ANK EGISTER •• 'VOLUME LXVIX, NQ. 4V RED BANK, K. J., THURSDAY, JULY 18,1946. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 14 Guest Preachers Woman's Club Harry Van Note Is Will be Heard Bail For Osterstock Plans Benefit Petition FQr School During August, when Rev. The-annual summer card party Roger J, Squire, pastor of Firat of the Red Bank Woman's club New Police Chief Methodist church, will be on vaca- Is Set At $15,000 [-will be held Tuesday, July 30, at Sent To State Board tion, guest preachers will occupy the clubhouse at 1:30 p. m. Pro- the pulpit at both morning and ceeds will be used to finance the evening services. new beating plant recently installed Veteran Of 33 Years Has Rev. Dr. Albert L. Baner of Syra- Held For Grand Jury In Connection at the clubhouse. Must Determine If Need Exists cuse, New York, a former pastor of Besides table prizes there will be the Red Bank church, will preacb With Sea Bright Yacht Club Raid special awards. Miss Flora W1U- For County Vocational School Come Up Through The Ranks August 4., Rev. Harry VanCleaf of guss, chairman, will be assisted by 4 Toms River, a former^&stor of the Mrs. Joseph E. Carroll, Mrs. Wil- Harry T. VanNote of 59 Rector Eatontown church, will be preacher Joan Os%rstook, arrested In Dar- When Prosecutor J. Victor, Car- liam P. Strode, Mrs. Jessie N. Beers, The board of freeholders Monday1! place, a veteran of 33 years on tbe August 11. Rev. Raymond D. ien, Connecticut, Monday afternoon ton and county detectives raided Mrs. Alex N. Pepin, Mrs. Myron V. tossed into tbe lap of the State;!' • Bed Bank police force and the only Adams, Presbyterian minister of for Monmouth county authorities, the club they placed Osterstock In Brown, Mrs. Pierce N. Poole, Mrs. Lions Attending Board of Education a petition]; motorcycle patrolman tbe force has Little Rock, Arkansas, who is wel- was beld In $15,000 bail by Justice a ladles' powder room, from which Willis C. Conover, Mrs. Ralph K. bearing more than 3,000 signatures ever had, was elevated to the chief comed at the church every summer of the Peace Fred Quinn at Free- he made bis escape. Eckert, Mrs; Orson Francisco, Mrs. Annual Conclave asking that a vocational school be? Of the department Monday night at while visiting his folks in Red hold Tuesday afternoon on four To each of the complaints, read George Stephen Young, Mrs. A. M. established in the county. The pet-.§ a meeting of the mayor and coun- Bank,' will occupy the pulpit Au- charges lodged against him by A. by the Justice of the peace, Oster- Jerolamon, Mrs. George Norman, JHon was presented to the Doard* cil. His name was offered by Mayor gust 18, and Rev. George Y. Flint W. Sacco, chief of county detec- stock pleaded not guilty. Miss Elizabeth Scowcroft and Miss Red Bank, Highlands early this month. t; Charles R. English, and tho ap- According to Mr. Carton the of East Orange, who is now super- tives. Osterstock'a family lives at Bertha Xridel. Edgar O. Murphy, director of the3f| pointment was approved by all the intendent of the Newark district, Darien. Yacht club la owned by the Sea To Be Represented councllmen with tbe exception of Bright Investment company, of board, pointed out in a prepared - end has been heard here in the lost statement that "The board Is adr^ Thomas M. Gopslll, chairman of the few years, while he was pastor of Bail was supplied by the Manu- which Osterstock is president. The Four members of the Red Bank police committee. Mr. Gopsill cast facturer's Insurance company of Investment company took title to Beekman Is Named vised that they have no jurisdiction^ the Morrlstown church, will preach Lions club will travel tomorrow until it has been determined by«S the only dissenting vote without August 25. Pennsylvania^ and Osterstock ,was the place In 1938. Eight others ar- morning to the annual convention' comment. Mr. VanNote was sworn rested in the place have also been resolution of the State Board of'M released pending grand jury action. ToNewN.J.Bar of the International Association of Education that a need exists in any',;| In at the conclusion of the council Sacco charged Osterstock with held for aiding in the operation of Lions at Philadelphia. The dele- session. a gaming house and are being held county for an Industrial, agricul-lv" operating and maintaining a gam- gates who have been named on ural, or household arts school." ?; In nominating the new chief, bling house at the Sesk Bright under $5,000 ball each for grand Endeavoring To Assoc. Committee the basis of one representative for Mr. Murphy's statement also? Mayor English called attention to Yacht club July S, aiding and abet- Jury action. every 25 members of the organiza- points out that "this