![Object-Oriented Computer Architecture](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
VI Object-Oriented Computer Architecture: - Concepts and Issues -The REKURSIV Object-Oriented Computer Architecture D. M. Harland Rapporteur: G. Dixon REKURSN Slides Object-Oriented Computer Architecture Two lectures for the International Seminar on Objecc-Oriemed Computing Systems Newcastle. September 6-9. 1988. To be presented ~Y : David M HDrland Technical Director. Linn Sman Computing ltd. Gla:<;gow G4S OOPS Issues ami Professor of Computer Architecture, Stralhclyde University . (I). ()bjed-Orienled Computer Archi.~ture: Concepts and Is.'iues 1llis lecrure will imroduce the relevant concepts and set out the architectural issues complexity which arose during the design of me hardware developed by Linn for the object-oriented progcanuning paradigm. multiple pondipI Issues covered will include: absaw:tioo mecIu!nisma Stores : typea Object persistence poIymorphiIm Object swapping Object security (unique identifiers, range checking. symbolic activation) expressiviry Processors : paralIeliIm < High level instructions (no scmamit gap. even higher ordered and recursive ) verilUlbiliJy H 1bc: MIPS rate (clock. rates, caches, pipelines and prefelch units) ~ 1_01)' Ttchnolog, : Software? orr lhe shelf7 Semi-custom? Full-custom? (2, The REKURSIV Object-Oriented Cumputer Architedure This lecrure will concentrale on the: praclicalilies of configuring the REKURSIV 10 a variety of differcm application domains and will discuss topics such as Microcodina; an object-based insuuclion scI, languale lnte&Ulion. Process convnunicllion, Garbage collection, . The furure (e.g. disttibuted object stores). Various examples wiJl be given. Demonstrations : A simulator for the microcoded architecture 10 run o n a Sun using X-windows will be available. as will a REKURSIV accelerator board for a Sun. R~fuenu : REKU RSIV Objec t - O ri~fIf~d Compllfu Arc"iUClllr~. by 0 M Harland. published by Ell is Horwood Lid, August t 988, Linn Smarr Comp..nng: T<I r44) 41631 1483 Sepltmber '88 U .. " Smart C()nlPII ' '''~ Ltd "_ I ... ' .. I' ,,'" REKURSN Slid~s REKURSIV Slidn REKURSIV Technology Storage Issues 40 bit lagged architectwe (Ofally object oriented von Neumann sto.... e 32 bil word semi infemx meMOIl COmplCl represent_ions for 32 bit objects object~ three microcodable ASICs peniIIence object swoppm, 1.3 micron CMOS hiahlev.linIUuaiona 5eaof lates IOMH. securiIy <: H Logik 'ypc procectioo N ,..,.. proooctioa sequencer for high level inmuction KU 299 pins 60 bit control word 18 fields Objekt objea oriemed memory manqemcm 299 pins 32 bit conU'ol word II fields Nwnerik 32 bit alu. band shifter. multiplier and register tile 223 pins 70 bit connol word 17 r.. lds Linn Smarr C ompuli"g: TeJ (44 J 41 631 148J Seplembu .88 LinnSmarrComplll'in, : T~I(#)416JJ 1481 S~pumber '88 REKURSN Slid" REKURSN Slid" EXAMPLE - CONSing EXAMPLE - CDRing Slack has CAR above CDR; "'placed wi'" CONS. Stack. has a CONS. replace with head of lhird link. (OEF CADOOR (x) (CAR (CDR (CDR (CDR x ) ) ) ) ) CONS: pqe.aIIoc.. or NOflITCH ldidx _ (2) Ididx d=KIx ldab ant>cpace4setaddrAldal>AinidlapAl_ NOfIITCH \ CADOOR:d=esll: pagebus cjbr@GC MEMOFLO d=vrr pagebus d=bron (CONS.TYPE) IdIb deap newesp idx2load1ddr d=vrr Pllebus d=esll: