Available in Yiddish or English beginning every hour-on-the-hour 26 fascinating educational subjects in Yiddish and English In-depth study of Gemom taught in Yiddish, approXimately an i'IY.lY a day. beginning every hour-on-the-hour Geared to 7th gmders and up as well as adults. Taught in English beginning every half hour. (Yiddish Mishnayos is featured on Dial-A-Shiur) ALL JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY 24 HOURS A DAY BASIC COSTS Return to: Torah Communications Network. I 6 J 8·45 St~ B'l\lyn, N .Y. I 1204 {718) 436-4999 $6 per month plus a one·time registration fee of $36. Subscription to a second program is only $18 (half. price Name -----------------fet. _______ registration! and $6 per month .,.,,. ------------------------- PLEASE NO'tE: In L<:lng Island. Elit.abelh. f.dison. Passaic artd .. Teaneck N.J. Dial·A·Daf in English iS heard on even hours and the Dial· Ci'Y------------ Slat<-----Zlp---- A·Shiut English program on odd hours. The monthly fee is $I 2. I'm enclosing the S36 registration fee and SIS for the firSt three monthS. Mishnah·On-The-Phon£> and Shlur Yomi are not available locally in Please enroll me in.· o Dial-A-Daf ClDial·A-Shiur ti Shiur Yomi a Mishnah·On·The·Phone these areas. R THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) ..REPORT FROM ISRAEL-- 0021-6615 is published monthly ex­ cept July and August, by the Agudath 5 Israel of America, 84 William Street. Yeshiva Students and Military Service in Israel New York, NY 10038. Second class Ezriel Toshavi postage paid at New York, NY Subscrip­ tion $18.00 per year; two years. $30.00; three years, $40.00. Outside of the 9 United States (US funds only) $10 sur­ A Cry From the Heart charge per year. Single copy: $2.50; based on an address by Rabbi Elazar M. Shach, ""o»v foreign: $3.00. Send address changes to The Jewish Observer, 84 William St., N.Y., N.Y. !0038. TuL (212) 797-9000. Printed in the U.S.A. CHESSED-REACHING OUT WITH KINDNESS RABB! NISSON WOLPIN. Editoc 13 The Art of Bikur Cholim Editorial Board Rabbi Myer Schecter . DR. ERNST BODENHEIMER Cha(rman 18 RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS Hachnosas Orchim in the Hospital JOSEPH FRIEDENSON Mrs. Galia Berry · RABBI NOSSON SCHERMAN RABBI MOSHE SHERER 23 Management Board "One Body, One Heart" NAFTOLI HIRSCH Dr. Meir Wikler ISAAC KIRZNER RABB! SHWMO LESIN 25 NACHUMSTEIN Rabbi Yehuda Aszod RABB! YOSEF C. GOLDING A Biography by Giti Weissmandl Business Manager THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not POETRY assume responsibility for the Kashrus 24 'of any product or service advertised in its pages. On Gardening, Mrs. B. Karfiol 32 ©Copyright 1988 Autumnal Reflections, Baila Susholz OCTOBER 1988 33 VOLUME XX!/ NUMBER 7 Letters to the Editor A Rov of the last generation told a group of his talrnidim and relatives, shortly before he A. (12 x 11) passed away: "As long as I was alive, I tried to avoid asking for assistance from anyone, Soon, howevet, J will need your help. Please send me packages. '1 The "packages" to which he referred were of a spiritual nature - a gift which allows the niftar (deceased) to constantly progress to more elevated heights in the World-to-Come. These "packages" come in the form of Torah and mitzuos which are performed for the merit of the niftar. It has long been the accepted custom 'in Kial Yisroel to study Mishnayos for the Neshoma (soul) of the niftar, The word Mishna - n.:nur.1 - contains the same Hebrew letters as ..Neshoma" - i'T'Dtul, which hints at the profound spiritual effects and priceless treasure which a Neshoma attains through study of Mishnayos. That so much can be accomplished by so small an expenditure, is truly incredible. Toward this end, a service called Mishna L 'Neshoma has been established to provide this enduring Chesed-shel-Emes to a rti/tar, by supplying the items enumerated below,to anyone requesting them, so that the learning of Mishnayos proceeds smoothly . • • • The following are available free upon request: a) Mishnayos Card - to be placed in the home of the mourner or in the Bois Hamedrosh J of the niftar, etc., for relatives and acquaintances to be able to sign up to learn specific Masechtos. The card has space for entering addresses of participants, so that contact can be C. (3112 x 5) - made with the participants in matters relating to the learning of the Mishnayos, Siyum, etc. b) 65 cards with the T1ilah (prayer) to be said after the Mishnayos learning, one to be ......- ........... ::....-----.... given to each participant. .___,,,.,..--­ - ..... c) 65 reminder cards to be mailed to participants. --- • • • ... .... __ ..