Judospace Newsletter 2013 Supporting Player and Coach Education A SNAPSHOT OF OUR AC TIVITIES IN 2013 An Exciting Year At Judospace... December 2013 September May - Lauren Jackson joins Ju- - Attended London Europe- dospace team as Communi- an Cup as a member of the cations Assistant. National Source Group for -Professor Katsumi Mori Working to improve Judo and the British Judo from National Institute of National Coaching Commis- Fitness & Sport, Kanoya, the standards of judo January sion. Japan visits. across the world - Presentation at the - Roy Inman awarded his - Executive Assistant Janine through improving the Reykjavik International 9th Dan. Johnson visits Japan. knowledge, skills and Games. - Visited the Croation Judo -Presentation at the EJU Federation for the Awards Education Seminar, Brussels. understanding of the February Presentation by the Minister - Co-authored an editorial coaches, players and - Managed the Common- of Sport. accepted into the British federations. wealth Judo Association Journal of Sports Medicine. - BJA Olympic and Para- Congress in Paris. lympic Pathway Research - In conjunction with Anglia Project presentation. October Ruskin University hosted - Dr Callan accepted onto Yusuke Hayashi from the June the editorial board of the National Institute of Fitness - EJU Advanced Coach International Journal of and Sport, Japan. Award residential in Rey- Sport Science and Coach- Inside this issue: - Appeared in BBC4 docu- kjavik, Iceland. Delivery by ing. mentary “Everybody was Dr Callan, Darren Warner Kung-Fu fighting”. November and Janine Johnson. ADVISING THE ALL- 2 - Mr Darren Warner joins - Kodokan Assistant coach JAPAN JUDO FEDERA- March Judospace as Technical Ad- Yoshiaki Tsuruoka 4th Dan TION - Keynote speech at the 3rd visor. arrives from Tokyo to work KOKA KIDS Annual FST Conference at with Judospace as an intern. PARTNERSHIP 2 Anglia Ruskin University. July -Joined with Jon Sieloff to JUDOSPACE EXPANDS - Commenced supervision of - MOU signed with South provide Judo First Aid to 2 an additional judo specific Africa Judo Federation. Coaches. PhD student. - EJU level 4 Summer block - Andy Burns and Mike Cal- 8TH INTERNATIONAL -EJU coaching award in Cambridge with Neil Ad- lan contracted to write the RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM 2 expanded it’s curriculum to ams, Envic Galea and Dan- book “Strength and Condi- include Basics of Sports iel Florin Lascau. tioning for Judo” EJU AWARD DEVELOPMENTS 3 Medicine, tutored by Dr Nikos Milliaropolous. December August PERFORMANCE - Presented Roy Inman his - Dr Callan lectures to AJJF, PATHWAY PROJECTS 3 April 9th Dan belt gift from the and Japanese - EJU Level 4 delivery in Olympic Kodokan, Japan. ERADICATION OF 3 Cambridge welcomed Alina - Isamu Nakamura & Yoko Committee. VIOLENCE Dumitru and Isamu Tanabe from the All Japan - Roy Inman’s EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Nakamura. technical re- 4 Judo Federation visit. VISITS JAPAN - Dr Mike Callan visited - 8th International Associa- view of the Tokai University, Japan to year. tion of Judo Researchers PUBLICATIONS 4 co-ordinate EU ICI-ECP bid Symposium, Rio de Janeiro. Double Masters in Science, - Launch of partnership with Practice and Coaching of Koka Kids. EJU EDUCATION 4 SEMINAR, BRUSSELS Judo. www.judospace.com 2013 Advising the All Japan Judo Federation Koka Kids In October Judospace were Partnership pleased to welcome mem- This year Judospace an- bers of the All-Japan Judo nounced its partnership with Federation. Koka Kids. The company is led by 1993 World Cham- Professor Yoko Tanabe, pion Nicola Fairbrother and AJJF Board member, and provides a range of quality Professor Isamu Nakamura, resources for judo coaches, AJJF Coaching Commission including their popular member came to discuss magazine. international coach educa- tion. “We had a very productive The AJJF are looking to meeting and we look improve their coaching set forward to further up and discussed with the collaboration.” The collaboration will de- Judospace team the experi- velop a special range of ences they have gained Professor Isamu Nakamura, All- innovative educationally while educating coaches based coaching resources, Japan Judo Federation. internationally. based on the theme of ‘Teaching Judo to Children’. Judospace Expands 2013 has brought some effectively with the judo family. “I’m delighted to welcome them to the team. new faces to the Judospace We also welcomed Mr Yoshiaki They bring a wealth of expertise, experience team. Tsuruoka, 4th Dan, at the request and energy to their respective roles. Each will In June Mr Darren Warner of the Kodokan, Japan. Mr Tsu- help us continue to enhance our services for joined as Technical Advisor roka will be an intern adding to coaches and Federations.” to the company, in particu- our coaching