Final Workshop Report: Establishing protected areas for Asian freshwater cetaceans Penetapan kawasan perlindungan cetacean air tawar Asia “Freshwater cetaceans as flagship species for integrated river conservation management” “Cetacean air tawar sebagai simbol spesies dalam manajemen konservasi sungai terpadu" Samarinda, 19-24 October 2009 Edited by Daniëlle Kreb, Randall R. Reeves, Peter O. Thomas, Gillian T. Braulik and Brian D. Smith Published by Yayasan Konservasi RASI/ Conservation Foundation for Rare Aquatic Species of Indonesia 2010 Sponsored By Copies of this report are available at http://www.ykrasi.110mb.com/asia_freshwater_dolphin_workshop.html Front cover photographs: Left top, Irrawaddy dolphin in Mahakam River ©YK-RASI -Danielle Kreb; Right top, Yangtze finless porpoise ©Wang Ding; Left below, Ganges River dolphin in Sundarbans ©BCDP/WCS-Elisabeth Fahrni Mansur; Right below, Indus River dolphin in Indus River ©Albert Reichert Back cover photographs: Left, Ganges River dolphin in Sundarbans ©BCDP/WCS-Rubaiyat Mansur; Right, Irrawaddy dolphin in Mekong River© FiA-WWF Copyright: The contents of this paper are the sole property of the authors and cannot be reproduced without their permission. Editors’ note: The information shared in this report represents the opinions of the individual workshop participants and contributors. Citation: Kreb, D., Reeves, R.R., Thomas, P.O., Braulik, G.T. and Smith, B.D. (Editors). 2010. Establishing protected areas for Asian freshwater cetaceans: Freshwater cetaceans as flagship species for integrated river conservation management, Samarinda, 19-24 October 2009. Final Workshop Report. Yayasan Konservasi RASI, Samarinda, Indonesia, 166 pp. ISBN: 978-602-97677-0-4 Yayasan Konservasi RASI or the Conservation Foundation for Rare Aquatic Species of Indonesia, is a local NGO established in 2000, based in Samarinda, East Kalimantan. One of its first and ongoing conservation programs deals with the conservation of the freshwater Irrawaddy dolphin or Pesut Mahakam. The goal of this program is the conservation of the critically endangered freshwater dolphin population in the Mahakam River and its habitat through establishment of scientifically justified and community/ government-supported protected areas. Objectives include raising environmental awareness, establishing sustainable fisheries and facilitating community-supported establishment of river dolphin protected areas. Among the activities that have been and are being conducted are population monitoring and socio-economic assessment surveys; workshops at community, (sub)district, provincial, and (inter)national level; developing and implementing environmental education courses for high schools and elementary schools; awareness campaigns mainly with schoolchildren and fishermen; facilitating sustainable eco-tourism; and setting up sustainable aqua-culture fisheries with fishermen cooperations. Final Workshop Report: Establishing protected areas for Asian freshwater cetaceans Penetapan kawasan perlindungan cetacean air tawar Asia “Freshwater cetaceans as flagship species for integrated river conservation management” “Cetacean air tawar sebagai simbol spesies dalam manajemen konservasi sungai terpadu" Samarinda, 19-24 October 2009 Edited by Daniëlle Kreb, Randall Reeves, Peter O. Thomas, Gillian T. Braulik and Brian D. Smith Yayasan Konservasi RASI 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements . 1 Ucapan Terima Kasih . 1 Foreword Governor . 2 Sambutan Gubernur . 2 Foreword Organizer . 4 Sambutan Panitia . 4 1. Introduction . 6 1. Introduksi . 6 2. Workshop Session Notes . 17 - Workshop Session 1:"To what extent have PAs and dolphin conservation programs been designed and proven effective in providing integrated conservation for river dolphins and other aquatic dependent species, maintaining ecosystem health and bringing economic benefits for local communities?" . 17 - Workshop Session 2: "Community involvement in PA management and sustainable community development projects" . 23 - Workshop Session 3: "The importance of consistent dolphin population monitoring methods, and other types of monitoring to evaluate the effectiveness of PA- and conservation management" . 28 - Workshop Session 4: “Improving conservation management in dolphin core areas/PAs” . 35 3. General Recommendations and Conclusions . 39 3. Kesimpulan dan Rekomendasi Umum . 39 4. Country Priority Recommendations . 46 4. Rekomendasi Prioritas pada Kawasan Perlindungan Cetacea Air Tawar di Masing-masing Negara 46 5. Country Reports: Reviews on the conservation and PAs established for river dolphins in Asia 52 Indonesia . 53 China . 62 Cambodia . 73 Myanmar . 85 Bangladesh . 95 India . 107 Pakistan . 120 ANNEX 1: Agenda . 130 ANNEX 2: List of Participants . 135 ANNEX 3: General Introduction Lectures . 