/ Bibliography on the Limnology and Fisheries of Canadian Freshwaters 0.10 (Final Cumulative Edition) Volume 3 (of 3) Canadian Freshwater Features H.F. Nicholson and J.E. Moore Department of Fisheries and Oceans Bayfield Institute (GLLFAS) Burlington, Ontario L7R 4A6 February 1988 Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences o. 1600 (Vol.3) anadian Technical Report of H drograph and Ocean cience Technical report contain cientific and technical information that ontribute to e. i ting kno ledge but \\ hich i not normall) appropriate for primar literature. The ubject matter i relat d generally to program and intere t of the Ocean cience and une~' (0 ) ector of the Department of Fi herie and Ocean. Technical report may b cited a full publication. The correct citation appear abo\e the ab tract of ea h report. Each report I b tracted in Aquatic lienee and Fi herie Ab trac rand inde ed in the Department annual inde to cientific and te hnical publication. Technical report are produced regionall)- but are numbered nationally. Requ t for individual report ill be filled by the i uing e tabli hment Ii ted on the front cover and title page. Out of toc report \\ ill b upplied for a fee b} commercial agent. Regional and headquarter e tabli hment of Ocean cience and uf\e) cea d publication of th ir \ ariou rep rt erie a of Decemb r 19 I. complete Ii ting of th e publIcation i publi hed in the Canadian Journal 0/ Fi herie and Aquaric dence. olume 9: Inde to Publication 19 2. The current erie. \\ hich begin with report number I. \\a initiated in Januar) 19 Rapport technique canadien ur I h drographie et Ie cience oceanique L rapport techniqu contiennent de ren eignement cientifique et technique qui con tituent un ontribution au connai an e actuelle. mai qui ne ont p normalement approprie pour la publication dan un journal cientifique. Le ujet e t generalement lie au programme et interet du en ice de cien e et leve oceaniqu (LO du mini tere de Peche et de 0 ean . Le rapport techniqu peuvent etre cite omme de publication complete. Le titre e act parait au-de u du re ume de chaque rapport. Le rapport technique ont re ume dan la revue Re ume de cieme aquatique et halieurique . et il ont cia e dan I inde annuel de publication cientifiqu et techniqu du ini tt~re. Le rapport techniqu ont produit a l'khelon regional. mai numerote a l'echelon national. Le demande de rapport eront ati faite par l'etabli ement auteur dont Ie nom figure ur la couverture et la page du titre. Le rapport epui e eront fourni contre retribution par de agent commerciau . Le etabli ement de cience et le\e oceanique dan Ie region et aI admini ­ tration centrale ont ce e de publier leur diver eerie d rapport en decembre 19 I. neli tecompletedece publication figuredan le\olume 9.lndexde publi ation 19 2 du Journal canadien de cience halieurique et aquatique . La erie actuelle a commence avec la publication du rapport numero I en jan\ier 19 2. CANADIAN TECHNICAL REPORT OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES No. 1600 (VOL.3) FEBRUARY 1988 BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE LIMNOLOGY AND FISHERIES OF CANADIAN FRESHWATERS. No. 10. (FINAL CUMULATIVE EDITION). VOL. 3 (OF 3). CANADIAN FRESHWATER FEATURES. by H. F. Nicholson and J. E. Moore Great Lakes Laboratory for Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences Bayfield Institute 867 Lakeshore Road, P. O. Box 5050 Burlington, Ontario. L7R 4A6 (c) Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1988 Cat. No. FS 97-6/1600 ISSN 0706-6457 Correct citation for this publication: - Nicholson, H.F., and J.E. Moore. 1988. Bibliography on the limnology and fisheries of Canadian freshwaters. No. 10 (Final cumulative edition). Vol. 3 (of 3). Canadian Freshwater Features. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 1600 (Vol.3): vi+301p. iii ABSTRACT Nicholson, H.F., and J.E. Moore. 1988. Bibliography on the limnology and fisheries of Canadian freshwaters. No. 10 (Final cumulative edition). Vol. 3 (of 3). Canadian freshwater features. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 1600 (Vol.3): vi+301p. This bibliography began in 1974 and has continued since that time. Parts 1-6 inclusive were published in the Technical Report Series, Parts 7-9 inclusive were unpublished. The present issue, No. 10, is the last of the series and is a cumulative one, containing in addition all the previous entries (series 1-9 inclusive). It is issued as a set of three volumes i.e., Volume 1 - Author Index, containing 9,000 references in alphabetical order of the initial author; Volume 2 - Numerical Index in which all the references are numbered and is used in conjunction with the next Volume; Volume 3 - Canadian Freshwater Features, covering the ten Provinces and two Territories, and the numbered references to which they refer, as given in Volume 2. The Great Lakes and connecting channels are not included. The literature searches ceased in the spring of 1987 and covered not only the available current publications of the times, but also historical literature as far back as the early 19th century. iv RESUME Nicholson, H.F., and J.E. Moore. 