BAY, JUNE SI, IMA ; Sunday afternoon'* r ? it Kankakee, the Re- tee: "The rain literal beete, overflowing the' i depth of one and a p i m n b m k x feet. There waa an C IjA tetw rtl) orin and high wind at. me." , *1 SIXTIETH YEAR CHATSWORTH. ILLINOIS; THURSDAY. JUNE 28. 1934 NO. 42 CELEBRATE SAFELY AND SANELY IN CHATSWORTH ALL SET FOR A H O T SLUGS EDIGRAPHS EXPERTS SAY w te.-cea If woman really waa made The best graduation gift BIG DAY HERE of man’s rib, what became of that a young man can receive ENOUGH SEED his backbone? v this day In time is a good M -Job. You can say one thing for l ^ y i JUtYJOORIH nudism. It Is the only lam So live that you need never I CAN BE GROWN that seems to work better In to elevate your nose and re­ — 1— Chatsworth la Prepared to a depression. mark acidly that you consid­ er the source. Latest Information About Entertain Thousands If you rob the government j Emergency Crops Given of $100 that's embezzlement. One committee that can’t Next Wednesday. But if you rob It of a million make Its report too early to By Farm Adviser. that’s an appropriation. K . ' x : " - 4 suit us is the Committee on Corn-on-the-Cob. Operating through efficient Radio crooners ought to I Livingston county farmers are committees, the promoters of . take a lesson front the Eng­ It’s our own fault if Japan now in a race against time, and at Chatsworlh’s coming Fourth of lish sparrows. They get talks war. She didn't talk least some of the odds are in their July celebration have Just about j along without trying to sing. that way when our navy was favor, in their efforts to produce completed the details of the un- i twice a® big as hers. enough emergency crops to over­ dertaking, which will doubtless No Chatsworth citizen can come the record shortage of feed be sure of his virtue until he A professor makes less equal any celebration of past GLORIOUS 4V. _ ....- '' ' .-.O' brought about by the drouth and Is rich enough not to care than a coach, but the profess­ year® and bids fair to surpass any- ] chinch bugs, according 10 Farm what the neighbors think of OF VESTfeRDAY or doesn’t lose Ills job when thing heretofore attempted. Adviser S. G. Turner. him. the team fails to score. A booster advertising trip Is be- i r The following iutoimation rel­ ing mude today and surrounding That new train built to go VIS Our advice to Chatsworth ative to late seed crops mat may towns are being billed and thor- j 90 miles an hour is made men is not to get worked up be planted by central minus farm­ oughly impressed with the Idea j short so that a flivver aiming Into a lather just because ers to partially overcome the that Chatsworth Is the place t o ! at the locomotive will Just there Is a tax on shaving shortage of feed, is printed for observe independence Day and miss the tall end. m soap. any good it may do. have a royal good time. 1 tie writer of this paragraph Well Advertised 0 . , ........... ,rn , 0 does not presume to know, or Chatsworth business men have j CROWD OF 4,500 ATTENDS TO PREVENT THE AN M IL lta.e any desire to dictate to mem been lit>erul In their support of PICNIC OF DEMOCRATS FIFTH OF JILY PARADE who should know more about the celebration. One of the fea­ -------- their own business titan a “city tures of advertising Is a 6-column ; (l’ontiac Leader) i r . .-tuting that "more lives have ft-ller” but there may be some in- advertisement in which appears A crowd estimated at 4,500 at- 1 been lost in celebrating ludepeud- ;urination in tlie University of li­ a detailed program of the day’s tended the democratic picnic held enee than were lost in gaiiiing it. imois survey that is not generally entertainment. The advertise- at Bradley’s grove, two miles west I the Illinois Tuberculosis Associa- known. There will be very little inent in this issue of The Plain- Cornell Sunduy. F. Lynden j t ! lion lias issued a list of health oa( Btraw this year, practically no dealer also appears in the Piper < Smith, who acted as master of iprecautions to prevent the annual nay and IuaybB not much corn so City Journal and a large adver- ceremonies, said today that 907 "Fifth ot July parade to the doc- tbal ,, behooves farmers to pro- ti8ement of the same character is automobiles had entered the pic- W tor's office." vide some kind of stock feed it published in the Cullom Chronicle ulc grounds at two p. m. In addition to the usual acci- possible for next winter, Headlight and the Cabery Enqulr- : Governor Henry