139 - International Involvement in Conservation of Asian Freshwater Cetaceans: A 23-year Retrospective . 139 - Learning lessons from Baiji’s likely extinction: what we should do next? . 145 - Is it possible to consider river dolphins as flagship species to maintain the goods and services of aquatic ecosystems? . 149 ANNEX 4: Protected Area Table . 151 ANNEX 5: Workshop pictures . 163 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH First of all, we are very grateful to the East Pertama-tama, kami sangat berterima kasih Kalimantan Provincial Government, especially the kepada Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, Governor of East Kalimantan, the Mayor of khususnya Gubernur Kalimantan Timur, Walikota Samarinda and the heads of Central and West Samarinda dan Bupati Kutai Kartanegara dan Kutai Districts, for hosting the workshop in their Kutai Barat, selaku tuan rumah lokakarya di respective areas. daerah masing-masing. We thank all sponsors, which funded this event, Kami berterima kasih kepada seluruh sponsor namely the Marine Mammal Commission, Ocean yang mendanai lokakarya ini, yaitu Marine Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong, Mammal Commission, Ocean Park Conservation People’s Trust for Endangered Species, West Kutai Foundation Hong Kong, People’s Trust for District Government and Mining Department, PT. Endangered Species, Pemerintah Kabupaten Kutai Pupuk Kaltim, the Provincial Public Works, and Barat dan Dinas Pertambangan Kutai Barat, PT. individual donors. Pupuk Kaltim, Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Propinsi Kalimantan Timur, dan donor perorangan. We are also grateful for the assistance provided by the Environmental Department of East Kami juga berterima kasih atas bantuan yang Kalimantan (BLH), the Forestry Faculty of diberikan oleh Badan Lingkungan Hidup Propinsi Mulawarman University, the Technical Executive Kalimantan Timur (BLH), Fakultas Kehutanan Unit of the Preservation and Conservancy Agency Universitas Mulawarman, Unit Pelaksana Teknis of East Kalimantan (UPTD PPA), and other dari Perlindungan dan Pelestarian Alam Dinas organizations. We also thank members of the Kehutanan Propinsi Kalimantan Timur (UPTD steering committee and members of the local and PPA), dan organisasi lainnya. Kami juga international organizing committees for their help mengucapkan terima kasih kepada anggota with logistics, fundraising, selection of komite pengarah dan anggota komite participants, and development of a suitable penyelenggara lokal dan internasional atas workshop format. bantuan mereka di bidang logistik, dana, seleksi peserta, dan pengembangan format lokakarya. Finally, we thank all participants for their input and active participation as well as the co-editors Akhirnya, kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada of this report. semua peserta atas masukan dan partisipasi aktif serta penyusunan laporan ini. Yayasan konservasi RASI Yayasan Konservasi RASI 1 FOREWORD GOVERNOR SAMBUTAN GUBERNUR In my capacity as Governor of East Kalimantan Dalam kapasitas saya sebagai Gubernur Propinsi Province as well as on behalf of the Republic of Kalimantan Timur serta atas nama Republik Indonesia, I supported the workshop event that was Indonesia, saya mendukung acara lokakarya yang conducted between 19-24th October 2009 in dilaksanakan tanggal 19 - 24 Oktober 2009 di Samarinda dealing with the establishment of Samarinda mengenai Penetapan Kawasan protected areas for freshwater cetaceans in Asia. In Perlindungan Cetacea Air Tawar di Asia. Dalam this workshop both international and national lokakarya ini telah ikut berpartisipasi para ilmuwan scientists, policymakers and NGO representatives baik nasional maupun internasional, pengambil participated. Based on the observations by Yayasan kebijakan dan perwakilan LSM. Berdasarkan hasil Konservasi RASI, the status of Pesut Mahakam is observasi Yayasan Konservasi RASI, status Pesut considered very rare and only 90 individuals are Mahakam dianggap sangat langka dan diperkirakan estimated to remain alive. Their decline in numbers jumlahnya hanya 90 ekor. Penurunan jumlahnya has been caused by the degradation of their habitat disebabkan oleh degradasi habitat mereka sebagai as a result of human activities and heavy transport. akibat dari aktivitas manusia dan alat transportasi Furthermore, their food resources in the lakes and perusahaan. Selain itu, sumber makanan mereka di river have declined because of the increasing danau dan sungai telah jauh berkurang akibat degradation of the Mahakam River system and lakes. peningkatan tekanan terhadap sistem Sungai I regret the current situation and the Mahakam dan danau-danau. discrepancy between the admiration we all feel for Saya menyesal atas situasi saat ini dan the symbol species of East Kalimantan Province and ketidaksesuaian antara
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