14 THE MORNING OEEGONIAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1918, rounds recently, will right Jack Britton McAllister will meet Marty Farrell and 3rm 10 rounds In Pittsburg on September IS. is working l:ke a Trojan getting in tttr BOXERS OF CLASS condition for the clever New Tork Hugo BEZOEK HAS filTliUAID Jack Ilanlon. the boxing- promoter o middleweight. Farrell made a sucker Philadelphia, tried to arrange a meet out , of Fighting Billy Murray ing between Johnny Kllbane and Benny at the gets hankering Valgar. the French featherweight ban Francisco benefit last week. When a maji a i COACH champion, recently, TO Friday night's card minus the UIEBSIIY but failed. Kllbane BE SEEN HERE Bronson-Mitch- ie bout, which will be HARD TASK AHEAD has changed his mind about replaced today, as for real tobacco satisfaction, the ring. is 'ollows: K. O. Kruvosky vs. Fighting Jimmy Darcy. Willie top Bob McAllister vs. Marty FarrelU he is on the road that leads Jackson, the hardhitting Billy Mascott vs. Georse Thompson. notch New York lightweight.- - has been Johnny McCarthy vs. Morris Lux. of Oregon's appointed boxing instructor of the Pel- - Joe Gorman vs. Harry Bramer. straight to the Real Gravely Star Famous 1916 ham Bay Naval Training Station. He San Francisco's Best Talent Alex Trambitaa . Jimmy Ford. Pennsylvania's Gridiron Glad- is to receive time oft to engage In con- Jack WTasner vs. Lee Morrlsaey. Football Machine Signs for tests. on Card to Be Held for Freddie Lough vs. Claire Bromeo. in Need of Compre- Chewing Plug. Helnlo Schuman vs. Toung Sam Langford. iators i .1918 Season of Play. Joe Lynch, the New Tork bantam Benefit of Soldiers. ' hensive Overhauling. and the lad who stopped "Kid" Will- GOOD HORSES WILIi COXTEST JttSffi. iams, former bantamweight champion, TL'JT 1 in four rounds, may be matched to box iW f II reyton israna Jimmy Wilde, England's sensational Racing Nags From. Three States to little fighter. They are now conslder- - g STRONG TEAM IS ASSURED McCarthy is due today Compete at Gresham. CAMPAIGN AMBITIOUS ONE Gravely-Chewin- On Thursday, which has been desig Real nated as Portland day at the Multno- - I mah County Fair in Gresham, there will Plug Bay City Fighter SIIx Rumors That Mentor Had Decided to to With Morris While Subordinating Athletics in AU 10c a pouch and worth it Locate In Portland and Play AYlth Vr ' - Lux, of Kansas City Bronson RALPH GBCMAS 'WRITES OF Forms to War Activities Xine J ' FIGHT WHICH KI.VG Shipyard - Injures Shoulder and Varsity Games , for Team Set to Rest. 1 f I GEORGE SAW. Fall Cravelylamtm to mach longrit casta t Cannot Ralph Gruman, former well-kno- College Record Recalled. l - s Take Part. Are Already Scheduled. ttm mare to chew than ordinary plug '' ' ' . Portland lightweight box- er, who is in charge of the Amer- Military . V J. ' 5 ican Police in London, added another victory to his long P. B. Gravely Tobacco Company EUGENE. Or, Sept. (Special.) The first of the San Francisco fight list of oversea fights when he Pretty much the same sort of task Danvilla, Virginia 1. ten-rou- ers who will invade Portland to battle earned a decision over as that to which he tell heir when he Charles "Shy" Huntington will be Jack Spencer, of the Canadian . assumed the coach of the University of Ore at "Diamond" Bob Evans' benefit show command of the Pitsburg Na night oversea forces, about a month ueague JtsaseDall Club now gon regimental football team dur trlday at the Ice Palace is ago. The fight was staged at awaits Hugo ing coming season, according to scheduled to arrive today in the person Bezdek at Pennsylvania Highways Council today gave Rep- the or the National Sporting Club "in State College. As athletic rtirortoi- - of al an announcement made here tonight jonnny McCarthy. Johnny will meet London and a big crowd of Brit- that institution, resentative Hawley to understand that lollowlng a .ii orris L,ux. of Kansas Citn. At his Bezdek will coach Its no objection conference between appearance ish and American Army officers gridiron gladiators, and indications are ROWDY TAKES FIRST there will be to the work President P. L. Campbell, of the last here McCarthy knocked were among those present. Gru- that the State organization under contemplation. No definite or- university, and Dean Walker, grad out red Gllber in three rounds and it man knocked Spencer down four football is der has been made, but Mr. Hawley manager looked Just as thoroughly shot to pieces and ua.te of the associated stu like he could have done It in times, according to a letter re- in need or Just as comprenensive an feels confident tha approval will be body - one if he so. dent and acting head of the y-''.