Heredity 56 (1986) 75—85 The Genetical Society of Great Britain Received 10 May 1985 Mitochondrial DNA variability in natural populations of Hawaiian Drosophila. I. Methods and levels of variability in D. silvestris and D. heteroneura populations Rob DeSalle*, L. Val Giddingst, Department of Biology, Washington University, and Alan R. Templeton St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. We describe techniques by which mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction site information can be obtained for up to 16 different restriction endonucleases on individual Hawaiian Drosophila, in particular D. silvestris and D. heteroneura. We have constructed mtDNA restriction site maps for a total of forty-eight wild caught genomes of both species, from seven major collecting sites on the island of Hawaii. Levels of variability are, in general, high in D. silvestris (p of Ewens et al., 1981 =0.0486)and lower in D. heteroneura (p =0.0327).Measures of population subdivision using Nei's G, indicate that about 50—60 per cent of the observed variability is due to interdemic subdivision. In accordance, populations within a species show a much lower level of variability, however some populations harbour individuals that are very divergent from the rest of their conspecifics at the same locality. We review two possible mechanisms that could explain the presence of these divergent individuals, hybridisation and the effects of stochastic branching processes. INTRODUCTION (Carson, 1983; Kaneshiro, 1983). However, chromosome studies and isozyme analysis show Analysisof mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) using little genetic change within and between these restriction endonuclease digestion is useful in the species. D. silvestris and D. heteroneura are study of evolution in matriarchal lineages (Brown homosequential in their polytene chromosome and Wright, 1977; Lansman etal.,1981; Avise et banding patterns. No diagnostic, fixed inversions aL, 1979; Ferris et a!., 1983). The rapid evolution exist between the two species nor among popula- of mtDNA (Brown eta!.,1979;Brown, 1980; Avise tions within each of them (Carson, 1983). Isozyme et a!., 1979) means that mtDNA restriction site studies (Craddock and Johnson, 1979; Sene and analysis is also valuable in studying closely related Carson, 1977) suggest a moderate degree of popu- taxa. The Hawaiian Drosophilia are a well charac- lation heterozygosity, but also show a high degree tensed group of closely related organisms in which of genetic similarity not only within populations matriarchal population structure has greatly but between D. silvestris and D. heteroneura, with affected evolution as founder events by one or a no fixed diagnostic alleles between these two gen- few gravid females are probably involved in their erally sympatric species. Hunt and Carson (1982) extensive genetic differentiation (Carson et a!., have used the relatedness of single copy DNA 1970; Carson and Kaneshiro, 1976; Carson, 1978, sequences by DNA reassociation techniques to 1983; Carson and Templeton, 1984; but also see show that small, but significant differences (06 Barton and Charlesworth, 1984). per cent sequence divergence) do exist between The closely related species pair, D. silvestris these two species. and D. heteroneura have undergone extensive Here we utiliserestriction endonuclease morphological and behavioural differentiation as cleavage analysis of mtDNA to study genetic a result of founder events on the island of Hawaii differentiation in D. silvestris and D. heteroneura. We describe techniques that allow detection of Present Addresses: *Depament of Genetics, Washington Uni- restriction site polymorphisms in mtDNA isolated versity Medical School, St. Louis, Missouri 63110, t Office of Technology Assessment, United States Congress, Washington, from a single individual Hawaiian Drosophila for D.C. up to 16 restriction enzymes. In addition, we deter- 76 R. DESALLE, L. VAL GIDDINGS AND A. R. TEMPLETON mine the level of variability and the degree of Table 1AIsofemale lines used in this study genetic differentiation among mtDNA sequences in natural populations of the two species and Isoline Species Trapping locality analyse the patterns of mtDNA variability within LVGP1 S Piihonua—PI populations in light of what is known about LVGP1O S Piihonua—PI population structure (Craddock and Johnson, LVGP12 S Piihonua—PI LVGPI3 S Piihonua—PI 1979; Carson, 1983) and natural hybridisation WPMO1 S Olaa—OL (Kaneshiro and Va!, 1977) in these species. WPMO4 S Olaa—OL WPMO6 S Olaa—OL U28T2 S Kilauea—KI MATERIALS AND METHODS W12B7 S Maulua—MA W33B45 S Kohala—KO W48B1 S Hualalai—KU (i) Flies and fly stocks W48B2 S Hualalai—HU W48G4 S Hualalai—HU Flies were captured by standard Hawaiian W48G5 S Hualalai—HU W48G10 S Drosophilia collecting techniques (Carson, 1983) Hualalai—HU on the western side of Hawaii at Waihaka and U26B9 S Kahuku—KA