tthehe cichlid mmonthlyonthly VVictorianictorian CCichlidichlid SSocietyociety IIncorporatedncorporated 336:10,6:10, NNovemberovember 22007007 — $$1.101.10 CCertificateertificate ooff IIncorporationncorporation # AA0012794D0012794D REGISTERED BY AUSTRALIA POST - PP342780/0024 1 the ccichlidichlid COMMITTEE: PRESIDENT: John McCormick .. .. .. .. .. 5944 3502 sscenecene [email protected] VICE-PRESIDENT: monthly vacant .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..xxxx xxxx cichlid THE NEXT MEETING of the Society will be held on the first Wednesday of the SECRETARY: month at 8 pm sharp (the Trading Table Graham Rowe .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9560-7472 opens earlier) in the Mitcham Scout Hall, [email protected] Brunswick Road, Mitcham. Visitors are heartily encouraged to come along. TREASURER: Tony Ferguson .. .. .. .. 0408 533 552 Fish of the Day: Parrot Cichlids - Graham Rowe. EDITOR: MAIN TALK: Auction Roundup etc. Daryl Hutchins. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9870 3556 Mobile .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0430 032 304 DOOR PRIZES: Aquapics Conditioners. [email protected] DRAW PRIZES: 1. $60 Evalife Aquarium Voucher. SOCIAL SECRETARY: 2. $30 Fishy Business Aquarium Melissa Kirkham. .. .. .. .. .. 57 969 304 Voucher. TRADING TABLE: 3. Wine Glasses. David Green .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9874 2392 TABLE SHOWS: Details see page 25. LIBRARIAN: MEMBERSHIP FEES 2007 Sandra Robotis .. .. .. .. 0433 985 344 Ordinary. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $30.00 SHOW SECRETARY: Resun and White Family .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $35.00 vacant .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..xxxx xxxx Junior/Concession Card Holder. $15.00 Crane aquarium Overseas .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $35.00 Sub-Committee Chairpersons: products (new memberships add $8 joining fee) BAA: Peter Robinson. imported by: Constitution: Daryl Hutchins. Handbook: Daryl Hutchins. Mailing: Peter Robinson. COVER PICTURE: A group of young Species Maintenance: vacant. contemporary Discus - Val Hutchins. ABSOLUTE LIFE MEMBERS: AQUARIUM Graham Rowe, Heinz Staude, PRODUCTS Kevin Archibald, Keith Patford, cichlids.web.com © Copyright, Victorian Cichlid 20-24 Boola Ave, Danny Genovese, Daryl Hutchins and Society Inc 2007 John McCormick. Yennora 2161 Anyone wishing to reprint material from `The Cichlid Victorian Cichlid Society (02) 9681 7011 Monthly’ for non-commercial purposes, may do so HONORARY MEMBER: (unless the item is copyright by the author) provided Max Davenport. Incorporated Distributed due credit is given to the author and `TCM’ and one in Victoria by: copy of the relevant publication is forwarded to the FELLOW OF THE SOCIETY: 36:10, November 2007 — $1.10 GREAT FISH author, care of the Secretary. Enquiries re the use Graham Rowe. Certificate of Incorporation # A0012794D 9560 7472 www.resun-china.com of material in other publications may be directed to [email protected].© PUBLIC OFFICER: David Green. 3 2 MMeetingeeting DDetailsetails ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1 CCranbourneranbourne MMakingaking TTankank DDividersividers oror SmallSmall TanksTanks - PegasusPegasus .................................................................. 44-7-7 PParachromisarachromis ffriedrichsthaliiriedrichsthalii - J EllenbergerEllenberger .......................................................................... 110-150-15 AAquariumquarium AAQUARQUARIIUMUM SOCIETYSOCIETY VVale:ale: SStuarttuart MMalcolmalcolm MMariotariot GGrantrant .............................................................................................................. 1166 FForor tthehe rrightight aadvicedvice aandnd aallll yyourour OOFF VVICICTTORIAORIA VVale:ale: DDrr GGeorgeeorge WW.. BBarlowarlow .................................................................................................................................... 1177 aaquariumquarium nneedseeds MMeetseets onon thethe lastlast ThursdayThursday TThehe AApistogrammapistogramma AquariumAquarium - K PlazakPlazak .................................................................................. 118-248-24 ooff tthehe mmonthonth atat CConfusiononfusion ReignsReigns - G RoweRowe ...................................................................................................................... 224-254-25 2299 GGrantrant Street,Street, CCliftonlifton Hill.Hill. 14 Cooper Crt, Cranbourne 3977 CCallall VValal BBradley:radley: 94789478 66028028 Tel: 5995 5066 Fax: 5995 5044 2255 fforor iinformation.nformation. MMinutesinutes ooff thethe PPreviousrevious MMeetingeeting .............................................................................................................. [email protected] TTableable SShowhow CCalendaralendar .................................................................................................................................................. 