orthernerVol p,Nv. 16 University faces uncertain financial future J•~"'VORUot .T fundtarenotsupphedbythcs!atc:, CUllplannmJ. $.500,000 to S4 n11lhon however, lc:avma Pre: K- 12 "harm and JKIWIMJ each )'Cat and theC:om• 51<4fllnl~• aninc~asewillbenecfisaryjustto Student Oovemllll!nt Asq:,cintion 111e umve110 1t)' i~ pn'pared lu han­ le~~" would mean deep cuts for the munity 1 ad:ina Nonhem for kecpestentia l servtces. Pru idenl and Smdc:nt Rc: 1cnt , Kaue dlea1.8pen:ent cut,\lolrub.a :gld, umventty greaterpubhcengaaement. Thition and fee( at NKU provide Hmc:hedc, !lid it 's no1 fair fOfthe but the univenny would suffer In If Pre- K 12 11 left "hamdeSI," Accordma to VO(rub., the com­ .51perccntofthcunivenity'spublic state to cut even fll()U fundinJ and qualitythatstudcnuwouldno!tce Votruba said, fundms could be cut mumty t ~ as kmJ NKU for expanded fuOOmJ, a high percentage when "pass the buck" to studen~J and their The amoun1 of fuod mg CUIS 10 by as much n 10 pc:.cent, furcing ICCC!Iand quality,aswcll u broad­ A tuition incrca'lC of up to 18 per­ compared to other Kcnt\ICk)' state­ famthes. po!ll·!l«:oodlll'}' c:ducauon dc:pc:nds the: untver~lly to consider cappma c:nc:d outreach proarams such IS cent is one ophoo the Board of finafloCcd univenitin that span NKU has been underfunded by largc:lyonwhc:therthe slalc:wlll de•• c:nrollment, hmlltnJIICademtc pro­ rHO!'e interaction with young nual Rcaenu it considerinil 10 off!ICt the between 27 10 )9 percent IUIIIOO the state by $26 million m recent llnite Pre-K- 12 "hannlcu," whtch gn.Jll!andstf'llices tothe cOITUllUm ­ chtldren iOthcycomtdcr colleaein threa1 of budaet cut~ by the state. dependency for fundina. yean and the state is currentl y coo­ mun1 the fundmg for thataroup ty.ddayma mamtenanceon facth­ the future . These urvJces take: At the Jan. 1.5 th meeting of the '"Our studenls alreadycany abig­ stdering cuts anywhere from 1.8 wouldnoc be cut. lie•III<lstaffcuu. trertX'odouJ resource , VO(ruba said. Board of Rcacnts, NKU Presiden! ger burdcn"than studentJ a1 compa­ percent to 10 percent for post-!«­ VO(ruba IICkoowledged that cuts l'hc:o;e cuts would come at a tt me "At the u.me ttmc. Frankfon is James Votruba uid he iJ ··noc pre· rable umvcniues 1n the n:1ion. urtdary education If the cuts lin for any level of ed~alltln ~;vuld when NKU IS clllpc:nencm& the pu llm xfurxls,"hc~~<Ud pared 10 recommend a tuttion acc:ordin& to Ge1111ld Hunter. vice reali zed, the loss of revenue to the haveadelnmc:ntalc:ffc:.:l on the: & rc: a te ~t demand m 1\J hi story i~IICltlhl point''Howc:vcr.tf PfCSidrnt for enrollment and finan- univers1ty could ranae from lona-tc:rm c:ducatHm of ~tu!knt~. C'urrc:nt enrollment b I"IC'ar 14.000 Cultural change key to preventing violence J O!i(" l>oJNMII ~ n>eans learmng conOott resoluuon young bla.tk and Ht spamc males in ~ ltll s and perfc:ctin& them," she poor urban cQmmunthes. Amenca ~l lld responded by mcreasma law Soctety mus1 emh111ce a day-to­ The lecture touched on sever-~ 1 enfo«:c:mc:ntand c:stabhshtngzero­ day nonvtolent mcthodoloj!y su td public heaJih I>CTSptCII\eS on VIO­ tolerance.she\atd. vwlence prevenuon upcrt Dr. Jc:ncc:.Among the: mtc:rn:lated top­ In contrast. after the second Deborah Pro1hrow-S111h dunn!! her tc~ Dr. PrOihrow·Stith discussed waveofvtolencestrock communi­ speech l a~ t Thur~day 111 the wps \\hat she dc:scnbed as four \lcs )Ut;h as Cotumbtnc. Ltttlc:ton Univcrsuy Crnter Otto Budig. Colorado and West Paducah. Ky. 1llc:ater. more pe<Jple became empathcllc. she \atd "Our response now ts more un~n t ed towards mental health. Instead of school pol tee we want the school psychologiSt," said Dr. Prothrow-Stith But CI'Cn m the second \\:lie the focu~ ha ~ bee-n mamly on the mdl­ l'tdual and ltll le ha!> been done about the cuhur-JI envtronment. Soctcly's ;~~:ceptance and glam­ Lo•IRPOD Mtoogwb.a With U2 fTOfltman Bono~ ~ the Hamel lkecher Slm••e House m CinciMIII1 oruattun of \tolcnce ts contnbut­ mg to a 1h1rd "'an ofmcrusmg female vmlcnce. ~he ~at d Founding a dream - "Gtrl. now male: up 2.5 pc~cnt of t he teenager~ arn:,tcd for voo lc:nt cmnc:~." Dr l"nllhmw-StJ\h sa1d. Lovingson Mtongwiza and the Associatien of "That numberuo;cd to be rare." Youth-duected sho\\S ltke the African Charities want to help the poor of Africa Po\locr Ran ger~ are an eumple of how women arc mcrcasm1IY UeptcteJ in more vtolcnt, aggres­ JOIIIIAI' I\ E!.I.OC.(J atNKU. lllc role~. •he ~atd fdii()<IIIC/oi'f '"The purposeofthe organizahort ... tstomobi!J:t.e nuuenal and firutnetal resources to help the poor in " I ca!l11the fcmmtzahon of the ~uper hero,'' ~he ~at<.! "We'1c: hec:n Lovingson Mu;mgwiza has ~ ~ some huge Joals Afnca," said Mtongwiz.a. "Anybody called poor in for himself and the orgamution he founded. Afnca." dotnJJ: IIIon acnou~;htoral)eagen­ He wanlstogc:nc:rate awatenessofthcpltsh• of Ori&inally from Z1mbabwe. Mt onawi:t.a has erauonofgtrlchtldrcn""holcamto the poor in Africa as ~o.• ell as mobilize financtal and cllpc:nenced the poverty that he wants to help erad­ t.Ohe their problems \Ootlh 110- l~nr;c .. material resou.cu so they get to the people who icate. n«d thcm the most. "ltwasalwaysa dreatolthatl've hadl. What can She aho ,atd gtrl' n•a> tit \IC· He is aware of what • hu&e job it wtll be. I do to help lhe next manY' he said. " Myself. ttmw:U nmn: m hon>e) thJn bop " I think you know the old joke: that if{you tna vd throughout my lafe. I've been hdpc:d." ~nd \\ttlle•~ the !J.aJne amount of tol ~me African countriu ano.l you want to know Mtongwiz.a was helped ..