f 22,025 71. See weather, ps*» DIAL SH 1-0010 PAGE ONE VOL. 85, KO. 238 OiOSM. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 23,1963 7c PER COPY State Highway Department Says: ger Sig nsDangerous —They'U Come Down MIMJLETOWN-SigM erect- signs are illegal, the word stats Bureau of Safety Educa- "If we are to take ours down, ed along Rt. 35 this week- 'danger* on an unauthorized tion, had this comment: all signs on the highway should stating "Danger-Stay Alive on highway sign is extremely dan- Hard Enough Time be taken down. Rt. 35-are illegal and danger- gerous because motorists will "We are having a hard Mr. Veisser conceded that the ous, and will be ordered re- take their eyes off die road to enough time trying to get mo- council did not check the le- moved by the state Highway read the-sign, then try to de- torists educated to .keep their gality . of erecting the signs Department. termine what tbe specific dan- minds on driving. Signs like with the state Highway De- That was the ruling yester- ger is. .....'•••' this tend to take the mind off partment. But he said the day of Gerald Driscoll, chief "The time required for a driving.". project had the backing of Mid- of the state Bureau of Traffic driver to ascertain that the "I can- imagine," Mr. Dris- dletown Mayor, Earl Moody, Safety. sign is only an attention-get- coll added, "what could hap- Holmdel Mayor Alfred C. The signs were erected in ting device can be several sec- pen when a highly sensitive Poole and Raritan Mayor Philip driver sees the red-lettered J. Blanda, Jr. Mlddletown and Holmdel by the onds,' and. in that time,. when 1 local Safety Council. concentration on the road is word 'Danger in front of him, He said he felt the council The word "danger" Is In diverted, a rear-end or even' and hits the brakes." had chosen locations along the large red letters. bead-on collision can result." Mr. PuUtl said the problem highway where the signs would Mr. Driscoll said yesterday is that this type of sign, dif- not be dangerous, but added, this is dangerous and will cause . The chief added: ferent from an ordinary com- "If the state says they are rather than prevent accidents. "We know the intentions of mercial advertising sign, tends illegal, we will take them Daniel Pullti, a section chief the Middletown Safety Council to "imitate" an official traffic down." in' the state bureau, informed were good, but it is regret- sign, and specially diverts at- He said he could see where The Register that Title 39 of table that these groups take tention for that reason. there might be a "question" tbe state statutes prohibits the actions like this without any Ellis Veisser, chairman of the of the safety factor in the signs. erection of such unauthorized concept of principles, or high- local Safety Council, said yes- "We are just a group of civic- signs along any state highway, way engineering or legality, and terday he disagrees with this minded people trying to do the on private or public property. without realizing what dangers view. right thing," he added. "We SAFETY SIGNS? — This wa> the scene Tuesday when officials helped erect Rt. 35 signs. Now the state lays the/ Mr. Driscoll had this to say: they are creating." "All signs and billboards di- are trying to get rid of the will be removed. "Outside of the fact that the Robert Ford, chief of the vert the attention," he declared. (See DANGEROUS, Page 2) 'Fixed' Pleasure Bay Bridge Gains Support at Hearing Riverview Scraps Plans WEST LONG BRANCH - More than 100 persons attended a pub- lic hearing at borough hall yes- terday when the U.S. Corps of Engineers heard local area think- ing on a "fixed" versus "draw" span to replace Pleasure Bay For Middletown Annex Bridge. RED BANK—The Riverview He claimed that the acquisition ing to the resolution, was the construction plans ready end Agencies at Trenton as- soon as The only strong proponents of Hospital Board of Governors last cost of the block adjacent to theresult of "careful consideration waiting to go." possible to reject the federal a draw (lift type) bridge. were night abandoned its plan to build hospital would be upwards of grant "with sincere regret." Long Branch city officials and and thought by the Board of 'Sincere Regrets' a hospital annex in Middletown, $l'/4 million, and that future ex- Governors" and because "there The governors voted to return residents; who cited future de- pansion would still require the Mr. DeRidder and Frank' F. $5,900 in pledges to contributing velopment plans for the area At the same time, the board is no doubt there are other hos- relinquished a $750,000 federal acquisition of an out-of-town Blaisdell, first vice president of doctors.: That amount represents south of the proposed structure. site. pitals , in New