uppor , the ^^Uorne Away From Home’\ Through .the War Fund : and Mrs. Michael J. Sberl- Private Samuel J. Taggart haa Ever Ready Circle of King’s been tranaferred from North ROOFING Daughters will -hold lU annual wlll meet for luncheon tomorr<Jw.| dan’ of 11 Division street entar- at one o’clock at the church, "^ e talned Sunday evening, in honor Camp Hood, Texas, t o , Camp fall rqmmage -sale tomorrow from' OLD busineas meeting will follow at of their son Philip, who left yes- Breckinridge, Morganfleld, Ky., ‘Dr. Arthur.B. Moran of the 9:30 a. m. on, in the vacant store ASBESTOS SIDING Martchcater Medical Asaocla- two, following which the pastor, | berday for Sampson, N. Y.. where near tbe Indiana border. Mrs. in the Coughlin building, D^pot Rev'. Earl H. Furgeson will speak' he will raiceive his boot training. .’Taggart, ■ the former Miss florma RECORDS Th« Ajibilry Group of the South tion will respond to emergency Square. Mrs. George _F. Borst is Most ba turlMfl In .>for aal- Methodist W. B. C. S. will calls tomoH^w afternoon. on "The Effect of the W ar on the During the evening he .\va.s pre­ Graziadio,- who has ;becn living In INSULATION chairman of the com'mittee ar­ Churches of Europe." Members sented with seyeral appiCpriate Texas for the past three months, vage M you want to keep Thureday afternoon at the church. ranging for the sale. pU^lBg the new oaca, M l*. lUahil McCormick a ^ ^ r a . are asked to bring their penny gifts, including a wrist Watch, is also in Morganfleld.-* Expert workmanship. AH wsefe 3 <4 • each m M for oM roe- *W l»beny win be the hoa- The Manchester Coon and Fox bags andtontributioii for a sun­ identification bracelet and a purse gnsraateed. Reaaoaabla (hrtees. The Cosmopolitan Club will of money. Philip, a junior in Man­ orda Irreapetflve of qaaaHty. Club announce field trials for Sun­ shine basket. No ohilgatloa for aa omit itw meeting which would or­ chester High school, cnljsted Oc­ Write day, October 24. at the club' dinarily fall on Friday afternoon, A cecent,graduate of the King- tober, 5, on his 17th birthday. grounds In Coventry. ' . October 22, bciause of the meet­ man-Army* Air Field flexible gun­ Manchester KEMP'S ing of the State Federation of nery school, situated a few miles Mary Buahncll Cheney, Auxil­ Temple Chapter, O.E.S., will Ine. Burton Insulating Co. (Classified Advertising oa Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESD.4Y, OCTOBER 13,1!M3 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS WEDNESDAYS Women’s Clubs, in St. James par- outside of Kingman. Arizona, was. VOL. LXIlh, NO. 11 iary, U.S.W.V., will meet tomor- meet tomorrow evening In the . New and Used 7«8 61alB St. Tel. flflflO Iflfl Oxford at. Hartford Lsh house. West Hartford Center; 22 years bid Stanley-J. Kirka, son Vow evening at eight o'clock at Masonic Temple,. A social time MORNING on Monday. October ’2.^>. The of'M rs. Sarah Kirka of 118 Oak will follow the business session Homes Available for the Army and Navy clubhouse. Cosmopolitan Club is affiliated COME TO PINEHURST street, Manchester. Sgt. Kirka en­ and refreshments Will be served with the federation and . many of tered the Army on Oet. 21, 1912. by Mrs. Alice Hoaglund and her Immediate Occupancy Where Giant ‘Boohy sTraji! Blasted Naples ANP ' The weekly setback session, Of the members will no doubt attend. He attended .Manchester High committee. Menibers are 'remlrid- . DO Y O U R SHOPPING the Bed Men»s social club will Sessions wlll be held in the morn­ Bchfxii. cd to bring ar.^clcs for the rum­ take place tonight at eight o’clock ing and afternoon; arid the ^ird- mage sale to be held at the -Tem­ A le x a n d e r Allied Troops Seize ' FOR THE DAY sharp. \ All members are re­ Store closes at noon on gram will include speeches bn r*fc. Kennth Ft. Ferguson, son ple Thursday from 9:30 on, jointly G. E. WILLIS & SON, INC quested t«j bc-preaent. timely subjects, and an illustrated of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph FcrguSNi with the Rainbow ..Girls. Jarvis Wednesdays.' lecture. of 51 Foster street,, has returned- 36 Alexander St. Manchester Menace to^ E n ^ y The Emblem Club will hold Its * Lumber of All Kinds PINEHURST to can'ip at Elkina, West Virginia, Phones: monthly meeting at the Elks home after spending a ten-day fnrlotigh OlHod 4113 ReaideBoa 7376 MEAT DEPARTMENT Mrs. Elizabeth Veitch' and Mason Supplies— rPaint— Hardware San Croce to in Rockville tomorrow evening at daughter. Miss Charlotte Veitch, with, his parent.i. INSULATE Win Offer: ^15. The president, Mr.s. Robert of 21 Churbh street, left today to Balsam Wool Insulation New Guinea Fliers J, Dower will hreaidc. FRESH LAMB PATTIES spend a few days with friend.s. ■ The Coventry Fragment Society, ' , N O W i ! Mr. and Mrs. William Beattie, iir will serve Its annual Harvest sup­ S3c pound. 