-- wanted to do This time ceived by his brother yesterday. overhauling as the couple granted. he . Pirates of a physical training aenartment at the A will be meeting a seasoned boxer Gruman was to have fought of yeafs ae-n- university. who has met the best welterweights in Harry Atwood, Canadian welter- country. ownnoS,t,ate' ,n. common wJth most Portland Dog Wins in Finals on Huntington, whose home Is at The the Both McCarthy and Lux weight champion, one week after suhordlnaung POWER CONTROL IS URGED Dalles, was captain of the Oregon team have reputations for rough-and-rea- battling Spencer, but the result all mixing iorms or atnietics to its various war that defeated Pennsylvania at Pasa and the bout between these two of the bout has not yet arrived activities. Nevertheless, Jt is planning Lebanon Course. dena in 1918. He was quarterback on boys should be one of the best on the here. Gruman , stated that the me Coal Shortage in Sight, According to Oregon 1914, 1915 King high were to i most ammtious football cam the eleven In and v v ty. card. and officials paigns 19 f ., T spectators. it has ever undertaken. Nine Fuel Administrator. U. Sol Levlnson. the famous boxlne be ringside varsity teams have been scheduled, in connection with the announce- glove maker and his wife, will leave including contests with- Washington ment, it was asserted that Dean Walker for. Portland today. Marty Farrell and and Jefferson, Dartmouth. Cornell. MAIDIE IN SECOND PLACE WASHINGTON, Sept If. Govern- haa not yet decided whether he will itruvosky also will leave San Fran Rutgers and Pittsburg and no effort ment control and extension of the accept an appointment Cisco nnwpr ft n way to the officers' i , this afternoon for Portland. be three special harness races, featur win be spared to turn out a team of nlantn I Oregon, that . artillery training school at Camp I Bronson IV ot to Appear. ing the best horses of Califor will stand comparison with the best slty was urged by Fuel Administrator Zachary Taylor. Louisville, Ky. Walker, f , nia and Washington. The string of or other years. Garfield today In asking the House I Muff Bronson, lightweight champion In the event he decides to remain at horses which recently raced at the Cal- If such an outfit does materalfza Lucky Kid. Owned bv W. E. Carlton, commerce committee for prompt action the university, will have general direc or the Pacific Coast, will be unable to ifornia State Fair in Sacramento will on the Administration bill authorizing box at Corporal Bob Evans' monster nezaeK win nave scored a tremendous tion over football, with Huntington a I be on hand. A number of the horses success of Portland, Wins Half of En- control and erection of new plants. Char-Ir- "Shy HoBtlnarfon, Famous TJ of all-st- ar benefit boxing show. was for, so far as known, the only coach. Should Walker go to the Army Muff that will compete at the Oregon State letter men who will return to colleee Asked regarding a coal shortage, ths school, Huntington will be O. Quarterback Who Will Coacn scheduled to meet Pete Mltchle, but Fair at Salem next week also will race trance Fee and torlng Cup Fuel Administrator said one is In sight coach and Alma Mater. after an examination by his physician ana piay iootball are Captain Robb, director. at Gresham Thursday. The "three Taces naiiDacK; . r irsclng, guard; Black, "In the sense that in spite of Increased yesterday three-he- at in First Day's Events. Walker talked with Huntington over .Bronson was ordered not to will be run under the sys tacKie, ana unarley way. Quarter back. production, the demand is still greater.'! the long-distan- ce telephone today to box until his shoulder had healed. tem. All of lng the match. Lynch is on the other Bronson 14 the rest of last year's letter men close the negotiations. Nothing was side now, having gone over with his fell feet from a scaffold at are in the service and most of the first said about salary. Huntington will ar- company. the Foundation shipyards some time Eagles' Boxing Card Completed. string substitutes as well. Some prom- LLOYD GEORGE IMPROVING rive In Eugene within the next two or ago and severely injured his left ising graduates - LEBANON, Or., Sept. (Special.) shoulder. Up until days ago TACOMA. Wash., Sept. 16. (SpeciaLy from last year's fresh- !. three days to make preparations for several men eleven will be back, however, the Dogs is the chief topic of discussion in the opening of the season. his arm had not been bothering him. George Shanklln has completed the best of them being Bentz. a center: British Premier Has Several Honrs Huntington was but while training night before last card for the Eagles boxing show Sep Grimes, Lebanon, for some o the finest considered for the MATCH IS HARD FOUGHT tember 19, when Farmer, light- - back and end; McHenry, guard; canines as as of Continuous Sleep.
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