24 1/1/2009 6/4/2020 3.38 4 AC/DC 1/1/2012 4/9/2020 5 1 Ace Of Speed 6/11/2020 0 0 The Addams Family 1/1/1992 4/19/2020 4.36 11 Aerosmith 2/1/2017 6/11/2020 0 0 Algar 1/1/1980 7/13/2020 0 0 Aliens 5/11/2020 0 0 America's Most Haunted 5/10/2020 0 0 Apollo 13 1/1/1995 6/16/2020 0 0 Asteroid Annie 5/10/2020 0 0 Atlantis 6/4/2020 0 0 Attack and Revenge from Mars 7/23/2020 0 0 Attack from Mars 12/1/1995 6/23/2020 4.06 8 Austin Powers 1/1/2001 6/7/2020 0 0 Avatar 8/27/2010 5/17/2020 0 0 The Avengers 1/1/2012 8/9/2020 0 0 Aztec 7/13/2020 0 0 Back to the Future 1/1/1990 6/4/2020 5 5 Bad Cats 11/6/1989 6/22/2020 0 0 The Bally Game Show 1/26/1990 6/11/2020 0 0 Barb Wire 1/1/1996 5/27/2020 0 0 Barbarella 6/16/2020 0 0 Barracora 6/20/2020 0 0 Batman 1/1/1991 5/15/2020 0 0 Batman (Stern) 7/21/2008 8/8/2020 0 0 Batman 66 6/18/2020 0 0 Batman Forever 1/1/1995 6/23/2020 0 0 Baywatch 1/1/1995 6/18/2020 0 0 Beach Bums 6/10/2020 0 0 Big Bang Bar 1/1/1996 4/16/2020 5 2 Big Buck Hunter Pro 1/1/2010 6/10/2020 0 0 Big Shot 7/13/2020 0 0 Black Belt 7/12/2020 0 0 Black Hole 1/1/1981 6/11/2020 0 0 Black Knight 4/4/1989 5/10/2020 4.5 4 Black Knight 2000 4/4/1989 5/11/2020 4.5 4 Black Rose 7/1/1992 6/4/2020 3 3 Bram Stoker's Dracula 1/1/1993 4/10/2020 0 0 Breakshot 5/1/1996 5/29/2020 1.5 1 Bubba the Redneck Werewolf 5/27/2020 0 0 Buck Rogers 6/16/2020 0 0 Bugs Bunny's Birthday Ball 12/3/1990 6/3/2020 0 0 Cactus Canyon 1/1/1998 7/26/2020 0 0 Capt. Fantastic and The Brown Dirt Cowboy 7/23/2020 0 0 CARtoons 5/15/2020 0 0 Catacomb 1/1/1981 7/11/2020 0 0 Centaur 1/1/1981 6/4/2020 0 0 Centigrade 37 6/4/2020 0 0 The Champion Pub 1/1/1998 6/10/2020 0 0 Champions League 6/7/2020 0 0 Charlie's Angels 7/23/2020 0 0 Checkpoint 1/1/1991 6/17/2020 3 1 Cirqus Voltaire 1/1/1997 4/10/2020 2 1 The Clash 6/18/2020 0 0 Class of 1812 1/1/1991 6/7/2020 0 0 Comet 1/1/1985 6/22/2020 0 0 Congo 1/1/1995 5/16/2020 0 0 Contest 7/13/2020 0 0 Corvette 1/1/1994 7/5/2020 0 0 Creature from the Black Lagoon 12/1/1992 4/10/2020 5 2 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1/1/2008 6/7/2020 0 0 Cuphead 5/6/2020 0 0 Cybernaut 6/20/2020 0 0 Cyclone 2/3/1988 7/12/2020 0 0 Demolition Man 1/1/1994 5/11/2020 0 0 Diablo 5/15/2020 0 0 Diner 6/11/1990 5/11/2020 0 0 Dirty Harry 1/1/1995 5/11/2020 0 0 Doctor Who 9/1/1992 4/10/2020 4.6 5 Dr. Dude and His Excellent Ray 8/29/1990 5/6/2020 0 0 Dracula 1/1/1979 6/4/2020 0 0 Dream Daddy 8/28/2020 0 0 Dungeons & Dragons 6/10/2020 0 0 Earthshaker! 