-.hen, as a htgh school dounc•ll.: IIOkncc:. but tt'~ nuth•n11 who the poor !people are l just take an llfTOW and student. he attended Pnnce Edwanl School 111 nc"' Gtrl~ u~d to run a\loa) , talr just throw it and I whoever it stabs I is 1 poor per­ Uaro.rc, Zimbabwe where he was one of the fif'lt drui:'· bccume proshtutc: l or son," he said . blac k studtnu to attend the all white. government t' ran ~ l rQoet>n/Photographer !knJOn,tratcother,.,ay•oftnternal­ Last !itmeSter Mtooswiza, a senior Journalism tllll~ the trauma Prothrov. -St tth "Gtrl• unw m.tlr up 25 pc:o:ent or the l«n!lj):Cf) arrested for map. foulllkd the Association of Afncan Charilies S(e AACpage6 VIOlent COlli(~.-- See \'lolt>IM'f page6 Students question decision to house athletes at Highland Ridge Kl\tUur the bc:ginmnaofthe school year. athletes were chosen becau!>tofthe made R«-.r lllho~ay,thollthe p;~rlmam­ pu'i and m H1 ~hl.ond R1dgc and !>a)~ lhatllltf'~ll hchlc,lltllhl,mdRtdge H«<MrMrC.wnhu,.. " I don't thtnk th.at it i ~ fatr that oumbcr of athletes who hve on nm­ But, JUmor ullli i:a111pu' rew.tcnt uallonhas 11011en ~o.·or!IC becau.-.e athletes aot to goillld hve in those pus, and becausetheathlctltdepal1- Nnmhe V.'imer -..ml, ''l'tw:~ l)Cl '" they al111 a~' ha1c lhetr fnc:nd~ 1 101 bcttro lit '~td"Weart )laymJ. ment has more control over thctr CIIJOY thlllll\ that IH' l.iu11'1 h.IIC 1H pl :tCc th.al I' •opJ)I)'oCd In COS\ Due to ove.cruwdina of the dornu apanments mstead of students who athletes. 8ecau<tCufth1s, res•denttal avathablctou~ Bccau>e tile) urenut The llo JJ:hland Rtdgr apann>enl~ al n ~t 1100 a nl!>nth Mo~t of u~ at Nonhem Kentucky University had seniority, c ~pc:c ia ll y •ince they houMng may haVe felt more com· ca mpu•lho:ynn llela\\aV"tthal•~ .mo lt~u-d on aptmllnll~CO ill , a web coul•l prolhahl) till( a!Tolld that" severa.l51udentathlcteshavebcen JUe puthn& three people in 50flte of fortable!iendm&athlc:tc: ,r<~therlhan nlO«'thanwecan " )tte ~o.hcrt' annn)n\OtJS tenants can Snii,J•,.~t•thml,thcrt'WC:dl'-llli­ moved Into the nearby off-campul the Woodcrest apanmcnu," .aid a random lrotlp of stiKk n t~. to h~e Thts ts not true, ,~,,.t>rl.ltng 111 rate how ,alt,ficd the) are >At th \antagn to h\llljl tn Htghland Hiahland Ridgt apanmcnu;. The Hilllnah Barnett a JUnior and thrce­ ycarOOntl resident. offcampui. Eaton " We IC t uallyh~ICt){)fnluur Uf'llrltlle nl ~ ACcOfl.itng to Ollt' R1dge He atdthefre,hn~tnathle t el athletes pay rc~idcntial tuition f~ Althouah new donns are in the Accordtn& to Eaton, the athlcuc ass t ~ t llllt women·~ ba~letball i:t~;~<.h reHe\lo, '1'here lll1' all knl!hofNKU 1111n the MJCtal hpt'Ct of hvtn& on tbc:m. ThiJ has caused cotltrovelliy t;ampu) ' If I .,a, a fre~man I proceuofbetna butlt , they wtll no1 dcpannl(ntcorttl*C'tc:dsever-.a.l coach· eshvm,nn thchtii>Aik•..ct.luue,are ~tu.knb ~o.ho h1c here and thct·e w-e amonJ lOme of the uudcntJ who ~o.uuld 11e dt-.appomted h1e there be completed before next school c:s about whether Of not they would to OI'U"« the re~tUC'nh at lltl)hi.Uld al"'a)<~ pJrllu e1cn dunn~J the to live on ca mpu ~.
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