Hualalai (fig. 1), and on the eastern side of Hawaii W33B2 H Waihaka—WA W33B3 H Waikaka—WA at Olaa and Piihonau (fig. 1). Males were frozen W33B4 H Waihaka—WA at —80°C while females were allowed to establish W33B5 H Waihaka—WA isofemale lines before being frozen. Thirty-two W33B7 FL Waihaka—WA isofemale lines were analysed. W33B8 H Waihaka—WA W33B13 H Waihaka—WA Two males and nine females that did not W33B14 H Waihaka—WA produce isofemale lines from the west side W33B16 H Waihaka—WA were analysed, as were four males from the east W33G6 H Waihaka—WA side (table 1). W33G7 H Waihaka—WA W33G10 H Waihaka—WA W33G11 H Waihaka—WA W48G3 H Hualalai—HU W48B6 H Hualalai—HU Q71G12 H Olaa—OL S =D.silvestris. H =D.heteroneura. (ii) DNA isolation D. melanogaster mtDNA used in making probe and in cloning experiments was isolated from embryos by the method of Bultmann and Laird (1973). Nuclear DNA, mitochondrial DNA and RNA were isolated from single Hawaiian Drosophila by the method of Coen et aL (1981). Plasmid DNA was isolated by methods of Maniatis et aL (1982). (iii)Cloning of a specific Hind I/I ISLAND OF HAWAII D. melanogaster mtDNA fragment Figure 1 Location of the collecting sites of D. silvestris and PurifiedmtDNA and puc8 DNA (Vierra and Mess- D. heteroneura on the island of Hawaii for this study. The ing, 1983) were cleaved to completion with Hind solid line running across the map represents the artificial III and ligated. The resultant ligated DNA was demarcation of the east side from the west side. Contour transformed into E. coli JM83 by the method of lines represent elevation in metres. Abbreviations are HU = Maniatis et a!. (1982). The recombinant plasmid Hualalai,KA =Kahuku,WA =Waihaka,P1 =Piihonua, KI =Kilaueaand OL =Olaa.See table 1 for sample sizes pDm-mt-258 which corresponds to the Hind-C analysed for each population. fragment in Bonner et aL (1977) was isolated by mtDNA VARIABILITY IN HAWAIIAN DROSOPHILA. I 77 Table lBSingle flies analyzed in this study was hybridised to each filter under the following conditions; 5X SSC, 025 M KPB, 2 per cent SDS Designation Species/sex Locality and 1X Denhardt's at 65°C for at least 12 hours. LVGP2 S/F Piihonua—PI Filters were washed in 2 changes of 2X SSC, 1 per LVGP8 S/F Piihonua—PI cent SDS, and 1X Denhardt's at 37°C for 1 hour. LBGP1O 5/ F( ISO) Piihonua—PI Autoradiography was as described in Maniatis et LVGP12 S/F(ISO) Piihonua—PI a!. (1982) for exposure times of 1-10 days. LVGPI1 S/F Piihonua—PI LVGP15 S/F Piihonua—Pl LVGP16 S/F Piihonua—P1 LVGP17 S/F Piihonua—PI (vi)Melting point determinations WPMO1 S/F OIaa—OL Meltingpoint determinations were carried out by WPMO2 S/F(ISO) Olaa—OL a modification of the methods in Appels and WPMO3 S/F Olaa—OL WPMO4 S/F(ISO) Olaa—OL Dvorak (1982). Three replicates of total cellular WPMO5 S/F Olaa—OL DNA (2 i.g) from the appropriate species were WPMO6 S/F(ISO) Olaa—OL denatured in 015 ml of 02 N NaOH by boiling WPMOMI S/M Olaa—OL for 2-5 minutes. The samples were then cooled on WPMOM2 S/M Olaa—OL W48BA S/M Hualalai—HU ice. Ammonium acetate (003 ml of 5 M solution) W48AA S/M Hualalai—HU was then added to the DNA and the solution was W48BC S/M Hualalai—HU dotted onto nitrocellulose. The DNA was baked W48BD S/M Hualalai—HU onto the filter at 80°C for 1-2 hours. Hybridisation of saturating amounts of D. melanogaster mtDNA S =D. silvestris. H=D. heteroneura. was performed as described above. Determination F=Female. of the melting point was accomplished by serial F(ISO) =Motherof the designated isoline. transfer of the filters to 05 ml aliquots of 2X SSC M=Male. at the desired temperature for 5—10 minutes at which time the aliquots were placed on ice and filter colony hybridisation (Maniatis etal., 1982) the filters transferred to the next vial. To determine using purified D.melanogaster mtDNAas probe. the amount of released labelled probe, 5 ml of scintillation cocktail was added and 5 minute (iv)Restriction, electrophoresis, and counts of each vial were obtained. The activity Southern transfer released was then computed as a cumulative per cent loss of radioactivity. Upto 18 different restriction reactions could be performed on DNA from a single fly. Restriction enzymes were purchased from New England Bio- (vii)Sizing of fragments and labs and used as described by the distributor. restriction mapping Digested DNA was separated on 06-12 per cent Lambdaphage fragments of known size were run argarose gels and the gels stained with ethidium on each gel as size standards. Fragments on bromide and photographed under short wave UV autoradiographs were sized either by using a com- light. Restriction fragments were denatured in the puter program designed after the algorithm of gel in 05 M NaOH and 15 M NaCI for 1 hour Schaffer and Sederoff (1981) or by plotting the and neutralised in 05 M Tris and 3 M NaC1 for at lambda standard data on semilog graph paper.
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