2/21/1989 5/24/2020 0 0 Eight Ball Deluxe 9/15/1980 6/10/2020 0 0 El Dorado: City of Gold 1/1/1984 7/15/2020 0 0 Elektra 6/20/2020 0 0 Elvira and the Party Monsters 1/1/1989 5/6/2020 0 0 Elvis 1/1/2004 8/9/2020 2 2 Embryon 6/16/2020 0 0 Endless Summer 7/12/2020 0 0 Escape from the Lost World 1/1/1988 5/26/2020 0 0 F-14 Tomcat 3/23/1987 7/12/2020 0 0 Family Guy 1/1/2007 6/7/2020 0 0 Fathom 12/23/1980 4/19/2020 0 0 Fire! 1/1/1987 6/4/2020 0 0 Fireball 1/1/1972 8/23/2020 0 0 Firepower 1/1/1980 4/12/2020 0 0 Firepower: Iron Maiden Mod 7/23/2020 0 0 Fish Tales 1/1/1992 4/12/2020 3.5 1 Flash Gordon 6/10/2020 0 0 The Flintstones 1/1/1994 4/10/2020 0 0 Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street 1/1/1994 5/17/2020 0 0 Funhouse 11/1/1990 4/9/2020 2.7 5 Galaxy 6/16/2020 0 0 Genesis 1/1/1986 7/13/2020 0 0 The Getaway: High Speed II 1/1/1992 5/15/2020 0 0 Ghostbusters 1/1/2016 6/5/2020 0 0 Ghostbusters Slimer 5/7/2020 0 0 Gilligan's Island 1/1/1991 5/16/2020 0 0 Godzilla 1/1/1998 5/15/2020 0 0 Golden Arrow 6/16/2020 0 0 GoldenEye 1/1/1996 6/7/2020 0 0 Goldorak 6/7/2020 0 0 Gorgar 1/1/1979 5/10/2020 5 2 Grand Lizard 6/16/2020 0 0 Grand Prix (Stern) 1/1/1995 6/3/2020 0 0 Grand Tour 6/16/2020 0 0 Guardians of the Galaxy 1/1/2017 8/14/2020 0 0 Guns N' Roses 7/1/1994 5/15/2020 0 0 Hardbody 6/16/2020 0 0 harley quinn 5/15/2020 0 0 Harley-Davidson (Stern) 1/1/1999 8/14/2020 3.5 1 Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire 5/15/2020 0 0 Haunted House 1/1/1982 7/11/2020 0 0 High Roller Casino 6/7/2020 0 0 High Speed 1/1/1986 5/2/2020 0 0 Hook 1/30/1992 5/29/2020 0 0 Hurricane 1/1/1991 6/11/2020 0 0 I Dream of Jeannie 6/16/2020 0 0 Ice Fever 6/16/2020 0 0 The Incredible Hulk 6/16/2020 0 0 Independence Day 1/1/1996 5/15/2020 0 0 Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 1/1/1993 8/8/2020 4 1 Indianapolis 500 6/6/1995 6/7/2020 0 0 Iron Maiden 6/23/2020 0 0 Iron Maiden: Virtual Time 6/10/2020 0 0 Iron man 7/24/2020 0 0 Jack-Bot 6/11/2020 0 0 Jacks Open 7/12/2020 0 0 Jaws 5/15/2020 0 0 Jive Time 7/13/2020 0 0 Johnny Mnemonic 8/8/1995 6/7/2020 0 0 Jokerz! 4/13/2020 0 0 Judge Dredd 1/1/1993 4/16/2020 0 0 Junk Yard 1/1/1996 6/18/2020 4 1 Junkyard Cats 6/7/2020 0 0 Jurassic Park 4/26/1993 4/9/2020 0 0 King Kong 7/5/2020 0 0 Kingpin 7/11/2020 0 0 Kiss (Bally) 1/1/1979 6/3/2020 0 0 KISS (Stern) 1/1/2015 6/3/2020 0 0 Laser War 1/1/1987 6/10/2020 0 0 Last Action Hero 8/9/1993 6/7/2020 0 0 Led Zeppelin Pinball 8/22/2020 0 0 Legend of Zelda 