PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI FEMINIST CRITIQUE TO PATRIARCHAL SOCIETY THROUGH THE CHARACTERS IN GILLIAN FYLNN’S GONE GIRL AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters By DIKSITA GITA ANINDITA Student Number: 144214031 ENGLISH LETTERS STUDY PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2018 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Say it to yourself whenever you are in a hard time: ‘THIS TOO, SHALL PASS’ PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI I DEDICATE THIS WORK TO MY BELOVED FAMILY AND MY LOVELY ROSE IN THE HOPE OF A FUTURE PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ABSTRACT ANINDITA, DIKSITA GITA. (2018). Feminist Critique to Patriarchal Society through the Characters in Gillian Fylnn’s Gone Girl. Yogyakarta: Department of English Lettes, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Patriarchal society has parameters on how men and women should be. Those parameters affect the society on how they act in the daily life and also on how they judge the other people. Gillian Flynn sees this as a flaw of patriarchy. Thus, she tries to critique the stereotypes through one of her work, Gone Girl. This novel is about a woman who tries to frame her husband in a case of murder because she finds out that her husband is cheating behind her back. There are three objectives in this study. First is to analyze the character and characterization of the characters. Second is to analyze the conflicts that exist in the novel. Last is to find the author’s critique to patriarchal society’s parameter of men and women through the characters. In accomplishing those three objectives, the researcher used library research to collect the primary and secondary data. Then the researcher conducted close reading on the novel. For the analysis, the researcher used the theory of character and characterization in introducing the characterization of each character, the theory of conflict in finding the conflict that exist in the novel and the theory of patriarchy and feminism in discovering the critique to the patriarchal society given by the author. There are three findings in this study. The first one gives the description of each character in the novel. There are five characters that give more contribution in delivering the thought of the author about patriarchal society. While Amy is described as perfectionist, smart, competitive and dominant, Nick is described as cynic, coward, and ignorant. Amy’s contrast, Margo, is strong and not-so-feminine. These characterizations contributes to the conflict analysis. The second one reveals the conflict that existed in the novel. The analysis of conflicts consists of Amy and Nick, Amy and Society, Amy and Margo, Nick and Margo, and the last is Nick and Society. The result of the second findings shows the patriarchal society’s thought about gender role in patriarchal. It portrays the image on how gender is perceived by them. The third findings reveal the author’s critique to the stereotypes given by patriarchal society. The critiques are composed by the stereotype of women in marriage and women in society. ii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ABSTRAK ANINDITA, DIKSITA GITA. (2018). Feminist Critique to Patriarchal Society through the Characters in Gillian Fylnn’s Gone Girl. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Masyarakat patriaki memiliki gambaran tentang bagaimana sebaiknya lelaki dan wanita berperilaku. Gambaran yang diberikan mempengaruhi bagaimana perilaku masyarakat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan bagaimana mereka menilai orang lain. Menurut Gillian Flynn, hal ini adalah sebuah kekurangan dari masyarakat patriarki. Lalu dia mencoba untuk memberikan kritik terhadap pandangan itu lewat sebuah bukunya yang berjudul Gone Girl. Buku ini berkisah tentang seorang wanita yang mencoba untuk menjebak suaminya dalam sebuah kisah pembunuhan karena dia mendapati suaminta berselingkuh dibelakangnya. Penelitian ini memiliki tiga tujuan. Pertama adalah untuk meneliti penokohan dalam buku. Kedua adalah untuk meneliti konflik.Yang terakhir adalah untuk meneliti kritik yang diberikan penulis buku terhadap gambaran tentang lelaki dan wanita yang diberikan masyarakat patriaki. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan metoded kepustakaan dalam pengumpulan data utama dan data pendukung. Lalu, peneliti membaca secara mendalam pada novel. Peneliti menggunakan teori penokohan dalam meneliti tokoh-tokoh yang ada dalam buku, teori konflik dalam mencari pertikaian yang terjadi dalam buku, dan teori tentang feminis dan patriaki dalam mengungkapkan kritiki yang diberikan oleh pengarang buku tersebut. Terdapat tiga penemuan dalam penelitian ini.Yang pertama adalah penjabaran dari setiap penokohan yang ada di buku. Terdapat lima penokohan yang memiliki peran lebih memberikan gambaran tentang pemikiran masyarakat patriaki. Amy digambarkan sebagai seorang wanita yang sempurna, cerdas, kempetitif dan dominan, Sedangkan Nick dijelaskan sebagai lelaki yang suka mengingkari sesuatu, pengecut dan tak acuh. Sebagai pembanding Amy, Margo digambarkan sebagai wanita yang kuat namun tidak memiliki penampilan atau sifat kewanitaan. Penokohan ini memiliki peran dalam analisis konflik antar tokoh yang ada dalam novel. Terdapat beberapa hal yang ada dalam analisis konflik, yaitu konflik antara Amy dengan Nick, Amy dengan Masyarakat, Amy dengan Margo, Nick dengan Margo, dan Nick dengan masyarakat. Hasil dari penemuan kedua menunjukkan tentang gambaran yang dimiliki masyarakat patriaki tentang gender. Penemuan ketiga adalah tentang kritik yang diberikan penulis buku terhadap masyarakat patriaki. Analisis kritik dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu stereotype tentang wanita dalam pernikahan dan wanita dalam masyarakat. iii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter deals with background of the study, problem formulations, objectives of the study and definition of terms. Background of the study treats the reason why the researcher chooses the book and the theory for the research. Then, problem formulation is about the problem question that the researcher found for this study. Next is the objectives of the study. It deals with the aim of the study. The last is the definition of terms. It is concerned with the definition for some terms to limit the various perceptions of the terms that used in this research. A. Background of the Study Women are generally perceived as the weak creature and men are the strongest above all. This is one of the reasons why women mostly get bad treatment from their surroundings; for example, there were no jobs suitable for women before the agricultural and industrial revolution (Freeman, 1984, p.520). The status quo is progressing, but seemingly it is still hard for women to get a higher education, a good job, a great career or even anything they want to have. The women’s condition is even worse in the patriarchal society; women have less bargaining power than men. They often do not have the same right to the men because patriarchal society has belief in male dominancy. Maggie Humm gives statement about patriarchal beliefs of man and woman; In any of the historical forms that patriarchal society takes, whether it is feudal, capitalist, or socialist, a sex-gender system and a system of economic discrimination operate simultaneously. Patriarchy has power from men’s greater access to, and mediation of, the resources and 1 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2 rewards of authority structures inside and outside the home (1990, p.159). Humm believes that women have less power in the patriarchal society because of men’s supremacy. Men are seen to be above anything. In this case, patriarchal society takes a part in spreading the narrative of women on how they should be and act. They say that women have to listen to men all the time and obey them no matter what because they have lower level in the society’s strata. Women are objectified and downgraded in the society’s eyes. Patriarchal society feeds the mindset of society to male domination and gives privilege to men. Feminism believes that patriarchal society is a social system which damages the image of women. Patriarchal society believes that women are always to be the inferior side. Women’s power and status are under those of men. They have less power, less chance, or even less right compared to men. Under the pressure of the men’s power and control, the struggle of women in speaking up about what they want and they feel is real. Patriarchal society makes such parameter of what is considered as a good woman or good wife. If they do not fit to the points of those parameters, they will not be a good woman in the society’s eyes. Those parameters develop in the society and it creates a mindset. One of the examples is a stereotype that women should take care all of domestic works instead of having a job or education. The status quo is progressing but there are still many other people who believe in this stereotype. Those people say that women do not deserve higher education because at the end they will only be in the kitchen. People think that giving a chance for PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 3 women to get higher education is a form of wasting money and time. They believe that women should be in the house and take care of the domestic works, and thus they should not go for education. This stereotype makes parents hesitate to send their daughter to school. They think that it is useless to pay for their daughter’s tuition because in the end they will end up in doing the house works.
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