Jersey that can the board, are directed by the the remainder of a total of $38,600 Officials from surrounding com- grant which had been made available under the Hill-Burton The decision to scrap the Mid-take advantage of these Hill-Bur- resolution to visit the state De- which, was pledged. The. rest munities, however, were mainly dletown expansion plan, accord- ton funds and have immediate partment of Institutions and had been previously returned. in favor of an "economical," Act, and returned the remainder rigid structure. The fixed span of funds pledged for hospital would have two 60-foot openings construction to' doctors who had with a 25-foot clearance at mean contributed. Wgh tide. The Bayshore expansion plan Kennedy Vows Force —-If Necessary No Further Appeals was shelved, but not killed, Army englneering^offjeials will when a conflict concerning thi WASHINGTON (AP)-*resident matter, These decisions niust-be] lecting strict production controls Kennedy said that' even if wheat study the taped session and con- site for expansion arose between Kennedy has made it clear he will enforced. Everyone understands and high price supports. Farmers prices fall sharply, "I don't think sider documented opinions pre- the hospital's medical staff ani use U.S. troops and marshals if that.' voted for no production curbs and it will have, much effect on the setted up to and including yes- the Board of Governors. needed next month to crack racial Apart from civil rights the a systemKennedy predicted would consumer." Instead, he said, it terday before deciding on the Space limitations barriers at the University of Ala-prime domestic topic was Tues- cut the price of wheat by nearly will promote large wheat sur- type of bridge to be approved for bama. day's vote by wheat farmers re-50 per cent (See KENNEDY, Page i) the site. It was noted, however, The doctors were opposed t what they called the decen- But he voiced hope at his news by Col. Milton M. Miletlch, New conference Wednesday that Ala- York district engineer, that no tralization of facilities at Red PROJECT SITE — Col. Milton M, Miletich, New York Bank. They favored construc- bama's segregationist Gov. George further appeals, will be considered C. Wallace would back away from Sinless new evidence arises. District Engineer, and Freeholder Director- Joseph C. tion of a wing at the existing site. th? threatened federal-state colli- ' Freeholder director Joseph C. Irwin inspect chart showing location of proposed bridge sion by heeding court orders to Irwin said the county undertook .The governors claimed space at Pleasure Bay. Controversy over type of span was limitations made further expan- integrate the school. f thorough study and investiga- A federal court at Birmingham tion: .regarding replacement of heard at a public hearing at West Long Branch borough sion at Red Bank unfeasible. They favored construction of a told the university Tuesday it must the 1884 bridge before deciding to hall yesterday. Proponents of a fixed bridge argued admit two Negroes June 10-one sponsor, a fixed type. He said 120-bed satellite hospital on Pal- "economy." Those requesting a lift span wanted access mer Ave., but admitted thei at the main campus at Tuscaloo'sa, at no time was it the board's the other at the Huntsville branch. (See BRIDGE, Page 2) for tall vessels. proposal was not practical with- out the support of the medical Only State staff. Wallace has declared that he In a resolution offered lasl personally "will be present to bar night by James S. Parkes, chair- the entrance of any Negro who Bridge ClosingRu ling Dueman of the board's Building and attempts to enroll. This is legal Grounds Committee, the gover- resistance and legal defiance." WEST LONG BRANCH — Freeholder di- the bridge during this period," he said. The nors expressed the hope thai Alabama is the only state with rector Joseph C. Irwin said yesterday that an freeholder stated that sheer numbers of their action would Tot jeopar- all its public schools still segre- application by the county to have the Pleasure vehicles using the crossing far outweighs dize any future application by gated. Bay bridge closed to accommodate vehicular marine use of the facility. Riverview Hospital for Hill-Bur- In his news conference that traffic has been denied by the U.S. Army ton aid. ranged from flights to space to his Engineering Department. Freeholders noted that Morris Goodkind, consulting engineer, determined that the cost Chairman J. Raymond DeRid- trip to Rome, Kennedy also dis- . He noted, however, that a final ruling on of repairing the present structure would be der said last week that he had cussed another facet of the civil the issue will be made next Monday.
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