notes PREFACE 1. Some comparative law specialists have already followed this track and interviewed experts in the field. See, e.g., Pierre Legrand, Questions à Rodolfo Sacco, 47 Rev. Int’l Dr. Comp. 943 (1995). 2. Jean-Claude Combessie, La méthode en sociologie 13, 45 (2007). 3. Bill Moyers, Healing and the Mind (1995). 4. Susan P. Sturm, The Architecture of Inclusion: Advancing Workplace Equity in Higher Education, 29 Harv. J.L. & Gender 247 (2006). 5. Martha Minow, Making All the Difference: Inclusion, Exclusion, and American law (1991). 6. Robert Post, Prejudicial Appearances: The Logic of American Antidiscrimination Law, 88 Cal. L. Rev. 1 (2000). 7. Jack M. Balkin & Reva B. Siegel, Principles, Practices, and Social Movements, 154 U. Pa. L. Rev. 927 (2006). 8. David Benjamin Oppenheimer, Negligent Discrimination, 141 U. Pa. L. Rev. 899 (1992). 9. Christine Jolls & Cass R. Sunstein, The Law ofImplicit Bias, 94 Cal. L. Rev. 969 (2006). 10. Linda Hamilton Krieger, The Content of Our Categories: A Cognitive Bias Approach to Discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity, 47 Stan. L. Rev. 1161 (1995). 11. Richard T. Ford, Racial Culture: A Critique (2005) 12. Janet Halley, Split Decisions: How and Why to Take a Break from Femi- nism (2008). 13. Julie Suk, Are Gender Stereotypes Bad for Women? Rethinking Antidiscrimination Law and Work-Family Conflict, 110 Colum. L. Rev. 4 (2010). 14. Vicki Schultz, Reconceptualizing Sexual Harassment, 107 Yale L.J. 1683 (1998). 15. Ruth Colker, The Disability Pendulum: The First Decade of the Americans With Disabilities Act (2005). 258 notes 16. Frank Dobbin, Inventing Equal Opportunity (2009). 17. Devah Pager, Bruce Western, and Bart Bonikoswki, Discrimination in a Low-Wage Labor Market: A Field Experiment, 74 Am. Sociol. Rev. 777–99 (2009). 18. See Ruth Colker’s blog, http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/sites/colker2/. Her published work includes Disabled Education: A Critical Analysis of the Individuals with Dis- abilities Education Act (2013); The Law of Disability Discrimination Handbook: Statutes and Regulatory Guidance (7th ed., 2011); Special Education Advocacy (with Julie Waterstone) (2011); Federal Disability Law in a Nutshell (4th ed., 2010); The Law of Disability Discrimination (7th ed., 2009); When Is Separate Inher- ently Unequal?: A Disability Perspective (2008); Everyday Law for Individuals with Disabilities (with Adam Milani) (2005); The Disability Pendulum: The First Decade of the Americans with Disabilities Act (2005); American Law in the Age of Hypercapitalism: The Worker, The Family, and the State (1998); Hybrid: Bisexu- als, Multiracials, and Other Misfits Under American Law (1996). Hybrid Revisited, 100 Geo. L.J. 1069 (2012); The Learning Disability Mess, 20 Am. U. J. Gender, Soc. Pol’y & L. 81 (2011) (symposium); Speculation about Judicial Outcomes Under 2008 ADA Amendments: Cause for Concern, 4 Utah L. Rev. 1029 (2010) (symposium); Reflections on Race: The Limits of Formal Equality, 69 Ohio St. L.J. 1089 (2008); Extra Time as an Accommodation, 69 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 413 (2008); The Mythic 43 Million Americans with Disabilities, 49 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 1 (2007); Anti-Subordination Above All: A Disability Perspective, 82 Notre Dame L. R e v. 1415 (2007); Absentee Voting by People with Disabilities: Promoting Access and Integrity (with Daniel P. Tokaji), 38 McGeorge L. Rev. 1015 (2007); Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s Friends, 68 Ohio St. L.J. 517 (2007); Marriage Mimicry: The Law of Domestic Violence, 47 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 1841 (2006); The Disability Integration Presumption: Thirty Years Later, 154 U. Pa. L. Rev. 789 (2006); Homophobia, HIV Hysteria, and the Americans with Disabili- ties Act, 8 J. Gender Race & Just. 33 (2004); The ADA’s Journey Through Congress, 39 Wake Forest L. Rev. 1 (2004); Empirical Studies: How Do Discrimination Cases Fare in Court? Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Law Schools, Section on Employment Discrimination, 7 Employee Rts. & Emp. Pol’y J. 533 (2003). 19. Frank Dobbin’s published work includes Resisting the Iron Cage: The Varied Effects of Bureaucratic Personnel Reforms on Diversity (with Daniel Schrage & Alexandra Kalev), Am. Sociol. Rev. (forthcoming); Why Firms Need Diversity Managers and Task Forces (with Alexandra Kalev), in How Global Migration Changes the Workforce Diversity Equation 170–98 (Massimo Pilati et al. eds., 2014); Institutions and the Economy (with Carl Gershensen), in Emerging Trends in the Behavioral and Social Sciences (forthcom- ing); Finance and Institutional Investors (with Jiwook Jung), in The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Finance 52–74 (Karin Knorr Cetina & Alex Preda eds., 2012); Review of Nancy Plankey-Videla, We Are in This Dance Together: Gender, Power, and Globalization at a Mexican Garment Firm, 59 Admin. Sci. Q. 182–83 (2014); Review of Virginia Doellgast, Disintegrating Democracy at Work: Labor Unions and the Future of Good Jobs in the Service Economy, 58 Admin. Sci. Q. 152–54 (2013); The Origins and Effects of Corporate Diversity Programs (with Alexandra Kalev), in The Oxford Handbook of Diversity and Work 253–81 (Quinetta Roberson ed., 2012); A Sociology of Institutions: Review of Cathie Jo Martin and Duane Swank: The Political Construction of Business Interests, Reviews & Critical Comment. (Dec. 10, 2012), available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2278499; Progres- sive Corporations at Work: The Case of Diversity Programs (with Soohan Kim & Alexan- dra Kalev), 36 N.Y.U. Rev. L. & Soc. Change 171–213 (2012); Review of J. C. Sharman, The Money Laundry: Regulating Criminal Finance in the Global Economy, 118 Am. J. Sociology 850–52 (2012); Frank Dobbin, Industrial Policy (with Soohan Kim), in Palgrave Encyclo- pedia of Strategic Management (David J. Teece & Mie Augier eds., 2012); Review of notes 259 Greta Krippner, Capitalizing on Crisis: The Political Origins of the Rise of Finance, 23 Tra- jectories 2–4 (2012). 20. Richard Thompson Ford’s published work includesBias in the Air: Rethinking Employment Discrimination Law, 66 Stan. L. Rev. 1381 (2014); The Double Secret Danger in the Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action Ruling, Slate (June 27, 2013); Universal Rights Down to Earth (2011); Rights Gone Wrong: How Law Corrupts the Struggle for Equality (2011); The Race Card: How Bluffing About Bias Makes Race Relations Worse (2008); Racial Culture: A Critique (2005); Law’s Territory (A History of Jurisdic- tion), 97 Mich. L. Rev. 843–930 (1999); The Boundaries of Race: Political Geography in Legal Analysis, 107 Harv. L. Rev. 1841–1921 (1994). 