MEMOPAHIyM MEMORANDUM [Hec c9.. uair2017 r., B rp. [1rppon, crpaHrre: This Memorandum has been signed today, May ..$.^.2017, in the town of Pirdop by: ,,EnAql4TE - MEA" Afl, E14K: 122016037, cac ELATZITE MED AD BIN 122016037, registered ceAanhqe il a4pec Ha ynpaBaeHre: c. Mrpxoao, address and headquarters: 2086 Mirkovo village, o6r4rHa Mr,tpxoao 2086, CoSraracxa o6nacr, Mirkovo municipality, Sofia district, represented npe4craBnrBaHo or rHx. fiparourp fiparaHoa - by Mr, Dragomir Draganov, Eng, Executive [4gntnHrreneH A[peKTop, Director ,,EbHAl4 nPEUJbC METAnC L{EIOnEq" EA[, DUNDEE PRECIOUS METALS CHELOPECH EltK: 122003576, crc ceAantlu{e il aApec Ha EAD, BIN 122003576, registered address and ynpaBfleH[e: c. 9enone,i 2087, o6qnHa headquarters: 2087 Chelopech village, Chelopech t{enoneq, CoSr,tlrcxa o6lacr, npeAcraBnflBaHo municipality, Sofia district, represented by l\1r. or A-p r4Hx. Vnun [rpxoa - JzlgnunHrrereH lliya Garkov, PhD, Executive Director and fl[peKrop u [aeraura KapauaaHoaa - Tzvetanka Karaivanova, Commercial Director, Lkouou NqecKr4 AilpeKTop, ,,AyPyEHC EtnrApHf," AE, EJ4K 932046971, AURUBIS BULGARIA AD, BIN 832046871, cbc ceAanilu{e il aApec Ha ynpaBneHile: rp. registered address and headquarters: 2070 ilnpgon 2070, fipouruneua 3oHa, Co$raNcxa Pirdop, lndustrial Area, Sofia district, represented o6nacr, npe4craBnflBaHo or Trrlt Kypr by Tim Kurt, Executive Director, J4snunHflreneH AilpeKTop, 3aeAHo HapilqaHr no-Aony 3a KpaTKocT herein further jointly referred to as the ,,EPYXECTBATA", or eAHa crpaHa, 'COMPANIES', as the first party to this Memorandum, OEIII4HA nfPlOn, E[K: 000777216, appec PIRDOP MUNICIPALITY BIN 000777216, rp. llupgon 2070, nn. Togop Bnar,troa 2 address: 2070 Pirdop, 2 Todor Vlaikov Square, npe4craBnflBaHa or Auren [epoe - Kuer, represented by Mr. Angel Gerov - Mayor, OEI{IIHA 3nAT}lqA, E14K: 000776464, a4pec: ZLATITSA MUNICIPALITY BIN 000776464, rp, 3narr,rqa 2080, nfl. Maxegouun 1, address: 2080 Zlatitsa, 1 Macedonia Square, npegcraBaflBaHa or rHx. MarganeHa JzlaaHosa - represented by Ms. Magdalena lvanova, Eng - Kuer, Mayor, OEI{[4HA M14PKOBO, E14K: 000777248, aspec: MIRKOVO MUNICIPALITY BIN 000777248, c. Mrpxoeo 2086, yn. An. Crar',r6onur,tcrr 35, address: 20BO Mirkovo village, 35 A. npeAcraBnlBaHa or l-laeraHxa noruta- Kuer, Stamboliiski Str,, represented by Ms. Tzvetanka Yotina - Mayor, OEI{I,|HA KOnP[Bl{1,lqA, EHK: 000776331, KOPRIVSHTITSA MUNICIPALITY BIN agpec: rp. Konpreqrqa 2090, yn. Iho6en 000776331, address: 2090 Koprivshtitsa, 16 Kapaaenoa 16, npe4craBfleBaHa or [eH.{o Lyuben Karavelov Str., represented by Mr. lepgaHoe - KMer, Gencho Gerdanov - Mayor, Page 1 of 15 I qEIOnEq, EllK: 000777223, agpec: CHELOPECH MUNICIPALITY BlN 000777223, c. 2087, agpec 6yn. Tperu uapr 1, address: 2087 Chelopech village, 1 Treti Mart or 14Hx. Anercr Kecsxoe - Blvd,, represented by Mr. Aleksy Kessyakov - Kr'lrtr, Mayor, OE AHTOH, El,tK: 000777255, agpec: c. ANTON MUNICIPALITY BIN 000777255, An 2089, nn. CregnHeHne Ns 1, address: 2089 Anton village, 1 Saedinenie np( BaHa or urHx. CrosH [apvea - Kuer, Square,, represented by Mr. Stoyan Garchev - Mayor, OE l{HHA I{ABAAP, E14K; 000777230, agpec: c. CHAVDAR MUNICIPALITY BIN 000777230, 9a iAap 2084, yn, Xprcro