Vol. XIV. No. 38. OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1906 One Dollar the Year MASS MEETING HELD TO SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE ANNUAL MEETING EXPOSE COLBY POLITICS MANY POPULAR ATTRACTIONS AT TH E AUDITORIUM DEATH OF REV. 0FW.F.M.S0CIEY Great R ally Saturday M y lit in tlie IN AUDITORIUM NEXT SUMMER Fine Sermon by Rev. Robert J. Cooke, S. L. BOWMAN Asbnry Park Opera House ol Tennessee WELL MIOSViV MINISTER PASSED TO BE HELD IN ST. PAUL CHURCH What promises to be one .of.- the- PLANS OF DIRECTOR MORGAN AND ASSOCIATION PROMISE TO The auditorium last Sunday was greatest Republican mass meetings Oiled by an exceptionally large audi­ AWAY SUNDAY MORNING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4 ever held in New Jersey will be .held ence for -this time of year. Bishop J. in the .Opera House, Asbury Park, to­ MAKE SEASON 1907 A " WINNER ” N. FitzGerald, who recently returned morrow (Saturday) night at.8 o’clock. from Virginia, presided, A dozen min­ It grows out of thevColby “New Idea” isters occupied seats on the platform. PROGRAM OF INTEREST [movement in polities and follows in The Park sisters, cornetlsts, and sev­ LONG AND USEFUL OFE the -wake of the recent vilifications of AUDITORIUM TO BE OPEN FOUR FUL1 MONTHS eral members of the summer orches­ Senators Dryden and Kean and oth­ tra assisted in the musical portion of A P a p e r on V Our Work In Afri­ ers atHhe. hands of those at the fore­ the program. ■ : , Was a Cousin of Bishop Bow-- . The sermon was preached by the front. of the Colby faction. Director Tali Esen .Morgan, as is his from concert work. It will enable more man and a Prominent Educa­ ca,” a Talk on "Our Litera­ To refute the baseless attacks of the usual custom at the close of the sea­ singers to take part, owing to fewer Rev. Dr. Robert J. Cooke, of Chatta­ “Now Idea” ' people and to . place the: rehearsals, and it is believed will give* nooga, Tenn. His theme was “The tor of Methodist Church—W as > ture ” and "The Jubilee/* Are son, is taking “ time • by the forelock” Blessedness .of Discontent,” founded ontire matter in the proper light be­ and making plans for next summer's greater satisfaction to auditorium au- Sope of the Best Features. fore the eyes of the voters of this sec­ dlenCes. The Sunday choir members • on the fifteenth verse of the third Summer Resident of Ocean J program at *the auditorium. Judging chapter of Paul's letter to the Phll- tion, Carl Lentz, of Essex, will make a will be assigned regular seats In the Grove for Many Years Mrs. T. J. Scott Will Take Part stirring address. Mr. Lentz; knows from Mr. Morgan’s outline of enter­ order in which application is made lipians. more about the public record of Mr. tainments so far advanced the season and. thei people arrive. For the con­ This \yas Rev: Cook’s first public ap­ The annual meeting of the Woman’s Colby and its relations to corporate of 1907 promises W be the greatest certs no regular seating plan will be pearance after his recent return, from Rev. Shadrach Layeock Bowman, o f - Foreign Missionary Society, New interests than any other man in tbe Ocean Grove has ever seen. The carried out except to have each part Europe, where he was a delegate to Newark, died at .his summer home, 12 , Brunswick district, will be held in S t state and,; it is said, will come armed period during which entertainments grouped. the general M. E. conference at Dub- Pitman avenue, Sunday last, aged 78 Paul church on Thursday, October 4. with facts and -figures which he will will be given Is to be extended—from Were it not for the fact that some ' lin and. Manchester in England. years. His death was duo mainly t o ., Mrs.. William Knapp will preside at recite in detail. the flrst of June !to the latter end of of the Ocean Grove hotels have stood The holiness meeting at 9 a. m. at­ advanced age and general debility. A the meeting. Others who Will partici­ Major Lentz will speak for an hour September, making almost four so nobly.,!)