Evaluation of the Grouting Methodology used in the Stockholm City Line Project Brynjolfur Brynjolfsson Master of Science Thesis 14/05 KTH Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering Division of Soil and Rock Mechanics STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN 2014 © Brynjolfur Brynjolfsson 2014 Master of Science Thesis 14/05 Division of Soil and Rock Mechanics Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) ISSN 1652-599X Abstract As part of the Stockholm City Line project a grouting design was conducted and documented during the planning phase, based on theoretical grounds. This comprehensive design is the first of its kind for a tunneling project in Sweden. Due to the scale of the undertaking, the general design was ordered by the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) to apply for the pre- grouting operations at the City Line’s rock tunnels. During the local design however, the grouting work developed differently within each sub-project from what was prescribed by the original design. This thesis project was carried out in cooperation with Trafikverket and concerns subjects related to the general grouting design for the City Line. The emphasis is on describing the general design, its theoretical background, and further to investigate what modifications were made during the local design. It was also to discuss the reasons and justifications for the changes at each sub-project. A detailed analysis of the grouting results at chosen sub-projects of the City Line has been performed, including: Vasatunnel & Odenplan Norrmalmstunnel Norrströmstunnel Södermalmstunnel The evaluation of results featured a calculation of sealing effects for the track tunnels at the different sites, which were then compared to the inflow requirements set by the Swedish Environmental Court. Further, a section of each sub-project was analyzed with respect to both pumping time and grout consumption. In total 96 pre-grouting fans, including approximately 2900 grouting holes were analyzed for this purpose. The goal was to identify the most economical method of grouting at the City Line, which still met all the demands regarding inleakage. The performed study showed that for all sub-projects the local grouting proceedings evolved considerably, although to varying extents, from the originally designed grouting concepts. In general the designed concepts were quite conservative, and not entirely applicable for grouting at large parts in its unchanged form. However they were hugely beneficial as excellent basis for local modifications made considering site specific conditions. Performed calculations showed that the grouting works at all the sub-projects provided sealing which fulfilled the requirements set by the Environmental court. However the pumping times and material consumption were different between all of them, which provided a basis for a discussion on how economical the grouting was at each site. If documenting of grouting methods and designs is carried on in future tunneling projects, especially of similar scale as the City Line, the knowledge gained can be transferred from one project to the next. Thus consistently building up further understanding on the complexities of hard rock grouting. i Sammanfattning I anslutning till förprojekteringen av Citybanan-projektet i Stockholm genomfördes den första dokumenterade dimensioneringen av förinjektering för ett större tunnelprojekt i Sverige baserat på teoretiska grunder. Denna dimensionering beställdes av Trafikverket för att fungera som en utgångspunkt för förinjekteringen på Citybanans bergtunnlar. I samband med detaljprojekteringen och byggfasen av de olika delprojekten inom Citybanan, utvecklades förinjekteringen emellertid olika. Detta examensarbete genomfördes i samarbete med Trafikverket och behandlar frågeställningar relaterade till det injekteringskoncept som togs fram i samband med förprojekteringen. Tyngdpunkten ligger på att beskriva den ursprungliga dimensioneringen av förinjekteringen, dess teoretiska bakgrund samt vilka ändringar som genomfördes under detaljprojektering och byggfasen inom de olika delprojekten. Vidare diskuteras orsakerna och motiveringarna till de utförda förändringarna inom varje delprojekt. Därutöver genomfördes en detaljerad analys av resultaten från injekteringen vid de utvalda delprojekten inom Citybanan. Följande delprojekt ingick i analysen: Vasatunneln och Odenplan Norrmalmstunneln Norrströmstunneln Södermalmstunneln Utvärdering av resultaten innefattade en beräkning av tätningseffekterna för spårtunnlarna vid de olika delprojekten, vilka sedan jämfördes med tätningskraven som har fastställts av Miljödomstolen. Vidare analyserades en del av varje delprojekt med avseende på både pumptid och konsumtion av injekteringsbruk. Totalt analyserades 96 injekteringsskärmar som inkluderar