r* 11 i g I j ^ ) ii* -w l i 4I3HI i:-...l ^.1 ■,. ..UtiUEitl. M. toatya Ladlaar^^ AuzllJery taill Jita . JTrank Rouae,. BUlngton Iflaa Omea Robartson and Mra. Tha Tmmg Paopto’a aoetety of tha IB0DT1DWN moot n u ^ ofoatag at 8 o'clock. M tot Wapping, arho to tdiairman of Jamea Shatow Who have bam win- Omeordto Lutheran church will be Ilmr. John H. Mwar3e of 8 t Lnka'a the card party to be held tomorrow taring In S t Psterahurg, Flwlda, left guests of the Intermadiato Luther • tX latm at tt> load poaol* to tbo ehnroh. New Hareii, will be the evanlng at 8 o’clock In the audito* Monday on their way North and at League tomorrow evening at 7 OUiCK CASH LOAM* gueat apeaker. The boateaaea will N y?l»«rN .Leclerc ittos* «• Beturdey o f Mtoe Do«x>- rium of the new Ellaarorth Memorial preaent ara in Ptneburat N. C o’clock, when tbe latermedlataa wOl ■y. "m f Mraato, duigbtar «( U n. Koto be Mta. Max KaaulU. tore. ChitoUae high achool. South Windaor, and hold their monthly hurineea m a^ ON RoMnaoo, Mra. Alexander Clifford, membera of her committee, are moat Funeral Director ■to o ( SIsoOTiwgr atroot, R art- Robert SberWood ^of Cook stmet ing. A good turnout of both groups SELF SERVE . UMMJT MM MIkM ^ u « tlM toto I f o m n MUo Mra. Heniy Weir, Mta. Margaret grateful fbr the cooperation of the la hcqied tor. ■. , k ' 880 No. Mata S t m l i ManciHsetor Oreea, and a aopboSoie to JuUn Tucker of Wetli- Sargent and Mra. Clara Robliiaoo. general pnbUa Aa aanounced the at High achool, who tmderwent an 2:30 TO 5:30 The Women’a Miaaionary aodetjr of affWr to for the benefit of the trip le n t MANl.’HESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE C'HARM the Bmanuel Lutheran cbiuvh wlU to Waahhigton fbr the ftrat group of amergency oporatlon for appendlcitia 8PECU LS bo giieata. Tuesday at tha Memorial hospital, I VOL. LVL, NO. 162 n iH o y c ( the Bone t t 90 or more aeniora to graduate thia is doing nicely and win be glad to WE HAVE PARTS s n n g s l* ). opting from the achool. Tbe play­ receive bla frienda. SPRING SPEQAL MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY,’APRIL 9. 1937 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS la lagloa to called tor Tboae who hare patronlaed the ing priaea have all been donated, aa • oroatag at T o’clock at Salvation Army food aalea will be In- well aa the rafreahmenta, abd to fur­ For All Kinds Of WALNUT Armory. All memhota tereated to know that the Songatar ther aarell the fund chancea will be Innerspring Ik e fata a flataaial m amad l4 to attend. Brigade of the corpa win conduct a aold on a box of linen, a box of Used Cars Su m (3) par saut par aMtob MEATS A Tall Thirst Is Quenched aale of home baked cakea, piea, nut When You Think Of at Ihlfty^ OS) MS a m t pas eigara, a table lamp, vaae of flowera If you’re ear ia not running M attress muiaa on eaptod awsaat af PUBLIC WORKS BILL FIERCE BATHE d ' breada, Mab aoda bread and baked and cakea, all of which have been beana Saturday momihg' ' at 10 donated by frienda. Better for bek of parts—see lean. Childreii’s i lb . 2 5 « PREMIER BACKS CMC, o’clock. Shoe Repairing, See Hay Dresses IDEAL riNANClNO IS RAGING IN SAM YULYES PANTALI^ BROS. ASSOOATION, b e . GETS APPROVAL OF With Bloomers 7SI Main Strast 4adt Ftost OastoettoWy ' Horace Street KEMP'S 881 Mala Stoaat IHADR^SUBURB MRS. ELUOTTS NOTICE! BRIGHT EYES Just Off Wetherefi Street Sbnmeos and Red Cross Over W. T. Grant Store BUO ANO a m SHOP CABS WASHSn, OBBASBO DEFIES CIO LEADERS Phone 7881 SUGAR •97 Mala Street Care OaBad Per and DeUvered. FOR YOUR HOME Phone 3346 < ASSEMBLY GROUP AUEX KBBB Big Artfllery Dod Roared Oer. Adaaw and Center Streela Ib. pkg. Telephone 3980 FUNERAL Mearare C rntei New State AD Nigbt; Italian Army of IN CANADIAN STRIKE SETBACK! FJ ^ ‘ Uurge Fhcdmse SoftoMlk FRANCE ALLOWS ' I V ; Tomorrow Nisrht CAKE Department; Eipected to Rebels m Cordoba Now CLASSES IN FRANC TO DROP Unionist Run Out Of Plant Dedaret Comp^ Oran^re Hall POPULAR SINKING Coine Up m Home Neit Faces Sore DesfamctioiL Bvmy Saturday Momlag. ll:Ut Textile Workers FLOUR Sgadal Note! Thla weeli% party At the Baet Side Bee N otice! AD the Protcctioii l i ^ will bo held In the baaqnet haS. Otva year hnam a tpnrldtag Provisioiu of BiD. TO 4 - Y ^ LOW Inatmetor: amOe and bright m at Tee Madrid, April 9.