Bibliography of A.F. Pollard's Writings

Bibliography of A.F. Pollard's Writings

BIBLIOGRAPHY OF A.F. POLLARD'S WRITINGS This bibliography is not quite complete: we omitted mention of very short book reviews, and we have not been able to trace every one of Pollard's contributions to the T.L.S. As to his letters to the Editor of The Times, we only mentioned the ones consulted on behalf of our research. There has been no separate mention of Pollard's essays from the years 1915-1917, collectedly published in The Commonwealth at War (1917). The Jesuits in Poland, Oxford, 1892. D.N.B. vol. 34: Lucas, Ch. (1769-1854); Luckombe, Ph. (d. 1803); Lydiat, Th. (1572-1646). vol. 35: Macdonald, A. (1834-1886); Macdonell, A. (1762-1840); Macegan, O. (d. 1603); Macfarlan, W. (d. 1767); Macha­ do, R. (d. lSI I?); Mackenzie, W.B. (1806-1870); Maclean, Ch. (1788-1824); Magauran, E. (IS48-IS93); Maguire, H. (d. 1600); Maguire, N. (1460-1512). vol. 36: Manderstown, W. (ISIS-IS40); Mansell, F. (1579-166S); Marshall, W. (d. 153S); Martin, Fr. (1652-1722); Martyn, R. (d. 1483); Mascall,R. (d. 1416); Mason,]. (1503-1566); Mason, R. (1571-1635). Review :].B. Perkins, France under the Regency, London, 1892. E.H.R. 8 (1893), pp. 79 1-793. 'Sir Edward Kelley' in Lives oj Twelve Bad Men, ed. Th. Seccombe, London, 1894, pp. 34-54· BIBLIOGRAPHY OF A.F. POLLARD'S WRITINGS 375 D.N.B. vol. 37: Matcham, G. (1753-1833); Maunsfield, H. (d. 1328); Maurice, Th. (1754-1824); Maxfield, Th. (d. 1616); May, W. (d. 1560); Mayart, S. (d. 1660?); Mayers, W.F. (1831- 1878); Melton, ]. (d. 1640); Melton, W. (d. 1528); Meredith, R. (1550-1597); Merrifield, C.W. (1827-1884); Metcalfe, F. (1815-1885); Mey,]. (d. 1456); Meyrick,J. (1538-1599); Michell, H. (1714-1789). vol. 38: Milne, W. (1785-1822); Mitchell,]. (d. 1768); Mogridge, G. (1787-1854); Moir, G. (1800-1870); Molines, ]. (d. 1362); Molyneux, R. (d. 1459); Monmouth,]. (1I82?- 1247?); Montacute, S. (d. 1317); Montacute, W. (d. 1319); Montacute, W. (1301-1344); More, S. (1594-1662). vol. 39: Morison, Th. (1558?-1603?); Morley, D. (fl. 1170-1190); Morley, R. (I 296?-1 360) ; Morris, Ch. (1490?-1544); Morris, Th. (1660-1748); Mozley, A. (1809-1891); Moz­ ley, Th. (1806-1893); Muir, W. (1787-1869); Mulholland, A. (1791-1866); Murray, G. (1761-1803); Murray, Th. (1564-1623). vol. 40: Nairne, E. (1726-1806); Nangle, R. (d. 1541?); Napier, R. (d. 1615); Napier, R. (1791-1876); Nassyngton, W. (fl. 1375); Nathalan (d. 452?); Needham,]. (d. 1480); Neele, R. (d. 1486); Neville, G. (d. 1225); Neville, G. (d. 1285); Neville, H. (d. 1222); Neville, ]. (d. 1246); Neville, R. (d. 1282); Neville, W. (d. 1389?); Newbald, G. (d. 1283); Newenham,]. (d. 1382?); Newland,J. (d. 1515); Nicholas de Wallington (fl. II93?); Nicholas, R. (1597- 1665?)· D.NB. vol. 41: Nicolls, B. (d. 1433); Normanville, Th. (1256-1295); Northwell, W. (d. 1363); Norwich, R. (d. 1535); Notten, W. (fl. 1346-1363); O'Brien, B. (d. 1657); O'Brien, D. (1577-1663); O'Brien, D. (d. 1624); O'Brien, L.H. (d. 1795); O'Cahan, D.B. (d. 1617?)· vol. 42: O'Hely, P. (d. 1578); O'Neill, D. (1612?-1664); O'Neill, N. (1658?-1690); O'Neill, O. (138o?