AUGUST 20, 1993 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 34 3 SECTIONS, 36 PAGES I SANIBEL AND CAPTIVA, FLORIDA Zone netted Governor approves fishing restrictions By MaryJeanne McAward Staff Writer The Sanibel Island Conservation Zone, in the works for more than a year, has been signed into law that becomes effective Wednesday, September 1. Governor Lawton Chiles and his cabinet approved the conservation zone—designed to protect fish, wildlife and the environment—in the form the city wante last Thursday, August 12. DIVE ON IN! The Sanibel Water Attack swim team. Children-and parents spent a Both Sanibel Conservation Officer Rob Loftin Team (SWAT) hosted its first meet in 10 fun day in the cool waters of the pool. For and Lou Hinds, manager of the J.N. "Ding" years Saturday against the Cypress Lake story and more photos, please see page IB. •please see page 2A Noah's Ark helps Missouri flood victims By MaryJeanne McAward was neat and orderly—despite the potential dis- Staff Writer aster, roiling a stones throw away over the top The board of directors for Noah's Ark thrift of a makeshift, sandbag levee. shop donated money to flood victims in historic While Jones' relatives live outside the flood Ste. Genevieve, Mo. last month. Noah's Ark area and were spared, many familiar landmarks chairwoman and island resident Pat Jones in the area have vanished under as much as 40 declined to reveal the amount but said more feet of water. money might be forthcoming from the St. "Flooding was over houses, trees and church- Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church shop. es. Now that the water is receding and the Jones and her husband, Stan, who lived in muck starting to settle, the problems will be nearby Bon Terre, Mo. for many years, know unreal," Jones said. Ste. Genevieve like the back of their hands. The Her son suggested asking Lee County couple just returned from a month spent visit- Mosquito Control to fly its DC-3s to the flood ing family in the area, and while these zone and spray hordes of mosquitoes spawned Midwesterners said they were familiar with in flood waters. ... : minor floods, they were stunned by the extent of Ste. Genevieve was spared flooding due to the the disaster. Pat Jones, Noah's Ark chairperson, visited Yet Pat Jones said the quaint, historic town •please see page 2A her former home in the flooded Midwest. SanibePs boundaries may grow a bit larger booths. bilities with Lee County. doing on the causeway," he said. By Ralf Kircher At Staff Writer their August 3 meeting, Such a move would not affect Pritt maintained that "half the The City of Sanibel is consider- Sanibel City Council members the county's ownership interest of people out there assume the cause- ing annexing the causeway and toll agreed to further explore the possi- the causeway, according to City way is within the city limits" and Attorney Robert Pritt, who made that the city enforcement could the suggestion in a July 28 memo- "keep the causeway from becoming randum to the council. 'honky-tonk' or 'Coney Islandized.'" "We wouldn't want to usurp the "It certainly would be in county," Pritt said. "We would not Sanibel's best interest to take want it portrayed as a stepping whatever steps are necessary to stone to taking over fcauseway maintain the beauty and dignity of operations]." the entrance to our city," he argued Currently, Lee County owns and to council members. maintains the causeway, operates Pritt listed several pros and the toll facilities, mans the draw- cons. On the one hand, annexation bridge and provides law enforce- would allow for "better control over ment along the three-mile stretch. the activities on the causeway, The Sanibel Police Department, including full authority for police through an interlocal agreement patrol" as well as the ability to with the Lee County Sheriffs enforce laws such as the prohibi- Office, also helps to provide tions against boat launching, com- enforcement, but Pritt faulted the mercial vendors and jet skis. sheriffs office for not patrolling "We already are enforcing speed more heavily. laws,..however, placing the cause- "There's a lot of illegal activity way within the city would probably going on Ion the causeway] and not be a means for improving access to an ounce of enforcement. Ice cream the island," Pritt said. Sanibel City Council members are considering the possibilities of trucks...jet skis—things we would On the con side, he noted, annexing the Sanibel Causeway, spoil islands and toll facilities. not allow in Sanibel, but they're •please see page 2A 2A • AUGUST 20, 1993 • ISLAND REPORTER Tree trimmer topples 60 feet, remains hospitalized By MaryJeanne McAward Asplundh boom truck, trimming