Core Strategy - Submission Version - Volume Two Huntingdonshire District Council | Core Strategy - Submission Version - Volume Two 1 Contents Huntingdonshire District Council | Core Strategy - Submission Version - Volume Two Introduction i Introduction to the Submission Plan i The Spatial Vision 1 A Spatial Vision for Huntingdonshire 1 The Spatial Objectives 10 The Cornerstone of Sustainable Development 15 The Spatial Strategy 20 Strategic Housing Growth 20 Settlement Hierarchy 42 Addressing Housing Need 48 Rural Exceptions Affordable Housing 53 Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople 56 Employment 60 Retail 67 Areas of Stategic Greenspace Enhancement 73 Infrastructure and Implementation 76 Monitoring 81 Issues not taken forward to Submission 89 Appendices 1 Accession Assessment 94 2 Schedule of Representations 105 Introduction Huntingdonshire District Council | Core Strategy - Submission Version - Volume Two Introduction Introduction to the Submission Plan The Submission Core Strategy has been set out in two volumes. Volume 1 is the draft Plan with policies and their reasoned justification. Volume 2 sets out the process of how the final approach was decided upon. The information in volume 2 therefore forms the evidence base and the audit trail for the development of the Submission Core Strategy. Each topic addressed in this volume is set out in a standard format as described below. Heading Description Key sources A table setting out the key policy sources which have guided the approach taken. Core Strategy Issues and Options A statement setting out the issues, options and questions raised previously in the main Issues and Options consultation document. Reasonable Alternatives Any alternatives put forward in the main Issues and Options consultation document which the Council considered could be a feasible alternative way of approaching the topic. Summary of Initial Sustainability An Initial Sustainability Appraisal was undertaken of the main Issues and Appraisal on Issues and Options Options consultation document and distributed for consultation alongside it. This is the first stage of a systematic process intended to assess the extent to which emerging policies and proposals will help to achieve relevant environmental, social and economic objectives. Consultation Responses to Issues The main Issues and Options consultation document was extensively and Options distributed to specific and general consultation bodies (1) and to other interested parties. A summary of the responses is given including an indication of overall levels of support or opposition to the issues and options raised. Further Options Consultation Once responses had been received to the broad issues and options raised (Towards a Spatial Strategy) more detailed consultation material was produced concerning the spatial vision, spatial strategy and strategic growth options. These were also informed by the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and the Employment Land Review, prepared in consultation with landowners and agents. This material was then used to engage a number of key stakeholders, including parish and county councils, highways and environment agencies and key service providers, in further consultation. Initial Sustainability Appraisal on An Initial Sustainability Appraisal was undertaken of 'Towards a Spatial Towards a Spatial Strategy Strategy' to assist in selection of the preferred approaches. Key Stakeholder Responses Responses received to the detailed options presented in Towards a Spatial Strategy. 1 As defined in the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004 i Introduction Huntingdonshire District Council | Core Strategy - Submission Version - Volume Two Assessment of Responses and The Council's consideration of responses received including an analysis of Alternative Approaches any alternative approaches suggested by the Council or raised through the consultation process. Core Strategy Preferred Options A statement setting out the Preferred Option for the approach to be taken. Reasonable Alternatives Any alternatives put forward in the Preferred Options consultation document which the Council considered could be a feasible alternative way of approaching the topic. Summary of the draft Final A draft Final Sustainability Appraisal was undertaken of the Preferred Options Sustainability Appraisal consultation document and distributed for consultation alongside it. This is the second stage of a systematic process intended to assess the extent to which emerging policies and proposals will help to achieve relevant environmental, social and economic objectives. Summary of Appropriate Habitats Regulations Assessment has been completed of the preferred Assessment options document and revised to take account of changes made for the submission version. Consultation Responses The Preferred Options document was made widely available for consultation. A summary of the responses is given including an indication of overall levels of support or opposition to the Preferred Options put forward. Assessment of Responses and The Council's consideration of responses received at the Preferred Options Alternative Approaches stage including an analysis of any alternative approaches suggested by the Council or raised through the consultation process. Where appropriate in response to representations further assessment of alternative approaches has been given. Changes made A summary of the changes made between the Preferred Options document and the Submission document. Tests of Soundness Throughout the preparation of material relating to each topic attention has been paid to the need to adhere to the requirements of the tests relating to procedures, conformity and coherence, consistency and effectiveness. All the preferred options presented are believed to be sound. Where aspects of concern were identified in the course of preparing the preferred options these are highlighted and the remedial action taken noted. Added to this section are the responses from GO East where potential problems with meeting the tests of soundness were identified in their representations on the Preferred Options. Detail of the action taken to mitigate these issues is also included. Approach Taken Statement cross-referring to the location of the relevant approach taken in Volume 1. One of the central assessments that will be made of any DPD at the Submission stage is whether the document passes the Tests of Soundness. To ensure that the document can pass the tests at Submission the Preferred Options have been assessed and modified where appropriate. The Tests of Soundness are as follows: Procedural ii Introduction Huntingdonshire District Council | Core Strategy - Submission Version - Volume Two i. It has been prepared in accordance with the local development scheme; ii. It has been prepared in compliance with the statement of community involvement, or with the minimum requirements set out in the Regulations where no statement of community involvement exists; iii. The plan and its policies have been subjected to sustainability appraisal; Conformity iv. It is a spatial plan which is consistent with national planning policy and in general conformity with the regional spatial strategy for the region and it has properly had regard to any other relevant plans, policies and strategies relating to the area or to adjoining areas; v. It has had regard to the authority’s community strategy; Coherence, consistency and effectiveness vi. The strategies or policies in the plan are coherent and consistent within and between development plan documents prepared by the authority and by neighbouring authorities, where cross boundary issues are relevant; vii. The strategies or policies represent the most appropriate in all the circumstances, having considered the relevant alternatives, and they are founded on a robust and credible evidence base; viii. There are clear mechanisms for implementation and monitoring; and ix. The plan is reasonably flexible to enable it to deal with changing circumstances. Of these, tests i) to iii) are tested for the Core Strategy as a whole. For test i) the Core Strategy is identified in the Local Development Scheme March 2007. However, preparation of the Core Strategy actually began under the LDS of March 2006 after which major revisions were required which affected the timeframe and required the adoption of a new LDS. The LDS March 2007 proposed preparation of the Core Strategy between mid 2007 and 2008 with Submission to the Secretary of State timetabled for spring 2008. Due to limited staff resources and the additional phase of Issues and Options consultation with key stakeholders the time table has been particularly challenging and it was decided to delay submission until July. The additional stage of Issues and Options consultation was carried out in order to consider further particular issues that were raised from the consultation process. The consultation document Towards a Spatial Strategy for Huntingdonshire therefore focused on the vision, spatial strategy and other strategic issues, namely the policy for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople. Responses to Towards a Spatial Strategy informed preparation of the Preferred Options Report and meant that the plan was more responsive to local issues raised by local people. The Council has been advised by Go-East not to revise the LDS in advance of new Regulations being published. A new LDS will be published in due course. The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
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