cato, 144 , 209 Bologna, 156 , 175 , 182 , 213 , 214 , 220 , 224 , 286 cats, 151 Bologna tintinnabu lum , 236 cattle, 144–45 , 159 , 161 , 198 Bolsena, 46–47 , 65–66 Cel (goddess, “Earth”), 109 bones, 173 , 176 , 178 Celano, 159 borers, 151 “Celer,” 106 Boscoreale, 145 , 146 Censorinus, 29–31 boundary (-ies), 125 cereals, 143 , 155 , 160 , 162 , 174 bounty, 118 C e r v e t e r i , see Caere bowls, metal (Assyrian), 273 , 309 Chaldei, 7 , 12 , 14 Bozzolo (Mantua), 162 (Chaldeans), 34 , 123 , 355 bronchitis, 188 chariots, 197 , 205 , 222 , 234–35 bronto logion, brontologia , ix , 123 , 259 , 281 , 293 , chestnut(s), 160 , 162 311 chicken, 146 , 156 Brontoscopic Calendar , Etruscan chickenpox ( Herpes zoster / shingles), 191 English translation, 86–101 childbirth, 119 , 165 , 171 , 221 Greek text, 73–85 childhood diseases, 191 , 199 brontoscopium , brontoscopia , 105 , 108 , 276, children, 211–12 Chapter 9 passim , 289 , 293 , 355 Chiusi, 62 , 172 , 178 , 218 , 220 , 225 , 228 , 257 brucellosis, 188 , 192 , 193–94 , 197 chlamydiosis, 198 bubonic plague (Y ersinia pestis ), 166 , 171 , 192 cholera, 171 , 184 Budrio, 180 Christian epitaphs, 195 Bu lla , 212 Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 5 , 6 , 19 , 21–22 , 31–33 , Byblos, 66 53–55 , 131 , 286–87 , 353 Byzantinisms, 12 , 25 , 124 De divinatione , 112 , 241 , 315–16 (Appendix A Byzantium, 25 text 1) , 320–21 (Appendix A text 6) De haruspicum responso , 13 , 19 , 32 , 126 , 312 , Cadiz (Gadir), 269 317–18 (excerpts = Appendix A text 3) Caecina/Caicna (family, various members of), viii , Cicu, Nae (Gnaeus), 257 26 , 57 , 112 , 282 , 286–87 , 353 citizens, 206 Caere/Cerveteri, 25 , 146 , 147 , 148 , 172 , 219 , 220 , Civil War (Roman) 26 , 229 230 , 271 , 287 Civitavecchia, 148 Caeretan inscriptions, 216 Claudius (emperor), 5 Caeretans, plague affecting, 139 , 192 , 197 Claudius Tuscus, 11 , 108 , 124 , 282 , 283–85 (Table Caesar, 8 , 14 , 15 , 31 , 112 , 139 , 229 , 353 9.1) , 286 , 289–95 , 311 Cafates/Cafatius, 49 , 51 , 257 Cleopatra, 289 calendars, comparative table, 328 c liens libertus , 218 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00907-3 — Divining the Etruscan World Jean MacIntosh Turfa Index More Information Index * 401 climate change, 38–39 Decemviri sacris faciundis , 28 Cloaca maxima , 186 deer, 145 , 161 Clodius Pulcher (Publius), 19 , 32 , 127 , 353 deformity, 198 , 199 Cnaeus Flavius, 23 Delphi, 192 , 271 Codex Caseolinus , 11 Demaratus, 268 , 310 , 352 codices with bronto logical texts Demeter and Persephone, 28 Athens 2 , 299 dendrochronology, 151 Athens 5 , 299–300 dental health, 178 , 180 Athens 10 , 300 destruction, 181 , 198 Athens 11 , 300–31 , 302 deteriores , 126–27 Berlin 25F.12, 295–96 diarrhea, 186 , 187 Berlin 26F.152V, 296 Dii (various: Superiores , Involuti, Penates, Con- Bologna 18 , 294 sentes et Complices ), 58 , 325 El Escorial 1 (F.161), 301 Dii animales , 290–91 (also title of work by