__,,._-===-~ .. __ ..... ....._,.,_ ......... If there is a niftar for whom no one is learning Mishnayos, we will be more than _ happy to learn Mishnayos for the niftar, on the Yahrtzeit date. Just send us his/her '-- .... ._ name and his/her father's name (i.e., Avrohom ben Yaakov, Avrohom being the ni/tar and Yaakov his father), and the day of the Yahrtzeit-Hebrew date. ff Hebrew date is unknown, send English date and year, indicating time of death - daytime or - night.. time. Send this information to the address below. • • • B. (3112 x S) Note~ Full permission is granted to anyone who wishes to duplicate any of the items provided by the service. For further information, or if you wish to volunteer to have Mishrtayos cards picked up from your home contact us. • • • Mishna L'Neshoma was established to perpetuate the memory of Reb Dovid Mayer Barnetzky, zt'I, who, throughout his short lifetime, selflessly extended himself to others with all types of Chasodim she/ Emes. Mishna L'Neshoma, 421-6th Street, Lakewood, NJ 08701. Tel: (201) 363-3302 Please Do Not Send Money! • • • CALIFORNIA: MICHIGAN: PENNSYLVANIA: LOS ANGELES ..................... 12131651-5672 OAK PARK,. ....... j313)542·9243 MCKEESPORT.. .. - ....... !41~l678·2264 SAN FRANCISCO ............ (DAY) 415 7'.>2·7333 1 (EVE) (415) 665-8779 MINNESOTA: ~Wr1tr?Jk~~ ~. ' ••.......... ::::::: ~j~~;~= ST.PAUL. '(612)698-3858 SCRANTON. ....... (OAY)(717)346-1747 NEW JERSEY: (EVE) (717) 346·3948 TENNESSEE: r::~wooo.:::::::: .':: .' .': .' .':::::: !~~!~~~~ MEMPHIS .. ........ (901166H485 . .... (615 292·6614 NEW YORK: NASHVILLE. FLORIDA: BORO PARK . ....... V18J 436-4067 NORTH MIAMI . ''' ' .... (305)651-2747 TEXAS: ~~gr's~o~~1~HTs. .·. ·.·.·.(:~~! ~l2~-011:JJ.~~ DALLAS ......... _................. (214)239·7248 GEORGIA: FLATBUSH..... ....... 718 378-9078 ATLANTA. ..... {404)833-0551 FOREST HILLS. ........ 718 899·4033 VIRGINIA: KEW GARDENS. ....... 718 805·2248 RICHMOND. .. (804) 740-2000 ILLINOIS: LONG BEACH ....... _. .. ri16 432·4928 CHICAGO. (312)267-0960 MONSEY.SPRING VALLEY. ... 914 356-4841 WISCONSIN: STATEN ISLAND. 71 494-1487 MILWAUKEE .. ' ... (414) 444-5733 MARYLAND: WILLIAMSBURG . 718 384·4887 BALTIMORE. ......... (301) 764--6020 OHIO: CANADA: MASSACHUSETTS: CINCINNATI .. .. ... ... .. (5131781·0329 MONTREAL .. .............. (5141738-8128 WORCESTER. (508) 754·3681 WICKLIFFE .. • • . • • (218 943.3895 TORONTO . ........... (418 783-5773 Ezriel Toshavi Yeshiva Students and Military Service in Israel An Old Debate Resurfaces in the Knesset, in the Press, and in the Beis Hamidrash A BA1TLE ROYAL ment Is sufficient to raise temper· atures. On the one hand, the stand­ hen a battle royal regard­ ard Israeli serves In Tzahal for three ing a religious issue breaks years, followed by miluim (reserve Wout in the Knesset. the duty) several weeks every year until media may describe it as a heated his fifty-fifth birthday, subject to response to a new, sensitive issue, call-up In case of national emer· but that Is seldom the case. gency. It is very difficult for the Politically, most points of tension average citizen to accept any system can be traced to the agreement that allows thousands of young the custodians of our heritage as to between the Jewish Agency and the healthy men to defer national ser­ Agudath Israel World Organization, their authority over the fate of Klal vice, for any reason. Taking into often cited In these pages, which YisroeL account that there Is scarcely a A notable example is the debate formalized the role of religion in the household without a martyred rela­ nascent Jewish State, in advance of now raging over the draft deferment tive or neighbor, this opposition can its declaration. Ideologically, most for yeshiva students, which is based become tinged with bitterness. On areas of disagreement have been on an agreement between David Ben the other hand, almost every West. Gurion and the heads of Israel's there as long as there have been em democracy grants exemptions Jews who question the role of Torah yeshivas since the early days of the from military service to divinity State. Currently, an alleged 17,000 in their personal lives, and challenge students. Should Israel do less? young men of draftable age do not Shouldn't the People of the Book Ezrlel Toahavi observes the Jewish scene in serve in the army, on the basis of respect those who keep knowledge Israel for readers of the JO. such deferments. This mere state- of the Book alive? ... How can we The Jewish Observer, October 1988 5 JEHUSALEM POST. 8/24/88 Likud and Labor Members of the Knesset. Dry Bones The press was quick to comment in its usual poison pen style, which It employs when referring to Orthodox Jews. Breaking new ground in just plain nastiness was an editorial in Ha'aretz (July): "The damage from Yeshiva deferments Is not only to the country's military strength: there Is also an undermining of the principle of equality of rights and duties of all citizens, since the burden of reserve duty becomes all the more onerous to those who serve. Moreover, the more money the treasury gave to HIS FA1"HfR such Torah Institutions, the larger the number of state-legitimated draft­ SHaJl.D'VE dodgers." DUM6? JUS1"~ Yosef Goell.
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