/ Mr. Morgan he sa.ys it tracted a large congregation to the widow and two daughters are left s u r ­ pate from this vicinity are Mrs. M. S. and a half and will be followed by months of amusements at the auditori­ would be absolutely Impossible, out of Tabernacle, and an hour was spent In viving— Mrs. James Anderson of M t.. Wheeler,. Rev. J. W. Marshall, Dr. and Senator Hillery o f Morris county, the question, to maintain such an ex­ prayer,'song and testimony. This ser­ Vernon, N. Y., and Mrs. James Hoyt,, um. of Katonah, N. Y. ■Mrs. T. J. Scott, Mrs. A. Woodworth, Senator Barbour of Mercer county Mr; Morgan and Bishop FitzGerhld cellent orchestra1 as 'he now has at vice will be continued throughout the •Mrs. Elizabeth Dunham, Mrs. C. May­ and possibly Governor Stokes, who have been In conference, the past Ocean Grove every season. The ex­ week. Rev. Thbmas Harrison, of Bos­ Funeral services were held at 7.15. er, Mrs. C. M. Glffin, Mrs,-: 'Margaret has ^promised to he present’ if his week, going- over the results of past pense, without the liberal help of’ the ton, the *“ boy preacher,”, will preach Thursday morning in St. Paul M. E ... Pine, Mrs. James Rosg, and Mrs. E. A. gubernatorial engagements and health summer’s work. It was found that the hotels and boarding houses, could not next Sunday morning and evening in church, conducted by Dr. James Wil­ Margerum,. who i3 district secretary. will permit. x big majority of the public favored and be met; - the auditorium. liam Marshall, pastor. The body was . The program’for morning, afternoon George L. Record’s career is also to patronized the iower-price entertain­ It is surprising, in this connection, then taken to Newark, where further . services were'held in St. Paul M. E. and evening.sessions are as follows: be made a matter of public discussion. ments—the moving pictures and mu-' that some of the; hotels do not as REV. YATMAN ENDS SUMMER LABORS 'Morning—'Devotional, led by Mrs. Record Is the Colby candidate for sicals— while it was shown, with equal much as deign a courteous reply to church at 10.30 o’clock, followed by in­ M. S. Wheeler, Ocean Grove; greeting, United States senator on the “ purity” strength that the !big attractions, like Mr; Morgan’s appeals for co-operatftm terment in .Mt. Prospect cemetery. Rev. James William Marshall, Mrs. platfqrm. Recent, revelations of Rec­ Nordlca and the Swedish National and assistance, yet they reap all tnfes Popular Evangelist Closes Tent Dr. Bowman was a native of M ary-—; land and was ordained to the ministry James Ross; response, Mrs. E. Packer, ord’s would indicate.a mistake had Choir, were also in great favor and benefits of their neighbors who do Services With Big Rally Seabright; reading of minutes of been made In his choice. highly-appreciated. Along this • line; help, * ■ in Baltimore in 1855. The following;* . 1905; appointing of committees: No. 1. Counselor James D. Carton will therefore, the index of public senti­ It will rest largely with the hotels' Rev. Charles H. Yatman, the emi­ year he went to East London,-then to —Nominations. No. 2—-Credentials.. prpbably preside. Most of the prom­ ment seemed to point, and will largely whether the orchestra comes early in. nently successful and much-liked the Newark (N. J.) conference. In No. 3-—Resolutions. Roll, call of Aux­ inent Republican officials of the city control next, season's entertainments. June and stays late in September. Mr. leader of the Young People’s Meetings the early sixties he was transferred iliaries by secretary— Red Bank, First and township, will be present, on the It was also found that oratorios are Morgan will extend the same courte­ at the Temple for over twenty-five to the Central Pennsylvania confer- church,-Mrs. R. Heisley; Red Bank, platform. Dr. Ballard, Mayor Atkins, not a paying institution. They * have sies to Asbury Park hotels he now years, and who was sorely missed this ence, being located two years each In Grace church, Mrs. Joseph Childs; T. Frank Appleby, Henry ' C. Winsor, scarcely ever returned a profit balance does to Ocean Grove houses If they summer by the thousands who come Berwick, Bellefonte and Carlisle. ; Seabright, lMl$s Verna Minton; . As­ Dr. Br\tce S. Keator, Harry J. Rocka- to the association. The deficit . from will take one or more of the musi­ to Ocean Grove, conducted open air From J8G5 to 1871 he was professor of. bury Park, MfS,.C. Mayer; Little Sil­ feHer, Thomas J. Winekler, Major this source has had to be made uo cians. He is fully aware that the Au­ services the past season in Philadel­ Greek and Hebrew in Dickinson col­ ver, Miss Hannah Bowne; N§w Bruns­ •John "Cl. Patterson, Ernest Woolston, from the more profitable ventures or ditorium audiences are - largely com­ phia These meetings, given under the lege, at Carlisle. For the next six wick, St. James church, - Mrs. H. E. George F, Rainear, John D. Beegle. raised some other way. It is stated posed of people from Asbury Park, auspice^ of . the Presbyterian Evan­ years he had charge of churches at Collins;. New Brunswick,' First church, Milan Ross, William C. Burroughs and that $1,500 represented the loss on both weekdays and Sundays.
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