- Greeks ~ rhe Weather ) Partly cloudy f_ today, bocoml", cloudy w tumin, colder this aftotrlOlll _ tlllight. To Give Light snow likely north thl..... trIOIII and o"er molt of the .tato tonight. Outlook for Frida1 01 owo~ - Partly cloudy and co"r. Honors Seroing the State Univermy of 10fD4 tmd the Peopk of Iowa City Established in 1868 Herald Tribune News Service Leased Wire Auociated Press Leased Wire And Wirephoto Thursday. February 16. 1961. Iowa City. Iowa Outstanding Man, Woman Will Be Revealed Tonight , Four students from each fra· ttmity and sorority at SUI will .tteod the Greek Week leader· IIIiP banquet tonight at Iowa 'Hands Off Cong 0, Soviets Told Memorial Union. Potential leaders among fresh· JDeII. sophomores and juniors are I JtIecled by each of the 20 frater· Ditiel and 14 sororities to attend tile banquet. Seniors chosen to a/tdd are candidates for the titles Kennedy RealliI'!ms Support 01. U.N., Kasavubu tl OUtstanding Greek Man and ,oman. to be named at the ban· quet. * * * * * * l speaker at the banquet will be Jilted, He ... Col, Herbert Mansfield of Mili­ Dag Reiects Russ 18 American President s tary Science. Nominees for Outstanding Greek Woman are: Kills Girl,.' . · Skaters Die Conference Loretta Bridgeford. A4. Cedar d Rapids. Zeta Tau Alpha; Janet Cop, Self Deman To ReSign In Air .Cras~ Taylor. At. Clinton. Alpha Chi UNTTED NATIONS, N. Y. (AP) - Dag Hammarskjold de­ Seen · on TV , Omega; Karen Kuchel. A4. Daven­ Triple Cedar Rapids port. Chi Omega; Mary Roos. M. Fiantly rejected W dnesday a Soviet demand that he resign Belgian Boeing 707 Nation II in Serioul Davenport. Alpha Xi Delta; Bar­ Slaying Comes "fter as secretary-general. He said to 00 so would only bow to the Spinl Out of Control; Recellion, He SaYI; bara Whiteside. A4. Des Moines. Marriage Called Off aim of the Soviet Union to paralyze All on Plane Perish Points Out Jobless Alpha Phi. the United Nations at a time of would have to bow to the wish of CEDAR RAPIDS !A'I - A young crisis. the Soviet Union to have this or­ By COLIN FROST By RAY BURDICK Diana Merrlll. A4. Ida Grove. woman who broke off marriage Hammarskjold Mdr('ssed the ganization. on Its executive side. Editor Gamma Phi Beta; Naida Worton. plans witb one man and was set U.N. Security Council Wednesday run by a triumvirate which could B R U SSE L S, Belgium I.fI At. Iowa City. Sigma Delta Tau; to marry another was killed Wed­ afternoon after Adlai E. Steven· not (unction. nnd which most def­ Sabena Airlines authorities specu· President John F. Kennedy LJnda Brown. A4. Oskaloosa. Delta nesday by the rejected suitor who son. spokesman for the /lew U.S. initely would not provide the in­ lated Wednesday night that trouble Delta Delta ; Marilee Olson. M. also tatally shot himself and a Administration. accused the So­ strument for all the uncommitted in a Boeing 707'5 control sy tem i sued a strong warning to the Ottumwa. Delta Zeta; Barbara policeman. viet Union of vlrtl1ally declaring CoOuntrles of which they are in led to the crash that killed 73 SOviet Union Wednesday night Bjornstad. A4 . Spencer. Delta William Maloy. 23. a drape.-y war on the U.N, by proposing both need." persons Wednesday. including 18 not to interfere with United Gamma. an end to the U.N. Congo opera· young Amc{ican [jgure skating salesman. was said by police to H••• id It i' up to the uncom· Nations operations in th strife­ Judy Repass. A4. Waterloo. Kap· have killed Denise Sorci. 18. and tion. and the firing of the U.N.'s mitt.d nlltionl and IIot tho So"lot stars. pa Kappa Gamma; Pat Smith. M. Policeman Felix Barta. 52. at the chief executive, Union to lilY whether they want The transatlantic plane spun out torn Congo. Elmhurst. 111 .• Pi Beta Phi; Nancy Maloy house. st'¥On,on'. spe.ch .t • morn· him to stay on the lob. of oontrol while circling for a While not naming the Soviets Stokes. A4. Elmhurst. Ill.. Alpha Maloy and Miss Sord bad In, ..ulon .upportlng Hammer­ "Whatever the members of this landing and crashed in a sunny specifically. Kennedy said tho Della Pi; Kathl Jonson. A4. Min· rented .... hou .. I.. t Dec. 1 .nd skjold w.s Interrupt.d by .... organh:alion may decide on the farmyard. killing a Belgian farmer United States would be "deeply neapolis. Minn.. Kappa Alpha planned to live there after their wlld ••t d.mon,tratlon In U.N. subject." he added, "wiU natural· in addition to 61 passengers and 11 concerned" with any unilateral in­ Theta. mam..,., Hid Harl.n Woodside, history. At leut 21 persons w.r. Iy be my law." crew members. The wreckage tervention in the Internal aUalrs Inlured a. American N.,ro Nominees for Outstanding Greek OWMr'. Affirmations oC support for Ham. burned. of the Congo. He reaffirmed United Man include: d.mon.trator. - .houtlng for the marskjold came from Turkey. Na­ "E¥Orythlng .ppeared normal States backing or U.N. efforts in Miss Sorci ended her relation­ slain Congo I.ad.r Patrie. lu· tionalist China. France. Chile and until ..",.... 