Serving The State University of Iowa and t},e People of Iowa r.Uy EStablished In 1868 N;:e Cen[~ a Copy \Il'nlOt-r UI ASSOCiated I:'rl'SS - At> Leased Wire Ijnd photo servIce Iowa City, la., thurSday, April 4. 1957 ----~----------------------------------------------~------~----~--------------------------------------------~--------------~~----~~------ SUI Council Elects Head, ,Israel Threatens. T·o Erect four Others By DON FtNLEY Doll, I.WAh 810rt Writ •• ror the eighth year in (I row Lhe MJI Student Council has chosen a law student for its president. Bill Teter. L2, Des MOines, and >\ P Wlreph,t. the other four Council officers were I lit tile head of eltctcd at the first meeting of the Cypriot leatlet. Unsatisfied 1957-58 Council Wednesday night. on the Cypriot Doctrine lakarios refuNd Teter won, 10·8. over Rodney is release spt<~ Miller, L2, Iowa City, the other nominee. Other elected officers Underway in With UN-Egypt are: Larry Popotsky, A3, Oskaloosa, tice·president; Midd/e-Eqst Gaza Pact ~aler Cheryl Brown, At. Waterloo. reo By MILES TURN BUL L rording secretary; Dally Iowan Stall Writer WASHINGTON IA'I - The Senate JERUSALEM 1.4'1 - Israel threat­ Concerned with what he described as "the most prevalent unsoll'cd Foreign Relations Committee was ened Wednesday to erect hcr own Jackie McDonald. A2, Marshall. health problem in recent years." Yale Sociologist A. B. Hollingshead notified Wednesday lhat the new barbed wire fence along the Gaza IBwn, corresponding secretary; said here Wednesday the problem of mental illness is most acute fot Eisenhower Middle Easl program Boy/s Strip border to keep out Amb in· Richard Wolfe, M3. Donellson. those least able to aHord it. :s underway. Appearing at the first nation-wide Institute on Prcvcntil'e Psychiatry filtrators and suicidal commando treasurer. It received word from the State at the Iowa Memorial Union. Hol- raiders. Popofsky, Miss Brown and Miss Department of the <wpartmcnt's lingshead reported the results of a Declaring Isr81'1'5 d i.~salisfaction :ution McDonald were elected to their G 1 W·f intenllon to provide emergency survey which ~eveale~ that 55 per I with arrangement UN Secretory posts without competition. Wolfe enera e !'conomic assistance to Lebanon. 52-year-old Onaa. cent of all senou ly dI sturbed per- , General Dag Hammarskjold made won over two other nominees, Jer· sons in his study came from 18 " C h air man Green CD·n.1.) with Egypl to suppress across·the· ld police Tue da, ry Lambert. A3, Maquoketa; and wouldn·t disclose the nmount of or the population sur- border raids Crom Gam. a Foreign 7, was accidenta~ Charles Schmidt, E1. Charles City. e~~c:ent Stiof; F r~ n ch , money hivolved in the Lebanon hi)e the two were Ministry official said his govern· The 18 per cent represents the \ [)roject, but it was said to be in leal wires [rOll Teter. member oC the 1954-5' ment wants a phySical barrier fol' Council, said in an election speech: class ranking lowest in terms of Sid· H 1...1 the neighborhood of $10 million. the 26 by 6-mile area. "I have no panaceas for Council Dill)' towan 'Photo by Ibnl G. Myhre economic. social and educational 0 Ie r e 't-I The department's notice was -lor Ernc-st Bro\lb resources. Hollingshead said the He said Israel is discussing with Iler. Otto Glaser, troubles, but I do know the prob­ r~ad at a closed session oC the representatives of the UN Emer­ lems we face:' NEW STUDENT COUNCIL president, William Teter, L2, Des Moines, center, was elected Wedntid,y persons in this clas are semi­ ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. IA'I - A committee. his panic he ha4 night. Larry Popofsky, A3, Oskaloosa, right, was elected vice·president and Cheryl Brown, Al, Wat.r- skilled and unskilled workers, most gency Force IUNEF) the erection body ond his sev. "Past councils have Cailed to sell retired Army general, who develop­ Unde~ the Middle East resolu· of two rows of barbed wire 30 feet 100, recording secretary. Teter is the eighth law st udent in succession to b. alecteg to the pre5ident's of whom had not completed grade ed Lhe ' C . and K ratiohs used by is truck, taken"n Iheir ideas and decisions to the post. Not pictured. Jackie McDonald, ~, Marshalltown, recording secretary, and Richard Wolfe, Ml, tion, the administration Is required apart. with the area between mined school. armed forces during World War II, to advise congressional committees ht was a hospital student body." he said, iC elected Donnellson, treasurer, both of whom were elected last night. Hollingshead's survey also show­ and noodlighted. • npcd it. ) will work to solve the specific and his wife were shot to death in 15 days in advance of any spending --._------- ed that once a person in this class their luxurious home in the Snell If the discussions do nol result body was discol. problems of difCerent student is admitted