expertise. lar he will supporting face Dr Mike Callan to face delivery with coach- Rebeka Tandaric, from Croatia es. In September Miss Lau- joins us as Sports Psychology ren Jackson joined as Com- Advisor, and Dr Nikos Malliaro- munications Assistant. Lau- polous from Greece, joins us as ren’s role is to help the com- Medical Advisor. pany communicate more 8th International Judo Research Symposium August 2013 saw Rio de spanning three continents of Professor Takeshi Nakajima, Janeiro, Brazil accommo- the world. Authors included Mr. Florin Daniel Lascau date the 8th International world champions Yasuhiko and supported by Mr. Judo Research Symposium. Moriwaki and Florin Daniel Michel Huet and Miss. Ja- Judospace and the Inter- Lascau, and Olympic cham- nine Johnson. national Judo Federation pion Maki Tsukada. IJF Hall provided help and sup- of Fame inductee and 10th Thank you to those who port in the organisation of Dan Dr. George Kerr was contributed their work and the symposium. among the 50 observers. for the hard work and ded- ication to judo research. 17 academic papers from The organising group was 40 different researchers led by the IAJR Executive were selected for partici- members Dr. Mike Callan, pation in the symposium Professor Michel Brousse, Page 2 2013 Developments to the EJU Coaching Awards. Level 4 Level 3 President Temba Hlasho, a Memorandum of Understand- This year has seen both The course itself has ex- ing was signed between Ju- the Easter and Summer panded with inclusion of a dospace and Judo South Afri- residential coaching blocks new module: Basics of ca. With the mission; hosted by Anglia Ruskin Sports Medicine. This will University, Cambridge. be tutored and assessed “To build a system to gener- Thanks to Dr Sheila Pank- by Dr Nikos Malliarpolous ate future educated judo hurst, Bob Challis, Natasha (5th dan) a doctor from leaders, who can deliver Collins and the staff at the University of Aristotle judo for development Anglia Ruskin University in Thessaloniki, Greece. and performance, based on for their on-going support sound technical principles, with the course. Additional Judospace have broad- for the wider benefit of judo thanks go to the guest ened their geographical in South Africa.” tutors for their attendance reach and have devel- and valued contribution: oped working relationships A successful residential block Alina Dumitru with the Icelandic and was delivered in Reykjavik, Neil Adams South African Judo Associ- Iceland in June this year. Ice- Daniel Florin Lascau ations to deliver the EJU land Federation President Deborah Gravenstijn Advanced Coach Award. Johann Masson was the first Isamu Nakamura to complete the course. Our Maki Tsukada Following an invitation thanks to Bjarni Fridriksson Jean-Claude Prieur from South Africa Judo for the wonderful hospitality. Performance Pathway Project This year Judospace re- ported about the British Judo performance path- way and VI performance pathway to BJA Perfor- mance Director Nigel Donohue, and his team. The work was commis- sioned by the BJA CEO Andrew Scoular, and Per- formance Manager Dave Sanders. Eradication of violence in sport, Tokyo In November Dr Callan visit- issue which has come under Finally was the Solidarity of ed Tokyo, to present 4 lec- recent attention. International Judo Education tures addressing the eradi- 14th Annual Lecture, hosted cation of bullying and injuries He was honoured to deliver by Mr Yasuhiro Yamashita in sport and judo in Japan. the keynote speech at the which addressed the prob- The visit was hosted by the Japanese Olympic Commit- lems of judo injuries to chil- Ministry of Foreign Affairs tee Federations Forum on the dren in Japan. and he was accompanied by topic of Violence in Sport. Professor Michel Brousse. The aim of the lectures was He taught a class of sports to raise awareness and ad- At the All-Japan Judo Feder- management students at the vise on possible strategies, ation Dr Callan lectured University of Tsukuba, a gen- policies and coach education about the occurrence of bul- eration who will benefit from solutions that could be imple- lying by Japanese coaching the legacy of the Tokyo mented to help tackle such staff - a highly important 2020 Olympic Games. issues. Page 3 2013 Executive Assistant Visits Japan Publications During September, Miss Janine Johnson, Executive Assistant Successful publications this year at Judospace, visited Japan. Miss Johnson spent time train- have included an editorial ac- ing at Tsukuba University and the Kodokan Judo Institute. cepted by the British Journal of Sports Medicine that Dr Callan Whilst there Miss Johnson met Professor Takeshi Nakajima, former Treasurer of the International Association of Judo co-authored alongside Dr Nikos Researchers, based at Kokushikan
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