, PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED .TUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 38. THORSDAY PORTLAND, MAINE, MORNING, SEPTEMBER «4. 1899. PRICE THREE CK.NIX MTHCBItL A SROr S, August SO which are neither Dltlander of whloh seeking prefer regulations will to dl-rbIt.. I ; grievances nor questions of tbs t ttia Philip- lntarpre- m AXD ABUSE OF TRUSTS. make trust method* rather aoeeptable pine s loq !■ ***•-. * NO ANSWER YET l tattoo of tbe convention but wbtob might qu. ot jail- rawtlon of than obnoxious to the p*opln hy who-e be readily settled THE PHILIPPINES. national honor nnd oblltAt- g by friendly oonngnttai- permission and toleration can their only Id to ah | tlon between repreeentetlvee of the two reply qulr. «h her any- exlstenoe nominee His speeeb was a Rovcrnmontc. plea thing whs now left hut to togat U jut. If, however, he they most tor the piaetloal rather titan tbenrrtieal President rohurwan ’del: anxiously hope will not be tbe cnee, the of approach to tbo subject which. In Its “In fvply of the Transvaal be Opening Chicago my opinion niuu ? »-1 would be f should negative present the bellersd to be stage, speaker done a on > If I am to state by deslmmt or p r* of Uon- Transvaal l conclusive, that Her too Immature to Considering Conference. give basis for conclu- Statement Prof. Sdmr- *w*9 cf the form of Majesty's government mn«t reserve tn By govern- r to be w sive judgment as to the ex ent of either tqbllfhed in the tbenieelvea tbe to oon elder tbe Philippic* g'nnds, or right quao- Its harmful or beneficial effects. British Note. Iwtfer etlll let q tion de nnvo and formulate tbelr own Congr>p ;nv's gov- The ooinmlttee on mao. permanent organiza- ernment for the Phil » porpoeals for a final sattlment,” ppic« and* and tion met after the afternoon adjourn- % b»ve it The exact franchise out In fnr"« In nil p irts and proposals whloh ment of the conference, the committee all tribes Mr. Chamberlain Great Britain le With a About The among b<nle to th- United eays Begins Strap of one from ocnsl-ting delegate each state States lb s still prepared to with the ooort ot wonlti g rke eereral pur- accept each represented,and organize tun of gen- poses it would enquiry proviso, are: Five fran- dieting 11m «tween oar I years Chairmanship. eral IncJndod tbs and Executive scope, following: New frhprs and emrol'-r f* Kruger chise, a share for Outlenders In ths elec- The An Im- nd the Iromer Hampshire, Henry H. Hlelr; A. Archipelago tion of tbe Maine, imvo!ding to their »f* s is. It *oold also president an] equal rlgnts and hi Council in Session. Kogers; Maasnohcs tie, —- Clark; to Increased representation for the mense One. give cor enemies «n tgnlar tieinnnetra- gold New Kogland Free Trade Hyron fields league, llon of fr3e govern went on toe A uericaa to tbe extent cf eight new seats. W. Holt. William Wirt Howe of Louisi- a These were llm very Important poin» ben it it presented by President One Chosen For Each ana was selected chairman of the meet- -teoiMrnhHred that the Kroger, August 19 and later were with- 1 g- dalrato ing, and after a hot dleousslon waa eleot- drawn. Le lighting for their liberty. And 1 had td Day Finally. permanent chairman of the COD far- better call NOT HKLD TO 48 BOUHS. attention to the f *ct that the Decision Awaited ceur, though three each Anxiously b] vioe-ohairtnen, lnhahitatcd governor ont which is well .-ilni-ted to one A Various Tribes of Pretoria, September 18.— communica- to preside one were selected. By during day, tribe-may need considers! 1 modi float! on tion bae been reoelved the Crowds. from Imperial It was a happy aolutlon of what at one " Liver to be avull.tble for an- f nr Kidneys, government that although anx- to a Baay Tongaes. stating time, promised be No one split. Asked about the c.tpaolty of the ious for a Filipi- prompt reply tbe Imperial au- Addresses By Gov. Atkinson and wae to allow a willing permanent no peopks to govern tt* native*, Presi- and thorities do not desire tu time tbe Trans- chairman to be Bowels appointed to preetde at dent Pohurnoan that had vael Others. replied they authorities down to 48 bourn. all sesslona lest he should favor some 9 the had no experience In s <t varnment the reply will possibly come before tac faotlon. The vloe-obalrrnen selected Cieanses System That Note Will except In mnnlclpal affair- even these Report Volksraad tomorrow. The deolalon of the were: Wooten of Tex- No In Thursday, Hadley Experience Self r:orp subject to tbo control o e executive will be .Spanish undoubtedly lnfluunoed as; Friday, Mayor H. B Johnson of Colo- authorities. Be by tbe notion of the Free 1 Accepted, Orange State. rado; Saturday, a. P. Corliss of New Government. He thought, however IS.