to a state hospital he it undertakes and of the country in implementing such an id!'a, he las County Hospi. groups as they relate to the Coun· Isle rcsidentia) area Wednesday in which it is to be used. tends to stay there . I n a later night. added. Israel is considerinlt erecj, I lilution for tbe cil." Renewed' Chile Riots Ike Names study oC 100 patients in a state hos· The resolution pI dges the United ing a barrier 01 her own stong llft! ~ally ill. officers Teter said that he would "strive pial, Hollingshead found that the County police arrested a French States to use its armed forces. if border. now marked over most of i had been tor· to guide the Council," but that his patients included in this study had war bero in the couple's Cadillac necessary, to help any Middle East Its length only by a plowed ditch. after a three-mile chase and held gavel "Would not be used to stine Against Living Costs Woman to been in the institution a mean of nations attacked by Communist The official made the statement )Ietely burned til discussion at Council meetings." 221,2 years. him Cor questionIng. forces and requesting aid. dy. in connection with ' an assertion Teter represents Quadrangle dor. SANTIAGO, Chil~ IA'I - Street mobs fought soldiers and police in The lOO-case study, conducted Brig. Gen. Wilbur R. McReyn- It also authorizes President Ei­ that Palestine units of the Egyp­ of tht' burns on the heart of Chile's capital Wednesday in renewed rioting against the mitory : Popofsky, Inter·Fraternity Press Staff over a period of five years, was 0Ids •. 64. was struck by five bul­ senhower to spend up to $200 mil· tian army have returned to the the po sibility u runaway cost of living. designed to reveal whether the ori­ lets from a .22 callber pistol and and a pathologist Council; Miss Brown. Currier dor. lion dollars in emergency economic Gaza Strip. and thul this WGS a mitory; Miss McDonald. Panhel­ Official figures placed the number of dead at 11 and the injured WASHINGTON 1.4'1 - Mrs. Ant;le ginal findings were valid since his wife, Faye. 61. was shot twicc his . at about BO. and military assistance to help bol· turther step in the "re·Egyptian­ lenic Council and Wolfe, Town Wheaton, onetime newspaperwom­ tranquili2ing drugs had come into in the living room of their home. ster Mideastern economies and de­ lzation" of the controversial area. ser at first insist· Reliable non-official sources estimated at least 40 were dead and widespread use. -en the boy sincf )len. an who has directed women's pub­ Detective Lt. Ralph H. Lee said fenses. The spending of the money Isrllel seized the coastal strip hundreds injured in a week·long wave of disorder. Results showed that tranquilizers two counts of murder would be l after a half-day Property damage was estimated in elCcess of $2 million. liCity for the Republican National does not require further congres· last November to smash comman­ "were not emptying the hospitals," filed Thurs~ay a~ainst Maurice M. sional approval, only notification, Imit trd the death Col. Benjamin Videla. interior minister, asked leaders of all the Committee for 18 years. was nam· Hollingshead said. ' do bases where she alleged Arab hr att('mpted thd * * * Cravigny, 44, of Paris. who had refugees from Palestine were train­ Council Win Sfudy political parties to suppor~ governmental extraordinary powers pro­ ed associate White House press Hollingshead noted thal some been a guest in the McReynolds ' po als in the crisis. 750,000 mentally ill are in Am!'ri­ ed in commando-style raids by home since last Thanksgiving. k' )t d as saying Il It was the most serious outbreak President Carlos Ibanez, now 79, secreta~ Wednesday. can hospitals, and almost as many H V t Egyptian army officers. I pol with a pair Plans to Reapportion has faced since riot!'rs turnrd h1m out of office in his first trrm 26 It is the first such appoinLment more receive care from other sour­ Lee said Chavigny orally admit· ouse 0 es Prime Minister David Ben-Gu­ As h saw ll! year ago. for a woman. ces. ted the shooting and gave this ac· rion ordered withdrawal of his It th wrong Wilt The new SUI Student Council Defying emergency military law c\amJ,led on Ihe entire nation, President Eisenhower himself. in A 1956 publication of the Towa count: troops from the arep after For­ nil" Donnie, donI voted We sday to e. tabltsh a truckload· of riQter from the outlying poorer sections joined in W dnes­ Association {or Mental Health Chavigny ealOO from France at F d SI h a surprise move, made the an­ un s as eign Minister Golda A1 Ir told the boy hit the wire special committee to study the "re- day's demonstrations to complain of a new spurt in the innation spiral states that more than 11.000 people the in vitalion of the couple and UN General Assembly it was Is­ :la,h oC name.
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