![529 International T RAJYA SABHA ] . Situation 530 the MINISTER for COMMERCE and Mr. Chairman, I Beg to Lay on the Table](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
529 International t RAJYA SABHA ] . Situation 530 GOVERNMENT RESOLUTION NO. 38(1) MOTION RE. INTERNATIONAL TB/54 DATED THE 27TH AUGUST 1954. SITUATION THE MINISTER FOR COMMERCE AND MR. CHAIRMAN: We resume the INDUSTRY (SHRI T. T. KRISHNAMACHARI): discussion. I would like hon. Members to be Mr. Chairman, I beg to lay on the Table a as brief as possible. copy of each of the following Notifications, under subsection (2) of section 4A of the SHRIMATI VIOLET ALVA (Bombay) : Mr. Indian Tariff Act, 1934: — Chairman, with the restriction of time on one's speech, it is very difficult to do any justice to (i) Ministry of Commerce and Industry this very important subject. Nevertheless, Notification S.R.O. No. 2454, dated before I come to the subject I must refer to the the 24th July 1954, enhancing the foreign policy as evolved and laid down by the export duty on rice; Prime Minister. His foreign policy gives a new standard to the countries of the world. It shows [Placed in Library. See No. S-260/ 54.] a new method and a new tempo of how tensions could be relaxed and how differences (ii) Ministry of Commerce and Industry could be resolved. His faithful interpreter of Notification S.R.O. No. 2520, dated that policy, Mr. Krishna Menon, has succeeded the 29th July 1954, levying an in keeping up the Indian ideal. This was export duty on groundnut oil. proved by the Prime Minister of China's visit to India. The culmination was seen in the [Placed in Library. See No. S-261/ 54.] friendly hand-shake of a thousand years be- tween the two greatest countries of the East, I also lay on the Table a copy of each of the between the two countries that have shown to following papers under sub-section (2) of the world that the Asian problems can be section 16 of the Tariff Commission Act, decided and settled by Asians. 1951:— (i) Report (1954) of the Tariff Before I pass on to my pet subject Goa, I Commission on the continuance of must mention you, for you plead the cause of protection to the Hurricane Lantern humanity wherever you make public Industry; utterances. In the ten minutes at my disposal, I now come to my pet subject, Goa. So much (ii) Government Resolution No. 38(1) has been said here about the Goans and Goa. I TB/54 dated the 27th August 1954. claim—at least I feel I can claim—a right to speak about the Goans, because I have been [Placed in Library. See No. S-269/ 54 for associated with the Goans for over two items (i) and> (ii).] decades now. I know their way of thought; I know their culture; I know their way of life. I REPORT OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE have been with them and away from them. I DISPLACED'PERSONS (COMPENSATION have seen their way of thinking change from AND REHABILITATION) BILL, 1954. decade to decade and from year to year. The Prime Minister has referred to the Goans in THE MINISTER FOR LAW AND MI- Bombay, but 'I shall begin my story from what NORITY AFFAIRS (SHRI C. C BISWAS) : I I saw on the Portuguese border on the beg to lay on the Table a copy of the Report Independence Day this year. On the 15th of the Joint Committee on the Bill to provide August a number of us, legislators, were at the for the payment of compensation and rehabi- Portuguese border litation grants to displaced persons and for matters connected therewith. 531 International [ 27 AUG. 1954 ] Situation 532 at Ma j ali, which is Seven miles away from into the territory with the others. When our Karwar. With us were the Bombay legislature nineteen young men entered tfie territory, one representatives— M.L.As. and M.L.Cs.—and of the armed guards challenged them and the Lok Sabha Member from Karwar in whose asked: "thumche kaden passport na: thumka constituency the village Majali falls. Village yeva chak jayna." This means, you have no Majali touches off the Goa border. It is a small passport; you have no order to get in. And fishing village which we had observed and then these guards themselves got in a small seen and worked in during the general election car, while we saw our boys shouting slogans. campaign. We had seen the women bringing We stood on and heard their voices until the fish and flowers from Goa. They looked as voices faded away. Our flag disappeared in fresh as flowers themselves. They carried the distance out of sight. That is, in short, away rice and potatoes from our borders. But what we saw at Majali border, between the 'no on that day, on the 15th August, what did we man's land' and the Portuguese border. The see? As we