Labeo) El Escorial 1 (F.165), 301 , 302 , 345–48 (Appen- Dii Involuti , 61 dix C text 3) Diodorus Siculus, 52–53 , 136 , 353 Geoponica 1.10 , 301–2 , 348–49 (Appendix C Library of History excerpt, 318–19 (Appendix text 4) A text 4) London Harleian 47 , 298–99 Dionysios of Halikarnassos, 44 , 135 , 167 , 353 London Regius 48 , 299 diphtheria, 189 Milan 19F315, 294 diplomats, Aegean, 266 Naples 20F123V–125V, 294–95 discord ( διχονοία ), 111 , 217 Naples 20F.125v–127, 295 disease(es), 118 , 125 , 129 , 181 , 195 Paris 35 , 296 o f fl ocks, animals, 119 Paris 43 , 297 predictions, Chapter 6 passim Paris 44 , 297–98 (multiple texts) “Disease of Canaan,” 190 Paris 61 , 298 Divination coins, 148 “ a r t i fi cial,” 242 colonization, 197 “natural,” 241 Columella (De re rustica ), 123 , 144 , 147 , 151 , 162 , divination literature, Canaanite, Phoenician, 192 , 290 , 353 265–66 comet(s), 10 , 26 , 31 dog(s), 120 , 159 , 192 , 197 , 252 commonwealth, 205 donkey (bones), 271 C o m o , see Vigna di Mezzo Dorotheus of Sidon, 292 Consentes (Dii Consentes ), 57–58 δουλομαχία , 229 Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, 301 δούλος , 226 Constantinople, 3 , 9 , 16 , 124 , 192 , 205 downfall (of one in power), 118–19 consumption ( φθίσις ) 188–89 “dragon” (mu š hu llu ), 120 Corinthians, 275 , 310 Drusus (M. Livius) 29 Cornel fruits/berries (dogwood), 152 , 154 , 156 , duck, 155 160 “dumb animals” ( ἄλογοι ), 130 , 139 , 197 cosmic rays (galactic cosmic rays), 37–40 dysentery, 186 costume/clothing, 215 “cough,” 187–88 earthquake, 253 , 283–85 (Table 9.1) , 286 Creice, 222 eclipse, 27 , 44 , 164 , 165 n.2 , 183 , 250 cribra orbitalia , 174 , 175 , 180 , 185 Egyptian calendar, 109 Croce del Papa, see Nola (Croce del Papa) Elam, 264 crop rotation, 170 electrical storms, 183 C-section, 170 E logia Tarquiniensia , 231 , 288 Cumae, 215–15 Emar, 264 cunicu li , 186 , 195 enamel hypoplasia, 173 , 175 , 176 , 178 , 180 , 185 Cures Sabini, 148 , 151 Enbu -bēl- arhim , 247 curia (curiae) , 130 , 229 Enkomi, 265 Curtius, Marcus, 130 Enmeduranki, 243 , 351 Cusna, 222 Enoch, ix Cybele, 28 enteric disease, 186 , 197 Cyprus, 4 , 234 , 271 , 274 Enuma Anu Enlil , ix 114–16 , 118–19 , 121 , 122 , 123 , 124 , 151 , 165 n.2 , 181 , 181 n. 67, 183 , Daunians, 214 190 n.119, Chapter 8 passim , 244–45 , 248 , David, ix, (Table 9.1) 249–50, Chapter 9 passim , 311 , 328–31 , 355 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00907-3 — Divining the Etruscan World Jean MacIntosh Turfa Index More Information 402 * Index environmental change(s), 20 ; see also fodder, 158 , 162 Hallstatt Minimum Fonteius Capito, 11 , 14 , 18 , 34 , 108 , 124 , 259 , 282 , Ephemeris , 290 283–85 (Table 9.1) , 288–89 , 311 “epidemic of Perinthos,” 198 Brontoscopia , 339–43 (Appendix C text 1) Epidemics (Hippokratic text), 199 f o o d epilepsy (bennu ), 118 , 181 offerings, 153 Erechtheus,
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