1988. Bibliography on the limnology and fisheries of Canadian freshwaters. No. 10 (Final cumulative edition). Vol. 3 (of 3). Canadian freshwater features. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 1600 (Vol.3): vi+301p. Cette bibliographie, commencee en 1974, a continue depuis. Les parties 1 a 6 inclusivement ont ete publiees dans la Serie des Rapports techniques, les parties 7 a 9 inclusivement n'ont pas ete publies. La presente edition, Ie nO 10, constitue la derniere de la serie; c'est une edition cumulative qui contient, en plus, 'toutes les entrees precedentes (serie 1 a 9 inclusivement). Cette publication se presente en trois volumes: volume 1 - Index des auteurs, contenant 9 000 references classees selon l'ordre alphabetique des auteurs; volume 2 - Index numerique, dans lequel toutes les references sont numerotees et qui est utilise conjointement avec Ie volume suivant; volume 3 - Caracteristiques des eaux douces canadiennes, couvrant les dix provinces et les deux territoires et les references numerotees auxquelles elles renvoient, telles qu'indiquees dans Ie volume 2. Les Grands Lacs et les canaux qui les relient ne sont pas inclus. La recherche documentaire a cesse au printemps de 1987; elle a porte non seulement sur les publications actuelles disponibles, mais aussi sur les documents publies aussi loin dans Ie passe que les debuts du 1ge siecle. v INTRODUCTION TO VOLUME 3 Freshwater Features Index This volume is divided into the 10 provinces and two territories, within which freshwater feature names are in alphabetical order. The coordinates are not separated into degrees and minutes, but are given as whole numbers, .i.e, 4620 06307 = 46°20'N 63°07'W. For some features which are not in the Gazetteer for British Columbia, the quadrilateral indexing system is used. Apart from French names, it is usual for the specific name to precede the generic name, as in Eliot Lake, but in a few cases this order is reversed, as in Lake Nipissing, in which case the latter will appear as Nipissing, Lake, with a comma after the specific name. The words Saint and Sainte are abbreviated to St. and Ste. respectively but appear in the sequence as if they were spelled in full. A bracketed asterisk (*) following a feature indicates that the name is not in the relevant Gazetteer. Features such as this are included in the bibliography only if geographical coordinates are available. They are also cross-indexed. Bracketed names indicate a previous or other name. If there are more than one of these unapproved names, they are separated by an asterisk. The approved names are taken directly from the Gazetteers. However, a few names have been only recently approved and it is unlikely that for the present at least that these new names will be found on the topographical maps. The numerals following each feature name refer to the numbered references in Volume 2. Index of Shortened Generic Names Bk Brook Ck Creek Lc = Lac Lk = Lake Pd Pond Rs Reservoir Rv (Quebec) Riviere Rv (all other provinces and territories) = River (Note: if Riviere is included in areas other than Quebec, it is spelled in full.) Ru = Ruisseau Sm = Stream vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Alberta. .... 1 British Columbia · .21 Mani toba ... · .68 New Brunswick. · .94 Newfoundland . 103 Nova Sco t ia. · 129 Northwest Territories. 143 Ontario. ....•. · 156 Prince Edward Island · 232 Quebec 234 Saskatchewan · 274 Yukon. ... 292 1 5215 11623 ABRAHAM LK (ABRAHAM RS) 5709 7397 5215 11623 ABRAHAM RS - SEE ABRAHAM LK 5125 11615 AGNES, LK 0574 1129 1734 2077 2661 3153 3388 4075 4119 4139 4172 4203 4211 4213 7965 4901 11402 AKAMINA LK 4192 4197 5529 11949 ALBRIGHT LK 1644 4902 11359 ALDERSON LK 1734 2077 4085 4119 4139 4192 4197 4198 5205 11655 ALEXANDER RV - SEE ALEXANDRA RV 5204 11656 ALEXANDRA PD(*) 4119 5205 11655 ALEXANDRA RV (ALEXANDER RV) 4138 5205 11453 ALFORD CK 1644 5618 11218 ALGAR LK 4075 5268 5633 11211 ALGAR RV 5268 7981 5818 11312 ALICE CK 7981 5142 11622 ALICE, LK 7965 5334 11405 ALLAN LK - SEE HUBBLES LK 5456 11603 ALLAN LK 4075 5058 11535 ALLENBY LK(*) 4119 7965 4938 11435 ALLISON CK 1736 4907 11348 ALLISON LK(*) 2077 4085 4193 4197 5217 11622 ALLSTONES CK 1644 5116 11556 ALTRUDE CK 3388 4172 7965 5114 11603 ALTRUDE LKS 1129 1734 2077 2497 2658 2660 3388 4119 4138 4139 4172 4671 4763 4771 7965 5249 11753 AMBER LKS(*) 1130 2077 5242 11816 AMETHYST LKS 0565 1526 1734 2077 2832 4075 4119 4771 5778 8909 5322 11233 AMISK CK 8215 5435 11237 AMISK LK 4075 4292 4816 5843 6028 6031 6132 7023 7984 8367 5427 11146 AMISK RV 2913 3724 6657 5955 11005 ANDREW LK
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