1 . r.rr' \\ ■ ’■...........' T#BNtlf-EIGHT WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,1954 Avenife Daily Nat Praaa Run fb r the Week Ended iianrI;?Btfr lEttrnftu} ll^raUt Sept. 11. 1864 I Of O. E Wa Regtotratloas a n being taken at The Toung l^ p le 's Zone Rally 11,305 ,^Ux>ut Tow n the TWCA office at the Oommu- will be held tlw evening at 7:45 Jacobsong Buy hlty T for the playschool spon* at the Church" of the Nasarepe. Dumschat'Gorens Wedding Msnsbsr o t Urn Audit aored by the TW. The office U Guest speakers will be the Rev. Bnrwui of areolatloa Tt. Oirli Frlmdly Society open ’ from • a.m. to 4 p.m. and GHmt Cross and the Rev. Lyle Main Street Home __ « of S t Ittry 'i BpiKopiil school begins next week. Friday Calhoun. Tomorrow ■ at 6:45 the MancheMtor— A City o f VUlago Charm iinrch a n openlnc Ita 1954 aea> will be "Acquaintance Day,” when Youth Caravan will have their Dr.mnd Mrs. Charles E. Jacob-, •on with a covend diah aupper mothen and children nuy visit the meeting at the Youth Building,' son, Jr., of 45 Wyllya St., hava VOL. Lxxm, N a SOI tCInsaifted Aivsrtlalkg an Paga U) FrWiy oveidnc at the Pariah classnom at i9:30 in the morning. Nasarene Park. Im ANCHESTER, CONNn THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 16,1954 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICK Houaa a t S:SO- Evelyn Lambert, Just purchased an eight room preiM m t will welcome the clergy The Merrlweds, married couples Duplicate bridge will be played house and the surroundln|i prop­ and their wivea, 'and the membera group, will have a catered- supper, tomorrow night at the VFW Hall erty kt 172 E. Center and Hamlin and their invited gueats. Speaker Friday at T p.m. at the Second starting promptly at 8:0S p.m. Last Streets,-adcordlng to George Gra- Dulles Sees will be Kiaa Edna Fox, preaident Oongngatlonal Church. Mrs. Thursday night's winners • were ziadio, realtor who handled the Adenauer Blasted of the O.F.E of Connecticut, who Stanley MattesM,, |488 Parker St. north-south: Mr. and Mrs. Sedge- transaction. win ahow moviea of her trip of the wick and Arthur and Donald Dr. Jacobson plans to convert BHUah lalea. may ^ contacted for those who U-’ would like free baby sitters that, Sherry: east-west: Joseph Toce the building, which is Just inside a A s ia S a v e d evening. and William Butcher and Len business zone, to offices suid wait­ U. S. to Back British A •pedal meeting of St. Bride- By Socialists over O'Connor and James Baker. ing rooms Sind will divide his time et’a Cemetery Aaen. wTl be held between his Manchester and Hart­ toltaorrow n ii^t at 8 o'dock in the Manchester. Elks who. plan to William A. Bayer, son of Mr. and ford practices. B y S E A T O Church Halt ' attend the institution cennionies Mrs. Irving Bgyer of 14 Stephen and banquet of Branford Lodge St., has been enrolled as a fresh- Mrs. Jacobson ssid yesterday that probably both the first two ^Secret Decisions^ A eon, Steven Alan, waa Iwm Saturdsy and who have not noti* ihan at Massachusetts Institute of Washington, Sept. 16 ()P)— Sept. 12 at the Hartford Hoapital fied the local committee chairman. Technology in Cambridge, Mass. flPors will be used for the offices Secretary of State Dulles to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sessions James H. McVeigh are urged to Bayer graduated from Manchester and waiting rooms with no changes planned for the third Bonn, Crarmany, Sept. 16'*they reached the Soviet sector of switched hie drive for strong­ of 58 West S t do so before noon tomorrow. High School with the class of 1954. Berlin, er anti-Communist defenses To Rearm West Germany story. ,,,, (/P) — Parliament heard a The SooialUta particulariy aa- The property, with about 100 charge today that Chancellor aailed Schroader for maintaining to Europe today — outwardly foot ftontage 'bn '. East Centsr confided that a strong bar­ .Street and -150 on Hamlin, waa Konrad Adenauer’g ’’■ystem to the end that John wga abducted. sold by Anthony and. Crescenso of secret decisions" is endan­ John awltehed sidee July 20 and rier has been erected against later told the World Preas he did any new Red aggression in Three Return to Freedom DcClantis. Atty Jay E- Rubinow gering democracy in West It voluntarily as a protest against represented both the purchasers Germany. rebirth of "Naslam” in .Wast Ger­ southeast Asia. and the sellers In the sale. The attack waa led by Socialiat many. Dulles said In a broadcast re­ New V deputies. They demanded that In­ Schroeder told tha deputies he port to the nation last night that terior'' Minister Gerhard Schroeder did not want to minimize the John he believed ' the new Southeast resign and that a full-scale Inquiry case^, but "it is not a catastrophe." Asia