idxpul idx I loadIddr d=vrr pagebus _II: idxpulldrb idx2 loadaddr d-rd ldesll: idxgct d=memout ldestk < H W Linn Smart Computing: T~I (44) 41631 1483 Septembu '88 LiM Sma,rComputins: Tel (44) 4/63/ /483 September '88 " REKURSIV Slid~s REKURSN Slides EXAMPLE· TREECOPYing Copytree Benchmark Stack has il tree, replaced with copied au. (DEF COPITREE (ITEM) (COND ((ATOM ITEM) ITEM) (T (CONS (COPITREE (CDR ITEM)) (COPITREE (CAR ITEM)))))) (DEF COPY11!EE (x) (COND «ATOM x) x) (T (CONS (11lEECOPY (CDR x» (11lI!ECQPY (CAR x» RATIO Xerox 1186 171 111!xplorer S7 Telaronix 4406 28 < Symbolics 367S 18 H lllEECOPY: _* pl&ebus MIPS MOOO (RlSC) 1.2 po _ (CONS_TYPE) ldaym RIlKURSIV IOMHz 1.0 cjupcor !IS_SYM dzvtt incsp newesp inccsp jbr@11lI!ECOPY 1_ d-vrr puahupco< u"'"P (I) usubbrdl neweap r.. d .. * _*_bus ida2100daddr ida.., irIcIp_ jbr@11lI!ECOPY cIamcmout Idoak jlw@CONS Linn Smarr Comp.nng: T<I (44) 4J 6JJ J48J S~pr~mbtr '88 Linn SmarrCompuring: Ttl (44) 41631 141B Stpltmbtr .88 • > REKURSIV Slid" REKURSIV Slid" EXAMPLE - Creating An Object Creating An Object Slack has size. above type. above initial values for components; replace with object. Assuming thai the Slack has been loaded with the size, type and initialising values for each compooenc: CREATE: page_allocator decsp newesp NOFETCH d ....tk Idsb grabspace .....toddr ... ldabotinilflapotldnb Ididlt deesp newesp \ ejbr@GCMEMOFLO allocate new object identifier and check for exhawlion d_tk Idtb ejbr@emp<y IDX-o loadoddr readestk page the new identifier to align pager tables. test for a cluh at newnwlr. _ decsp newesp idxpu. cldtb that !lot and if necessary squeeze ttw object out 10 backing ejm IDXOK deem loadoddr readestk store incsp newesp at that set of table slots. and their ourput registers, daref ldeldt put the identifier into the object nwnber table put the object's size imo the size table empey: incsp ......sp _h (NIL) Idtb put the object pointer into the address table darefldadt put the address of the tint component into the memory address register < se.theNEWO., H dear the MOD n., and ... Oag U> put the rype into the type table step up the object pointer .0 the end of the object and ched: !hot the object pointer hu no< advan=l off the end of memory; call the aubaae collector if necessary initialiJe each component from the stack tqlioce the size. type and initialisinc vllues 00 the SlId< by the new object ideruiflU On the REKURSIV this sequence takes 5+2·N cycles. for N c~nts . ;md il runs II IOMH. (later 16MHz). LiM Smar' Comp.nng: Td1U1416311483 September ' 88 LiM Smar,Co"'PUling: Td lUI 41631 1483 September ' 88 REKURSrv Slidts REKURSrv Slidts EXAMPLE· Linear Scanning EXAMPLE· Hashed Scanning Slack has object above symbol, tq)lace wdh value or nil. Slack has object. above symbol. above initial hashed index; replace with value or nil. HSCAN: decsp newesp LSCAN: deQp ncwesp d:=estk pagebus readem decsp newesp d=esll: paceboLt relde.stl: d=esll: Idsym readesll: dooesll: Idsym idx 1 loodaddr d=esll: ldidx loadaddr Idreg newrnatt. mget -I: cjbr @'l !IDXOK idx,.. cjbr@'1 N1LSYM ~. incids loodaddr cjbr@'1 !NJLSYM _lOUt idxupl l_ jrp@'lIDXDONE idxnc.,loodaddr cjbr@'llS_NlLdecidx 1_dooo ... u .... idx ... -I; cjbr @·llS_NlL~. idsg.. ci-memou. ldesdt damemou. ldesdt -2: _ (NIL) 1_ ,. no< found . , -2: _ (NIL) 