John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 12-6-1990 The aC rroll News- Vol. 79, No. 11 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 79, No. 11" (1990). The Carroll News. 947. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/947 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Serving the John Carroll University Community The Carroll News•• /880. Vol. 79, No. 11 John Carroll University, University Heights, Ohio 44118 December 6, 1990 Carroll Forum discusses Persian Gulf crisis proposes action on Aug. 2. Gcnnany do not allow the coun- Umted States. John McBratny, • by Chuck Beilstein "Wc(thc United States)always tries to send thctr annies, but they assistantprofcssorofEnghsh,srud Staff Reporter have a budgeuo fight a war,"said have pledged S3 billion and $2 the anny would be a "consensus" In a forum sponsored by the John Soper, professor of cconom- bi lhon, respectively. instead of an alliance. McBratny plans Student Union Monday night, a ics at JCU. He said national Concerning the plausibility of said "all hell would break loose" panel questioned President a combined force lead the following an Iraqi attack on Israel, by Julie Smith Bush's motives in the Middle citing the posstbility that Syna Asst. News Editor EastandantictpatedfutureUnited and other countncs would break A new Communications Arts States military action. their alliances with us. Center, an extension to Grasselli The panelists examined the The pace at which Bush has library, a dugout for the baseball many levels of support needed built up military forces in Saudi field and the re-zoning of restden- from American citizens and for- Arabia wasanOLherconcernoft.he tial homes are just some of the eign nations LO be successful in panelists. plans John Carroll Umverslly are resolving the Gulf Crisis. "[Bush is] moving fast to avoid proposing for the future. Kurt Bernardo, a John Carroll eroding popular support," said On Nov. 26, Rev. Michael University alumnus and mecha- Bernardo. He said the United Lavelle, S.J .• JCU president. and nized infantry commanderin Vi- States was originally "gung-ho" John Reali, vice president of serv- emam. told more than 180 stu- in the Viemam Conflict, but by ices, presented the master plan to dents that although Americans the withdraw! of forces. soldiers • the University Heights City Coun- were "sighing a sigh of relief a lives "had been spent like nickels" cil for infonnal approval. year ago" at Russian refonns. ~· for no resolution. The meeting was infonnative "the world is now facing war." All four panelists expressed in nature, and was meant only to A faculty panel discusses recent developments in the Persian Bernardo stressed improve- Gulfcrisis. ·phooobyM..WhuNcaJy continuedonpageS tellt.hecouncilofCarroll'sinten- ments in missile technology with tions for the coming year~. a film clip showing the destruc- bl.ll on Iraq I. Sl•tuatl•on defeated According lO Reali, JCU wiU lion of annored tanks. su fonnall y approach thecity's plan- "We 'rc not talking about a ning commission somct1mc in little Vietnam thing; · sa1d Ber- inda~ ill lution C(lSIS or me conunuauoo of economJC Jaouat¥ nardo. He believes that foot- by Allee Carle and to encourage an equaJ, mter- sancuons or Iraq and f'urther 11- petition ror re-mnmg or two soldier combat would not play as News Editor national, unilateral defensive force tempts of diplomatic solutions. houses on Bel vi or. a dugout, and importantaroleinany upcoming to deter further aggression in the Those against the bill felt that seating for the baseball field. show of force. The Student Union Senate region. force was necessary and accept- "his 10 our best imerestto use Exammmg Bush's mouves. defeated a bi11 opposing aggres- "I wanted to encourage stu- able under the United Nations. these houses for offices," said Verghese Chirayath, associatet sive means for the removal of Iraq dents LO take an active role in which allows the use of force after Lavelle. "We have no intention of professor of sociology at JCU, from occupied Kuwait last Tues- affecting a decision that will in Jan 15. Others felt that their sena- using these houses for students. said that the President's aims arc day. tum affect them," said Averill. "I tors were not fairly representing We want to discourage fraternity Iraq's withdraw! of lroops from Thcbill,submittedbySUPrcsi- also wanted LO widen the scope of the student body. type houses." Kuwait rhe release of Amencan dent Dave Averill, asked for the issu~' s addressed by the Student "I was dtscouraged by the rep- After the re-zonmg and base- hostages, and "peace in the area". continuedcnforcementoftheeco- Umon to show that we have a rcsentation of students by the ball field are approved, Reali said Chirayath said these purposes nomicsanctionscurrentlyimposed responsibility not only LO be an senators," said Averill. "Ifecl that the next consttuction will be a "seem plausiblc ... but fleeting" bythcUnitedNations. ltcalledon administrative body, but also to this points to the problem of ac- Communication Arts Center, since Bush has stated many goals President Bush and the interna- be a voice of the students." countability that senators must be which would connect the library L:S::.:.tn:.:.:c::..:c:....:..:H~u::::sse=in:....'s::.....;;:in.:..:.i.:;:tia=l.....;m='l.:..:i :=..L-..::ti.