November 17, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1039 cost. Truly, our veterans are the best of Amer- Improving Safety and Security for Veterans At a time when journalism is under relent- ica. Act. Had I been present, I would have voted less attack by forces that seek to undermine In Congress, it is my privilege—and my re- YEA on Roll Call No. 219, and YEA on Roll our democratic norms, I am honored to cele- sponsibility—to stand up for those who have Call No. 220. brate the career of a reporter who personifies served our country in uniform, as well as to f honesty, integrity and a fearless willingness to recognize these brave Americans. As a nation, speak truth to power. Carol Marin’s passion we are indebted to them. On behalf of the HONORING CAROL MARIN for her life’s work is best expressed by her 13th Congressional District, I thank James for own words: ‘‘There’s a sense of mission for his service to our nation and our community. HON. RAJA KRISHNAMOORTHI most of us in my business, a sense of pur- f OF ILLINOIS pose . the biggest lesson I have learned of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES all—every story, every day, every year that I RECOGNIZING BLUE KNIGHTS Tuesday, November 17, 2020 do this—is that it is a privilege to be a re- PENNSYLVANIA CHAPTER IV porter.’’ Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI. Madam Speaker, I f HON. DANIEL MEUSER rise today to pay tribute to Carol Marin and to RECOGNIZING THE HONORABLE OF PENNSYLVANIA honor her distinguished career in print and electronic journalism. Few reporters have MARTIN FROST IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES done more to build public trust in the press Tuesday, November 17, 2020 than Carol Marin, and her lifetime commitment HON. LLOYD DOGGETT Mr. MEUSER. Madam Speaker, it is with to unbiased, in-depth reporting has elevated OF TEXAS great pride that I rise today to recognize the public discourse and held public officials ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Blue Knight’s International Law Enforcement countable to their constituents and to the prin- Tuesday, November 17, 2020 Motorcycle Club Pennsylvania Chapter IV. ciples of good government. The Blue Knights is a non-profit fraternal or- Born in Chicago, Carol spent her childhood Mr. DOGGETT. Madam Speaker, I rise ganization of active and retired law enforce- in Rolling Meadows, Illinois, part of the 8th today to express my great admiration for a ment officers and veterans who enjoy riding Congressional District that I represent. After former colleague, and friend. Martin Frost, motorcycles. A group of several law enforce- graduating from the University of Illinois, she who always rose to the aid of those Texans ment officers formed the first chapter of the worked briefly as a high school English teach- he served so well for almost 30 years here in Blue Knights in Bangor, Maine in 1974.Today er before moving to Tennessee and beginning the House. He also ably led our party and our they have over 600 chapters and nearly a career in journalism, first as a talk show host Caucus, serving as chair of the DCCC and the 20,000 members all over the world. and reporter in Knoxville, and then as a news House Democratic Caucus. The Blue Knights are dedicated to devel- anchor and reporter in Nashville. Following his outstanding service in Wash- oping a fraternal spirit among those in the law In 1978, Carol returned home to Chicago as ington, Martin Frost devoted much of his post- enforcement and veterans community who a news anchor and reporter. She quickly es- congressional life to the FMC, the Association enjoy riding motorcycles. As a group, the Blue tablished a reputation as a relentless inves- of Former Members of Congress. This chal- Knights engage in charitable activities such as tigative reporter, and demonstrated a deep lenging year, 2020, brought to a conclusion supporting local law enforcement causes, hon- commitment to the highest standards of integ- his term as President of the FMC, after many oring our veterans, and assisting children in rity and journalistic excellence. In 1997, that years of serving in various leadership posi- need. commitment became a national news story tions within it. The Blue Knights Pennsylvania Chapter IV when she resigned from her news anchor Many of my colleagues are familiar with the is very active in supporting the Berks commu- desk to protest the hiring of a controversial democracy building and civic education work nity. Recently the Blue Knights held their 1st talk show host whose presence she believed the FMC conducts, including its outstanding Annual Benefit Ride & Pig Roast, raising near- would undermine her credibility as a journalist Congressional Study Groups. Martin Frost pro- ly $5,000 in support of the Berks County Sher- and the work of her newsroom. She moved on vided the leadership for FMC to achieve in- iffs Office K–9 Unit. This Memorial Day, the to national broadcast work, serving as a cor- credible growth in all of these activities. Blue Knights also escorted 50,000 American respondent on the CBS Evening News and He was instrumental in strengthening FMC flags that were distributed and placed on the ‘‘60 Minutes,’’ covering important stories, in- finances, for example, by creating and growing graves of deceased veterans across Berks cluding reporting on the September 11 terror an Endowment Investment Fund. He greatly County. The Blue Knights are steadfast sup- attacks while covered in ash from the collapse increased the number of actively involved porters of those who serve our communities of the World Trade Center towers. Former Members from both sides of the aisle. and our nation. In 2002, Carol formed Marin Corp Produc- And with his guidance, FMC now reaches a Members of the Blue Knights have not only tions, an independent documentary company much greater number of students through the donned the uniform and served our commu- providing content to media outlets including Congress-to-Campus program. nities and our nation themselves, but they also CNN and the New York Times/Discovery The extent of Martin’s tremendous impact continue their service as good citizens in aid- Channel. She also authored political com- cannot be done real justice with these brief re- ing law enforcement and veterans causes. Our mentary for the Chicago Sun-Times, and marks, but I speak for everyone involved with community and our nation are better for their served as a contributor to Chicago Tonight, an FMC—its board of directors, its membership, continued selfless service and dedication. award-winning nightly news show broadcast and its staff—when I state that, thanks to Mar- On behalf of the U.S. House of Representa- on WTTW, Chicago’s public television station. tin Frost, like every organization which he has tives and the citizens of Pennsylvania’s Ninth Carol Marin has been honored with almost led—FMC is better, more effective. and more Congressional District, I ask my colleagues to every important award in broadcast journalism. impactful than it has ever been. join me in recognizing Pennsylvania Chapter She is the recipient of three George Foster Especially during these divisive political IV of the Blue Knights and thank them for their Peabody Awards, two DuPont-Columbia times, when we need more bridges, not walls, continued service to our nation and our com- Awards, a George Polk Award, two national Members like Martin Frost and organizations munities. Emmy Awards and at least 15 regional Emmy like FMC deserve our gratitude for attempting f Awards. Carol has been inducted in the Chi- to bridge the political divide, serving as ex- cago Journalism Hall of Fame, and the Silver perts on Congress as an institution, and re- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Circle of the Chicago/Midwest chapter of the connecting citizens with their representative National Academy of Television Arts and government, all in the service of strengthening HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER Sciences. our democracy. OF MISSOURI Carol recently announced that she is step- Our political infrastructure, like our actual in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ping away from her work as a broadcast jour- frastructure, needs the attention and mainte- nalist after the November 2020 national elec- nance to keep our economy strong, our citi- Tuesday, November 17, 2020 tions. I am glad to note that she will continue zens safe and healthy, and to preserve our Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Madam Speaker, I to inspire and mentor the next generation of democracy. I am not planning to join Martin was unable to be present for a recorded vote journalists as co-director of the Center for soon as an FMC member, but when I eventu- on November 16, 2020 for S. 327, the Wound- Journalism Integrity and Excellence at DePaul ally do, I know that it will be a stronger organi- ed Veterans Recreation Act and S. 3147, the University in Chicago. zation because of his dedication. This is a VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:51 Nov 18, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.010 E17NOPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with REMARKS.
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