CONTENTS SOUTHERN BAPTIST Pare . P««« SECTION I—THE SURVEY BOXE^N Southern Baptist Historical Table—1845- The complete Survey Bulletin for 195LVtcfer 1951 126 to cross-index of subject matter, ^begin­ Southern Baptist Hospitals 110 Southern Baptist Orphanages 120 cMotulbook ning on page IM. 5-41 Southern Baptist Schools and Colleges 112 SECTION II—BAPTIST DIRECTORIES Southern Baptist Chaplains 123 American Ba pt IM Conventions 43 Southern Baptist Senior Colleges. Digest of Baptist World Alliance 42 Courses Offered 116 Directory of Southern Baptists: Southern Baptist Reports- 1545-1951 115 American Baptist Theological Seminary 73 Sunday School Enrolment Southern Baptist 1952 Baptist Book Storrs 78 Churches 85 Baptist Brotherhood 73 Sunday School Enrolment by Departments 107 Baptist PubMc Affairs Committee 77 Summary of Southern Baptist Churches, by Education Commission 74 States -1951 56 Executive Committee of the Convention 45 Three Year Record of Southern Baptists 105 Foreign Mission Board 47 Training Union Enrolment Southern Baptist Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary 73 Churches 89 Historical Society 78 Training Union Enrolment, by Departments 106 Home Mission Board 59 Vacation Bible School Enrolment . 97 New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary 71 W.M.U. Enrolment Southern Baptist Relief and Annuity Board 67 Churches 90 Radio Commission 77 Social Ben-ice Commission 77 SECTION IV—THE CHRINTIAN POPI LATION Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary 72 Southern Baptist Foundation 6* Christian Groups In United States, Directory 135 Prepared by Department of Survey, Statistics, and Information Southern Baptist Hospital 78 Christianity's Growth by Centuries 128 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary *rtf Contributions from Living Donors. Per Secretary Southwestern Baptist TheologicalSrminatB 7o Mernb.r 1950-IP.’.I 112 Southwide Papers and Periodicals 79 Contributions from Living Donors, Total State Baptist Papers S3 1950-1951 130 State Conventions, Meeting Places and Comparison of Religious Strength 134 RDates, 1952 81 Membership Statistics of Larger Religious lie Conventions. Headquarters, and Bodies 129 piste Officers HO tday School Board 07 M.U. Training School 74 NE< TION V—THE GENERAL POPI LATION Woman's Missionary Union - 75 Facts of Interest About Our Population 13s NECTION III—THE BAPTIST POPI LATION How Negro Population Is Spreading Over I’nlied States 140 (Statistical Tables) and other Baptist Information) Y Marital Status of Persons, 14 Years an.1 Over 14s Baptisms, Southern Baptist ('hurdles 85 Nations of the World 139 Baptists of the World, by Nations 'V \ 121 Population of United States, by States 1951 137 Brotherhood Enrolment Southern Bapti^LJ Population Characteristics of Southern Bap­ Churches , 91 tist Convention Territory 141 Budget. Total. Southern Baptist ChurchesX 102 Significant Changes In Age Groups 148 Church Characteristics Southern Baptist \ Sunday School Enrolment and Unreached, by Churches LV6 Church Property. Value of. Southern Baptist \ Departments 146 Churches •<>,-> Cooperative Program Receipts. Distribution SECTION VI—HOW AMERICANS LIVE of 107 Arrests of persons under 25 154 Gifts.Total, Southern Baptist Churches 9*> Estimated Distribution of Family Income - Gifts, Mission. Southern BaptistChurches 99 1950 152 Gifts. Division of 105 Drinking and Accidents 155 Growth of Main Denominations 122 How Americans Live 154 Pastors Salary. Average, Southern Baptist Housing Characteristics 150 Churches 94 How Americans Spend TheirMoney 149 Membership Southern Baptist Churches 87 -Marriage and Divorce 4 Receipts and Distribution of Mission and Per Capita Consumption of Alcoholic Bev­ Benevolence Funds, by State Conventions 104 erages—1950 155 Receipts for Bouthwlde Causes, Analysis of 106 Per Capita Income Payments to Individuals Record of Southern Baptist Churches— —1950 152 1950-1951 54 Personal Income and Consumption Expendi­ Report of Southern Baptist Churches, by tures—1933-1950 15! location ............................92 Urban and Rural Crime Trends 153 THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION CALENDAR FOREWORD Co-ordinated Denominational ActivHiei for 1952 The Southern Baptist Handbook is not just another book. It can­ (1953 calendar will appear In 1952 Convention Annual) not be read as you would read an ordinary book. It is a historical JANUARY AUGUST library volume, a desk source-book; a book to. be studied, reflected Cooperative Program Emphasis Ridgecrest. Glorieta (N. Mex.), State Assemblies, upon, referred to, and preserved. And. as you turn through its pages, Special Bible Study Week and Camps do not become engulfed by statistics. Statistics are a mirror that will Church Schools of Missions Emphasis Summer Revivals help us see ourselves as we really are; a vehicle that will convey im­ The Theological Seminaries Sunbeam Focus Week, August 10-18 portant truth to seeking minds; a light that will reveal hidden facts; W. M. U. Training School Off-to-College Day In the Home Churches a stimulus that will incite to action. Student Life-Commitment Day, January 13 A question frequently asked is, “How do Southern Baptists gather SEPTEMBER FEBRUARY so much valuable data?’’ The answer is, “co-operation.” The Depart­ Baptist World Alliance Sunday, February 3 Foundations: Southern Baptist and State Church Music ment of Survey, Statistics, and Information is the clearing house for Student Evangelistic Week. February 3-10 State Sunday School Planning Meetings collecting such data, but we are dependent upon thousands of church T. W. A. Focus Week, February 10-16 Training Union Planning Meetings (or In Oc­ clerks, associational clerks, state statisticians, and other denomina­ tober or November) tional leaders for the data which appears in this Handbook. MARCH W. M. U. Season of Prayer for Slate Missions Home Missions and Offering (as promoted by the state W. M. U.) When the data reaches our office from the associational clerks, an W. M. U. Week of Prayer for Home Missions IBM business machine card is punched on every church in the South­ and Annie Armstrong Offering, March 3-7* Student Joln-the-Church Day (Sunday following College opening) ern Baptist Convention, giving the vital information reported by Training Union Study Courses (avoiding Week of the churches. The punched cards classify the churches in five differ­ Prayer) Home and Foreign Missions Day in the Sunday OCTOBER ent groups: open country churches, village, town, city, and city School and Offering. March 30‘ suburban churches. They also classify the churches according to the Sunday School Training Courses State Papers and Missionary Magazines number of preaching services held each month. Thus, we are able APRIL Stewardship. Tithing. Cooperative Program, and to make a breakdown study^>f our previous year's record. Doctrinal Emphasis Every-Member Canvass Christian Literature and Church Libraries Church Sunday School Planning Meetings Each year the Handbook presents new studies, new surveys, in Youth Week in the Churches, sponsored by the layman’s Day, October 12 addition to the vital statistics on the progress of Southern Baptist Training Union, April 6-13 State Mission Day in the Sunday School and work. Several new features are introduced in this issue. Offering. October 26 (as promoted by the states) The 1950 United States Census is carried in several classifications, MAY Hospital Ministry including a breakdown study of our Southern Baptist possibilities. Christian Home Week, May 4-11 NOVEMBER An enlightening study on “How Americans Live and Spend Their G. A. Focus Week. May 11-17 Christian Stewardship Week. October 26 to Money” should be helpful to pastors and other church workers. W. M. U. Annual Meeting, May 11-13 November 2 Southern Baptist Convention, May 14-13 Enlistment Day and Every-Member Canvass, November 2 (or nearest convenient Sunday) An exhaustive study of courses offered by Southern Baptist R. A. Focus Week, November 9-13 senior colleges and universities will be invaluable to prospective col­ JUNE Orphanage Day and Offering (as promoted by Relief and Annuity Board (and Offering for the the states) lege students. Relief of Aged Ministers)* The complete 1951 Survey Bulletin, with a cross index of subject Christian Education matter, provides a wealth of source material for speakers and Chris­ Vacation Bible Schools DECEMBER Ridgecrest. Glorleta (N. Mex.), State Assemblies, Foreign Missions tian workers. and Camps Every-Member Canvass (completed) Christian Education Day, June 22 W. M. U. Week of Prayer for Foreign Missions It is with grateful appreciation that I acknowledge here the and Lottie Moon Christmas *Offering, Decem­ efficient help and co-operation of capable staff associates in producing ber 1-3 JULY this volume: Mary Alice Wright, Mrs. Carl Hester, Mrs. R. G. Court­ Southwide Simultaneous Associational Training Ridgecrest, Glorieta (N. Mex.), State Assemblies, Union Meetings, December 8 ney, Mrs. Joe Nicholson, Garnell Hamilton, and Mrs. V. H. Yarbrough. and Camps Student Night at Christmas, December 28 Volunteer Summer Service by Students •These offerings have been approved by the In presenting this volume, it is with the sincere desire that the Summer Revivals facts-contained herein may cause Southern Baptists to take courage Southern Baptist Convention. from past achievements, and to accept the challenge of an unfinished work ""’L""' '•» ■« «n»« Of Southern B.ptl.t task as we face the future. ? ohroud. which th. Am.rlenn Bible Society render, by .upplylnr th. Scripture, without profit .nd uaiully below COM. .nd r.pUUn IU
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