Senate Group , Drops .Bill ever. Mather reCOIn 01 oling on special que' Serving the University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City by ballot in all ~ In Squabble to avoid .Iower Par. Eatab1labed In 1881 10 PtIr AIIOclated Prell Leaaed Wire aDd Wlrepboto Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, Feb. 23, 1965 such v~tlng in the ' Ceota CoPJ Colder Temperatur. II ne counties. State Senators Claim ecommends intenllv Voting Rules Violated Predicted for Today, ion campaign befor: to make sure votera In Loan Legislation And On Wednesday operate the machillt DES MOINES IN) - A bill to Snow moved inlo western Iowa ng" their votes. S regulate industrial loan companies Monday night, and the Weather Mather's study hay was taken out of the Senate Com­ Bureau aid all of the slate can members o{ the I.e t expect between one and three merce Committee Monday amid Hold on e and local elect' ,. Assassinati Suspect inches of new snow before the political leaders, .: protests that the rules were be· --------------------------.----------------------------------------------------------------~--- storm move out tonight. 'ICS. Others may ob. ing ignored. Snow began falling in northwest trom the Institute 0( Later, Committee C h air man sections of the tate Monday after­ rs at the University noon as icy winds added to the copy. ' Peter F. Hansen <D-Manning), said Justice Frankfurter, 82, Dies Black Muslims discomfort brought by a cold wavc that "I am not going to have that kept temperatures at bitter them make a butt out of me." and levels throughout the day . decided to leave the bill in com· Deny Any Part The tate Highway Commission mittee. After Severe Heart Attack aid highways in the extreme northwest corner of Iowa were HANSEN FIRST ruled there WASHINGTON t.fl - Retired Su­ and served 23 years as an associate were seven votes in favor of reo In Slaying nowpacked in sheltered areas, and preme Court Justice Felix Frank­ justice. President Kennedy appoint­ up to 50 per cent snow packed in portillg the bill out to the Senate furter died Monday in George I prudence equal to your own ." Ooor and three votes against, with other stretches. Olher highway in Washington University Hospital at Frankfurter was appointed bV Death of Malcolm X state were reported normal. two committee members absent. the age of 82 as the result of an President Franklin D. Roosevelt 'Will 8e Avenged,' Highs today will vary from five Only seven votes are requi red to acute heart attack. its highest award, a gold medal for report out a bill. he said. although His Sister Vows above in the northwest to th.e 2011 • Physicians said he had been in "conspicuous service to the cause in the sou thea l. Those readings he first was under the impression poor health since his retirement in oi American jw·isprudence." that eight votes were necessary. EW Y RK (AP) - A are expected early in the morning, and 1962 and had suffered previous Also in 1963, plans were an· with temperatures dropping dur­ The bill would spell out a defini· beart seizures. nounced to raise $400,000 to endow young Negro, his background ing the day. tion for industrial loan companies The former justice was taken to a professorship at Harvard Law a m),stery. \Va' held londay t which are not regulated as such Looking ahead. the Weather Bu ­ lise the hospital after being stricken School in his honor. in the as assination of ~lalcolm reau' said Iowa can expect very under existing law. It would re­ at his home late Sunday. Death quire that they be regulated by the THE JURIST was forced to re­ X during a black nalionalist cold weather on Wednesday. state auditor, although some leg­ occul'red at 5:05 p.m. tirement to reduce his activities rail lInday. Police in ~ew . [ islators contend the state banking Mrs. FrankfUrter was confined to a small Iraction of what they superintendent should reg u 1 ate to the Iamily home due to poor were in his unusually busy, brisk York and Chicago wcrc alert .. such companies. health and was unable to be at life. He made several brief visits for reprisals within the shad­ Last Rites the hospital. to the Supreme Court Building The first roll call showed five riding in a wheelchair. to be greet owy, antiwhitc, ideological votes for the measure. three Frankfurter's death was an· nounced by Banning E. (Burl) ed by justices, court officials an underworld. ,ular against, and Sen. Joseph Coleman employes. Several times in good Wednesday fpr <D-Clair>, not voting. Whittington, Supreme Court press Declines to Fly In Boston, Ella Mae Collins, old­ information man. weather he took wheelchair ride MAJORITY LEADER Andrew along Hains Point, a picturesque er sister of the fiery, Malcolm X, Frankfurter sur I ere d a mild Vice-Presid.nt Hub.rt H. Humphr.y won't b. abo.rd the Gemini said his death "will be avenged." Frommelt <D-Dubuque>. a com­ FELIX FRANKFURTER spot along the Potomac River in; SpaclCraft h.', chlCklng out at Cape K.nnedy .Ithough h.'