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When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given e.g. AUTHOR (year of submission) "Full thesis title", University of Southampton, name of the University School or Department, PhD Thesis, pagination http://eprints.soton.ac.uk UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS School of Ocean and Earth Science Observations and modelling of the variability of the Solent-Southampton Water estuarine system by Anne Levasseur Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy April 2008 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON ABSTRACT FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS SCHOOL OF OCEAN AND EARTH SCIENCE Doctor of Philosophy OBSERVATIONS AND MODELLING OF THE VARIABILITY OF THE SOLENT-SOUTHAMPTON WATER ESTUARINE SYSTEM by Anne Levasseur Understanding the effect of physical forcing on estuarine functioning is of ma- jor importance to determine the rate of exchange of water, sediments, pollutants and nutrients between the continent and the ocean. The combination of numerical models and discrete datasets is used to describe and investigate processes of nat- ural variability in the partially-mixed, non-turbid, macrotidal Solent-Southampton Water estuarine system (UK). The estuarine circulation and the response of wind forcing is examined using a three dimensional, free surface, finite volume and finite element grid model. Re- sults from short-term (three months) simulations have been compared against data (ADCP measurements, tidal elevations and salinity distributions) collected in spring 2001 in Southampton Water and the Solent. The model reproduces the unique tidal curve of Southampton Water and the partially-mixed conditions prevailing in the upper estuary. The contribution of the local wind forcing (wind intensity ≤ 12 m s−1) to changes in water level is estimated to be up to 6 cm in Southampton Water in the model. The modelled salinity stratification varies over a semi-diurnal cycle with the highest stratification occuring at mid-ebb. Wind forcing is more efficient in altering stratification at ebb than flood. The temporal and spatial variability of light attenuation is also investigated. Turbidity is demonstrated to be the major contribution to light attenuation using a time-series of discrete data collected in 2001, 2002 and 2003. A typical seasonal cycle of the coefficient of light attenuation is revealed, with a minimum in May-June and a maximum occuring in September-October. A second dataset of continuous measurements (10-minute interval) demonstrates the spring-neap modulation of the turbidity. The mouth of Southampton Water is more exposed to tidal mixing and therefore more turbid than the mid-estuary. A five-compartment zero-dimensional pelagic ecosystem model including a sed- iment compartment has been developed to assess the impact of the variability of the light attenuation on the timing and the magnitude of the spring phytoplankton bloom. Using high resolution irradiance forcing and a constant coefficient of attenu- ation k set to the minimum May-June value, simulations compare well with discrete data of chlorophyll a, and less successfully with zooplankton and Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen. A sensitivity analysis indicates that interranual variability in the phyto- plankton spring bloom originates in order of importance from 1) parameterization of k 2) the variation of the seasonal cycle of surface irradiance 3) the intrinsic dynamics determined by the combination of fixed parameters of the ecosystem model. Contents List of Tables iv List of Figures vi Declaration of authorship xii Acknowledgements to advisory panel xiii Acknowledgements xiv Abbreviations xv 1 Introduction 1 1.1 General overview . 1 1.2 Time-scale of physical processes . 2 1.3 Impact of human activities . 2 1.4 The Solent-Southampton Water Estuary . 4 1.4.1 Geographical Setting . 4 1.4.2 Estuarine and coastal circulation . 6 1.4.3 Sediment distribution and transport . 9 Seabed sediments and bedload transport . 9 Suspended sediment . 10 1.4.4 Nutrient cycling and water quality . 11 1.4.5 Pelagic biota . 13 Phytoplankton community structure and dynamics . 13 Factors influencing phytoplankton blooms . 14 Zooplankton and secondary production . 15 1.4.6 Benthos . 15 1.5 Objectives and thesis overview . 16 2 Description of the 3D numerical hydrodynamic model of estuarine circulation 18 2.1 Introduction . 