—The oonferenoe that eirjh tribe „s ■ Tbe government la still willing to at- Chloago, September York. tend tbe on tbe nee* anil nbueee of trnete and cjtn- joint commlsalon'orlglnally pro- Halph M. Kaeley was selrotrd as perma- ted. btnatlon., began here today with less pi nent secretory. A sub-committee on pro- Tho Tranevaal war offloe then half the delegatee appointed by tbe denies any gramme and rules wae appointed. It ln- WaITT 4 kOSU’S rerloue etetee In attendance. Leaving Snzeraiiiiy on Basis ol knowledge of tbe reported offer cf 10,300 oludes H. W. Blair of New Hampshire. ^!TUalConstipat.on Tbe meeting took plane In Centra) Mu- A Declaration Irish- Auurlcsna to By PERMANENTLY light against Great After vainly trying to aolre the question Congees* fTe 1804 Convention. Britain. sic ball and wee called to order by Franklin U. Head, the temporary chair- Might Help Matters. TRANSVAAL WILL COMPLY. ence adjourned until evening. Blackstona man appointed by tbe oleic federation. Cigar Cape Town, September IS.— The The opening of the evening session wis fiENFFlC.IuFFECTS- Cape Auuiraaos vi neiuuuin non umuH Vy Till: LEADING We c (It L BUY I.ENOB THE GENUINE MAHT D By Times and the delayed foi some time pending tbe report Cape Argus, both consid- Attorney General Akin,on behalf of Got. any mai ufacturer of tbe on to *how er the British note generous and concilia- committee programme and or- TEN Tanner, who la 111, and Dr. Taylor on be- CENT CIGAR li PPM IA Pretoria, September 13 —President all the assure9 that ganization. At 8 80 o'clock President (A |Tg tory, ang papers the half of Hnrrieou. With the -OAK-HALF— fyPVP(§ Mayor pro- OF Kmer and the executive Itboco, N. 13 —President 4»« council reas- Transvaal will comply with the British Head Introduced Uov. Atkinson of West Y., September th* gress of the speaking today it became « yearly sales of fO« 5AUBY AU DRU6o»4'i 93\U 50t FISOCTHt. sembled here this evening to oouslder toe demands. It Is that the Soburmun returned today to h.'s office to believed Orange evident that of the Virginia. Sew to be many delegatee had Eagl.nd. reply made to the British Secretary Free State Volksrnad will be summoned Uov. Atkinson argued rgitust tiusts, Cornell university, lie gate out the fol- of conn with firm eonTiotioue for or State for the Colonies, Mr. J ostph to consider the situation. but In a conservative way. He said that lowing statement to the Associated Press ANDERSON, ADAMSTcbr against trr.de oommlsilona. The speech Chamberlain. are on Sales They still conferring corporations were a necessity ns H was Philippine affairs: Quality Counts; Prone It.' REASONABLE PROMPTNESS of Mr. Wooten of Texas, delivered dar- Fire by telegraph with the Orange Kree Bute. them that “It Is very Important that the insurance .Agency WANTED. the only through greet enterprises public ’1 be ing afternoon and hammering trusts drotslon is anzlcusly awaited by the vers The theory of trusts wna should know the actual facts of the situ- 31 Street. In a possibles CTcliaiige orowds outside Pretoria, September in.—Ths Imperial merciless manner, aroused the wild- the executive building all right as It thus prevented waste and ation. Things are what they are, and the WAITT & f ltUt Class AmcriCHIT urnl Knr«lfrn 'mnnan.^i. government} Intimating that It did est enthusiasm In the ranks of the labor BONO, 13 a«- American Mfrs., 1 Cape Town, September —It Is waste was the great bar to banian pro- public should understand ORACH AM*KK#OK. CHAR. C. ADAMS. not desire to tlx a time and the | ser ad In Afrikander circles limit, pointed out representatives delegations from <ieci8 Thor. J. Littl» here that the gress. Tbe danger was that laborers them, whether they agree with or iun 53 B!acksl9H Iransvaal that its chief desire was only for “reason- many Western and Southern states, St., Boston. government will acoapt the wore foroed to work far thorn at their oounter to the public's wishes. )yj> <r.‘ l.tp British able promptness la order to put an end while the easterners generally smiled note, leaving the question of sag- own price, and email manufacturer;7 were “First, It requires some effort to realize to the tension. critically and kept their arms folded. FIFTEENTH MAINE. erninty on the bas a of the oonventton of compelled to retire. the vastnese of the arohlpvlngo which ex- It la understood that President Suggestions for the tueks-up of a com- 1834. Kruger John W. Gaines of Ten- tends In trlangular^form to Is mittee to Congressman iromiFormosa THEY HU ST GO I Annual Reunion of Well Known awaiting the arrival from Bloem- arrange a programme to he fol- nessee, presented the report of tba com- Borneo and Celebes through sixteen de- footeino of Mr.
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