1'" happened which the area and our support of the 30u PitTsol. M. Ames. Delta Up­ ship with Maloy several weeks mumba - b.ttl.d U.N. gu.rdl In ailOll; James Krambeck. A4. Clin­ ago and was preparing to marry 8ritain - all council members. aplNlr.ntly .ffectecf the pI.ne·. Government of President Joseph the public ,all.rles and U.N. Their statements made it evident Kasavubu, ton. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Terry Marvin Hanson Jr.. 20. next corridors. control .y.tem," 'aid Willom Travis. A4. Des Moines. Delta Tau month. Mrs. Marvin Hanson Sr.• the Soviet proposal had no chance Dtlwam, S a b • n • '. ,.neral Kennedy called on other U.N. But he added that the Soviel Delta; Jack Glesne, ~. Elkader. said. of council approval. mana.. r. memb rs for the same backing. Union had made clear it would SIgma Nu; Jerry Diamond. B4. Aft.r lI.t.nlng allo to B.lglum saying. "Other governments oper­ Mrs. Hanson said her son. a serv­ not accept appoiplment of a sue· "It was seen spinning around in Fort Dodge. Alpha Epsilon Pi. and Motocco, the council ad· ating On Hlelr own can only con­ lee station attendant. started go· cessor. but wanted to estabUsh journ.d lit 7:5' p.m. until noon an abnormal position before Iry­ Dave Figg. B4. Bloomington. ing wibh Miss Sorci last November instead a thl'ee-man executive as ing to regain height and then falI· fuse the situation. The U.N. is the Stevenson, the chief U.S. dele­ best way." Ind .• Acacia; John Price. A4, Ce­ and was dating her apparently at demanded last fail by Premier gate to the U.N .• warned the Unit­ ing." dar Falls. lfImbda Chi Alpha; the same time he was making Khrushchev, ed States would not remain an idle Deswarte said the undercarriage The prepar.d ,tate"""', which Tim Cote. B4. Eldora. Phi Kappa wedding plans with Maloy. bystander while the Congo deter­ was not at fault and "it does not ,tarted oH the Pr•• ldent'. tole· Psi. If no successor were named. Miss Sorci. who had lived with Hammarskjold added. "the world iorates into chaos and anarchy. seem that engine trouble was In· "lled pr... ConMrenCO, wa, ell· Fred Glassman. A4. Iowa City. the Hansons 'for two weeks. called --- volved." "iously an In.w.r to Moscow'. Phi Epsilon Pi; John Norris. A4. Ml'S. Hanson at work Wednesday Among the 49 Americans who angry r.actlon onr the death of Marcus. Phi Kappa Theta; Bob and Maloy bad threatened oSaid her ~~ .. were Mar/bcl Vinson the ' .....'. ' ..... LumvmlN. Downer, Lt. Newton. Phi Kappa with a gl1Jj. the woman said. Beth Kesterson Crowned I I Owen. 49. of Winchester. Mass .• Tuesday. the Soviet Union with- Slema ; Jerry Parker. A4. Ottum­ Mrs. H_ Mid .... girl told and two daughters. Mrs Owen. drew its omclal recognition of wa, Delta Chi; Dave Hendrick­ ".,. tfNtt aM w.nt to Maloy' .. nine times U.S. figure skaUng U.N. Secretary General Dag Ham· lOll. L1. St. Ansgar. Alpha Tau eM with him, then broke away, '67 IFe Queen by Greek's champion. was coach for the two marskjold In an eCCort to force his Omega; Kenneth Price. E4. Sioux ran back 1"'0 the Hanson housa girls. both members oC a U.S. resignation and a reorganization of City. Sigma Pi; Terry Loeschen. By TERRY TRAVIS and .. Ioc:k.d .... cfoor •• team heading to Prague. Czecho· the U.N. structure to suit Soviet At. Spencer. Phi Delta Theta. Staff Writer Maloy apparently entered the slovakia. for the world £Igure skat­ Premier Nikita Khrushchev. Larry Gould. A4. Waterloo. Sig­ house throug'h a basement window Cameras flashed and the crowd cheered as Beth Kesterson, ing championship due to.open Feb. In what was certainly an appeal ma Chi; Dave Hennessey. M. Wa­ and forced Mtss Sorci to accom­ 22. terloo, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Jim to the American people for support pany him. police said. A2. Des Moines. was crowned Miss Interfraternity Council Flame. fed by burstln, fuel Miller, B4. Waterloo. Phi Gamma (or his legislative programs which (IFC) Queen of 1961 Wednesday night at Macbride Audito­ tank. quickly ....ulfed tho hulk Delta; Nels Howard. B4. Elbrun. Wihen Policeman Barta and an­ would aid the faltering economy. other officer. Robert Driscoll. rium. of the $5-mllllon, Am.rlcan-ltullt Kennedy reminded the public that Ill.
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