\ ■ 1 • X . TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1966 ATtnica Dully Net PrwM Run SIXTEEN Far tka Week OMete H m Weather Jaa. 14. leee Farseaat sf U. a Weather ] 1 1 3 7 6 H it Ooreu Group at tha South piaar aad eoMer taaight with Mathodlat Church will net mart Sutliffe Named Reads Ike's Prayer Hold Hearing wafUMAaeit toW la MMdle taeas. Oaattaaed ■ A ^ u t T o w n for rug work tomorrow, Tha naxt Engaged •( OlreulaWax esRkniiraday. high aear 861. Saaw m ating will ba Jan. 35 at 10 a.m. r M anefutiter-^A City o f ViUage Charm Thwrdk^(^aight ar Frtiay. Th« 1UY..K. VJiwr lUak, mini*-. The group, however, will vialt the Vice Principal On New Code BRAKE Ur d( tlM Cbvciuuit OonfrtraUontl Study group tomorrow at 3 p.m. Church, left y«tt«rd»y to ottend aa planned. th« umual AArun ot tho minl«< Hyatt Sutliffe, guidance teacher The comprehepaive .new building W E D ^D A Y , JANUARY 16, 1956 A4hrarti0 ag ah Paga 13), ~ f in o< tb« MoUm district et the The monthly dinner of the in the Junior h i|^ 'achool grades code for Mancheeter' wtllfbe the PRICE PIVEI^CENTS ''BvBi««Ueal MiMlon Covenent Senior Citiaena Club will bt hald and assiatant to- the Barnard eubject of a public hearing before Church ^ Amerlc* in W«»oditock. School principal, will be a vice tomorrow , a th# Community Y, principal .of the new high achool the Board of Dlroctora fonlght at Reservist Step Of! which b«Mp jrMterday aid will atarting with a program of gamaa, 8 p.m. In the hearing room of the laelndes lining and labo^—THE BEST BRAIU JOB IN TOWN «ontiiiu« through Friday noon. - ainging and dancing at 3 p.m. Din­ next year. China Asks Tha Board of Skluc^Uon last Municipal Building. SailotB.Feared ner win be at 5:30. The program YOUR DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS HERE Real Dimies March R. Earl Wright, lixiuBtrial rela- will be under the direction of Jim night, designa.tcd him for the Job No objection to putting the code on the nomination of Superinten­ Uona managar o( Cheney Broa., la Herdic and tha ladiea from the into effect has been voiced in the Force Ban, Austin, Tex., Jan. 13 (PV—Two ' a member o( the Connecticut Per- Second Congr^ationai Church dent of Schooola Arthur H. filing. In hia new poaltion, Sutliffe Will many meetings held by the town Lost in Shiix Blast members a t a Houston Marina Boanel AaMidation which will hold will act aa hoateaaea. rsssrvs unit trudged into Auatin i t i third meeting or the lUS-M aca- V have charge of the Junior high officials and representatives of the achool itu-'enta housed In the ndw yeaterday and, eatlmatsd that - /w an Thuraday at the Hotel Sutler, Mra. Charlea Ubert, repraaentf- building trades over the past Ijov VANS Ifni * n Chou Talks they had collected nearly 10 Hartford-.. The group wlU h ea thVa of the local ad^itory council of achool. 10 months. The code is in the foyin of Lake C harles,/^., Jan. 180>>>r to the comi^. wars a com- cents for the March of Dimes throe OeonacUcut. prcaldenu give, the Connecticut State Branch of the , Sutliffe has been In the Man­ an ordinance to be acted t ^ n by pleta iojs. chester achool system since 1P40, 4 2 7 Hartford Rd. Manchcster,Conn. Geneva, Switterland, Jan. (/P) — Citiea-Service Oil Co. on each of the 36,000 steps they their peraona viewa oh varioua aa- American Cancer Society. Mra.. J, I the Board of Directors. / 18 </P)-«-Red'China disclosed workers today wearily battled - No damage eeti-naba waa given, topk in their 160-mite hike. pecta o< the Connecticut industria F. Miller, educational chairman except. for the period of March, If adopted, the ney uniform TELEPHONE Mitchell 9-8066 About 1,500 werkersXtUmptedI . Staff Sgt. Nolan G. Henry and Bcena. Mahcheater, Mra, Helen Ahe'J.\ 1943, to August, 1945, when he -today that it had offered to swirling flatnee and choking to douse the fire and succaeded iii executive aerretary ot Mancheateril«r,! state code, flexible and -broad in ita hospital mate 3/c Charles R. was granted a leave of- absence to scope, would' replace an anti­ renounce the threat of force smoke that may conceal the confining the flames to thia, ship Blanar, escorted by a Marine The Friendly Circle'wlU hold lU Tumor Clinic and Mra. E. T. serve as office manager of the and .docks, aw-ay from theX^ga nti- quated code which building offi­ on condition that the United bodies at at least 16 seamen color guard and motorcycle po­ ■ monthly meeting tomorrow eve- [ Bantly Jr., publicity chairman, at­ War Rationing office. adjoining oil refinery. tended the Joint meeting of the cials have found too rigid and lim­ States at the same time in a bllucing tanker. licemen, were greeted - at t^a ning a the home, of Mra. Cheater j He was born in Meriden and went ited in coverage. At 3 a.m. (C8T), a tugboat sui steps of the State Capitol by volunteer advtaory ^council and to school there. He received his agreed tor a meeting between Loaded with a full cargo of ISO,- veylng tha cracked, flaming Salem Hogan. 