—(AP) —Govern­ 4 P t i w s ! Admu 25c. ETHEL VON DECK . have yonr windows clean­ Y6UR ATTENTION! ment and Insurgent troops looked the G oT erpeel That ft Phene 8KII ed Immaeolataiy at Sltle ooat. j Wa eleaa yonr outside wtn- State Capitol, Hartford, April 8— Haos to Boost Toorist Bosi- today In one of the fiercest battles >wa without entering yonr BshM's Baktog (AP)—The Reorganization commit­ of the siege of Madrid. After a Requires; M om ties.Joii Mae. Prompt, efficient aerv- . Regular monthly meeting of Local 2125» Satnrday, tee approved today a bill creating a night-long battle centered In the hm. State Department of Public Worka, ness Wfth Cheap Mooe^ Casa De (^mpo district of western Public Card Party April 10, at 2 P. M., Odd Fellows HalL All production CHOCOLATE Madrid, both forces still were bom­ 300 Censtablet te Be IViday, Apr. 9,8 P. M. INSURANCE PHONE US TODAY thus opening the way for early con- Had Heard U. S. Was to barding each other heavily toward Oanvleto Uaaa of Pretaetloni employees of Cheney Brothers are urged to attend. aideraUon of the building program. noon. There had been nearly 14 ^ lb. bar hours of incessant hostilities. Short­ Ready for an Emetfencye E l l s w o r t h m e m o r ia l Manchester ~ The tommittee voted to report AntemobUa — giro — Burglary the meaaure favorable during a brief Lower A e Price of Gold. ly after daybreak, government alr- I^ G H SCHOOL, So. Wiadmr Aeddeat _ life — UaMllty Window Cleaning The officers of Local 2125 and executive officers will 2 fo r 29c aeaaion preceding the cloee of tbe planea twice flew over the besieg­ Bwalry ~ Olaaa — Safety Benda fourteenth legialative week. ers rearguard positlona and bombed T oronto, Ont.. A p ril 8.—-(Cfiltop* BeneSt o f Seniora* Company ANDERSON meet at 9 A. M. Saturday, April 10. Eiarlier in the week, Oov. Wilbur ths Insurgents' lines. dlan Press)—Premier Mitchell Hep­ areeahouaea and Flower Shop Paris, April 9.—( AP) — Francs Wsshington Trip. Telephone 7614 It. Crosa conferred with the chair­ Bursts of anti-aircraft fire punc­ burn declared today General M ototf US Cldrtdge S t Phone 848S man of the reorganization commit­ allowed the franc to sag today to tuated the steady din of heavy ar- of Canada “wtll get all the proteo- Worthwhile Prizes! Benjamin Qieney tee and was reported to have urged attract tourists thla summer, Tbe tUIery fire which kept Madrllcnos tlon from thla goveramant that thsp Ihsty Refreshnents. 178 BAST CBNTBB STRCET Read Tbe Herald Advs. speedy action on the public works treasury has decided upon a cheap­ awake throughout the nigbt and TBL. 8018 bill. Tbe chief execuUve, It was Ererybody Weeolme! er franc, financial circles reported, closer to alarm than they had been require" la shipping automoMla f braanal and Uommardal understood, favored creaUon of the since the first phases of the siege, parts from their itrike-bound Osh- AdmissJon only 25c. department In order that there- may with the poasibllity the rate may five months old now. aw a p la n t be some state central agency to su­ go to the low of 32.96 franca to the Driven from Dinners. "Repair parte wW have to bi TONIGHT’S THE NIGHT pervise and coordinate the building dollar agreed upon In the tripartite The battle broke out about 8:30 moved tomorrow or the next day.7 TO TRY OUR RAVIOU! program . monetary agreement At noon, tbe . m. last night with a roar of heavy ■aid the Premier. "That to wbM The bill approved by the commit­ rate waa 4.484 cents per franc, a cannon which chased the capital's the showdown win come.” Pinehnnt Par tha raaaan that aa amny Blai Lobster a la Newbnrg - Broiled Lob­ tee followed in the main tbe chief decline of almost 2Ki per cent from Inhabitants from their dinnera to Hepburn, supporting the company P“«jMo ’phone or eame to Ptoehniet tor ster - Lobster Thermidor Mcommendatlona of the reorganiza­ the 4.593 rate before the drop start­ the shelter of basements and dark­ In the strllm of 8,700 wocken at the tion commission. ed yesterday. During early trading ened doorways. Oshawn'plant aald an aide advtaefi rea^ freah Sih PrMay eomea a eloae nee- Chicken And All Our Regnbtr Dishes today, the rate waa allowed to sag FRESH oM to Satnrday la voinma of bwlaeaa. It provides for the appointment A. squad of government pursuit him that union teadera had throat- HERE IT IS— of a commissioner of public works from 4.539 cents to tbe 4.484 figure, planes patroled the skies over Ma­ eaed they would prevent moving o t ™ « week prteee are tower on Ballbat. by the governor with tha advice and equivalent respectively to 39.03 and Seellopa and Pile* of Raddoek.
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