Eoree 9, address: 2084 Chavdar village, 9 Hristo Botev np, r[cT?BflFB?Ha OT ilHX, [leH,{O [epOA - KUer, Str,, represented by Mr. Pencho Gerov, Eng, - Mayor, Bc rriKil Te - aKll4oHepil a ,,MEAfl - flrpgon" Afl, All of them shareholders in MBAL Pirdop AD, 3al AHo HapilqaHil no-Aofly 3a KpaTKocr herein jointly referred to as the (q140HEP14TE" ttA unr ,,OEl{l4Hl4TE" or gpyra 'SHAREHOLDERS", or "MUNlClPALlTlES", CT aHa, IA And ,,N HOronPoot4IlHA EOflHI4qA 3A ''PIRDOP MULT!.PROFILE HOSPITAL FOR AI T]4BHO nEqEHltE - nhP[On" A,q, E14K ACTIVE TREATMENT AD", BIN 202503899, 20 1503899, cbc ceganilule il aApec Ha registered address and headquarters'. 2070 yn )aBneHre: rp. [lrpgon 2070, yn. ,,|-eoprn Pirdop, 24 Georgi Benkovski Str., represented by 5e iKoBcKr4" Ns 24, npegcraBnnBaHo or A-p Dr. Margarita Getova - Executive Director, Mi prapilTa lerosa - lzlsntnHrreneH AilpeKTop, HA )[qaHo no-Aony 3a KparKocr ,,flEL{EEHOTO Herein referred to as the "MEDICAL FACILITY", 3l BEAEHI4E" unu ,,MEAfl nl4PEOn" AI[, or or 'MBAL PIRDOP"AD, as a third party to this Tp )Ta cTpaHa, Memorandum, BC ,rLrK[ 3aeAHo HaprqaHil no-Aony 3a KpaTKocT Allfurther jointly referred to as the "PARTIES", ,r( TPAHHTE.., I-11 eABilA npeAcTaBeH oTqeT 3a 3aAbnxeHrffTa Pursuant to the liabilities reported by the Medical H€ Ileqe6uoro 3aBeAeHue, Br3flil3aqil run,t 31 facility, which amount to BGN 1 574 000 on fll- ppu2A17 r. ua 1 574 000 neea; 31.01.2017 , I l-lpegerg ve Crpanrrre ca cbnpilqacrHr4 KbM Considering the Parties' awareness about local nflo6neurre Ha 3gpaBeona3BaHero Ha health care issues in the Srednogorie region and neHilero or par,toHa Ha Cpegnoropuero il B their commitment to help solve the financial cv Aa cbAercrBar 3a peuaBaHe Ha difficulties faced by the only medical treatment npo6neuu Ha eAuHcrBeHoro 3a facility available in the area, the latter agree to ne.re6Ho 3aBeAeHile, ca cbrnacHil Aa undertake actions and make financial geltcrern il noeMar SrHaHcoar commitments for the financial recovery of MBAL , c orne4 o3ApaBFBaHe Ha ,,MEAI PIRDOP AD and its normal functioning as a !On" M c qefl uer,tuoro HopManHo medical facility. He Karo reqe6Ho 3aBe4eHr4e, Page 2of15 Bre aprsra c xenaHrero Ha fipyxecrBara Aa Considering the intent expressed by the npeAocraBflr $rHaHcoBr4 cpe4crBa Ha ,,MEAll Companies to offer financial resources to MBAL nilP[On" A[ c qen no4noMaraHe Ha fleqe6Horo PIRDOP AD, to support the Medical facility to 3aBeAeHre 3a npecrpyKrypilpaHe n restructure and upgrade its functioning, onT[Ml431,1paHe Ua geilHocrra, ce cKnoqr HacToflLLlt4fl MeuopaH4ytvt cbc All Parties listed herein concluded the present cneAHfifl npeAMeT il qenn: Memorandum, under the following terms and conditions: t. nPEAMET I qEnH HA MEMoPAHflyMA I. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE MEMORANDUM 9n.1. CrpaHure ce cbrnacflBar v Art. 1. The Parties agree to and confirm that norBbpx4aBar, qe qe o6eguHflT ycvnufl v they shall join efforts and work together to qe pa6ornr 3a nocrr4raHe Ha cne4Hhre meet the following objectives: qenh: 1, CrAer,tcre[e 3a HaMaflflBaHe Ha rflaBHilq[ u 1. Assist MBAL PIRDOP AD to cut down the flr4xBr4 no HarpynaHil 3aAbnxeHilq or,,MEAII principals and interests accrued under debts nilPflOn' M KbM KpeArropr4 KbM to creditors on 31,01,2017 , by holding 31.01.2017 ro4rHa, qpe3 npoBe4aHe Ha negotiations with the hospital's creditors. nperoBopr4 c KpepilTopilTe Ha lle.