-1456); O'Reilly, E. (1606-1669); O'Reilly, Ph.M.H. (d. 1657?); O'Rourke, B. (d. 1591); O'Shaughnessy, W.B. (1809-1889); Owen, L. (1572-1633); Owen, N. (d. 1606); Owen, N. (1752-1811). vol. 43: Palmer,.J. (d. 1556); Parfitt, E. (1820-1893); Parker, H. (d. 1470); Parry, W. (d. 1585); Partridge, M. (d. 1552); Partridge, P. (d. 1451); Partridge, S. (1603-1686). vol. 44: Paul, W. (d. 1349); Paynell, Th. (fl. 1528-1567); Pearse, E (1633?-1674?); Pease, E. (1767-1858); Peat, Th. (1708- 1780); Peeris, W. (fl. 1520); Peers, R. (1645-1690); Peer- 376 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF A.F. POLLARD'S WRITINGS son, A. (d. 1594; Peeters, G. (fl. 1582-1592); Pelham, E. (d. 1606); Pemberton, Ch.R. (1790-1840); Pendleton, H. (d. 1557); Perceval, A.Ph. (1799-1853). Review: Secret Memoirs of the Royal Family of France during the Revolution; published from the Journal, Letters and Conversation of the Princess Lamballe. Bya Lady of Rank. 2 vols., London, 1895, E.H.R. 10 (1895), pp. 588- 591. D.NB. vol. 45: Peryn, W. (d. 1558); Petre, W. (1505?-1572); Petrie, H. (1768-1842); Phelips, E. (1560?-1614); Phelips, R. (1586?- 1638); Philips, G.S. (1815-1889); Phis ton, W. (1570-1609); Pickering, W. (1516-1575); Plough,]. (d. 1562); Plumptre, H. (d. 1746). vol. 46: Pole, A. (1531-1570?); Pole, W. (1561-1635); Pollard, H. (d. 1666); Port,]. (148o?-1541); Potts, Th. (fl. 1612-1618); Powell, E. (1478?-1540); Powell, H. (fl. 1548-1556); Powell, Th. (1572?-1635?); Poynings, E. (1459-1521); Poyntz, F. (d. 1528); Price, F. (d. 1753); Price, H. (1495?- 1574); Price, J. (1734-181 3). vol. 47: Puller, T. (1638?-1693); Rainsford, Ch. (1728-1809); Ralston,]. (d. 1452); Ravenser, R. (d. 1386); Rawson, J. (1470?-1547); Rayman,]. (fl. 1620-1650); Redford, H. (d. 1404?); Redman, R. (d. 1426); Reid, A. (d. 1767?). vol. 48: Rempston, Th. (d. 1406); Rich, R. (1496?-1567); Richard de Abyndon (d. 1327?); Richards, W.U. (1811-1873); Richey, A.G. (1830-1883); Rider, W. (1723-1785); Ring­ stead, Th. (d. 1366); Robert (d. 1139); Robins, S. (1801- 1862). Review: P. Bondois, Napolion et la societe de son temps, 1793-1821, Paris, 1895. E.H.R. I I (1896), pp. 388--389. Review: R. Hesdin, The Journal of a Spy in Paris during the Reign of Terror, January-July 1794, London, 1895. E.H.R. II ( 1896), pp. 594-597. Review: E.A. Vizetelly, The True Story of the Chevalier d'Eon, London, 1895. E.H.R. II (1896), pp. 80 I -802. Political Pamphlets. Selected and arranged by A.F. Pollard. London, 1897. D.N.B. vol. 49: Robinson, A. (1762-1827); Robinson, Th. (1790-1873); Rochester, R. (1494?-1557); Rochester, S. (d. 1294); Rochford, ]. (fl. 1390-1410); Rodes, F. (1530?-1588); BIBLIOGRAPHY OF A.F. POLLARD'S WRITINGS 377 Rodington,J. (d. 1348); Rogers, R. (1532?-1597); Rokeby, R. (1527?-1596); Rokeby, W. (d. 1521); Rookwood, A. (1578-1606); Roucliffe, B. (d. 1494); Rush, A. (1537- 1577)· vol. 50: Ruthven, E.S. (1772-1836); Ryerson, E. (18°3-1882); Ryves, Th. (1583?-1652); St. John, O. (155-91630); St. John, O. (1580-1646) ;SSt. Leger, Sir Warham 1525?-1597); Salter, Th. (fl. 158o); Saltonstall, W. (fl. 1630-164°); Sandys, E. (1561-1629); Saville, J. (1545-16°7); Saville, J. (1556-1630); Saville, Th. (1590?