Pickering was flown by helicopter observation for a few days," he Staff Writer „____ Australian pines for Ace Hardware to Lee Memorial Hospital. said. Ted Pickering, though injured, at 3:02 p.m. when the accident "I'm hurt. I've got contusions, Pickering said he does a lot of admits he is a lucky man. The 44- occurred. His crew was on the broken ribs and am bruised bad on work in Sanibel and this is the first year-old owner of Ted's Tree Service ground. the back and legs. time anything like this has hap- was working outside on Periwinkle The boom was fully extended "I'm sore, and they'll keep me for pened to him. Way when the boom of his tree and Pickering was about 60 feet in truck failed and sent the bucket the air when a cable parted in the Museum to close for two months hurtling 60 feet to the ground elbow of the boom. Interested people only have a August 28 to October 13 for its Tuesday afternoon. The boom came down and short time left to see to exhibits annual refurbishing and changing "I'm lucky to be alive," the East crushed the cage over the cab of featuring "Living on the Water" and of rotating exhibits. When it Fort Myers man rasped from his the truck, according to Sanibel "Fishing as a Way of Life" at the reopens, early island post offices Lee Memorial Hospital bed Assistant Fire Chief Don Frye. Sanibel Historical Museum and will be featured as well as a display Wednesday morning. When the bucket hit, it ejected Village. titled "Sanibel Seen Through Other He suffered broken ribs, a Pickering off the rear of the truck, Esperanza Woodring, an early Eyes...Cartoonists Views Over the bruised back and legs, and contu- where he collided with a cabbage settler and longtime fishing guide Years." sions. palm before falling to the ground. who died last year, is highlighted in Contributions toward either of According to Sanibel Fire a series of photographs by Sanibel these exhibits are welcome and vol- Department reports, Pickering was Police, rescue personnel and Lee photographer Charlie McCullough. unteers are need. For more infor- in the bucket of his 1988 Ford- County medics responded. The museum will be closed mation, call 472-4648. -FLOOD — ground, something couch at Noah's Ark •from page 1A like a geyser. on a recent, sunny feverish work of citi- Crossing bridges in afternoon and looked zens and National the area in normal over copies of the St. Guardsmen, who built times, one sees maybe Louis Post-Dispatch, sandbag levees 50 feet one or two undertows brought home from tall atop regular levees in the river current. the flood zone. which contain the Now, the volume of Photos and stories river in normal times, water produced 50 or in the newspaper Jones said. more treacherous expressed a personal She spoke of seeing undertows beneath side of the tragedy not sand boils in the soil almost any bridge. seen on the evening next to the makeshift One day, the couple news. levees. These occur ventured to Cape Jones said while when the water, kept Girardeau, where the victims of Hurricane at bay by the sand- steps of the county Andrew lost every- bags, surges up in jets courthouse overlooked thing, the storm from the saturated a panoply of flooding. passed through quick- Jones sat on a ly and afterward, peo- -BOUNDARIES- ple could begin to get on with their lives. •from, page 1A She noted victims in "There may be an additional cost, without the Midwest are still additional revenue." enduring the flood, Pritt admitted the process to incorporate the which began with (1 to r) Noah's Ark volunteers Olivia Duane, Anne Hall, Nora Krieger causeway within the limits of Sanibel would be heavy spring rains in and Nancy Vernay help organize donations at the island thrift shop. tough. April and May, and people working near the river levee," she see other people's mis- "In order for this to occur, it would be neces- have yet to deal with the levee. said. fortune. They wanted sary to have the county concur and for us to the clean-up. People showed up The Army also peri- to do all they could to apply [to the state legislature] for a local bill," In an Ironic twist, with their own shovels odically patrolled the help and not be a hin- he said. "The county would likely be concerned farmers less than a and fed sand into the area with helicopters drance," Jones said. about losing 'turf.' However, I believe that the hundred miles from hopper of a machine and the sound of noisy county remains the 'owner' of the causeway Ste. Genevieve were which filled sandbags. engines was quite - Donations for the and an agreement could produce a positive sit- kicking .upV.dusiV.iii'.' Other people tied the common, Jones said.
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