(No Model.) 2. Sheets-Sheet 1. S. E. ST. O. CHAPLEAU, ROTARY COMPOUND STEAM ENGINE, No. 444,087. Patented Jan, 6, 1891, earSS 2 2. N 2222 NSRSSZeo N N S. N NSS (S) SSN N N SS SN f A. u S. O N ( NS() N s Q% 22 2 title N.NS kSS. is in on NYNRN SBBXx|| ||22. Sas aestrate SN SNIN SS SS SRN N S. N. W. C SršŠ|NN Š R SS ŠS.N - SNSN SzE.SSSSSSS S. S2X23S N -\ , , Ns is B>N N NS S. N ... t S. -...-H. s it (No Model.) S. E. ST. O. CHAPLEAU, 2 Sheets-Sheet 2, ROTARY COMPOUND STEAM ENGINE, No. 444,087. Patented Jan, 6, 1891, Ø `N ope eize 9-5 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZ 77-67 tesses: The worrs PEERs co. Photo-lt UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. SAMUEL E. ST. O. CHAPLEAU, OF OTT AWA, CANADA. ROTARY COMPOUND STEAM - ENGINE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 444,087, dated January 6, 1891. Application filed November 29, 1889, Renewed December 3, 1890, Serial No,373,440, (No model.) To all whon, it may concern: Referring to the drawings, A represents a Be it known that I, SAMUEL E. ST. O. CHA central shaft; BB B, &c., a series of cylin PLEAU, of Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario drical piston-heads mounted concentrically 55 and Dominion of Canada, have invented cer and rigidly upon the shaft. tain Improvements in Rotary Compound CC, &c., are a series of cylinders inclos Steam-Engines, of which the following is a ing the respective piston-heads and arranged specification. eccentrically to the axis of rotation, each cyl The aim of my invention is to provide a inder being turned about one-fourth of a revo simple and efficient rotary engine of the com lution ahead of the next, or, in other words, Io pound type-that is to say, of the type in arranged in an angular relation of ninety de which the steam is used repeatedly and ex grees to the next, for a purpose which will pansively in cylinders of successively increas presently appear. ing capacity. I mount side by side on a com The cylinders are separated from each other mon axis a series of concentric pistons, each by intervening plates or disks D D, &c., the having a series of radially-movable blades or several parts being firmly united by the bolts abutments arranged to travel around the in (l, passing through the plates and through terior of an eccentric cylinder subject to flanges on the ends of the cylinders, or other steam-pressure from one side. The cylinders wise united in the desired relations. differ in capacity, and are arranged eccen The central cylinder C is provided with a trically to the axis of rotation, and are con pipe c' for the admission of high-pressure nected by ports which are alternately cov steam from the boiler. The remaining cylin ered and uncovered by the revolving pistons ders are constructed in pairs of successively in such manner that the steam after being increasing capacity, the first pair C'C' to 75 used at high pressure in the smallest cylin the right and left of the pressure-cylinderbe der is exhausted, thence into the next larger ing of equal capacity, the next pair C'C' also 25 cylinder, and so on repeatedly throughout the of equal capacity, and so on throughout the series. This variation in capacity may be series.My engine - may be constructed to exhaust secured either by constructing the cylinders the entire contents of the high-pressure cyl - of different lengths or different diameters, inder into a single low-pressure cylinder; but or both, the only essential requirements be I prefer, as shown in the drawings, to dupli ing that the steam in its course through the cate all the cylinder's except the first and successive cylinders shall be afforded an op smallest, so that the steam from the latter may portunity for increased expansion. - be divided between the duplicate cylinders, Each of the rotary piston-heads is provided and this in order to give an increased port at equal distances apart with four radially 35 area to equalize the strains and permit the sliding abutments or blades b, the opposing running parts to be balanced. blades of each piston being connected by an In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 is intermediate rod b', passing through the cyl a longitudinal central section through an en inder, so that as the piston-head is rotated 49 gine constructed on my plan and adapted to the outer edges of the abutments travel in a secure a quadruple expansion of the Steam. circular eccentric path, bearing constantly Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are vertical cross-sec against the inner surface of the cylinder, tions of the same on the lines therein indi their construction and operation in this re cated. Fig. 7 is a face view of one of the di gard being essentially the same as in other vision-plates, showing the manner in which rotary engines at present known in the art. 45 the ports are duplicated when an engine is to The outer edge of each abutment is grooved to be adapted for reversal of its motion. Fig. 8 receive a packing-strip U, which is urged con is a view looking into one of the cylinders stantly outward by a spring U to maintain a and showing the reversing-Valve. FigS. 9 steam-tight joint. and 10 are cross-sections on the lines 99 and The plates or disks D D', &c., between the 1010 of Fig. 8. Figs. 11 and 12 are views of cylinders are each provided with a series of details, 1 holes or ports d' transversely therethrough 444,087 for the purpose of permitting the steam which pistons to wear the bearings and cylinders las performed its office in one cylinder to on one side. By the described arrangement, escape through the ports directly into the ad of the cylinder's I so balance the strain and jacent and outer cylinder. pressure that the shaft and pistons run with 7 O The steam entering the high-pressure cyl slight pressure and with uniform wear. By inder C acts in a well-known manner against duplicating the secondary cylinders to the the abutments therein to effect the rotation right and left of the high-pressure cylinder I of its piston until finally it reaches a point at am enabled to secure a greater area of the which it is shut off by the abutments and the ports through which the steam is delivered 75 O piston from communication with the inlet after leaving the first cylinder, and also to port, but brought into communication with the avoid the objections which would be incident exhaust-ports in the plates D D to the right to the use of very long cylindel's, requiring the and left into the cylinders C C, where it steam to travel a long distance in passing acts expansively in precisely the same man therethrough. (5 ner as in the first cylinder, and after which The foregoing description is that of an en it is discharged through the ports in the gine adapted to run in one direction only. plates D.' D' into the cylinders C° C°, and When the engine is to be reversed, so as to so on repeatedly, until having performed its turn in either direction at will, I provide each duty in the cylinders C C it is discharged of the division-plates with duplicate ports or through ports c' in the end plates or heads. channels extending, respectively, to the right The line of ports in each plate is extended, and the left of an intermediate point, as as shown in Fig. 4, in a curved line through clearly shown in Figs. 7 and S. an arc of about ninety degrees, so that as the Within each of the plates I mount a trans piston revolves its end covers and uncovers versely-sliding valve or plate F, provided with 25 the holes or ports successively. On the re a handle for other connection, by which it ceiving side the ports of each plate or most may be operated from the exterior, so as to of them open into a curved slot or channel cover the respective channels and ports alter (l, such as shown in Fig. 4. This channel nately, the other's being rendered for the time communicates with the cylinder through being inoperative. which the stealm is delivered through that Whilel prefer to construct these reversing portion of the circumference from which the alves in the form shown in the drawings, it steam is exhausted. As the steam-space be is to be distinctly understood that they may tween the piston and the cylinder diminishes be of any form and construction which will IOC or is of diminishing area in this part of the cyl admit of the ports on opposite sides being 35 inder, it is necessary to provide for the free opened and closed alternately. release or clearance of the outgoing steam, in In order to facilitate the reversal of the en order that it inay not be again compressed in gine, I propose to connect the operating-rods the cylinder by the next abutment advancing of the various gates with any suitable mech behind it. The channels danswer this pur anism which will effect their movement in IO 5 pose.
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