Horner was a 1WE- dents trout fire works, automobile A special circular which has er. This advertisement was not KUi’8t of honor during the lato, smash-ups, and drawnings, there been issued from the college ot placed with the Idea of excluding afternoon. GLORIOUS 4Tb are a number of health hazards agriculture. University of Illinois, other adjacent newspapers, but i The principal speaker of the -T o d a y . connected with the Fourth of p0jn|g out that such emergency was promoted by the publishers of afternoon was Lieut. Governor July picnicking and week-ending f^ed crops as soybeans, cowpeas, the several newspapers without Thomas F. Donovan. Other speak- ““““ ““““ “““""y” '——— that the average person is likely COrn, sudan, rye, millet, sorghum, * t *- *—*.,' *. influence or responsibility on the ers were llruce Campbell, of Fast ONAIM»A M PLANT *1 1fYr ♦ « 1* *1 * $ * I * 111 STRIKE CALLED OFF to overlook, the association points rapp and buckwheat may b*x part of the celebration committee, St. Louis, chairman of the Demo FIHKD UY LIGHTNING HOLT FILES ON PARADE -------- oul' planted in July and some of themi who would have advertised in ev- cratic state central committee. ~ Emergency relief worxers at "Do not drink from streams or even as la(e as tht. middje Gf au- ery adjacent newspaper if the and John Steele, Democratic can- offices and store rooms 01 -I-:-.’—i-x-w — I’ontiac and Saunemln who W'ent casual springs. Regardless of gU8l fundB were available. dldate for state treasurer. A the 0nar«a Nursery company op- I11 the boundless vast on strike last week for a wage in- bow pure and sparkling tile water Copies of the circular are being number of the members of the era*e<l by A. J. and H. Ii. Cultra, Of things that were. crease from 40 to 50 cents an hour may look, typhoid germs may be djstrjbuted to farmers as a means *iw AcU are *«Uure« j 8tate legislature were preesnt dur- were toU,,y destroyed by fire Out of the past have decided to go back towork, present. If no other source of of belpln{, them cop,, with one of Free acts will be big features ,ng ,he and eVentng us Saturday about midnight. N oes The echoes stir Members of the Illinois Work- supply' is available, boil the wa- lbe most serious feed situations in of the day s entertainment Six were aIg0 count and dlstrlcl cun. timate has been made of the loss, And live once more ers' Alliance, of which the men ter before using,” the statement attractions (detailed In the pro- dldatea which is said to be partially cov history. It is entitled. "Late- Where the Presses roar. were members, ntet last Thursday says. Sown Emergency Feed Crops for gram) will provide plenty of Cwm<L, K.,tert.ln«l ered by Insurance. night in Pontiac and voted to ac- "When camping, select a site Illinois." and was written by Dr. amusement Aerial trapeze, mu- VarlouB formg of entertalnment The front part of the building Who says that a paper can't feel cept the 40 cents an hour pay on high ground it possible, away L. 11. Smith, of the agronomy de­ steal specialties, dancing girls, tap wpre furn,glM|d dur, U)e af,er. facing west was struck bv light i ttntl th*nk? and that all the men return lo from swamps, sloughs or other dancing, rube acls, contortion and nlnr Yellowed PagOS.pages. *IlCieilt lllll. partment. noon, including dancing, seven n*nK during a severe wind and work. mosquito breeding places. A cer- gymnastic acts are among the Volumes dusty and touched with It is too nturh to expect normal boxing contests between golden electric®* storm and almost Im Settlement of the hourly wage tain type of mosquito carries tua- numbers on the program, and the mediately flames burst out. Lights mould— yields from these late sown crops, gloves boxers from Streator, Yet how much of the life of the scale followed da conference held larla germs. even if the weather is favorable Stanley Itay musical trio will en- bagebgU game belwoen 1>OIltlac were out all over the village and by C. It. Niquette. county relief "Learn to distinguish vines tertain delightfully. town they bold'. Irom now on, but they will enable and ForreBtt teams In which the 'arg0 limbs of trees had been administrator and attended by such as poison ivy, oak and su- Tito program begins at ten Star-aimed faiths of tile men who farmers to make the best of a bad latter won by a score of 2 to 1; blown across the streets which Rollle Carpenter, chairman of the mac.
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