5 Points. on )c^ap uc? tmc Dilworth-CornVll Post. The j New Haven. Mrs. Veitch will be per tomorrow evening from 5:3Q to Payment* May Be Spread CAQACL at Fciur Down Also Calves’ Liver, Scotch American Legion, held a member- | 91 yejrr.s of age on Christmas and 7:30'. in connection with a sale of Over 3 Years . COAL COKE p iL al Least P Q Q f e t G U S British Tak^ Riccia Ham. Canadian Bacon. ship social meeting in the, home | IS making the trip to New Haven aprons, fruits and'vegetables. The / Eight Jap last night. Conrad pwirc, recently I As Low As S5.25 Per Month 2 Main St. T e K ^ I2 5 Birds Eye. Fish Fillets. by train from Hartford. supper and .sale-will be in the CLARKE returned ff/m service in the Aleu­ Church Community House, North No Down Payment Piling into 32 Jap-” Batter Down Powerful Soup Bones and Bare Mar­ tians, ontortained the Legionnaires ; For Civilian A canvassing crew-of six start­ Coventry. Necessan I Mv irenRANCt seen row Bones. Trays of Dog with motion pictures anrf G. Al- i ed this morning taking the Old k MOULD ee anesc; All Unseathed Enemy Positions in bert Pearson-led the gathering in | Italians Declare Bones. 10c. Age Assistance Tax enumeration Consult U h for I Of THIS songs. Baked ham Sandwiches • A^ One Pilot Becomes Use lyooms Central Italy to Punrh Frying Chickens. throiighoiit. the town. Those mak­ ROOFING ,^ I) SIDINf; and coffee were served. ing the canvass this year, ate: We AinyTo Please! Ace in Single Battle. • Nine Illiles Northeast NO DELIVERY tpharles M. Miirphey. Mrs.X.Iohn Rummage Sale No reportable diseases vS’cre list- ! Quish, Mrs. Walter Walsh. Mrs. British and American Drivers Also Told to Ex­ War oti Germans O f PoDlelanflolfo; ON THURSDAY ed during the past week in Man- ] Thur.s., Ocl. 11, 9:.l0 A. M. Allied Headquarti’rs in the- Margaret Lane. Mrs. Lincoln Mur- Tilox ^iifllruclioH Co. pect Sntfdter Share To comply with the latest Chester in the State Health dc-j phey and James B. .lohnston, M ASONIC TEM I’LE Southwest Pacific, Oct. 13.— Bonefro ,4lso Captured partment bulletin issued yester­ 19 RuMf^l Street — Phone 493.5 War Relief Roo,eveh Churchill and J^ggg C aU tioil O.D.T. rules, it has been Temple Chapter, 1). E. S. 410 .^vliiin Mtreet, Hartford (/P)—-Japan’s badly mauled. Because of Shipments By 8th Arinjif in Excep­ necessary for us to change day. J___ Mr. and Mrs. N. Ceraas, of Man­ and Rainbow Girls. Phone 6-837S Staltn Announce Ac- chester, are recent arrivals at the New Guinea Air Force now Abroad in ’44 and ’45. tionally Sharp Fight. our delivery schedule and Cadet Elmer M. Tlirall of 277 Copley- Plarai Hotel, Boston. INSURANCE has to reckon with a jie w tion After Budoglio cut out Thursday delivery. East Middle Turnpike, has gradu­ sky menace— the P-47 Tliun- By Roosevelt ated from the training school of Washingtot^' Oct. 13— i^i— Ci­ Allied Headquarters, Al­ We now, deliver on Tues­ COVERAGE derbolt. Gen. Douglas Mac- Informs Eisenhower. the 64th Flight Training Detach­ vilian drivers werfe bidden by the giers, Oct. 13.— (/P)— Batter­ days, Fridays and Satur­ ment, Camden, S. C„ and has been Of All Kinds Arthur’s headquarters ' dis- Office of W ar Information, today to Washington. Oct. 13.— </P) On War Nei^ ing down powerful enertiy po- days. We will coyer certain transferred for basic training to FIRE . CASUALTY - LIFE closied today that four of flections on Friday, taking Shaw Field, Sumter, S. C. He had I Rummage Sale RE-UPHOLSTER expect poorei gasoline and Jess of —President Roosevelt, Prime .sitions in central Italy, Al­ these 4VCW fighter#, piled into 32 the required 60 hours of flying to WED., OCT. 13, 9:30 A. M. BINGO it, because a big share of the fu>l lied troops have punched nine'' care of the others.on Satur­ CLARKE INSURANCE Japanese fighterk over Wewak, Minister Churchill and Pre­ produced in the east, southeast Hus VoliiiitePreil His A p ­ day. Phpne the girls in the his credit. \CouifhIln Bldff., Depot Sq. 2*Pc. Living Room Suites New Guinea, Monday and sent at mier Stalin announced today miles northe^t of Pontelan- AGENCY least eight down to join the ap­ and midwest must be shipped \ EVER Re a d y c ir c l e , that Italy had declared war praisals of I„ate Devel- dolfo to se i^ ^ San Crocie» office early and they will let The Girl Scout Leaders A.ssocia- Recovered in Deuini Tonight at 8 O'clock proximately 500 enemy aircraft abroad in 1944 and 1915.
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