reached Majali, we saw the foreign barbed wire and locks were put and we stood correspondents who had crossed the border, on this side. We sent nineteen young men that whose vehicles were lying on the Portuguese day. We do not know what is their fate. So side of the territory, and who had come there to meet us and greet us. I asked one of them, little is known. Plenty of Indian journalists "How do you send your despatches?" He said, were there, but they were not allowed to "We shall be sending our despatches from cross. I do not know why this blanket ban on Panjim to Lisbon; and from Lisbon they will pressmen. We have no news except from what be released to the world." Nineteen young men we hear from people that go and come. I am got ready with the flag of India to march into speaking about the lay public in India. We this territory. Over three thousand people had have to depend on the foreign correspondents. collected; women wept as farewells were Our men were not allowed to go in. We do taken. I have never understood the definition not know what is the fate of those nineteen of "Goan" yet, for a section of the Goans claim young men whom I saw—whether they were to be the descendants of Kashmiris. But for the imprisoned; whether they were assaulted; or present purpose Goans are Goans. Only tortured. Whether they were treated on yesterday I learnt that they are Goans who laddoos and jalebis; whether they were have registered themselves in the Portuguese treated fairly and squarely; or whether they register. But, nevertheless, Goans are one with were belaboured. We have still to know. us. They are flesh of our flesh and blood of our blood. Today a demarcation is made and only The time is so short that I do not know Goans can enter Goa as satyagrahis. That day exactly how to compress my points. When more than three thousand people were there. speaking on Goa, one has to remember that While women wept, men got ready to cross the one has to go back four hundred years when barrier. But no less a person than the Prime the Portuguese started their rule in Goa. I have Minister had said that it should be a movement a book brought here from the library of the by the Goans for the liberation of Goa. We Director of the Indian Archaeology titled "The sympathise with them. We were eyewitnesses Rise of Portuguese Power in India" by of the show. It was a small beginning. There Whiteway. This book is an answer to were two armed guards on the other side of the Portuguese propaganda. We may speak of the barrier. The foreign correspondents jumped in Portuguese culture. We have no quarrel with first. There was one Indian Assistant. We our own brethren from Goa today when they thought he would be challenged, but he was talk of their culture and their religion, but it not challenged. He got was built on scars and skulls. 533 International [ RAJYA SABHA ] Situation 534 [Shrimati Violet Alva.] remains were brought back. Further, it is I shall be very brief, but I must read a few stated as follows: passages from this book. They are as follows: "No Christian could have infidel servants in his house, be cured by an infidel doctor "These doctrines (the church), which or be shaved by an infidel barber. Neither have destroyed whole tribes and nations Hindus nor Muhamedans could have any and have affected the lives and happiness public worship, purchase anything of millions, have been used to justify the appertaining to their religion—whether most insatiable cupidity and the most books or other articles—and all their priests atrocious were banished, even a twice-born Hindu barbarities ............. terrorizing policy of required by his caste custom to wear the Vasco da Gama. Da Gama tortured helpless sacred cord was forbidden to do so." fishermen, Almedia tore out the eyes of a Nair, Albuquerque cut off the noses of the I quote these things at length and I spend so women and the hands of the men." many of my minutes just because we are getting these hand-outs marked "with * % » * » compliments from the Legation of Portugal." Our propaganda has to meet that propaganda. This spirit roused the fierce denunciations as seen in a letter of St. Francis Xavier. The Prime Minister referred to an * * * * * umbrella yesterday. Why do the Bombay Goans ask for an assurance "And again, writing to a brother for their culture and for Catholicism? Jesuit in Europe, on January 22nd, Have not they all flourished in this 1545: Do not allow any of your fri country? We have lived in this ends to be sent to India with the country with goodwill and in part charge of looking after the finances nership with our neighbours.
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