. b•• n Ice mittee member, then asked Cole· stroke at a desk in his court She said she aw her brother in Prof. Woods Scholar, Jurist, Confidante the District of Columbia. i accused on many occnlon. of uling high.flown phr••••. " I don't man to vote yes and Coleman chamber late in the afternoon o[ With the aid 01 a secretary, New York Saturday and that he April 5, 1962. He received hospital mind flying," .aid Humphr.y, "but I'd rather run." Charles B. Woods, 57, profe SOl' agreed. ed his Secretary of Labor, Arthur Frankfurter at home continued to told her: or English at the University &ince The Committee then went on to trcatment until the following July J. Goldberg to the vacancy left by correspond with persons 1n many "They are aCter me. They won't 14. Failing to regain his health, 1945, died Sunday aL UniVellilty ..... ". other business until someone Frankfurter. parts of the world. Eventually he rest until they get me." Hospital following a heart attack. noted that Hansen had not an­ he retired from the higb court on Born in Vienna, Austria, Nov. 15, sold his house in the historic Aug. 29, 1962. Police believe at least (ive men Woods wa$ a specialist in. the nounced the vote. Hansen said he 1882, Frankfurter was brought to Georgetown section of Washington. executed a carefully arranged as· works of Henry Fieldlng _and was waiting while backers of the PRESIDENT KENNEDY an­ the United States in 1894. He reo He and Mrs. Frankfurter, who I.C. -Coralville g sassination of Malcolm X, 39. shot taught 18th century English.. Iit­ Fashions bill attempted to round up more nounced Frankfurter's retirement ceived a bachelor of arts degree su ffers from arthritis. moved into with an expression of disappoint­ as he prepared to address a rally ernture. votes. Sen. John Walker m-Wil­ from the College of the City of an apartment in northwest Wash­ of SOO followers and sympathiLers He was a native of Indianapolis. Iiams ), who opposed the measure. ment that his health required the New York in 1902, a bachelor of ington where a nUI'se SlId other buth Dubuque step. of his organization of Afro·Amerl­ He had received three grants called the delay unusual. laws degree from Harvard Law employes assisted them . Fight Continues can Unity in a Washington Heights "You have been part of Ameri­ School in 1906, and then began In one o{ his last talks with from the American Council of This gave the bill seven votes ballroom. Learned Societies for use in edit­ but Hansen said this was not can public life for well over half in his peppery way to work his newsmen, Frankfurter was remind­ A suit filed Saturday by Iowa of the property annexed by Coral­ THE ONLY man thus lar arrest· way to national and international ed that the high tribunal was be­ City asking nullification of a recent ing Fielding's works, and had com· enough and the meeting broke up . a century," Kennedy said. "What ville is already subject to prior ed was Talmadge Hayer. 22. alias pleted one of three volumes or It then was pointed out that the you have learned of the meaning fame. ing popularly referred to as "the land annexation by Coralville and a annexation proceedings by Iowa Thomas Hagan . Hc was shot in the vote of the Iowa City council Sat­ Fieldlng's plays at the time o{ rule required seven, not eight, of our country is reflected, of President Kennedy in July 1963 I Warren Court." City. lcg by a Malcolm bodyguard in the his death. votes for approval. course, in the many hundreds of designated the jurist as one of 31 In clipped. precise words _ urday to annex 3.7 square mlles wild confusion that followed the opinions, in thousands of your stu­ are the most recent events in the • Iowa City alleges that the Woods edited thc Phil%gical ANOTHER meeting was called, persons to receive the presidential typical of his comments while on voluntary annexation proceedings slaying. Two other men, described Qual·tel'ly. journal of language ,tumped dents and in dozens of books and medal of freedom . This gold medal the bench - Frankful'ler fired growing feud between the two as innocent bystanders, also were which Hansen and Frommelt said articles." cities. by which the property was attach­ and literary studies published at was to clarify the maller and is the highest honor a president back : "They say Warren runs the ed to Coralville did not comply shot.
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