65 jean Rd. atatcwtde ataff at the New Havan Janet Ann Harvey Another public hearing will be 000 barrels, of gasoline, kerosene *'aj. Gen. K. L. Berry, state ad- B.A. and M.A. at the University Shlrly. W'arrex SMretary of State Dullea apd Maritime noticed a flashlight wav­ nt gei^ieral and chairman of LaW-n Club last week. of Connecticut. one by the Water-Commlaaion on and fuel oil, the tanker Salem Mari­ ing at the Tear. Pulling alongside, The Paat Miatru* Club of Mr. and Mra. Beverley H. Har the installation of a $12,275 eant-* Chinese Premier Chou En-lai. time exploded late last night. '' ~‘ate March of Dimes, Daughtara of Liberty. No. 125, At the present 'time, there are ■ Miss Shirty Warren of 127 Tha diacloaura was made by the tug found three Mamen, who e leaving Houatoa Jan. 7, Army Units The following women from thla vey, 28 Elisabeth Dr., are an' , two other high school vice prin­ Princeton St., recent winner of the tary sewer system for Litchfield, CJommuntat Chinaaa Ambaaaador A crew of 41 was believed as­ Jumped overboard. LOU, wUl meet Friday at 8 p.m. area were elected oIBcera or ap­ nouncing the engagement of their Avon and Portland Sts. Wed. Specials foi signed to the veasel. Cities Serv­ the twV members of inapector- cipals, George Emerlin;, and Daughters of the American with MDaa Loulae Copping, 852 pointed deputiea at the recent Wang • Ping-nan, who haa baen ice officlala did not know how The three—-BVank Toto, 25. of Instructotv ataff of the sixth / daughter, Janet Ann. to Earl U Cheste.r Robinson, who have assist­ Revolution statewide good citizen­ Other hearings will-be held on holding aecrat talks hara with U.S. Brooklyn, N. Y., George Bmley, infantry vwttallon. collect Vernon S t meeting of the Air Force Reaerve Louoks of Eaat Haddarn, son of ed Principal Eldaon Bailey. They ship award,^ will be featured at five additional'- appropriations to many were on board at the time Ordered on Women's Auxiliary; Mra. Philip I. anvoy U. Alaxis Johnson for the of the blast,. and Fred Gentry, (agea and ad- more than S^DOO for the pbl Mr/a n d Mra. Loula Wright of 35 will transfer to the new achool Connecticut Republicans' "Salute the budget totaling $10,875. Other paat 24 waaka. dreaaea unavailable) - - had lain drive. The meh. who said tMy , In the abaence of Paator K. Holway, Coventry, reelected com- irant St. tb Elsenhower” dinner Friday minor matters will be discussed. - vnandette; Mra. Robert H. Starkel, when It ia opened in the fall. Wang lasuad a 2,500-word state- Fireflghters picked up pieces of trapped in the tanker's engine lost 10 to 12 poubda on the bike, EJnar Raak, the deacona of the Mlaa Harvey la a graduate of 'Will QrganiM Program night at the Stktier Hotel In Hart­ mant giving datalia of thalr three 4Mies this morning. St.. were given he Covenant Congregational Church Mancheater, aocial activltlea; Mra. Nathan Hale-Ray School, Moodus, room for-four hours. When gusts of Alert Basis Raymond P. Ward Jr.. Manchaater, Thla summer. Sutliffe will or­ ford. iThrifty Shopper^l nagotiation| on tha U.S. proposal Patrick's Hospital here treated winds shoved flames away from atbng the route '-and / were will have charge of the midweek and la now a senior at the Univer­ Mias Warren will read the pray­ memberihip; Mra. Marthall Bah- ganize the Junior hii,’i school sec­ that force be renounced in tha eight seamen, one in serious con­ their side of the tanker, they escorted by'high achooKbgnds at aervlce at the church, tomorrow sity of Connecticut.* tion of about 15 ropma at the new er President Elsenhower delivered formoaa area and elsewhere in dition. A Citiea Service worker climbed out of the engine room and a number of towns. Bombay, India, Jan. 18 (/P) ever. Mahcheater, revtiloha and Loucks, who la also a graduate three years ago at his inaugura­ a 7:86 pm. • .. reaolptJona: and. Mra. Philip I. Hol­ high achool and coordinate it with CHOICE CENTER CUT lONELESS RRISKET disputes between the also waa burned seriously., onto the deck Where they signaled —Police opened fire again to« of Nathan Hale-Ray School, the high achool program.
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