very some| his length of aorvioa In the depart- Detective John Gawler who, with ting in the operation of the place, tion are John Hawkins, past presi- question was submitted to the vot--,^ ment, his good record and the fact Better Local Assistant Prosecutor John M. Pills- To Prepare Official resisting arrest and escaping from dent and one of the new district ers In 1940 and was defeated." that be enjoyed the confidence of a county law enforcement officer. bury went to Darlen for Oaterstock, governors of the state; William the public. The actual motion of found a loaded .32 revolver in his Monmouth County List Investigation also disclosed, Mr^ Phone Service Ball was originally set at $22,500, Fluhr, Herbert Edwards and Theo- Murphy said, that the old certtfle ' appointment was made by Council- but was reduced to $5,000 on the car and he was held In ball in dore Labrecque. man Kenneth M. Wyckoff and sec- Of Veteran-Lawyers tion by the State Board of Educa-J operation charge, $5,000 for alleged- Darien for carrying a concealed Two organizations in outlying onded by Councilman Harold S. tion has lost its force in the interim'; ly aiding and abetting, (2,500 for weapon. A detainer will be lodged districts, Highlands and Atlantic Allen. E. H. Pringle, District and *a new one would be required^ resisting arrest and the same for against him by Connecticut author- Attorney Alston Beekman, Sr., Highlands, were also planning to ities to answer the gun charge. before the county could consider.'^ Chief VanNote was appointed de- Manager, Makes escaping. Broad street, was appointed by the send representatives. Samuel Sil- the current petition. puty chief by Mayor English April New Jersey Bar association at its berblatt president, William Fehl- 17, 1939, on the recommendation of The freeholders, however, want$ Public Statement recent Atlantic City meeting to a haber, Harry Hubbard, immediate more than a certification from the$ Councilman Gopslll, chairman of committee to carry out the Bar as- past president; William E. Lee sec- the police committee. state, Mr. Murphy declared. A demand for telephone service Two Residential sociation's resolution giving veter- retary; Charles Greenfield, a past "We feel we should have fromjH Tbe new chief was appointed to More Property far greater than any the war pro- ans of World war II exclusive con- president, and Ernest Vaugban are either tbe county superintendent of.|$ (he force in May, 1913, by Mayor duced is seriously affecting the sideration in matters of reference Highlands delegates, but in Atlan- schools (Thomas B. Harper), or thejf Horace P. Cook, and has served speed of service the New Jersey from the federal and state courts tic •Highlands no members were State Department of Education, in-v, continuously since that time. He Sales Reported Bell Telephone Company can give Estates Change Hands of this state. able to spare the time from their formation on the following: "f, has tbe longest service record in telephone users. The resolution recommends that, work to make tbe trip, and it was decided, therefore, on Monday "1. The estimated enrollment forj,, tbe department and is the only of- New Jersey telephone users are for a period of one year, lawyers night not to Insist upon the send- the first ten years of operation and, H Bcer who has worked every post Houses Change Hands making close to 5,000,000 calls a who were veterans of World war After a successful probationary ing of a delegate from that club. it possible, a breakdown as to the.f day on the average, the company i II be given exclusive consideration tour, Chief VanNote was made'a In Four Boroughs Sea Bright and Fair Haven have geographical location of the same?; reports, some 700,000 a day more One Located At Fair Haven, In the designation of masters, re- n tbe county. -^ regular policeman on January 1, ceivers, trustees) and other appoint- also decided not to have represen- 1914. On May 80, 1915, he was made Mrs. Catherine Rountree has than a year ago. The Increase in tatives present at the convention, "2. The number of schools tnafc'y calls out of town Is particularly The Other At Monmouth Beach ive offices, both in the federal and a sergeant by Mayor George M. sold her house at 216 Maple avenue, state courts. Veterans would there- which, according to a report made will be required to accommodate | marked. There are more calls than such enrollment for the first ten.*? Bandt and beld that rank nine Red Bank, to Mrs. Elisabeth M. -•- fore handle all such references for by the secretary general, Melvin years until his appointment Janu- Hegarty of Highlands through the the switching centers and line net- C.
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