5/6/2020 0 0 the Leprechaun King 5/15/2020 0 0 Lethal Weapon 3 6/3/1992 8/9/2020 0 0 The Lord of the Rings 10/1/2003 5/10/2020 4.43 7 Lost in Space 1/1/1998 6/23/2020 0 0 Lost World 1/1/1978 5/11/2020 0 0 The Lost World: Jurassic Park 6/6/1997 7/12/2020 0 0 The Machine: Bride of Pin-Bot 1/1/1991 4/10/2020 5 1 Mad Max 2 The Road Warrior 5/15/2020 0 0 Mandalorian 8/9/2020 0 0 Manowar 5/15/2020 0 0 Mary Shelley's Frankenstein 1/1/1995 5/11/2020 0 0 Masters of the Universe 5/15/2020 0 0 Medieval Madness 1/1/1997 4/13/2020 4.93 7 Medusa 1/1/1981 6/10/2020 0 0 Metal Slug 5/15/2020 0 0 Metallica Premium Monsters 1/1/2013 4/10/2020 0 0 Miami Vice 5/15/2020 0 0 Minions 6/7/2020 0 0 Monopoly 1/1/2001 6/10/2020 0 0 Monster Bash 7/1/1998 4/9/2020 5 3 Moon Light 7/19/2020 0 0 The Moon Walking Dead 7/15/2020 0 0 Motörhead 6/16/2020 0 0 Mousin' Around! 11/20/1989 6/11/2020 0 0 Mr. & Mrs. Pac-Man Pinball 1/1/1982 6/11/2020 0 0 The Munsters 1/1/2019 5/17/2020 0 0 Mustang: Limited Edition 1/1/2014 6/7/2020 0 0 Mystery Castle 6/16/2020 0 0 NBA 8/14/2020 0 0 NBA Fastbreak 1/1/1997 7/11/2020 0 0 Night of the Living Dead 5/15/2020 0 0 No Fear: Dangerous Sports 1/1/1995 6/7/2020 0 0 No Good Gofers 1/1/1997 6/5/2020 0 0 Paragon 6/10/2020 0 0 Party Animal 1/1/1987 6/16/2020 0 0 The Phantom of the Opera 1/1/1990 8/24/2020 0 0 Pharaoh: Dead Rise 6/10/2020 0 0 Pinball 1/1/1977 6/23/2020 0 0 Pinball Magic 1/1/1995 6/9/2020 0 0 PinBot 1/1/1986 5/11/2020 3.25 2 Pink Floyd 6/24/2020 0 0 Pink Panther 1/1/1981 6/11/2020 0 0 Pirates of the Caribbean 1/1/2006 6/30/2020 3 1 Playboy (Bally) 1/1/1978 1/1/2001 0 0 Playboy (Stern) 1/1/2002 6/10/2020 0 0 Pokemon 6/3/2020 0 0 Popeye saves the Earth 1/1/1994 6/4/2020 0 0 Poseidon 6/20/2020 0 0 Primus 8/20/2020 0 0 Quicksilver 6/10/2020 0 0 Radical! 6/14/1990 6/18/2020 0 0 Red & Ted's Road Show 1/1/1994 6/7/2020 0 0 Rescue 911 1/1/1994 6/7/2020 0 0 Ripley's Believe It or Not! 3/18/2004 6/9/2020 0 0 Road Kings 7/12/2020 0 0 Robocop 1/1/1989 8/9/2020 0 0 Rocky 2/1/1993 6/11/2020 0 0 Rocky and Bullwinkle 2/1/1993 5/16/2020 0 0 Rollercoaster Tycoon 1/1/2002 6/16/2020 0 0 The Rolling Stones 1/1/2011 6/7/2020 0 0 The Rolling Stones (Bally) 1/1/2011 7/23/2020 0 0 Safe Cracker 1/1/1996 6/10/2020 0 0 Scared Stiff 1/1/1996 4/9/2020 0 0 Seawitch 6/4/2020 0 0 The Shadow 1/1/1994 6/4/2020 0 0 Sharkey's Shootout 7/16/2020 0 0 shovel knight 5/6/2020 0 0 Shrek 1/1/2008 6/7/2020 0 0 The Simpsons 1/1/1990 5/15/2020 0 0 The Simpsons Pinball Party 