18 2.2 The governing equations . 19 2.3 Sigma coordinate transformation . 22 2.4 Fractional-step method . 24 2.5 Fractional-step method: first time-step . 25 2.6 Fractional-step method: second time-step . 28 2.7 Fractional-step method: third time-step . 29 i 2.8 Tidal flat wetting and drying procedure . 30 2.9 River inputs . 31 3 Modelling the circulation of the Solent-Southampton Water estu- ary: model validation and impact of wind forcing 32 3.1 Introduction . 32 3.2 Model grid and bathymetry . 33 3.3 Meteorological forcing and river inputs . 34 3.4 Open-ocean boundary conditions . 35 3.5 Model spin-up . 36 3.6 Results for sea surface elevation . 40 3.6.1 Dockhead . 40 3.6.2 Portsmouth and Bournemouth . 42 3.7 Results for current velocity . 46 3.8 Salinity . 49 3.9 Responses to wind stress . 51 3.9.1 Effect of wind on sea surface elevation . 51 3.9.2 Effect of wind on vertical structure . 57 Stratification parameter . 57 Semi-diurnal variation . 58 Time-series of 20 days . 60 3.9.3 Impact of wind on the mean flow . 64 3.10 Summary and discussion . 68 4 Observations of the temporal and spatial variability of light atten- uation 75 4.1 Introduction . 75 4.2 Seasonal variation in Kd(P AR) ..................... 79 4.2.1 Data . 79 4.2.2 Data homogenisation . 81 4.2.3 Time-series of light attenuation . 83 4.2.4 Effect of environmental conditions on attenuation . 86 4.2.5 Bimonthly average of the coefficient of attenuation . 89 4.2.6 Curve fitting of Kd(P AR).................... 92 4.3 Spring-neap modulation of turbidity . 96 4.3.1 Data . 96 4.3.2 Results . 98 4.4 Summary and discussion . 102 5 Effects of light attenuation on the spring phytoplankton bloom 105 5.1 Introduction . 105 5.2 Description of the biomass model of pelagic ecosystem . 107 5.3 Sensitivity to light forcing and attenuation . 113 5.3.1 List of simulations . 113 5.3.2 Repetition of the seasonal cycle . 115 5.3.3 Sensitivity to different constant values of k . 119 5.3.4 Effect of interranual variability in surface irradiance . 119 5.3.5 Time-varying k . 121 5.4 Model-data comparison . 121 ii 5.4.1 Observational data . 121 5.4.2 NWNetley . 124 5.4.3 Calshot . 130 5.5 Parameter calibration at Calshot in 2001 using an objective analysis 134 5.6 Testing a Phytoplankton-Zooplankton model . 139 5.7 Summary and discussion . 142 6 Conclusion 145 Bibliography 149 iii List of Tables 3.1 List of model runs. Bold fonts are used to distinguish the temporally varying forcing. 36 3.2 Results of the harmonic analysis at Dockhead station. 41 3.3 Results of the harmonic analysis at Portsmouth tide gauge station. 45 3.4 Results of the harmonic analysis at the Bournemouth tide gauge station. 45 4.1 Summary table of the discrete data. X indicates samples collected or measured and × indicates samples not collected or not measured. * from May to September only. 80 4.2 Results of the coefficients and the standard deviation for the linear regression Kd(P AR)=yo+a/SD for the independent datasets. 82 4.3 Coefficient of correlation between Kd(P AR) and turbidity. 87 4.4 Coefficient of correlation between Kd(P AR) and river flow. 87 4.5 Coefficient of correlation between Kd(P AR) and tidal range. 87 4.6 Coefficient of correlation between Kd(P AR) and chlorophyll a. 87 4.7 Coefficient of correlation between Kd(P AR) and surface salinity. 87 4.8 Results of the statistics year by year and site by site after grouping datapoints into bimonthly averages. Values in bold font, normal font and brackets are respectively the averages, the standard error and the number of datapoints. 90 4.9 Results of the best fit obtained with equation 4.9. R2 is the goodness of fit, expressed as the coefficient of determination. 96 4.10 Results of the best fit obtained with the Kratzer formulation (equa- tion 4.10). The average annual value is given by ao. R2 is the good- ness of fit, expressed as the coefficient of determination. 96 4.11 Results of the best fit obtained with a linear function (Kd(PAR)=yo+at) where t is the time in day. R2 is the goodness of fit, expressed as the coefficient of determination. 96 4.12 Summary table of the discreet data. X indicates samples collected or measured and × indicates samples not collected or not measured . 97 5.1 Conversion factors used in the model. References: a Redfield et al. (1963), b Cushing et al. (1981), c Fasham et al.
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