USOO884538OB2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,845,380 B2 Harbers (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 30, 2014 (54) AUTOMATED COLORTUNING OF AN LED 6,504,301 B1 1/2003 Lowery BASED LLUMINATION DEVICE is: R Z39. E,aca, ea. 1 (71) Applicant: Xicato, Inc., San Jose, CA (US) 6,680,569 B2 1/2004 Mueller-Mach et al. (72) Inventor: Gerard Harbers, Sunnyvale, CA (US) 6,812,500 B2 11/2004 Rech et al. (Continued) (73) Assignee: Xicato, Inc., San Jose, CA (US) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 EP 1657 757 A2 5 2006 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. WO WO 2012/O24598 A2 2/2012 WO WO 2012, 164930 A1 12/2012 (21) Appl. No.: 14/106,097 WO WO 2013,032692 A1 3f2013 (22) Filed: Dec. 13, 2013 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (65) Prior Publication Data International Search Report and Written Opinion mailed on Jun. 2, US 2014/0106639 A1 Apr. 17, 2014 2014 for International Application No. PCT/US2013/075436 filed Dec. 16, 2013, 11 pages. Related U.S. Application Data (60) Provisional application No. 61/738,314, filed on Dec. Primary Examiner — Natalie Walford 17, 2012 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Silicon Valley Patent Group s LLP (51) Int. Cl. HOIF I 7/49 (2012.01) (57) ABSTRACT H05B33/10 (2006.01) The color of light emitted by an assembled light emittin HO5B33/00 (2006.01) 9. y 9. 9. HO5B33/02 (200 6. 01) diode (LED) based illumination device with at least two dif (52) U.S. Cl ferent wavelength converting materials is automatically AV e. we tuned to within a predefined tolerance of a target color point CPC (20 13 of Hi?t (2.9) Hi, 39 by modifying portions of the wavelength converting materi ( .01); ( .01); (2013.01) als. The color of light emitted from the assembled LED based illumination device is measured and a material modification USPC ................... 445/24; 445/1; tti. 598.. plan is determined based at least in part on the measured color s oflight and a desired coloroflight to be emitted. The material (58) Field of Classification Search modification plan may further include the location of the None wavelength converting materials to be modified. The wave See application file for complete search history. length converting materials are selectively modified in accor 56 Ref Cited dance with the material modification plan so that the (56) eerees e assembled LED based illumination device emits a second U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS color of light that is within a predetermined tolerance of a target color point. 5,959,316 A 9/1999 Lowery 6,351,069 B1 2/2002 Lowery et al. 30 Claims, 14 Drawing Sheets 150 US 8,845,380 B2 Page 2 (56) References Cited 2009/0101930 A1 4/2009 Li 2009.0117672 A1 5/2009 Caruso et al. 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MEASURE AFRST COLOR OF LIGHT GENERATED BY AN LED BASED UMNATION MODULE THAT NCUDES AN AMOUNT OF A FIRST WAVELENGTH CONVERTING MATERIAL AND AN AMOUNT OF A SECOND WAVELENGTH CONVERTNG MATERAL DETERMINE A MATERAL MOOF CATON PLAN NCLUDNGA MODIFICATION OF THE AMOUNT OF THE FRST WAVELENGTH CONVERTENG MATERIA AND A MODFCATON OF THE AMOUNT OF THE SECONO WAVE ENGTH CONVERTNG MATERA SUCH 302 THAT THE LED BASEDLUMNATON MODULE, MODIFED N ACCORDANCE WITH THE MATERAL MODFCATON PAN EMTS A SECOND COLOR OF LIGHT WITHNAPREDETERMINED TOERANCE OF A TARGET COOR PONT. MOD FY THE AMOUNT OF THE FRST WAVELENGTH CONVERTNG MATERIA AND THE AMOUNT OF THE SECONO WAVELENGTH CONVERTNG MATERAL INACCORDANCE WITH THE MATERA 303 MODFCATION PLAN FIG. 16 U.S. Patent Sep. 30, 2014 Sheet 11 of 14 US 8,845,380 B2 &E s: 8. s: six sists EEEE& 3.xxxx). Sax Ex3xxx Essex. Nix's ...E.X. RS:XS:X is see : ses230 it EE EEEEEEEEEEEEsexes E. E M xxxxxx. w i.e. sEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE : EEEEE E::::: sex.ssarises::::::: s 8 8-X XX: E. k --------'sa- its 220 s: : sists s 3. E. E: sN s: Exx XXX. is six n exist:83. E. E. U.S. Patent Sep. 30, 2014 Sheet 12 of 14 US 8,845,380 B2 3. 3. kx: {x. 8 3 3: Correlated color temperature (K) FIG. 18 U.S. Patent Sep. 30, 2014 Sheet 13 of 14 US 8,845,380 B2 360 -1 FIG. 19 ; 373 370 16O | y -1 140 5 - 10 -5 O 5 1 O 15 DiSTANCE (MILLIMETERS) FIG. 20 U.S. Patent Sep. 30, 2014 Sheet 14 of 14 US 8,845,380 B2 REGON OF LOW REGON OF HGH SENSTVITY ( SENSTVTY 375 POSITION 102 FIG 21 US 8,845,380 B2 1. 2 AUTOMATED COLORTUNING OF AN LED BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS BASED LLUMINATION DEVICE FIGS. 1, 2, and 3 illustrate three exemplary luminaires, CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED including an illumination device, reflector, and light fixture. APPLICATIONS FIG. 4 illustrates a perspective cut-away view of compo nents in an embodiment of an LED based illumination device This application claims priority under 35 USCS 119 to U.S. including a base reflector structure that physically couples a Provisional Application No. 61/738,314, filed Dec. 17, 2012, transmissive plate and an LED mounting board. which is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety. FIG. 5 illustrates a perspective cut-away view of compo 10 nents in another embodiment of an LED based illumination TECHNICAL FIELD device including a base reflector structure that physically couples a transmissive plate and an LED mounting board. The described embodiments relate to illumination devices FIG. 6 illustrates a perspective cut-away view of compo that include Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). nents in another embodiment of an LED based illumination 15 device including a base reflector structure that physically BACKGROUND couples a transmissive plate and an LED mounting board. FIG. 7 illustrates a side view of components in another The use of light emitting diodes in general lighting is still embodimentofan LED based illumination device with a total limited due to limitations in light output level or flux gener internal reflection (TIR) lens structure to direct light emitted ated by the illumination devices. Illumination devices that use from LEDs to a transmissive plate. LEDs also typically suffer from poor color quality character FIG. 8 illustrates a side view of components in another ized by color point instability. The color point instability embodiment of an LED based illumination device with a dam varies over time as well as from part to part. Poor color quality of reflective material Surrounding the LEDs and Supporting a is also characterized by poor color rendering, which is due to transmissive plate. the spectrum produced by the LED light sources having bands 25 FIG. 9 illustrates a side view of components in another with no or little power. Further, illumination devices that use embodiment of an LED based illumination device with a LEDs typically have spatial and/or angular variations in the shaped lens disposed over the LEDs and thermally coupled to color. Additionally, illumination devices that use LEDs are the LED mounting board. expensive due to, among other things, the necessity of FIG. 10 illustrates a side view of components in another required color control electronics and/or sensors to maintain 30 embodiment of an LED based illumination device with mul the color point of the light Source or using only a small tiple transmissive plates.
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