=.on;.;.;a=l....:c:.::o;.;.;m.:..:.m.:..:.u=n;.:.:i.:J......::LO~co::..:m~m:.:.;•t:....t:.::o:___..;..A.:..:d;..;.v.=.oc::::a::.::tes:::::......:;;of;....;;;.th;.;:c.....;b::..:i.:..:.ll....;ar:=..g,u::.;e;.;:d;__..::c.=.on:..:.:sc=io;.;:u:::s..::o::::f.:....." ______--.J and the Administration Building. Two viruses infect JCU om::~o~~~~~:=~~~~:s~~~~; .les lost computerlabsandstudyarcas. Computers' fl "None of these projects, other cursor as hannless. than the baseball field, are cur­ by Mana Thomas Last week, however, many The continuing rently funded for," Rcah srud. Staff Reporter students began complaming of The master plan also includes A virus has struck John Car­ missing files. "The viruses may problems of home­ the eventual closing South Bel­ roll, but it is not an ordinary ill­ have been affecting files much lessness vior Blvd. to all through traffic. ness. A computer virus has re­ earlier in the semester. but be­ This closmg would make the front cently been wreaking havoc on causeofthe increased use this past entrance the only entrance to the campus computers. week, the full effect of the viruses WORLD VIEW campus. The area where the road "Actually. there are two viruses is being realized," said Kurt Ber­ Leaders spectu­ was would be used for "green space" and possibly additional affecting computers here," said nardo, microlab manager. late about draft Ken Brownlie of Computer Serv­ "People are always losing files tennis courts. ices. "One is called 'Stoned' and so we weren't too concerned at An extension to the library is the other is called 'Ping Pong Ball." ftrSl. But we have Ken Brownlie An in-depth also included in the master plan. The viruses ftrStappeareddur­ reconfiguring the computers; re­ look at JCU's An extension to the boiler room in installing programs and putting the RccPlcx. is also provided for ingthesummer. Acursorbounced President Sports special on across computer screens like a on software that is supposed to be .in the mao;tcr plan. This extension "ping pong ball". Because that vtrus-proof," hesaid. "It's a wait intramurals will serve as storage for servtces. was the only symptom, Computer and see situation right now. We There arc also plans to add a third Services regarded the bouncing continued on page 5 floor to the Science Building. Page 2 EDITORIAL The Carroll News, December 6,1990 Lack of Senate leadership undermines authority The Student Senate committed parliamentary suicide at the semester's nothing more than a majority vote. last Student Union meeting this past Tuesday. At hand was a resolution It is therefore the responsibility of the individual representatives to presented by David Averill, SU president, that, if passed, would declare maintain a close relationship with their constituency to understand their that the John Carroll University Student Union "does not support aggres­ thoughts on matters ofimportance. Recognizing the sensitive nature of this sive means for the removal of Iraq from occupied Kuwait" and calls on resolution, Averill presented the resolution a week in advance of actual President George Bush to pursue a peaceful solution to the crisis. discussions, which is perhaps unfortunately rare, with the explicit instruc­ The proposed resolution was a bold move on the part of Averill. By tions to the senators to fulfill their responsibilites of representation. taking a stand on which he believed, in spite of a general sentiment of Though amongst the pros and cons of debate pertinent lo the resolution suppon for Bush's policies on this campus, he truly demonstrated the lead­ emerged a notion that the Student Senate simply has no authority to speak ership he was elected for. on this issue. Such a conception is totftlly and undeniably false. As long Unfortunately, praise cannot be extended to theStudent Senate. The as the senators reflect the opinions of the students at large, which is their Senate failed in its elected responsibilities to represent the Carroll student duty, then they have the consentual authority, by nature of this system, to body. Debate on the resolution itself was quickly muddied by frequent speak on any topic they wish. comments from several senators, such as the belief that it is "ludicrous" to Some parallels to the United States Congress were made during the think that the Student Senate can come to a consensus and that the Senate meeting.
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