cirka 2900 injekteringshål. Målet var att identifiera den mest ekonomiska metoden för injektering vid Citybanan som samtidigt uppfyller alla krav på inläckage. Den utförda studien visade att inom samtliga delprojekt vidareutvecklades det ursprungliga injekteringskonceptet i olika omfattning från det ursprungliga. Generellt var det ursprungligen utformade konceptet för förinjekteringen för konservativt och inte helt tillämplig för injektering på alla delar av Citybanan i oförändrad form. Men den utgjorde en bra bas för de lokala modifieringar som gjordes med avseende på platsspecifika förhållanden. Analysen av de utförda injekteringsarbetena visade att samtliga delprojekt uppfyllde de krav på tätning som fastställdes av Miljödomstolen. Pumptider och materialförbrukning mellan de olika delprojekten var emellertid starkt varierande. Resultaten från analysen utgjorde ett underlag för en diskussion om vilka injekteringsmetodiker vid de olika delprojekten som var mest kostnadseffektiva. Genom att dokumentera och analysera den dimensionering av injektering och injekteringsmetodik, såsom genomförts i detta examensarbete, i framtida större tunnelprojekt såsom Citybanan kan den erhållna kunskapen överföras från ett projekt till nästa. På så vis kan det konsekvent byggas upp en ökad förståelse och erfarenhet kring injektering i hårt berg. ii PREFACE This master’s degree project was carried out and written for the Swedish Transport Administration – Trafikverket. The work was performed at Trafikverket - Citybanan office on Vattugatan in central Stockholm. The thesis is a part of the Civil and Architectural Engineering program at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. The undertaking began in January 2014 and was finished in June 2014. The originator of the project is Thomas Dalmalm, head of the specialist function for the Stockholm area at Trafikverket. Fredrik Bengtsson was the contact person at Trafikverket Vattugatan. At KTH the supervisor of the project was Fredrik Johansson, assistant Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Division of Soil and Rock mechanics. Jalaleddin Yaghoobi Rafi, Phd student at the Division of Soil and Rock Mechanics has also provided his experience and contributed in guiding the project along the correct paths. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all I would like to thank Thomas Dalmalm for proposing this task and Fredrik Johansson for giving me the opportunity to work on and dive deeper into the field that I am most interested in within Civil Engineering. I would like to extend great thanks and appreciation to Fredrik Bengtsson at Trafikverket, Vattugatan. Without his help in acquiring the documents and data needed, this work would not have been finalized in this manner. I also would like to thank Anna Almerheim at Bergab (Berggeologiska Undersökningar AB). She has devoted time in providing me with inflow data and explanations on the implementation of hydrogeological measurements at Citybanan’s tunnels. Furthermore I would like to express my gratitude to the experts allowing time for interviews. Those persons are Jonas Paulsson, site geologist at sub-project Norr; Magnus Eriksson,one of the designers of the original grouting concepts; Mats Holmberg, expert on grouting operations; Alexander Spak, production manager at sub-project City; and Max Hellström, construction leader at Norrströmstunnel. On more personal side I owe the deepest gratitude to my family. My girlfriend who has stood by me from day one of engineering studies, and my newborn daughter who has lead me to realize what are the most important things in life. Lastly I would like to devote this thesis to my parents, without them I would never be in the position I am today. They‘re ambition for me from early age, is a great driving force for me. iii LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS Notations Symbol Unit Description A 푚2 Area 푏푐푟푡푐푎푙 휇푚 Critical aperture width 푏푚푛 휇푚 Minimum penetrable aperture width 푏푑푚 휇푚 Dimensioning aperture width D 푚 Diameter of tunnel 푚 Acceleration due to gravity g ⁄푠2 H 푚 Depth under groundwater level I 푚 Grout penetration 퐼퐷 - Relative penetration length 퐼푚푎푥 푚 Maximum penetration length 푚 푘̅ ⁄푠 Mean hydraulic conductivity 푚 푘푔 ⁄푠 Hydraulic conductivity of grouted zone Lu 푙⁄푚푖푛⁄푚 Lugeon value 푝푔 푃푎, 푏푎푟 Grouting pressure 푚3 푞 ⁄푠 Ingress into an ungrouted tunnel 푚3 푞푎푓푡푒푟 ⁄푠 Ingress into a grouted tunnel 푟푡 푚 Radius of tunnel 퐿 푚 Length of tunnel stretch 푚2 푇 ⁄푠 Transmissivity 푚2 푇푚푎푥 ⁄푠 Maximum transmissivity 푚2 푇푡표푡푎푙 ⁄푠 Total transmissivity 푡 푚 Thickness of the grouted zone 푡퐷 - Dimensionless time 푡표 푠 Relative grouting time ∆p 푃푎, 푏푎푟 Grouting excess pressure 휃 - Parameter for penetration analysis 휇푔 Pa*s Viscosity of grout 휇푤 Pa*s Viscosity of water 휉 - Skin factor 푘푔⁄ 휌푟 푚3
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