Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-23-1970 The BG News January 23, 1970 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 23, 1970" (1970). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2408. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2408 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. An Bowling Green Ohio Independent Jonuo/y 23, 1°70 Student Vslumt 54/Numbe/ 51 Voice ■me BG news Nixon hikes crime fight WASHINGTON (API-President Nixon also promised to "propose priority "must always be peace for both these nations is to avoid a Nixon told Congress and the nation innovative financing methods for pur- America and the world." catastrophic collision and to build a solid yesterday he will boost spending to fight chasing open space and parklands." "The major immediate goal of our basis for peaceful settlement of our crime and pollution at home and, In The President did hint at possible new foreign policy is to bring an end to the differences." foreign affairs, can foresee "a levies on purchases of new automobiles. war in Vietnam," he said. Back on domestic themes, Nixon generation of uninterrupted peace." He said that to the extent possible, "the "The prospects for peace are far called anew for "a total reform of our In his first State of the Union address, price of goods should be made to include greater today than they were a year welfare system," to "new federalism" before a joint Senate House session, the costs of... disposing of them without ago," Nixon said. concept envisioning some powers being Nixon said law enforcement agencies damage to the environment." The President said that "If we are to returned from Washington to state and will be the only ones to receive increased He may have had auto junk yards in have peace in the last third of the 20th local government. funds in his forthcoming federal budget. mind. Century, a major factor will be the The federal government during the And he said he will propose the Nixon also stated that "the violent and development of a new relationship 1960s spent $57 billion more than it biggest, costliest antipollution program decayed central cities of our great between the United States and the Soviet collected in taxes. During the same ever-with $10 billion to be spent on "clean metropolitan complexes are the most Union." decade, he said, the living costs of an water" projects alone. conspicuous area of failure in American While saying "he would not un- average family of four increased by $200 Nixon forsaw progress in achieving life." derestimate our differences," he said per month. peace in Vietnam and looked hopefully And he said the country must "create "we are moving with precision and "Millions of Americans are forced to toward fruitful negotiations with the a new rural environment that will not purpose from an era of confrontation to go into debt today," he said, "because Soviet Union and, possibly, Communist only stem the migration to urban centers an era of negotiation." the federal government decided to go into China. but reverse it." "It is with this same spirit that we debt yesterday. We must balance our He repeated his stand that America Nixon, who will submit a written have resumed discussions with Com- federal budget so that American families will be faithful to its treaty commitments message on foreign policy early in munist China in our talks at Warsaw. will have a better chance to balance their but added "we shall reduce our in- February, said that the nation's first "Our concern in our relations with family budgets." volvement and our presence in other nation's affairs." Nixon, emphasizing domestic con- cerns, placed particular stress on efforts to curb inflation, crime and pollution. Black womanhood must meet Pointing to 13 anticrime bills sub- mitted by the administration last year, the President complained that none has yet become law. Turning to pollution, he said the price challenge of change - Randall tag for clean air, clean water and open spaces is high but must be paid now. He said his $10 billion water program By Steve Brash Miss Randall. She continued that the "The strength of the past black would "put modem municipal waste Staff Reporter black man has been emasculated and generations should be carefully woven treatment plants in every place in dehumanized. into the future. It is not new roles the America where they are needed to made Black woman's greatest challenge is "Blacks out of necessity developed a black woman seeks, it is the right to live our waters clean again, and to do it to create a new black woman who can separate culture, yet they were never with her man," she added. now." live with herself, be herself, without fear able to legitimize it, because of the in- Miss Randall said the black woman is jf what she is expected to be, Martha fluence to adopt the predominate working to develop social and Randall advised 100 people in a speech culture," she pointed out. psychological security. "She wants a BSU welcomes last night. Miss Randall said society has denied chance to enter into a union of safety, Miss Randall, past director of the blacks the right to develop their own security, and peace with her man," she state conference Southern Region National Student ideals and values. She added that white said. YWCA, said the black woman must norms and values have been applied to Miss Randall commented that the change her attitudes of agressiveness, the blacks, leading to an attitude of self- task will not be an easy one, but will be no to discuss unity domination, and independence. hatred and imcompetence on the part of more difficult than past problems. She The University's Black Student Union "She must be able to respond to the black women. added that the black woman holds the (BSU) hosts a conference today of black new security and dependence on the No segment of society has come out of catalysts within herself for her own student unions from colleges throughout black man. She must develop the new slavery scarless, according to Miss authentication. the state. tcihrriques to implement the new Randall. As society goes through its "Today will not see a new black The conference, at 1 pjn. In the Taft meaning of the home and family," Miss many transitions, the Job of the black woman. There is the need to continue the Room, Union, is closed to the public until Randall commented. woman will become increasingl; dif- process of self examination," she con- 4 p.m., when a statement will be given to A former member of the Student Non- ficult, she said. cluded. the press, according to a BSU violent Coordinating Committee, she said spokesman. the black woman held the major Gerald Dillingham, sophomore (LA), responsibility in the survival of the black a member of the BSU executive board, American. said he hopes representatives will attend Miss Randall said more black menare from Kent State University and exhibiting self-confidence and the ability Defiance, Findlay, WUberforce, Capital, to take risks. "Black women are Dayton and Central State Colleges. challenged to become a partner in a "We're going to talk about issues totally different family arrangement," facing college students in Ohio, and see if she commented. we can get a platform of unity for all of The black woman must provide the the black student unions in the state," black man with the opportunity to ex- Dillingham said. press him own manhood, according to Observers report raids, disorder in fallen Biafra PORT HARCOURT, Nigeria (API- raiding food warehouses. While hundreds of thousands wait for "The army is out of control," said an food shipments in fallen Biafra, guests at observer team officer. a state wedding eat suckling pig and "Half the soldiers are missing from drink champagne. Deserters from the many of the units. The soldiers have victorious Nigerian army sell their flogged their weapons and are wandering weapons and wander aimlessly looking about. White nurses refuse to come out for spoils. unless an army guard is placed over their That is what the international ob- hospitals." N»wtphoto by Lorfy Nlgh»wonJ»t server team and relief workers say they The observer, chatting with reporters, A MOOD of quiet solitude early evening U captured In thli winter icene of see. said white Red Cross nurses had been the inner campus. Discarded weapons also are reported raped at a hospital near Orlu by falling into the hands of hungry mobs "hooligan" soldiers from the 3rd Marine Commando Divison and are hiding in the bush. "The government is trying to replace the victory crared 3rd, Division with the ECO seeks support 1st Division, which is a bit cooler," he added. Relief workers and priests were in- By Rich Bergeman dinate the program. organized entirely by the students. creased at the elaborate banquets and Staff Reporter The activities here are part of a An interest in ecological problems has receptions highlighting the wedding here nation-wide effort sponsored by En- existed in Bowling Greenever since 1967, Tuesday of Gov. A.P. Diete Spiff of the Dr. Raymond Endres, director of the vironmental Teach-in, Inc.
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