21. Other published work by Janet Halley includes After Gender: Tools for Progressives in a Shift from Sexual Domination to the Economic Family, 31 Pace L. Rev. 881 (2011); Le genre critique: Comment (ne pas) genrer le droit? (Vincent Forray trans.), Jurisprudence: Rev. Critique 109 (2011); Vergewaltigung in Berlin: Neue Überlegungen zur Kriminalisierung von Vergewaltigung im Kreigsvölkerrecht, Kritische Justiz (German translation of Rape in Berlin: Reconsidering the Criminalisation of Rape in the International Law of Armed Con- flict); Behind the Law of Marriage, Part I: From Status/Contract to the Marriage System, 6 Unbound: J. Legal Left 1 (2010); Does Law Have an Outside? 7 Osgoode Hall L. Sch. Comp. Res. L. & Pol. Econ. Res. Paper Series (2010).; Tribute to Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick (Janet Halley ed., with an introduction by Janet Halley, A Tribute from Legal Studies to Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick: Introduction) 33 Harv. J.L. & Gender 309 (2010); Note sulla Costruzione del Sistema delle Relazioni di Coppia: Un Saggio di Realismo Guiridico, 27 Revista Critica del Diritto Privato 515 (2009); Rape at Rome: Feminist Interventions in the Criminaliza- tion of Sex-Related Violence in Positive International Criminal Law, 30 Mich. J. Int’l L. 1 (2008); Rape in Berlin: Reconsidering the Criminalisation of Rape in the International Law of Armed Conflict, 9 Melbourne J. Int’l L. 78 (2008); My Isaac Royall Legacy, 24 Harv. BlackLetter L.J. 117 (2008). Words: From the HLS Creative Writer’s Group, Spring 2006 (Janet Halley & Rose Moss eds., 2006); Split Decisions: How and Why to Take a Break from Feminism (2006), excerpted in Feminist Jurisprudence: Cases and Mate- rials (Cynthia Grant Bowman, Laura A. Rosenbury, Deborah Tuerkheimer, & Kimberley A. Yuracko, eds., 2010); From the International to the Local in Feminist Legal Responses to Rape, Prostitution/Sex Work, and Sex Trafficking: Four Studies in Contemporary Governance Feminism (with Prabha Kotiswaran, Hila Shamir & Chantal Thomas), 29Harv. J.L. & Gen- der 335 (2006); The Politics of Injury: A Review of Robin West’s Caring for Justice, Harvard Unbound (Spring 2005); Of Time and the Pedagogy of Critical Legal Studies, in Duncan Kennedy, Legal Education and the Reproduction of Hierarchy (2004). 22. Christine Jolls’s published work includes Behavioral Economics Analysis of Employ- ment Law, in Behavioral Economics and Public Policy (2011); The New Market for Federal Judicial Law Clerks (with Christopher Avery, Richard A. Posner & Alvin E. Roth), 74 U. Chi. L. Rev. 447 (2007); Employment Law, in Handbook of Law and Economics (A. Mitchell Polinsky & Steven Shavell eds., 2007); The Law of Implicit Bias (with Cass R. Sunstein), 94 Cal. L. Rev. 969 (2006); Antidiscrimination Law’s Effects on Implicit Bias, in NYU Selected Essays on Labor and Employment Law, Vol. 3, Behavioral Analyses of Workplace Discrimination 69 (Mitu Gulati & Michael J. Yelnosky eds., 2007); Law and the Labor Market, 2 Ann. Rev. L. & Soc. Sci. 359 (2006). 23. Linda Krieger’s main publications on employment discrimination law include Mul- tiple Disadvantages: An Empirical Test of Intersectionality Theory in EEO Litigation, 45 L. & Soc’y Rev. 991 (2011); The Watched Variable Improves: On Eliminating Sex Discrimination in Employment, in Sex Discrimination in Employment (Faye J. Crosby et al. eds., 2007); Implicit Bias: Scientific Foundations (with Anthony G. Greenwald), 94 Cal. L. Rev. 945 260 notes (2006); Socio-Legal Backlash, in Backlash Against the ADA: Reinterpreting Disabil- ity Rights (Linda Hamilton Krieger ed., 2003); The Content of Our Categories: A Cognitive Bias Approach to Discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity, 47 Stan.
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