2255 CCunninglyunningly CConstructedonstructed CichlidCichlid CrosswordCrossword - D HutchinsHutchins ........................................ 226-276-27 FISHY BUSINESS SSolutionolution toto lastlast month’smonth’s CrosswordCrossword .......................................................................................................... 2288 2288 TThehe LLastast WWordord ...................................................................................................................................................................... AAUSTRALIANUSTRALIAN & NNEWEW GGUINEAUINEA FFISHESISHES AASSOCIATIONSSOCIATION Aims of the Society: MMeetseets bi-monthlybi-monthly atat thethe www.fishybusiness.net.au FFieldield NaturalistNaturalist Club,Club, The Victorian Cichlid Society was formed by cichlidophiles in March 1972 thus becoming 1 GGardeniaardenia Street,Street, the first specialist aquarist group in Victoria. Its main aims are: [email protected] BBlackburn.lackburn. 1. To promote the keeping of cichlids; CCallall JJohnohn Cousins:Cousins: 2. To gain and disseminate knowledge of cichlids, their habits and attributes through 141 Whitehorse Road Phone: 03 9877 0394 99844844 12451245 (AH)(AH) the use of slides, films, books, lectures, practical demonstrations, local and overseas Blackburn, Vic 3130 Fax: 03 9894 7795 fforor iinformation.nformation. magazines, articles by members and discussions with fellow members or experts in the field; 3. To assist, in any way possible, the establishment and/or maintenance of approved public aquaria; 4. To be involved in the education of the general public with regard to the benefits of fishkeeping (particularly cichlids), and the potentially harmful effects of animal mismanagement; 5. To promote fellowship between members; 6. To further the conservation of species and their natural habitats; NNAATTIONALIONAL cichlids.web.com 7. To further the identification, distribution, breeding, maintenance and enjoyment of AAUSTRALIANUSTRALIAN species in the Family Cichlidae. KKILLIFISHILLIFISH AASSSSOOCIATIONCIATION Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are those Correspondence to: THE SECRETARY MMeetseets BBi-monthlyi-monthly of the authors, and are not necessarily those of VICTORIAN CICHLID SOCIETY INC iinn mmembers’embers’ hhomes.omes. the Editor of TCM or the committee of the Victorian c/- 23 Mangana Drive, Mulgrave, Victoria, Cichlid Society Inc. You are encouraged to write to, Australia 3170 CContact:ontact: or e-mail the Editor on any subject raised herein. Fax: 9560 7472. E-mail: [email protected] EEmmamma JJenkinenkin 94429442 3408.3408. cichlids.web.com From `Aquarium World’, November 2005 frame to give a neat fin- ly made from 3 mm glass. be 460 mm x 260 mm x 5 4 ish. The remaining ends If you are not skilled at 260 mm). The front and of the wire can be pushed glass cutting then get the rear glasses would be 460 MMakingaking TTankank DDividersividers into a short length of air- supplier to cut it for you, mm x 260 mm. line tube to give a clean as the cost will be only The two end glass- finish to the frame. If the around a few dollars, but es would be 260 mm x oorr SSmallmall TTanksanks frame is made slightly will guarantee that every- 260 mm. The base glass bigger than the inside thing is square and ready would be 452 mm x 260 of the tank where it will for assembly. There are mm (assuming 3 mm PPegasusegasus ((BillBill WWatson),atson), MMaungaturoto,aungaturoto, NNZZ fit, then the slight bow many views on whether glass is used). The base in of the frame will hold it the panes of glass should this case would be sitting tightly in place. The top all rest on the base glass, “inside” the other sheets Once we start accu- is a pain to remove, and can be held in place with portion would fit snugly or if the base glass should and be hidden from view mulating a few fish, we invariably this can not be a simple blob of silicone, under the top rim of the fit inside the other panes. when assembled. soon find ourselves run- done correctly unless the one at the top, and one tank, and the bottom of Myself, I have found no ning out of room, so are divider is removed from at the bottom, both on You may want to fit the frame would either be difference, so the choice constantly on the search the tank. A better option the front and back panes. strips to the front and buried in the gravel, or is yours, but having the for the next tank we can here is glass, which There is no need to seal rear edges of the front sit flush with the bottom base glass inside gives a will give you a semi-per- the full length. Another and
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