{e6Horo 3aBeAeHre, Ocrqecranaaue Ha AenHocrra Ha 2. MBAL PIRDOP AD shall conduct its Ileqe6noro 3aBe4eHue Bb3 ocHoBa Ha flcHr4, operations by applying clear, transparent and npo3paqHil il nocIeAoBaTeflHil cTbnKfi 3a consistent steps to restructure and upgrade npecTpyKrypfipaHe il onTilMil3aLlufl, 14 qpe3 its functioning, and by repayment of noracflBaHe Ha HaTpynaHnTe 3aAbnxeH[fl accumulated debts to creditors, KbM KpeAilrop]4, 3. CneA npegocraBeHe Ha $rxaucoau 3, After receiving financial assistance from the cpeACTBa or fipyxecrlara u $rxaHcupaue Companies and funding from the or 06u1rHNTe, Ao Kpafl Ha KaneHgapHara Municipalities, by the end of 2018 (the 2018 r.,,,MEAII nfP[On" AI Ra 3anoqHe calendar year) MBAL PIRDOP AD shall start ga pa6orr 6eg Aa reHepnpa oneparrBHa functioning without generating an operating sary6a, KoflTo Aa r3ilcKBa QrHaHcoaa loss that would require further financial noMou.l or flpyxecreara, assistance by the Companies. 4. ExeMece.{Fro orqrraHe or fle,{e6Horo 4. The Medical facility shall provide monthly 3aBeAeHile Ha il3pa3xOABaHrTe CyM1,1 n0 reporting on how it spends the funds granted SrHaHcoaure cpe4crBa, npeAocraBeHu or by COMPANIES and Municipalities. To this fipyxecraara r QrHaHcoBrre cpeAcrBa or purpose MBAL PIRDOP AD shall provide 6n4xerrre Ha O6qrurre, L{pe3 detailed information to the COMPANIES, npeAcraBsHe or ,,MEAfl nilP[On" A[ na nogpo6xa r,rx$opuaqran xa fipyxecrBara. 5. flpocne4naaHe r ocbqecrBeBaHe Ha 5. Ensure monitoring and control over granted KoHTpon Bbpxy cyMilTe no SrHaHcoB[Te funds by Companies and from municipal cpeAcrBa, npe4ocraBeHr or lpyxecrBara il budgets, and paid to the Medical facility Page 3 of 15 I $rHaHcoarre cpegcrBa or 6ngxer[Te Ha under the terms of this Memorandum. O6qrHrre, npe4ocraBeH[ Ha lle,{e6Horo 3aBeAeHile no Hacroflr4ur MeuopaHpyu. It. 3AAtnXEHl4f, HA CTPAH]4TE II. OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES 9n. 2. n[pyxecreara no Hacrosr4r4fl Art.2. The Companies to this Memorandum MeuopaH4yM ce 3apbnxaBar Aa: shall: 1 Y,{acrear cbBMecrHo c npeAcraBilTerr[ Ha 1. Participate jointly with representatives of the Arqroneprre u npeAcraBilTenfi ua ,,MEAII Shareholders and MBAL PIRDOP AD in nNP[On' A[, e EoroBapf,He c Kpegrropl4 negotiations with hospital creditors, so as to Ha lle,{e6Horo 3aBeAeHhe 3a HaMalrflBaHe cut down the principals and interests accrued Ha rflaBHn_I]4 t4 nuxBt{ n0 HaTpynaH[ under debts to creditors on 31,01.2017 . napilqH[ 3agbflxeHun KbM 31.01,2017 When possible, the Companies shall provide roAilHa. B Koltro cnyLrar e Bb3MoxHo, assistance for the signing of Agreements nQpyxecraara qe crgertcrear 3a between the creditors and the Medical facility noAn[cBaHe Ha cnopa3yMeHrF Me)l(Ay provided that each reached Agreement has Kpeg[Topr4Te n fle.{e6Horo 3aBeAeHue, Karo to be finally confirmed by the Companies. BcflKo nocl4rHaro cnopa3yMeH[e rpn6aa ga The objective shall be to finalize negotiations 6rAe norerpgeHo or flpyxecraara. L]enra e with creditors by end
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