-1658); Scalter, E. ( 1623-1699?)· vol. 51: Scoloker, A. (fl. 1548); Searchfield, R. (1565?-1622); Selby, W.D. (1845-1889); Senhouse, W. (d. 1505); Seres, W. (d. 1579?); Sever, H. (d. 1471); Seymour, C. (1538?- 1568); Seymour, E. (1506?-1552); Seymour, E. (1539?- 1621); Seymour, Fr. (1590?-1664); Seymour, Th. (1508?- 1549); Sharington, W. (1495?-1553); Sharp, G. (1735- 181 3) . vol. 52: Shelley, R. (1513?-1589?); Shelley, W. (148o?-1549); Shelton, R. (d. 1647); Sherborne, R. (1440?-1536); Shirley, J. (1366-1456); Shute, R. (d. 1590). Review: The Girlhood of Maria Josepha Holroyd (Lady Stanley of Alderley), recorded in Letters of a Hundred rears Ago: from I776 to 1796. Ed. J.H. Adeane. London, 1896. E.H.R. 12 (1897), pp. 376-377. Review: G. Isambert, La vie a Paris pendant une annee de la Revolution (1791- 1792). Paris, 18g6. E.H.R. 12 (18g7), pp. 591. Review: J. Perrin, Le Cardinal de Lomenie de Brienne, archeveque de Sens; ses dernieres annees: episodes de la Revolution. Paris, 18g6. E.H.R. 12 (1897), P· 805· 'The Protector Somerset and Scotland' in E.H.R. 13 (18g8), pp. 464-472. D.N.B. vol. 53: Smith, R. (1752-1838); Smith, Th. (1513-1577); Smith, Th. (1556?-160g); Somerset, E. (1553-1628); Somerset, E. (1601-1667); Somerset, W. (1526-1589); Soulemont, Th. (d. 1541); Speed, J. 1552?-1629); Spencer, R. (d. 1627); Spottiswood, J. (1567-1645); Squire, E. (d. 1598); Staf­ ford, E. (1478-1521); Stafford, E. (1552?-1605); Stafford, H. (15°1-1563); Stafford, H. (1439-1469); Stafford, W. (1554-1612); Stanbury, J. (d. 1474); Stanford, W. (1509- 1558). vol. 54: Stanhope, J. (1545?-1621); Stanhope, Ph.H. (18°5-1875); Stanley, Ch. (1599-1664); Stanley, E. (I460?-1523); Stanley, H. (1531-1593); Stanley, J. (1465?-1515); Stan- 378 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF A.F. POLLARD'S WRITINGS ley, J. (1607-1651); Staples, E. (1490?-1560); Starkey, R. (d. 1628); Stawell,J. (1599-1662); Stephens,J. (fl. 1615); Sterne, R. (1596?-1683); Stewart, A. (1375?-1435); Stewart, W. (1481?-1550?); Stokesley, J. (1475?-1539); Stone, A. (1703-1773); Stone, G. (d. 1417); Story, J. (15 Io?-1571). vol. 55: Stretes, G. (fl. 1546-1556); Stubbs, Ph. (fl. 1581-1593); Studey, Th. (1525?-1578); Sweetman, M. (d. 1380); Swift, R. (1534?-1599); Swinburne, H. (1560?-1623); Swinnerton, Th. (d. 1554); Swynfen, J. (1612-1694); Talbot, F. (1500-1560); Talbot, G. (1468-1538); Talbot, R. (1302?-1356); Talbot, R. (d. 1449); Talbot, R. (1505?- 1558); Talbot, Th. (fl. 1580); Talbot, W. (d. 1633); Tate, Fr. (1560-1616); Taverner, R. (1505?-1575); Taylor, J. (d. 1534); Taylor, J. (1503?-1554); Taylor, J. (1600?- 1655); Taylor, R. (d. 1555). vol. 56: Tenison, R. (1640?-1705); Ternan (d. 431?); Thomas (fl. 1200); Thompson, J. (fl. 1382); Thorton, R. (fl. 1440); Throckmorton, J. (d. 1445); Thweng, R. (1205?-1268); Tidferth (d. 823?); Tindal, N. (1687-1774); Tiptoft, J. (1375?-1443); Tobias (d. 726). Review: A. Lang, Pickle the Spy; or, the Incognito of Prince Charles, London, 1897. E.H.R. 13 (1898), pp. 378-380. Review: W.

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