MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCAT ION UNIVERSITY OF PITEŞTI FACULTY OF THEOLOGY, LETTERS, HISTORY AND ARTS AGENCE UNIVERSITAIRE DE LA FRANCOPHONIE ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE DE PITEŞTI CENTRE DE RECHERCHE SUR L’IMAGINAIRE. TEXTE, DISCOURS, COMMUNICATION. IMAGINES CENTRUL DE REUŞITĂ UNIVERSITARĂ LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE EUROPEAN LANDMARKS OF IDENTITY __________________________________________________ LANGUE ET LITTÉRATURE REPÈRES IDENTITAIRES EN CONTEXTE EUROPÉEN __________________________________________________ LIMBA ŞI LITERATURA REPERE IDENTITARE ÎN CONTEXT EUROPEAN SELECTED PAPERS OF THE 13th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE FACULTY OF LETTERS Piteşti, 16-18 June 2017 No. 20/2017 University of Piteşti Press 1 DIRECTOR / DIRECTEUR DE PUBLICATION: Ștefan GĂITĂNARU EDITOR-IN-CHIEF / RÉDACTEUR EN CHEF: Liliana SOARE ASSOCIATE EDITORS-IN-CHIEF / RÉDACTEURS EN CHEF ADJOINTS: Valentina STÎNGĂ, Liliana VOICULESCU SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE / COMITÉ SCIENTIFIQUE Liliana AGACHE, “I. Iordan – Al. Rosetti” Institute of Linguistics, Bucharest, Romania Stefan BARME, University of Vienna, Austria Petre Gheorghe BÂRLEA, “Ovidius” University of Constanța Grigore BRÂNCUŞ, The Romanian Academy, University of Bucharest, Romania Didi-Ionel CENUŞER, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, Romania Gheorghe CHIVU, The Romanian Academy, University of Bucharest, Romania Francis CLAUDON, Paris XII University, France Luc COLLÈS, The Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium Jean-Louis COURRIOL, “Jean Moulin” University, “Lyon 3”, Lyon 3, France Dan DOBRE, University of Bucharest, Romania Cécile FOLSCHWEILLER, INALCO, Paris, France Daniela FRUMUŞANI, University of Bucharest, Romania Alexandru GAFTON, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Romania Ravil GARIPOV, Bachkire State Pedagogical University, Russia Ştefan GĂITĂNARU, University of Piteşti, Romania Corina-Amelia GEORGESCU, University of Piteşti, Romania Yvonne GOGA, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Romania Brian IMHOFF, Texas A&M University, USA Andrei IONESCU, University of Bucharest, Romania Andres Kristol, Neuchâtel University, Switzerland Diana LEFTER, University of Pitești Lucie LEQUIN, Concordia University, Canada Milena MILANOVIC, The Institute of Foreign Languages FLS, Belgrade, Serbia Alexandrina MUSTĂŢEA, University of Piteşti, Romania Nasser Rashidi, Shariz University, Iran Cristiana TEODORESCU, University of Craiova, Romania 2 PEER-REVIEW COMMITTEE / COMITÉ DE LECTURE Marinela BURADA, “Transilvania” University of Braşov, Romania Diana CÂMPAN, ”1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia, Romania Rodica-Gabriela CHIRA, “1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba Iulia, Romania George CONSTATINESCU, University of Craiova, Romania Simona Diana CONSTANTINOVICI, West University, Timişoara, Romania Oliviu FELECAN, North University of Baia Mare, România Mihaela Dana GHEORGHE, “Transilvania” University of Braşov, Romania Luminiţa HOARŢĂ CĂRĂUŞU, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania Adrian IANCU, “Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, Romania Gina MĂCIUCĂ, “Ştefan cel Mare” University, Suceava, Romania Ileana MIHĂILĂ, “University of Bucharest, Romania Ioan MILICĂ, “Al. I. Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania Cristinel MUNTEANU, “C. Brâncoveanu” University, Piteşti, Romania Steluţa STAN, “Dunărea de Jos” University, Galaţi, Romania Dumitru TUCAN, West University, Timişoara, Romania George Bogdan ŢÂRA, West University, Timişoara, Romania EDITORIAL COMMITTEE / COMITÉ DE RÉDACTION Lavinia GEAMBEI Diana-Adriana LEFTER Marina TOMESCU The conference took place under the high patronage of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, and the proceedings were published with its financial assistance. La conférence s’est déroulée sous le haut patronage de l'Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, qui a financé la parution des actes. ISSN 2344-4894 ISSN-L 1843-1577 University of Piteşti Press Târgul din Vale Street, 1, 110040, Piteşti, Romania Tél.: +40 (0)248 218804, int. 149,150 3 4 CONTENTS KEY SPEAKERS / SESSION PLÉNIÈRE Roxana BÂRLEA Feminin-masculin dans la didactique du dialogue interculturel - une étude de cas......................................................................................................................... 9 Valentina MARINESCU Les femmes, style et vie de tous les jours: la construction de l'identité de genre par les vlogs de mode ……………………………………………….………… 15 ROMANIAN LANGUAGE / LANGUE ROUMAINE Dan Mihai BĂRBULESCU, Ioana Mariela BĂRBULESCU Again about Anglicisms in the Romanian language. Case Sudy .......................... 23 Gabriela CRĂCIUN (BUICAN) Phonetic Features in Alexandru Philippide’s Poetry………………………………. 