1_ ,. no< found ., < H a- LiM Smor,CompUlin,: Ttl (44 ) 416311483 S~pltmbtr .88 LiM Smart CompUlin,: Ttl ( 44) 41631 1483 St pltmbtr ·88 , REKURSlV Slides R£KURSIV SlPtQlltQlk Insrrucrion Stl Sending a Message Slack has mcssaae, above araumenu. above receiver let n;ccivcr's clUJ if tcleaor/clau pair ..,. cachod, _ for _e foUowinl superdWn and CIdIo I'CIUlsifII seIeaor/claN/molhod n:11lionahip. .. so have method in object .Iore REKURSIV SMALLTALK INSTRUCTIONS if primitiVG, cUCUIII rniaoc:ode body IDd c:ootinue _iIb nul < -if ..,. primitive or primitive foila : H LinD Smart Computl.., Ltd -.J if medIod ..,. in inIIrucIioa cocbo. CIdIo il 257 Drakemire Drive Glu.ow G45 tl8N euabIiIb ... COIIIUIIDd illYoU ill fine iDauuaioa. T.a. (") 41 Ul 1_ '1b , '1'7181 UNN G P_ : (6t)""1 1411 ... so have new inIIrucIioa ill ey'O"';"" Ef3:7:<=-30. ': to"'''. - . , LiMSmarrCompUlin"r<I(#)416Jll48J Sepuminr . 88 Linn SmartCompuring: Ttl (44) 41 63/ 1481 August 1988 " REKUR5lV 5,""l/lal1 Ittnrau:n'Oft 5t1 REKURSN Smallialt IltSfTuction S~ I Contents SEND <nargs> <selector> 10e REKURSIV Smalltalk instrUctions fall into several catelories. mainly conuol flow and variable manipu1a1ion, and these will be ,enerated by the compiler durinl ituerlCtive sessions. In addition. the~ are low level instrUctions for manipulafin, the stICk and [S[ND intertacin, to the object sto~. but these and various hiah-lcvel &nsU'UCIlons for building I 1 ..... 1 ........ the class suucfures. method and dictionaries of the kemel duxs, are u.sed durina: system startup (befo~ messaaes can be sent). This lru;b'Uction takes IIJW1lents on the stack, and looks up the I'1l(thod wnh the selector Conlrol Flow specified by the operand on the dass of lhe receiver. 1be receiver is the fust argument. Send Sendames..,e so SEND always has at least one ItJ1IInent. If necessary. Send will foUow lhe sinlle­ Exit Exila method. retUrn 10 tender's context inheritance superchain off the R:cciver's clus in order to flOd the method. If no method is BlkExit Exit • block, rerum to home context found nil is mwned. 1be method will be either primitive. or abstract. En the case of • primitive. rhe appropriate microcode will be executed inunedialely, and the number of arguments and V.riables their types checked IS appropriale to each oper.. ion . For an abctnct method. il will be Liv Lold instIIICC/ c1_ vuiablc verified that there is the correct number of II'pmenIS. and rhaI method will men be: Siv Sto~ instance/ claII variable inVoked. Lood v_ Lv mcd>odI block If. primitive method fails. the SlId. will be reaet. wilh the method for IhaI selector on the 5v 5.on: mcd>odI b10ct varilble stack above the ItJUInenu, and men che cc:JCK1pOOdinc abItt.a method will be: invoked. Usually such • 'failure ' will merdy report .. error, but dliJ mechanism can abo be: employed to carer for unusual cues for which che microcoded primitive fonn has no oJ'lion. Basic Objed Crntion < When an abstract method is invoked all temporary variablea are inJIiali.sed to nil. H Intepr Lood .. imepr Clwactcr Lood a dIanI:W 00 Pseudo Lood a pacudo varilble NOles : 5ainJ Looda..nn, (I). Arpment one is the receiver Low Level Object Crnlloa (2). 1be~ are less than sixty fow arpments allowed object AIIoc AII0ca0e .
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