Reference: 20160007 7 March 2016 Thank you for your Official Information Act request, received on 12 January 2016. You requested the following: ...all advice provided by the Treasury to Ministers since 2008 about the employment implications of the Roads of National Significance programme, i.e. advice or information about how many jobs are created or maintained through the road-building itself (not through more broader economic development linked to the roads). On 11 February 2016 I extended the time limit for deciding on your request by an additional 20 working days. Please find enclosed the following documents: Item Date Document Description Decision 1. 29 October 2012 Email and attachment Release relevant information 2. 30 October 2012 Email and attachment Release relevant information 3. 31 October 2012 Email and attachment Release relevant information 4. 18 January 2013 Email and attachment Release relevant information 5. 23 December Email and attachment Release relevant information 2015 6. 18 January 2016 Email and attachment Release relevant information I have decided to release in full the relevant parts of the documents listed above. You should note that NZTA have advised: • The 2012 construction job numbers related to the current stage of the projects and included Waterview, Tauranga Eastern Link, Victoria Park Tunnel and Waikato Expressway. It therefore did not include the numbers for the entire Western Ring Route, which is almost twice the size of Waterview. • The 2016 construction job numbers were over the life of the projects (whereas the 2012 numbers were at a specific point in time) and included the entire Western Ring Route. Please note that this letter (with your personal details removed) and enclosed documents may be published on the Treasury website. This fully covers the information you requested. You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review my decision. Yours sincerely David Taylor Manager, National Infrastructure Unit 2 Information Being Released OIA 20160007 Doc 1 Page 1 Doc 2 Page 4 Doc 3 Page 8 Doc 4 Page 11 Doc 5 Page 14 Doc 6 Page 16 Doc 1 Page 1 of 19 Released From: Richard Ward Sent: Monday, 29 October 2012 3:08 p.m. To: 'Jane Cameron' Deleted - not relevant to the request Subject: Jobs info - updated Attachments: Infrastructure jobs info - October 2012 1:JV :H.VR1 .VC: V 0V` 1QJ5%]R: VR Q1JHC%RV .V:1@: Q6]`V 1:7`1$%`V .: 1V.:0V=% `VHV10VR8.:0V H% .V .`VV Q!"]`Q=VH GVCQ1`Q`7Q%8 V .V_%V`7``QI"1IQJ`V GV1J$C1$. `Q`):%`:J$:: V`J*1J@8 1 :GQ% `1$. 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