30 Andreea DAMIAN Considerations upon the Metaphor and the Analogy in the Romanian Symbolist Poetry.................................................................................................................... 35 Elena Lavinia DIACONESCU Stylistic Aspects in Pseudo-kinegeticos………………………………………………. 40 Ștefan GĂITĂNARU Les codes de la langue et la dynamique du texte litteraire (I)…………………….. 45 Andreea Gabriela IVAȘCU (ANDREI) The Translation of the Teachings of Neagoe Basarab to His Son Theodosie…… 52 Carmen NICOLESCU Le message réussi: sémantique et sémiotique du discours………………………….... 60 Elena-Andreea POPA Features of the Romanian Literary Language at the Beginning of the XIXth Century…………………………………………………………………………………… 68 Cosmina Andreea ROȘU Representation of Female in Dimitrie Anghel’s Poetry…………………………….. 72 Liliana SOARE On Nicodim Greceanu’s Language in Învățături de multe științe (1811)............ 81 Ileana ȘENDRESCU (BĂLUȚĂ) The Expressivity of the Popular Language in the Poetry of Anton Pann………... 85 5 ROMANIAN LITERATURE / LITTÉRATURE ROUMAINE Teodora AMZA The Solitude of Woman in Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu Novels……………… 92 Lavinia BĂNICĂ The Art of Persuasion in the 17th and 18th Century Romanian Oratorical Texts………………………………………………………………………………………. 98 Adelina BELDUGAN The Portrait of the Ideal Woman in Gib I. Mihăescu’s Novels…………………… 102 Ioana COSMA Gradiva and The Fold………………………………………………………………….. 106 Lavinia-Ileana GEAMBEI Feminine Hypostases in Ioana Pârvulescu’s Novel The Innocent........................ 112 Ancuţa GURBAN-DINU Oscar’s Letters, Hypostases of the Prayer…………………………………………. 118 Mihail ROGOJINARU Feminine Reflections in the Memoirs of Communist Detention…………………... 129 Florentina Gabriela STROE (DIDIN) The Utopic Representation of Women in the Interwar Novels……………………. 133 Dorina Nela TRIFU The Prose of Rodica Ojog-Brașoveanu – A Retranscription of Life?................... 138 Maria VOINEA Stylistic Structure in Calistrat Hogaş’s Work……………………………………….. 143 COMPARATIVE LITERATURE. COMMUNICATION AND CULTURAL STUDIES / LITTÉRATURE COMPAREE. COMMUNICATION ET ETUDES CULTURELLES Odette ARHIP, Cristian ARHIP Feminine Aspects of Branding.............................................................................. 150 Ecaterina BALICA Women as Victims of Violence: An Analysis of Direct and Indirect Techniques of Blaming the Victim Used in Romanian Online Media……………. ……………. 156 Gabriela BOANGIU Feminism, Femininity and Romanian Glossy Magazines…………………………. 164 Carmen DOMINTE The Representation of The Feminine as Source of Transfictionality…………….. 172 Laura IONICĂ Proverbs and Cultural Identity………………………………………………………... 179 6 Dan – Niculae PODARU Fashion, Dress Code, Uniform………………………………………………………... 185 Delia-Maria RADU Talking about the Feminine in Renaissance Times………………………….……… 192 Simona RODAT Hegemoniale Männlichkeit Vs. Hegemoniale Weiblichkeit: Konzeptuelle und Theoretische Grundlagen...................................................................................... 198 Ioana SILISTRARU Models of Gender Perspective in Women’s Healthcare Narrative……………….. 207 Violetta ȘTEFĂNESCU L’élégance et la magie dans l’interprétation pianistique de Maria João Pires………………………………………………………………………………………. 212 Olesea ȚURCAN (PANCIUC) The Correspondence of Nicolaus Olahus with the Batavian and Flemish Humanists….......................................................................................................... 221 ROMANIAN AND FOREIGN LANGUAGES DIDACTICS / DIDACTIQUE DES ROUMAINE ET LANGUES ÉTRANGÈRES Loredana BLOJU Le rôle des actes de langage au niveau de l'enseignement primaire……………... 227 Cristina-Eugenia BURTEA-CIOROIANU Approaching the Feminine Gender in the Study of Romanian as a Foreign Language ………………………………………………………………………………… 233 Suzana Carmen CISMAȘ Academic Teamwork Affected by Gender Discrimination..................................... 239 Marius GRECU La méthodologie Montessori appliquée dans l'enseignement des langues aux adultes…………………………………………………………………………………….. 250 Mihaela Gabriela NEACȘU Maria Montessori – A Remarkable Female Profile in Pedagogy and a Life Dedicated to Its Majesty: “the Child”……………………………………………….. 257 Ruxandra-Viorela STAN Valences formatives des poèmes dans l'enseignement prescolaire...................... 266 7 8 FEMININ-MASCULIN DANS LA DIDACTIQUE DU DIALOGUE INTERCULTUREL - UNE ETUDE DE CAS - Roxana BÂRLEA Abstract: This paper focuses on approaching feminine representations across cultures in a class of intercultural communication. We deal with task-based and action-oriented teaching methodologies and describe a series of projects we have been implemented with our students for three years at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania. The focus is on getting students of different nationalities work together on topics related to feminine representations, in order to consolidate their intercultural competencies and to form some transversal skills and some attitudes
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