April 18, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E499 learned to quilt from her mother, Aolar Mosely, Economic and Energy Conversion Act of tion. The intent of the bill before the House, and she worked over the years in a variety of 2013, a version of which I have introduced H.R. 624, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and textile-related jobs. Mary Lee gathers design since 1994, after working with the District of Protection Act (CISPA) is laudable in that it ideas for her quilt art by looking at the world Columbia residents who were responsible for eliminates some of those obstacles. Security around her. Anything—from people’s clothes the Nuclear Disarmament and Economic Con- and privacy, however, should not be mutually at church, to her barn, to quilts hanging on version ballot initiative passed by DC voters in exclusive and CISPA does not go far enough clotheslines in front yards, to how the land 1993. This version of the bill now requires the to protect privacy. This is the bottom line for looks when she’s high above it in an air- United States to negotiate an international me, my constituents, and I hope the Obama plane—can inspire her. agreement to disable and dismantle its nuclear Administration, and why I oppose this legisla- Mary Lee Bendolph has worked to promote weapons by 2020 and provides for strict con- tion. greater understanding of her community and trol of fissile material and radioactive waste f its unique art form. She has appeared on nu- and for use of nuclear-free energy. The bill INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT FOR merous television and radio programs, and fig- continues to provide that the funds used for THE SMALL BUSINESS DISASTER ured prominently in the PBS documentary nuclear weapons programs be redirected to RELIEF AND RECOVERY ACT ‘‘The Quiltmakers of Gee’s Bend.’’ In 1999, human and infrastructure needs, such as Mary Lee’s life was profiled in The Los Ange- housing, health care, Social Security and the les Times by J.R. Moehringer in ‘‘Crossing environment, and it would take effect when the HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY Over: Mary Lee’s Vision,’’ which was awarded President certifies to Congress that all coun- OF NEW YORK a Pulitzer Prize. Additionally, the main char- tries possessing nuclear weapons have elimi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES acter Sadie Pettway in Elyzabeth Wilder’s play nated such weapons. The bill is particularly Thursday, April 18, 2013 ‘‘Gee’s Bend,’’ currently on tour, is based on timely as Congress continues to make cuts to Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. the life of Mary Lee Bendolph. important human and infrastructure programs Mr. Speaker, I rise to introduce a bill that Loretta Pettway Bennett is a fifth-generation and as the world confronts concerns about nu- would exempt loans from the credit union quilter from Gee’s Bend, Alabama and one of clear proliferation to Iran and North Korea. member business lending cap that are made the youngest to continue handstitching quilts Following years of dangerous increases in after federally-declared natural disasters, in- in the renowned Gee’s Bend style. She is the U.S. nuclear capacity during the George W. jecting much-needed funds into local commu- second of eight children and oldest daughter Bush administration, President Barack Obama nities when they need it most. of Tom O. and Qunnie Elizabeth Pettway Jr. has begun to rebuild U.S. credibility with his Superstorm Sandy caused enormous de- Loretta’s ancestry traces back to Dinah Miller, goal of taking the necessary steps to achieve struction throughout the Northeast, and a great-great-great grandmother who, accord- a world without nuclear weapons. The presi- wildfires, hurricanes, and tornados have ing to folklore and family history, was one of dent’s strong push for the New START treaty wreaked similar havoc across the country. the first slaves to have arrived in Gee’s Bend. in 2010, when Republicans seemed adamant Federal disaster assistance that flows after Loretta has over two dozen additional relatives on delaying it, resulted in ratification by the each declaration of a disaster is essential but among the initial group of quilters, establishing Senate. The treaty requires the two major nu- not sufficient to get a region back on its feet. her as a bona fide member of what could be clear powers, Russia and the United States, to I’ve heard from many small businesses about considered America’s quilting royalty. continue to reduce nuclear weapons by mutu- their struggle to recover from Sandy. Counties Loretta has stated that she came full circle, ally reducing their nuclear warheads by half in eleven states and the District of Columbia back to her Gee’s Bend roots, when she made and their number of intercontinental ballistic were declared major