2/14/2003 5/15/2020 3.5 2 skate and destroy 5/17/2020 0 0 Sleepwalkers 6/20/2020 0 0 Smurfette 5/6/2020 0 0 The Sopranos 1/1/2005 6/4/2020 0 0 Sorcerer 7/11/2020 0 0 South Park 1/1/1999 5/11/2020 2 1 Space Invaders 7/15/2020 0 0 Space Station 12/7/1987 5/24/2020 0 0 Spider-Man Classic 1/1/2007 5/23/2020 0 0 Star Gazer 6/9/2020 0 0 Star Trek (Bally) 1/1/1979 6/4/2020 0 0 Star Trek (Data East) 1/1/1991 6/7/2020 0 0 Star Trek (Stern) 1/1/2013 6/4/2020 0 0 Star Trek: The Next Generation 1/1/1993 4/9/2020 5 2 Star Wars 10/15/1992 5/16/2020 4.5 1 Star Wars Trilogy 3/3/1997 6/7/2020 5 1 Stargate 1/1/1995 6/18/2020 0 0 Star-Jet 4/12/2020 0 0 Starship Troopers 1/1/1997 5/17/2020 0 0 Strange Science 1/1/1986 6/11/2020 0 0 Strange World 6/16/2020 0 0 Stranger Things 1/1/2019 5/15/2020 0 0 Street Fighter II 1/1/1993 6/3/2020 0 0 Super Mario Brothers 4/13/2020 0 0 Swords of Fury 6/24/1988 6/10/2020 0 0 Tales From The Crypt 1/1/1993 4/10/2020 0 0 Tales of the Arabian Nights 1/1/1995 4/12/2020 4.5 2 Taxi 8/31/1988 6/10/2020 0 0 Team America World Police 6/16/2020 0 0 Tee'd Off 1/1/1993 6/4/2020 0 0 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1/1/1991 6/4/2020 0 0 Terminator 2: Judgment Day 1/1/1991 4/10/2020 0 0 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines 1/1/2003 6/7/2020 0 0 Theatre of Magic 1/1/1995 5/7/2020 4 1 The Thing 1/1/2019 5/6/2020 0 0 Tiger King 4/28/2020 0 0 Time Fantasy 7/12/2020 0 0 Time Machine 1/1/1988 6/10/2020 0 0 Tom and Jerry 1/1/2018 6/9/2020 0 0 Top Gun 8/8/2020 0 0 Torpedo Alley 1/1/1988 7/13/2020 0 0 Total Nuclear Annihilation 4/27/2020 0 0 Trade Winds 6/16/2020 0 0 Transformers 1/1/2011 6/3/2020 0 0 Tron Legacy 1/1/2011 6/4/2020 0 0 Truck Stop 11/23/1988 7/13/2020 0 0 Turrican 6/7/2020 0 0 Twilight Zone 1/1/1993 4/9/2020 5 2 Twister 1/1/1996 6/7/2020 0 0 tx-sector 7/11/2020 0 0 Viking 6/16/2020 0 0 The Walking Dead 1/1/2014 6/4/2020 0 0 Watchmen 5/15/2020 0 0 Wheel of Fortune 1/1/2007 6/7/2020 0 0 Whirlwind 1/1/1990 5/17/2020 5 2 White Water 1/1/1993 4/13/2020 0 0 Who Dunnit 1/1/1995 6/7/2020 0.5 4 Whoa Nellie! Big Juicy Melons 4/11/2020 0 0 The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard 1/8/1994 6/7/2020 0.5 1 Wipe Out 1/1/1993 6/11/2020 0 0 The Wizard of Oz 1/1/2013 5/15/2020 0 0 World Cup Soccer 1/1/1994 5/16/2020 0 0 World Poker Tour 1/1/2006 6/10/2020 0 0 WWF Royal Rumble 4/11/1994 5/15/2020 0 0 X-Men: Wolverine LE 6/29/2012 5/15/2020 0 0.
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