Defense Pact would make F O R RENT be undertaken into the defection of His comment aroused a storm of "substantial contribution" to the Security Director Otto John and a protest fro the opposition .benches, preservation of free governments 4 .R O O M ' $ deputy of Adenauer’a Chriatian and to the blocking of further aces quickly quelled, by the gavel. /O FH C E SUITE Democratic (CDUJ party to the Communist expansion. With Feather Communist East. The Interior Minister went on Furthermore, he pictured "pow­ Excellent decor — complete Adenauer, Buffeted by election to aay:: ^ erful naval and air forces” of the 1— There Is no evidence Unking ite THE ASSOCIATED PRESS facilitlee. Center Street " ...v ........... /■ aetbacks to the CDU In the north United States in the western Pa­ American and British sources in London, diaeinged today tint* hot,.. ISttI* price... big luccctt... a very Hot.' ' only this week and by the wreck­ spy roundups In the East Zone cific as backing up the treaty $100 PER MONTH tering tlMip« to put on now ond woorjnie foil... ' age of his pet European Army with-John and the knowledge he signed at Manila last week with the United States has decided to support Britain’s plan for plan, sat by impaaaively. poasessed. threat of retaliation against any quickly rearming West Germany within the Atlantic pact. complomontt ovory coilumO... 2— A $125,000 reward he offered CAU MI-9.U80 Socialist Wilhelm Mellies de­ aggressor. He said . this threat But they said Washington has reserved ita position on tha clared the defection of John, former for clues to the "kidnapers" was can protect many nations as effec­ full wnfo of MW N il color* head of the aecuriw bureau, and intended to fluah put if poaalMc, tively as it can protect one. British suggestion for a seven-nation alliance aa a subirtituta Information on "dieUier John was CDU. Deputy Karl Franz Schmltt- Talk FUnned te Advaaoe for the ill-fated European Defense Community (EDC). Un­ WHtmack muzt be traced to what a long-time double agent with a der the British plan. West Germany and Italy would join he called Adenauer's personal network inside the Adenauer gov­ Hia radlo-TV talk filmed in ad­ RANG! habit of reaching "secret decisions ernment or if he acted on impuke. vance, was broadcast almost three Britain, France, Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg in a 'X. New Felt Berets $1.98 without consulting anyone else." hqun after he had left by plane revamped Brassels pact. — MRS, ROBERT DUMSGHAT Amid Jeering laughter from his for Europe on a quick mission to Informants said the American i FUEL OIL "Faith in Democracy has been parliamentary foes, Adenauer said \ In all colors. staggered,” he asserted. '"Too lltUa he did not have tiine to answer find out at first hand what meas­ position was. adopted Sunday by IlK A a',. Miss Eunice Gloria Gorens.Aa gown of navy blue lece over pale GASOLINE 'n ' ■ has Be en done to build parliamen­ .‘‘numerous gimundless assertiooa" ures European leadete have In the National Security Council i f |0 T i r |0 f t daughter of Mr. and MrC. Daniel Wu* taffeta with matching acces- tary democracy,” against hia government. mind now that. the French Na­ meeting In special session under i NUUincry Dept.—-2nd Floor tional Assembly has shelved the President Eisenhower In Denver, ! m • ' m GoVens of 14 Victoria Rd., was' "”*^** corsage of white Melllea and Deputy Walter Men- "I must leave now,” he said, *’to . o * -a * ! rosea. After a motor trip the ■el echoed what Jbhh and Schmitt- receive American Foreign Minister European Defense Community Colo. It was outlined to BritMi > §4 gai* I I A married SatuMay afternoon to ,, will reside at 14 Victoria BANTLY OIL Wittmack themselves said in Red- Dulles, who is coming to Bonn for (EDC) treaty under which West' Ambassador Sir Roger Makins te ! J. X KX f Norman Robert Dumschat, son of Rd.. after Oct. 1 spohsbred newa conferences after decisive talka on Gennany's fate.” Germany would hava been re­ Washington by Secretary of State ‘ ■ Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dumschat I <IM|- V w | \ { armed. John Foster Dulles before ht flew Mrs. Dumschat is employed by of 23 White St., Rockville, at the : l '1 \'\ I in I I It Waa understood that in, tXlks. off for hurry-up talks with West Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church. the Southern Nen England Ad­ After their 18-month ordeni id Communist Chteeee prisons, two Americna war oorrespandeiito and German and Britlffi leaders. I W est R eich justment Bureau in Hartford and at Bonn with West German Chan­ Pompons, and palms decorated the TEL MIfrIicll 9 4S95 cellor Kcmrad Adenauer and at a young U.
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