disaster areas by the a quilt in honor of her mother Qunnie Pettway, missiles and missile launchers, and, within 60 President during the storm. who taught her to sew and quilt, and her cous- days of the treaty taking affect, on February 5, That is why this bill is so important. It will in Arlonzia Pettway. ‘‘After that quilt, I went 2011, submit to on-site inspections of strategic exempt credit union ’member business loans’ into a zone where I was inspired to use really nuclear weapons facilities by the weapons ex- from the normal lending cap for a period of up bold colors and different types of materials to- perts of the other country. to five years after a natural disaster declara- gether just like the generations of relatives be- Today, our country has a long list of urgent tion. This will enable credit unions to tempo- fore me, because they used what they had. I domestic needs that have been put on the rarily lend above their cap in any area where added something else that my family espe- back burner even though millions of Ameri- there had been a federal declaration of dis- cially loves, music and dancing. I was finally cans have lost their homes and jobs and se- aster. there, using different shapes, sizes, colors and questration has started. As the only nation that Exempting these loans from the cap will textures. Just like my family, imperfect but still has used nuclear weapons in war, and that open up a new source of credit for struggling a family.’’ still possesses the largest nuclear weapons small businesses and untie the hands of credit Most recently, the John F. Kennedy Center arsenal, I urge support for my bill to help the unions that want to provide that assistance. for the Performing Arts featured the Gee’s United States lead the world in redirecting Credit unions are key members of the commu- nities they serve and want to be there for Bend Jazz Symphony in February 2013. Dur- funds that would otherwise go to nuclear small businesses who need assistance recov- ing Black History Month 2013, the history of weapons to be available for urgent domestic ering from natural disasters. This bill will pro- the community of Gee’s Bend, and the spirit of needs. vide businesses a source of capital to help the women of the Gee’s Bend quilt art, was f brought to the nation by jazz pianist Jason them rebuild and recover. Currently, under federal regulations, Federal Moran, using music to help animate history CYBER INTELLIGENCE SHARING Credit Unions are each subject to a ceiling of and interpret museum collections. AND PROTECTION ACT 12.25% of their assets in business loans to Mr. Speaker, I am beyond honored to rep- their members. As many credit unions ap- resent the community of Gee’s Bend and SPEECH OF proach that cap, they are unable to provide these two extraordinary artists. I look forward HON. EARL BLUMENAUER needed capital to their communities. to many more appearances in our nation’s OF OREGON I urge my colleagues to support this impor- capital by these highly talented artists. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tant legislation to help areas that so badly f Wednesday, April 17, 2013 need access to capital to help them recover. INTRODUCTION OF THE NUCLEAR f The House in Committee of the Whole WEAPONS ABOLITION AND ECO- House on the state of the Union had under HONORING THE WAYNE PUBLIC NOMIC AND ENERGY CONVER- consideration the bill (H.R. 624) to provide LIBRARY’S 90TH ANNIVERSARY SION ACT OF 2013 for the sharing of certain cyber threat intel- ligence and cyber threat information be- HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON tween the intelligence community and cy- bersecurity entities, and for other purposes: OF NEW JERSEY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Chair, cyberse- curity experts in government and the private Thursday, April 18, 2013 Thursday, April 18, 2013 sector agree that the biggest impediments to Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, today, I am in- strengthening cybersecurity are obstacles that today to honor the Wayne Public Library, lo- troducing the Nuclear Weapons Abolition and prevent the sharing of cyber threat informa- cated in the Township of Wayne, Passaic VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:26 Apr 19, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18AP8.022 E18APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E500 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 18, 2013 County, New Jersey, which is celebrating its Library as they celebrate their 90th Anniver- Lucille Jessop Beer, Robert is a lifelong Hoo- 90th Anniversary. sary. sier, proud family man, entrepreneur, and sol- The Wayne Public Library was established f dier whose contributions have made a positive in December, 1922, after a discussion during impact on the Milford Community.
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